Friends of Mayer Meeting Wednesday, February 24, 2010 In Attendance: Janan Asfour Brad Bane Barbara Baldini Wendy Choslovsky Carolyn Gilbert Susan Goren Stephanie Hurt Susan Hawkins Debbie Hilander Anastasia Hinchsliff Michelle Hoersch Katie Konieczny Sarah Liebman Shannon Mahoney Liz Olson Brandy Rinehart Maureen Riordan Lisa Schwartz Jeffrey Shapack Alice Singer Amy Sprenger Pam Stennes Leah Talmers Rebecca Tirado Amy Zemnick Finance update - Maureen Riordan Not much spending activity in January: office supplies and field trip bus fees Monies received o $8,500 pledge drive o Box tops o Book Fair – all the books were purchased and given to the teachers. Remaining amount on the gift card given to Librarian Lindsay Knorps to use for the Library Box Tops Update – Susan Hawkins $1,010 earned to date, far exceeding expectations Walkathon – Alice Singer Brochures for corporate sponsorship are ready, available in school office Sponsors already secured - Gatorade, DMC Jeff Shapack reported a potential for Lululemon to align themselves with our school in some way. He will talk to Katie about it Starbucks will send employee volunteers, and they pay us for their volunteers’ time. Website Update / Facebook – Sarah Liebman Making updates to FOM site, moving along, created a facebook group for FOM, sent invites to all board members to test it out, adopting similar guidelines as the yahoo FOM group. Principal Konieczny concerned with monitoring of posting; further review of settings and procedures to occur. Facebook presents one more way to reach a wider audience, same info we get via the FOM yahoo blasts but so many people are on facebook on a daily basis, may be more apt to read it. Creating a monthly schedule when minutes will be uploaded, one week after meeting. Friends of Mayer – Meeting Minutes – February 24, 2010 Friends of Mayer Board - Election Process – Brad Bane Board is elected by the Oscar Mayer community. Members serve one year term. Commitment of board members: o be involved in school initiatives o attend monthly meetings o fundraising allocation of discretionary funds at the group’s disposal No restrictions on who is eligible – parents, Mayer staff, community, current board members – anyone who is willing to volunteer and be active By-laws were modified to allow for a minimum of 11 board members, maximum 21 board members o We will not add members during the year to reach 21, only adding if the number drops below 11 o If fewer than 11 members and someone wishes to join the board, that decision is made by the board, by-laws are not specific Election will take place on April 28 at Friends of Mayer meeting o Candidate permitted to give a 2-3 min speech, why they want to serve, Q&A, everyone present is able to vote. No absentee ballot. Term of office July 1 - June 30 Once board is elected, positions are required to be filled, the board organizes themselves to elect these positions If interested in running, send an email to no later than March 25, 2010. For more info on how it works, contact FOM President Brad Bane or any board member, visit the Friends of Mayer website for more information under ‘policies and procedures’ All other business – Brad Bane LSC Elections taking place this year on report card pick up day April 22 at the school. Reps serve a 2 year period. Candidates can highlight themselves at a forum on March 23 @ 6:00pm Scholastic Bookfair April 19-23, Ms. Knorps on the agenda for the March FOM Meeting to give us more details Working on plans for an Oscar Mayer social gathering, willing to plan and host at Webster Wine Bar (Janan Asfour) or The Hideout (Anastasia Hinchsliff). Details to follow. Next Friends of Mayer Meeting - March 24 @ 6:00pm Friends of Mayer – Meeting Minutes – February 24, 2010