CIS 470 Project Requirements Specification Team: B Team Members: R. Decker, M.Dent, M.Gonzalez, J.Romanelli Date: May 11, 2007 Project Title Williams Specialty Company(WSC) eCommerce Web Site 1. System Overview To create an E-commerce site providing outreach services, displaying the companies catalog, and taking customer orders through a web portal. A customer can only order one item per form however they can make as many orders as they like. 2. Methodology Description For this project our methods are these 1.) Read statement of work to understand the needs and wants of WSC 2.) Meet as a team on Wednesday’s and Friday’s and occasional Monday’s 3.) Create a Project Plan 4.) Create/Complete the team charter 5.) Create Requirements Specification 6.) Create UML Documents 7.) Create/Complete the Design Specification 8.) Create/Complete Unit/Components 9.) Create/Complete Test Plan, Policies, Procedures 10.) Create a Deployment and Post Implementation Plan 11.) Work on the project weekly 12.) Be complete with all work by the second meeting and turn in 13.) Double check all work – and testing of finish product – ready for presentation 3. Requirements 3.1. System Hierarchy DB Tables Carts Catalog Clients Orders Payments Users Web-Pages account.aspx cart.aspx catalog.aspx default.aspx itemdetails.aspx login.aspx order.aspx orderdetails.aspx 3.2. Requirement 1 Create several tables: The Carts-table – will contain the username, details, cataloged The Catalog-table – will contain the cataloged, description, notes, photo, thumb photo, price The Clients-table – will contain the clientID, clientName, clientAddress, ClientCity, ClientState, ClientZip, ClientPhone, clientContactName The Orders-table – will contain the orderID, catalogID, clientID, paymentID, details, price, orderDate The Payments-table – will contain the paymentID, cardholderName, cardType, cardNumber, cardExpiration The Users-table – will contain the username, userPassword, userEmail, clientID 3.3. Requirement 2 Create a web-site for customers to view and make a purchase if they desire – you must be logged in to make a purchase The site will display several web-pages: Master1.cs – not actually a web page, but instead acts as a template for all the other pages. It has the main links on the page which will display on each page – the links are (home, catalog, my account, shopping cart, and log in) the tabs are located at the top of each page default.aspx - has the main links as stated above (master1.aspx) Is a page that welcomes you to William Specialty Company’s site and an addition catalog link that takes you to the catalog login.aspx – has the main links as stated above This is the log in screen and it has to text boxes where you need to input your user name and password catalog.aspx – has the main links as stated above and displays the items that WSC sells With in this page there is a picture of the item – name of the item – and the price of the item, by clicking on the item’s name you can view the items detail itemdetials.aspx – has the main links as stated above and there are 3 item details This page displays a picture of the item, name of the item, price of the item, detailed information about the item, and a button option to - add to cart cart.aspx – has the main links as stated above On this page it will display the item that you selected along with the price of the item , there is also a text box where you can specify any ordering instructions (words, letters, engravings, etc.), and there are three button options one that say order now (allowing you to order your product), save the cart information (will allow you to save your information that is in the shopping cart – you could come back later to order it), and empty the cart (this button will empty your cart – all cart information will be deleted) order.aspx – has the main links as stated above This page does several things one it carries over the information from the shopping cart – the item – price – and special ordering instruction if any The next steps are the actual ordering process this is where you enter your payment information (name on card, card type, card number, and the expiration date) There is also a place order button – once your information is entered you should press that button…. account.aspx – has the main links as stated above Allows the user to change password; also allows user to view all past orders. orderdetails.aspx – has the main links as stated above Shows details of individual orders