Senior Project Team B Mario Gonzalez Rob Decker Joshua Romanelli Mamie Dent Project Description Create an E-commerce site for Williams Specialty Company, to providing outreach services, displaying the companies catalog, and taking customer orders through a web portal. Project Scope System Description To provide a web site for clients to provide their order information as well as to provide the entire company catalog. Major Software Functions Creation, modification, storage, and retrieval of: Order request information Catalog information Purchase order information User access information Allowing the client to enter an order request into the database Allowing the client to retrieve order request information Allowing the client to update their personal and billing information Database Description MS Access to store order, catalog, client, and payment tables. Design Constraints and Limitations Time, distance between programmers, and relative inexperience. Project Requirements Requirement 1: Create several tables: The Carts table The Catalog table The Clients table The Orders table The Payments table The Users table Project Requirements Requirement 2: Create a web-site for customers to view and make a purchase if they desire – you must be logged in to make a purchase The site will display several web-pages: default.aspx login.aspx catalog.aspx itemdetials.aspx cart.aspx order.aspx orderdetails.aspx account.aspx Design Overview: ERD Diagram users PK userName FK1 userPassword userEmail clientId clients cart PK,FK2 username FK1 details catalogid PK clientid clientname clientaddress clientcity clientstate clientzip clientphone clientcontactname orders catalog PK PK orderid FK1 FK2 FK3 catalogid clientid paymentid orderDate details price payments catalogid description notes photo thumbPhoto price PK paymentid cardholdername cardtype cardnumber expirationdate Design Overview: System Diagram Presentation Layer = .aspx Pages login.aspx catalog.aspx orders.aspx cart.aspx account.aspx itemdetails.aspx orderdetails.aspx default.aspx Logic Layer = .cs Classes Client Order ClientsComponent OrdersComponent ClientsTableAdapter User Item Payment Cart UsersComponent CatalogComponent PaymentsComponent CartsComponent UsersTableAdapter OrdersTableAdapter PaymentsTableAdapter CatalogTableAdapter Data Layer = DataSet CartTableAdapter Design Overview: Sequence Diagram aClient/User «union» Web Surver Browser Login.aspx Catalog.aspx Cart.aspx aCart WSCDatabase 1. Browser To Home Page 2. Request Home Page 3. Response Login page prompy user to enter User Name and password 4. Select User Login 5. Request For Login The user login page returns a message access granted or access denied. 6. Response from user login page 7. User enters user name and password 8. Login page searchs for user info 9. Database Response 10. User searches through the catalog 12. user select product 14. Catalog page searches the catalog batabase 15. Catalog batabase responds 11. Catalog page responds The user clicks to add to cart Cart page responds The user can chose to click Save Cart or Empty Cart button The cart is saved or emptied Cart database responds If the user saves the cart then a Cart is created Construction Overview: Development Tools Used Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Microsoft Access Test Results Unit Test Case Results Default.aspx Page Catalog link on this page is working successfully Login.aspx Page Successful login – will display a welcome message in the upper right hand corner of the screen and the login link will turn into a logout link, now the customer will be able to make purchases, also the user name text box and the password textbox will disappear Unsuccessful login – will display an error message stating “invalid user name/password”, and you can log in again using the user name text box and the password textbox Logout Link – is successfully working – it logs the customer out Test Results Catalog.aspx Page This page displays the merchandise that WSC sells. Baseball Jersey link – is successfully working Thanks Plaque link – is successfully working Baseball Trophy link – is successfully working Itemdetails.aspx Page The add to cart button is successfully working on each page Test Results Cart.aspx Page There are 3 buttons also on this page and they are listed below Order Now button – working successfully - will begin the ordering process transferring you to the ordering page Save Cart button – working successfully – will save the selected item, price, and special instruction in the shopping cart Empty Cart button – working successfully – will empty the shopping cart