CV Gabriel Nagy

Gabriel Nagy was born in Cali, Colombia. He studied architecture at the University of Los Andes in Bogotá and
holds a Masters Degree in Urban Development Planning (with emphasis in Urban Economics and Cities in
Developing Countries) from the University College of London. He has 25 years of executive management
experience, applying strategic thinking to deliver to clients on housing, planning, urban development and local
government public/private operations and services aimed at reducing poverty, promoting development, while
achieving sustainable driven goals.
He is especially qualified at structuring complex privately and publicly financed affordable housing, commercial
and retail developments. He is an experienced Project Manager with passion and results-based management
experience including planning, implementing and monitoring project plans; solid background in project
management methods, financial analysis, budgeting and scheduling; and consistent and effective risk-management
skills. He has been a consultant to many international and U.S agencies, including the World Bank, International
Finance Corporation (IFC), USAID, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Organization of American
States (OAS), and UN-Habitat. He has worked in many parts of the world including Colombia, Suriname, Trinidad
and Tobago, Barbados, Jamaica, Guyana, Haiti, Lebanon, Guatemala, Mongolia, Iraq, Albania, Afghanistan,
Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.
In 2008 he joined the Inter American Development Bank responsible for the design, monitor and quality assurance
analysis of the Bank’s projects and development operations in the Caribbean region, reviewing loan proposals for
total $100 million and technical assistance agreements for $1 million. He reviewed submissions for funding;
advised on technical assistance, such as the Bank’s Emerging and Sustainable Cities Platform, to ensure efficiency
and cost effectiveness; check delivery against expected results; and input to strategic and operational planning,
implementing, budgeting, monitoring and performance reporting.
For three years he was appointed Loans Director to the National Savings Fund (FNA) and was responsible for
refinancing more than 30,000 mortgages; and structured, financed and implemented a $450 million annual
investment strategy including more than 80 massive residential and urban development projects delivering more
than 15,000 housing units in 15 cities in Colombia. As the Deputy Director of Bogota’s Planning Department, he
was responsible for overseeing a $640 million City Development Strategy (CDS), slum upgrading and
regularization program in Bogotá, Colombia.
In 1998 he was appointed to the Ministry of Economic Development in Colombia and led a special task force that
prepared a new housing law (Decree 824 of 1999), leveraging $53.4 million on public resources for low-income
housing finance and 76,000 new banking accounts for housing worth $16.7 million; promoted economic
development and the creation of 24,000 new jobs in the construction sector. It was proposed and implemented a
new evaluation process for 27,000 subsidy new applications.
Working as National Director of Construction Finance with Colombia’s third largest saving and loans institution,
he successfully prepared the underwriting criteria to assess risks associated with construction and mortgage finance.
He also developed affordability models to evaluate mortgage performance indicators in order to help lenders and
issuers understand their loan portfolio and how to mitigate credit risks.
As the CEO of a private property and real estate development firm, he introduced innovative management and
finance tools allowing for sizeable and cheap funding resulting in a reduction of the company’s cash exposure. This
“positive” and inexpensive cash flow allowed the company to take full advantage of economies of scale, by
reducing construction time and increasing affordability.
Some of his important papers and publications are: Evolution and the Path Towards Sustainable Development;
Diagnóstico del Marco Legal e Institucional del Sector Vivienda en Guatemala; Strengthening the Housing Sector
in Iraq; Making Housing Policy Work; A Strategic Vision for Low-Income Housing, Service Provision and Land
Markets: Lessons from Urban Practitioners. He is member of IRFD’s international advisory council.
Gabriel Nagy
Gabriel Nagy
9-10 Columbus Circle, Westmoorings, Trinidad W.I.
Home: +1630 5781142 and Mobile +1868 7014879
Building expertise, contributing to cross-functional teams, and leading people through inspiration and example.
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Fiscal and Municipal Development Specialist, Trinidad, Suriname, Barbados, Gayana:10/2008 – Present
Technical and operational conceptualization, preparation, technical and management oversight, closing of lending
operations including: the Decentralization and Local Government Strengthening Program ($15M); Neighborhood
Upgrading Program ($50M); Housing and Neighborhood Upgrading Program ($40M); and National Settlements
Program ($40M). Design policy reforms and technical assistance programs including the Emerging and Sustainable
Cities Initiative (ESCI) for Port of Spain ($200M) and Paranam Industrial and Commercial Park and Paramaribo
Urban Development Plan ($800,000). Lead policy dialogues, in the formulation and negotiation of lending and
non-lending activities to support the country programming strategy in the fiscal, municipal management, housing
and urban development areas and support to the Caribbean and country programming strategy on housing and
sustainable urban development.
International Independent Consultant. (see International Experience for details)
08/1999 – 10/2008
Principal adviser on policy, regulatory and institutional reform, technical assistance for the national authorities on
housing and urban development issues. Lead and supported complex housing and urban research and analytical
work. Monitoring and evaluating urban sector, housing and housing finance projects. Prepared various assessment
studies, feasibility documents, and funding proposals housing and housing finance projects. Developed best
practice papers and training workshops. Developed recommendations to strengthen finance institutions by
introducing mortgage-lending and related practices, and to broaden and deepen financial markets by establishing
industry standards for residential mortgage origination, underwriting, servicing, and risk management. Represented
agencies in international forums.
International Finance Corporation (IFC). Belgrade, Serbia
Housing Finance Specialist/Program Manager – SECA Region
08/2006 - 06/2007
Program manager, prepared long-term investment market conditions and establishing standard mortgage products
suitable for Albania. Due diligence, prepared and negotiated a $900,000 Mortgage Finance advisory service project
in Albania, and supported public-awareness campaigns aiming to improve consumer understanding on mortgage
finance, benefits and risks.
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT). Amman, Jordan
Housing Finance Expert/Project Manager – Iraq Program
12/2004 - 08/2006
Strengthening the Capacity of the Housing Sector in Iraq-($5,965,638). Formulated a new market-based housing
strategy aiming to address the country’s needs for housing and promote economic development. Managed a step by
step strategy with the Iraqi Housing Fund IHF mobilizing and channeling public and private resources to the
housing sector. Planed, scheduled, lead and supervised various TA activities.
Ministry of Economic Development (MDE), Colombia
National Director of Housing.
11/1998 - 08/1999
Provided leadership on policy reform, creating a sustainable financing strategy at central and local levels, and
attracting long-term investment needed for housing and infrastructure. Prepared Decree 824 of 1999, includes rules
and regulations regarding the housing subsidy and the Housing Savings Accounts in Colombia. Represented
Minister at board meetings and public events. Coordinated emergency disaster assessment following the earthquake
in Armenia.
Gabriel Nagy
Bogotá Planning Department (DAPD), Colombia
Senior Urban and Regional Planner/Project Manager, acting Director.
02/1998 - 11/1998
Land regularization in Bogotá. Assessed demographics, economic growth, business and community development
trends and opportunities. Assessed land availability to manage growth and promote sustainable urban management.
Implemented successful municipal finance mechanisms aiming slum upgrading programs, public infrastructure
investment and housing finance for home improvements. Provided leadership accelerating urban inclusion and slum
up-grading of more than 360 unregulated settlements benefiting more than 300,000 very low income/poverty
stricken families.
City Development Strategic Plan (10 years) for Bogotá. Managed and implemented new local regulations for land
use and low-income housing policy and initiatives. Promoted city’s competitiveness and secured allocation of land
for new affordable housing on a large scale aiming to prevent slums. Assessed Bogotá’s demographics, business
environment, service delivery capabilities, and availability of community facilities and local financial resources;
first steps aiming the preparation of the City’s development and urban management strategy. Assisted responsible
agency in vulnerability assessment and contributed to developing and implementing city’s and sector’s strategies.
Fervel Construction Company, Colombia
Senior Community Development Specialist, General Manager (CEO).
08/1995 - 2/1998
Managed a $100 million (annual sales), and 22-year-old construction company. Directed architects, designers and
consultants on project preparation and product delivery. Organized and managed resources to complete residential
and urban development projects -800 housing units total, within defined scope of work, as well as with quality, time
and cost constraints. Negotiate and administer contracts for design and construction, and oversaw project cycle
development, feasibility, finance, site planning, architecture design, budgeting, programming, management and
marketing processes. Over a three year period, increased housing sales by 20 percent.
Housing and Loans Corporation (Colpatria), Colombia.
Construction Finance and Community Development Specialist, National Director. 09/1991 - 08/1993
Advised, medium and large property clients, developers and construction companies, on management, finance,
programming, construction, urban and architectural design, marketing and sales for more than 80 affordable
housing, residential and commercial developments and 14,000 loan operations.
National Housing and Savings Fund (FNA), Colombia.
Housing Finance and Community Development Specialist, acting Director.
01/1989 - 09/1991
Managed finance and construction of large housing and urban development projects. Achieved consistent risk
management controls and supervise overall construction process, on-time and on-budget delivery of more than
15,000 new housing units in 80 residential projects nationally. Advised on finance, housing and urban development
to local authorities, financial institutions and private contractors. Prepared due diligence, feasibility studies, market
and sales analysis, finance forecast for residential projects. Built best-in-class procedures to integrate and systemize
the delivery, management and measurements of project related activities. Defined Colombia’s housing policies with
the country’s National Planning Department (DNP). Executed and supervised a $800,000 facility expansion and
renovation project, and a 3,100 low-income housing planning and design international competition. Represented
agency on external boards and events.
United Nations Center for Human Settlements (UNCHS–HABITAT) and UNDP, Colombia.
Community Development, Housing Technical Advisor
08/1985 - 01/1989
Responsible for assessing low-income housing policy and the Instituto de Crédito Territorial (ICT) adopting new
housing standards and development procedures: new bidding, procurement and contracting, strengthening on-site
monitoring and supervision. Responsible of housing needs assessment and coordinated reconstruction efforts and
development plan to address the Ruiz’s (1985 volcano eruption), 32,000 homeless and more than US$465 million in
damages. Implemented: land management data base, housing sector information system and property appraisal
Gabriel Nagy
University College London, UK
Masters of Science, Urban Development Planning, 1994 The Economics of Urbanization and the City in Developing
Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
Bachelor of Arts, Architecture, 1986
“Taller Internacional de Encuestas y Evaluación de Impacto de Políticas Públicas”, que será ofrecido por
IDB, and Escuela de Salud Pública de la Universidad de Chile (40 DPU awarded), Santiago de Chile, Chile and
Port of Spain, Trinidad, 2012.
“Efficient Planning, Management & Control of Projects Funding/Expenditure & Procurement within
the Context of a Project Management Framework”, IDB, Project Management Institute (PMI) and Arthur
Lok Jack Graduate School of Business (4 DPU awarded), Port of Spain, Trinidad, 2011.
“Project Risk Management IDB Methodology”, Inter-American Institute for Economic and Social
Development (INDES) (16 DPUs awarded), Washington DC, USA, 2011.
“Negotiation and Conflict Management”, INDES. (24 DPU awarded), Port of Spain – Trinidad, 2010.
“Integrated and Sustainable Development: Chicago Innovations and Good Practices”, Metropolis
International Institute, Chicago, IL, 2010.
“Fundamentals of Project Management”, Project Management for Development (PM4DEV) (4 DPU
awarded), Atlanta, Georgia, 2010.
“Facilitating Change Certificate Program”, IDB and ASTD Education program (1.4 CEUs awarded),
Washington DC, USA, 2009.
“Integrated Project Management Program for Sovereign Guaranteed Operations”, INDES (40 DPUs
awarded), Port of Spain, Trinidad, 2009.
“Project Manager Training & Certification Program”, PMI and METHOD Building Capacity (60 DPUs
awarded), Amman, Jordan, 2006.
“Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission Facilitators Network: Certified Planning Facilitator”, NIPC,
Chicago, IL, USA, 2004.
“International Housing Finance Symposium”, FANNIE MAE, Washington DC, USA, 2000.
August 2, 1961
Fluent in Spanish (Native) and English. Basic knowledge of French.
US citizen. Other nationalities Colombian and EU (Hungarian) citizen.
OTHER STUDIES (last 12 years)
(2010 - Present) International Research Foundation for Development, Inc. International Advisory Council.
(2008 - Present) Project Manager Institute, member.
(2004-2007) Kane County, IL. HOME Commission, member.
(2004-2005) Appointed board member of Lazarus House. Geneva, IL.
(2004) Appointed board member of Community Contacts, Inc. Geneva, IL.
(2002) Illinois Housing Development Authority, housing task force working group member. Building for
Success Illinois’ Comprehensive Housing Plan 2005 – 2007.
(1998) Mayor’s delegate to the board of examiners of public transportation design competition in Bogotá.
(1991) Appointed President board of examiners for the National Low-Income Housing Design Competition a
$626 million investment initiative.
(1990-1991) Appointed board member of the Popular Housing and Loans Corporation (CORPAVI),
Colombia’s third largest housing and loans institution.
Gabriel Nagy
Cambio Climático y Vulnerabilidad, el caso de Puerto España, Trinidad y Tobago. IADB. 2012.
Evolution and the Path Towards Sustainable Development. International Research Foundation for
Development, Inc. World Forum on Energy, Economy or the Environment. 2012.
Diagnóstico del Marco Legal e Institucional del Sector Vivienda en Guatemala. The Works Bank Group.
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala. July 2008.
Strengthening the Housing Sector in Iraq. Housing Finance International, quarterly journal International
Union for Housing finance at . June 2006.
Beyond Structural Reform in the Housing Sector in Iraq. Policy paper. Amman, Jordan. October 2005.
English version in
Introductory Approach towards a Housing Finance Strategy in Iraq. Together with Suresh Vasudevan,
Hamman Al-Shamma and Muffeed Aziz. UN-HABITAT working paper. Amman, Jordan. March 2005.
Making Housing Policy Work. Policy paper. Chicago, IL. September 2004. English version in
Vigil for Public Housing. Residents’ Journal. A publication for and by Chicago public housing residents.
January/February 2004 /Volume 7/Number 4 at The editorial was included in the
exhibit: Taking Shape: The CHA’s Plan for Transformation. Chicago Historical Society and Chicago Housing
Authority. Chicago, IL. June 2004.
A Strategic Vision for Low-Income Housing, Service Provision and Land Markets: Lessons from Urban
Practitioners. IRFD Forum on Urbanizing World and Human Habitat II. Seminar papers, 2001. English version
Decentralization and urban management for Development. Mejoramiento de Asentamientos Precarios:
Contexto para el Mejoramiento Barrial en Nicaragua. Policy assessment document on urban up-grading and
housing renewal, the case of Managua, Nicaragua. 2001 for the Cities Alliance, The World Bank and UNHABITAT. Spanish Version .
Notes on Public Management. Comments on property taxes and other local government’s financial resources.
To Revive Bogotá. Urban agenda for economic development, poverty alleviation and city management.
Subsidy Aid and Colombian Housing Policy. The Housing subsidy program in Colombia. English and Spanish
Consolidación de Centros Urbanos, Base Económica para el Desarrollo (Urban Centers Consolidation
Theory, An Economic Basis). Refers to the importance of a physical planning proposal based on consolidating
different activities for better economic performance of the city and improvement of living conditions. El Nuevo
Siglo. Bogotá, Colombia, August 1997.
Planificado Conflicto de Intereses (A Planned Conflict of Interest). The lack of Bogotá’s planning turns into an
improvisation of solutions with adverse economic effects on the population. El Nuevo Siglo. Bogotá, Colombia,
August 1997.
Medio Ambiente Urbano (Urban Environment). New issues in the urban environment. El Nuevo Siglo. Bogotá,
Colombia, August 1997.
Administración Urbana (Urban Management). Physical, administrative and economic approaches to urban
planning. El Nuevo Siglo. Bogotá, Colombia, August 1997. Foro Económico, Regional y Urbano (Contraloría
de Bogotá, D.C.). Bogotá, Colombia, October 1997.
Gabriel Nagy
Bogotá y la Globalización (Globalization and Bogotá). Bogotá’s economy in a global environment. El Nuevo
Siglo. Bogotá, Colombia, August 1997.
Inovaciones en la Planificación Urbana Local (Innovations in Local Urban Planning); A renewed economic
interest for city planning and urban development. El Nuevo Siglo. Bogotá, Colombia, August 1997.
Urbanización y Desarrollo Económico (Urbanization and Economic Development); Explores the relationship
between cities and economic growth. El Nuevo Siglo. Bogotá, Colombia, August 1997.
Gabriel Nagy
Equity International, Chicago, IL
08/2007 – 08/2008
Housing Finance Specialist/Consultant: Conducted research an overall assessment of business regulations,
legal infrastructure, foreign investment restrictions, forecast and market watch, and identified quality, valueadded investment opportunities affecting private investment opportunities in Egypt, Colombia and Egypt.
Khatib and Alami International, Beirut, Lebanon
02/2008 – 08/2008
Urban Economist/Project Manager - urban development department:
Contract: WB-ITF054435.MOB.C.05/2005 – ($4,150,300). Client: Municipality of Baghdad/WB. Baghdad
City Comprehensive Development Plan, assessing Baghdad’s spatial structure, economic performance and
municipal fiscal reform, modernizing property and business taxes as sources of local revenue; sound and
sustainable urban management, housing and development strategy.
World Bank / Ministry of Finance / Ministry of Housing, Guatemala
10/2007 – 07/2008
Low Income Housing and Community Revitalization Project
Housing Sector Specialist: Assess the housing sector current institutional and legal framework and propose
initiatives to strengthen and improve the performance and delivery of housing, finance and community
revitalization programs.
USAID / Chemonics, Mongolia
Economic Policy Reform and Competitiveness Project
06/2007 – 05/2008
Housing Sector Specialist: Support the Government of Mongolia to design an equitable, manageable program
to improve affordability of home loans for low and middle income families. Assess the cost of the subsidy
program and identify sources of finance.
Secretary of Public Works, Transportation and Housing (SOPTRAVI), Honduras 01-06/2003
Housing Sector Specialist: For 5 months, implemented and coordinated a $10 million housing subsidy, two
years, housing program (1037/SF-HO) financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-HABITAT), Afghanistan
Planning and Programming Expert: During 3 months, assisted in the preparation of the Urban Reconstruction
and Strategic Development planning for Kabul and 5 other major cities in Afghanistan.
The Organization of American States (OAS), Honduras
Senior Housing and Regional Development Expert: During 1 month, advised the Government of Honduras
on Institutional reform and modernization of housing policies.
The Louis Berger Group, Inc., Dominican Republic
Senior Housing and Development Expert: During 1 year assignment prepared feasibility study and program
document for a $326 million loan to finance construction of 15,000 low-income housing units.
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Project NI 0064 Nicaragua
Human Settlements Adviser: During a 2 month assignment, assessed Law 309, 1999 on Illegal Settlements
and prepare an implementation strategy as a component of a possible program document. Project Report:
“Security on Land Tenure for the Beneficiaries of the Family Subsidy for Housing Up-grade”.
UN-HABITAT and United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Nicaragua
Housing Expert/Policy and Institutional Advisor: During a 1 year assignment advised on institutional reform
and modernization of the housing finance policy in both rural and urban areas.
Prepared for “The Cities Alliance”, a UN-HABITAT/World Bank initiative, a policy document on urban
upgrading and housing renewal: “Increasing Urban Upgrading and Renewal Programs in Central America”
the case of Nicaragua, presented during a Ministry level meeting (Reunión Multi-Sectorial para la Promoción
De Programas Masivos de Mejoramiento Barrial en Centroamérica), in Costa Rica, August 2002.