San Jose State University College of Science Science Education Program Single Subject Credential Program Science Education 375: Fall 2011 Colloquium and Seminar In Science Education With Appendix SCED 184YZ College of Education Vision The College of Education at San José State University is a professional community of students, faculty, and staff engaged in supportive partnerships to serve a community of culturally diverse children, youth and families by pursuing scholarly and reflective inquiry, promoting, enhancing and increasing access to a quality, lifelong education. Faculty staff and graduates are compassionate professionals who interact in ethical ways and are mindful of our roles and responsibilities in a democratic society. College of Education Mission The mission of the College of Education is to prepare educators who will enhance the quality of education for all students in our culturally diverse, technologically complex world. Basic Values Respect and appreciation for diversity Promotion of equity and access to quality education Excellence through scholarly activity and reflective professional practice Continual professional and personal growth Ethical, collegial, and humane interpersonal relationships as a basis for community Secondary Education Philosophy The philosophy of the Secondary Education Department at San Jose State University is based on a vision of professional educators who can function effectively and sensitively in the multicultural, multilingual, and technologically complex environment of today’s secondary schools. The faculty is committed to preparing teachers who are critical and reflective practitioners who are prepared to do the following: 1) make informed and thoughtful decisions in their daily practice 2) serve in diverse educational contexts 3) promote equity, respect for person, and social justice 4) provide fair-minded and responsive instruction for ethnically and linguistically diverse populations These teachers must also be aware of uses of technology for learning, and they must be well prepared in current education theory, research, methods, and practice. SCED 375 Fall 2011/ Steever Revision date 3/7/16 Page 1/8 1 SCED 375 - Colloquium and Seminar in Science Education Fall 2011 Thursday 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm, DH 246 Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Michelle Steever DH 224 Wednesdays 3-4 PM or by appointment e-mail: Phone: 408-924-5269 Fax: 408-924-5180 Course Website: Secondary Education Expectations for Candidates – Dispositions In accordance with the goals of the Single Subject Credential Program, candidates are expected to demonstrate the following professional dispositions as they progress through course work and field work experiences: REFLECTIVENESS RESPONSIBILITY Indicators: Practices critical questioning Is responsive to criticism Is responsive to opposing views Examines personal strengths and weaknesses Questions own beliefs and practices Exhibits flexibility COMMITMENT TO PROFESSIONALISM Indicators: Complies with obligations Oral and written agreements with others Coursework/Assignments Timeliness Engages actively in program experiences Indicators: Demonstrates an understanding of the legal obligations of teaching Demonstrates ongoing commitment to professional development Practices collaboration and collegiality to reach identified goals COMMITMENT TO FAIRMINDEDNESS AND EQUITY Indicators: Treats others with equal respect, courtesy, and dignity Is intolerant of all forms of harassment, discrimination, and exploitation Recognizes the need for differences to ensure equal treatment of all SCED 375 Fall 2011/ Steever Revision date 3/7/16 Page 2/8 2 PURPOSE This seminar is designed for you as a Phase II student teacher or intern, to support and assist you with your teaching experiences. This seminar will support you by (1) extending your understanding of major ideas and emphases developed in your methods classes, especially Science Methods 173 (2) contribute to meeting the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPE), Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Preparation Programs (3) contribute to your completion of the Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) (4) provide a forum for discussion of issues related to your classroom experiences. The salient features of California Teaching Performance Expectations (TPE) are: o Making Subject Matter Comprehensive to Students o Assessing Student Learning o Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning o Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students o Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning o Developing as a Professional Educator Hopefully, this seminar will help guide you through many challenges you will face as you grow into a strong and effective teacher because teaching is a vocation that requires constant renewal of mind and heart, spirit and skills. REQUIREMENTS ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION: According to University policy F69-24, “Students should attend all meetings of their classes, not only because they are responsible for materials discussed therein, but because active participation is frequently essential to insure maximum benefit for all members of the class.” This is a credit/no credit seminar without formal evaluation or examinations. Therefore, student attendance and participation are essential. Students are expected to attend each session, be on time and remain for the entire class period to receive full credit. Each student is expected to actively participate, to complete all assignments, and to make significant and appropriate contributions to class discussions and activities. Please call or email in advance when you cannot attend any session. Due to time constraints, missed sessions cannot be made up. Students are required to turn off cell phones during class hours. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in dismissal for the remainder of the class period. SCED 375 Sp2011/ Steever Revision date 3/7/16 Page 3/8 ASSIGNMENTS Readings, Written Assignments, Class/Online Discussions: To provide guidance, support, and a context for reflecting upon their teaching experiences, students will be expected to complete reading and written assignments and to participate in class discussions. Assignments received after the due date/time will be subject to penalty. The following will be required for ONE of the courses that you are teaching: 1. 2. 3. 4. Course syllabus that outlines major topics and subtopics covered during the semester. Curriculum Map for one unit taught during the semester . Semester Calendar that sequences major topics on a timeline. Weekly planning calendars for the entire semester in one course that indicate the sequence of topics, lessons, objectives, strategies and assessments 5. Letter to Parents that introduces yourself and your goals for the semester. 6. Classroom Management Policy that describes rules, routines and procedures, rewards and consequences. 7. Homework Policy that describes how homework will be posted, graded, collected, and how late work will be handled. 8. Grading Policy that details how student achievement will be evaluated and measured. 9. Safety Plan that describes key safety issues and precautions. 10. Your own course Greensheet—though it may be modified and/or follow the format of another teacher. NOTE: Assignments required for Phase II Student Teaching SCED 184 Y&Z will be submitted to the instructor of SCED 375. Review the course requirements, details, and due dates as provided in the SCED 184 Y&Z addendum and SJSU PACT Science Teaching Event Candidate Guidelines. These assignments include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Weekly teaching calendars for each class taught Two weeks of full-time Student Teaching Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) Teaching Event Observations and Reflection of two experienced teachers at your site, any subject (NOT your master teacher(s)) Grading Policy for Assignments: This course is a credit/no credit course. It is expected that a minimum of 80% will be achieved to earn credit. Credit distribution (approximate): Expectations for Candidates—Dispositions Written Assignments 50% 50% All work submitted is expected to meet high standards of professional quality in content, style, and use of Standard English. Written assignments and presentations will be graded based on criteria distributed in advance of the due date. All assignments are to be submitted on or before their due dates/times to be eligible for full credit. Online Interface: High-speed connections are available to students on campus, if needed. It is the student’s responsibility to check D2L for announcements or additions/changes to assignments. Online assignments and electronic copies of written assignments must be submitted by Wednesday, 11:55 pm. We are attempting to be as “green” as possible for this course, all handouts and written assignments will be available on line. SCED 375 Sp2011/ Steever Revision date 3/7/16 Page 4/8 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: University policy and personal integrity forbid one from plagiarizing any work for this class. Students who do so will be subject to academic sanctions, including an F grade in the course. Academic dishonesty, in the form of plagiarism, will not be tolerated. Plagiarism (as defined by SJSU Policy on Academic Dishonesty, SJSU catalog): “is the act of representing the work of another as one’s own (without giving appropriate credit) regardless of how that work was obtained, and submitting it to fulfill academic requirements. Plagiarism at SJSU includes but is not limited to the act of incorporating the ideas, words, sentences, paragraphs, or parts thereof, or the specific substance of another’s work, without giving the appropriate credit, and presenting the product as one’s own work...” Inappropriate paraphrasing (changing few words in a sentence) is also considered plagiarism. A sentence is plagiarized as long as the voice of the original sentence is kept in the modified version written by students (McMillan, 1999). Proper paraphrasing involves summarizing, synthesizing and citing information that you read, heard, saw, etc. There are academic and administrative sanctions that the University can pursue in the case of plagiarism. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the Office of Judicial Affairs. A web site ( may be used to screen assignments and lesson plans in this class. An electronic report will be generated, showing similarities between student submissions and online sources. Please come to see us during our office hours if you have any questions. Student responsibilities regarding academic integrity may be found at: In addition, the university’s policy on academic integrity can be accessed at ADAPTATIONS/ACCOMMODATIONS DUE TO DISABILITY: If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with one of the instructors as soon as possible, during the first two weeks of the semester. Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with DRC to establish a record of their disability. SEMINAR TOPICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Planning Instruction Effective practices that support student learning and assessment Student active learning Instructional practices for comprehensive instruction of English language Literacy strategies for English language learners State Teaching Standards and Performance Assessment Instructional time and social environment – discipline, classroom and behavior management, safety 8. Technology in the classroom 9. Controversial and Legal issues in Education 10. Community science resources 11. Professional and personal growth- the reflective teacher SCED 375 Sp2011/ Steever Revision date 3/7/16 Page 5/8 SCED 375 - Colloquium and Seminar in Science Education Spring 2011 Thursday 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm, DH 246 REQUIRED TEXT: Conscious Classroom Management, Rick Smith, Rick Smith –Conscious Teaching Publications, 2004 (Note: this is referred to as CCM in the schedule of assignments) RECOMMENDED TEXTS: 1. Tools for Teaching, Fred Jones, Frederick H. Jones & Associates, 2007. 2. Discipline Survival Kit for the Secondary Teacher, Julia Thompson, Jossey-Bass, 1998. 3. Classroom Instruction that Works—Research-based Strategies for Increased Student Achievement, Marzano, Pickering and Pollock, ASCD, 2001 READING ASSIGNMENTS: (See attached tentative schedule. Changes may be made with prior notice. Under special circumstances and with prior agreement, instructors may assign alternative reading assignments to individual students.) TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE Subject to Change with Advance Notice (Additional readings and/or assignments may be added to clarify, further understanding, or promote discussion.) NOTE: Online assignments and electronic copies of written assignments must be submitted by Wednesday, 11:55 PM prior to class, unless otherwise indicated. There is no hard copy requirement until the final check off and review of portfolio. . In Class Agenda Introductions/Overview Meet and Greet your Supervisors/Faculty Paperwork SCED 375 Greensheet Video Recording Requirement Expectations and Dispositions Classroom Management (Part 1) First Day/First Week Date 8/18/2011 Week 1 Week 2 1/20/2011 Week 3 o o o o o o o o o o SCED 184YZ Greensheet o • Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) Teaching Event (184) o • SEMESTER PROJECT: Teaching Portfolio (375) o • Expectations and Dispositions o Discussion: Readings/ TBD o o o o o o o o Classroom Management (Part 2): Appropriate Mental State Setting Rules and Procedures Disciplinary Interventions Teacher-Student Relationships Back-To-School Night Arranging the Room Discussion: Readings/ TBD SCED 375 Sp2011/ Steever Revision date 3/7/16 Assigned o PACT: review handbook o Reading: CCMChapters 2-4 o Portfolio 2.1 Introductory letter to parents o PACT: Video Forms, “Making Good Choices” o Reading: CCMCh 8 o Portfolio 3.1 Curriculum map Course Syllabus Semester Calendar o PACT 3.2 TE Task 1 o Reading: CCMCh 11 Page 6/8 Turn IN 1. 2.1 Introductory letter to parents o o o o o o o In Class Agenda Unit/Lesson Planning Teaching Declarative (Content) and Procedural (Skills) Knowledge Concept Development Direct Instruction vs Constructivism Discussion: Readings/ TBD Laboratory Investigations Inquiry (vs) Traditional Methods Open and Guided Inquiry Discussion: Readings/ TBD o o Nine Instructional Strategies Discussion: Readings/ TBD Date o o Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Assessment and Feedback o • Formative Assessment o • Summative Assessment o • Performance Based Assessment (PBA) o • Rubrics o • Scoring/Grading o Discussion: Readings/ TBD o o Science Safety Laboratory Management o o o Generating and Testing Hypotheses: Experimental Inquiry Discussion: Readings/ TBD o o • Cooperative Learning Discussion: Readings/ TBD Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 o Practicum Week 12 SCED 375 Sp2011/ Steever Revision date 3/7/16 o Portfolio 8.1 Homework Policy o PACT: Task 3 Commentary o Reading TBA posted o Portfolio 9.1Safety Plan o PACT: 9.2 Task 4 o Reading none o PACT: Task 5 Documentation o Reading CCM Ch 7 o Portfolio 10.1 Grading Policy o PACT: Finish all sections o Reading CCM Ch 5 o Portfolio: 12.1 Observation of one veteran teacher o Reading CCM Ch 12 Page 7/8 3.1 Curriculum map, Course Syllabus Semester Calendar 3.2 TE Task 1 4.1 Timeline 5.1 TE Task 2 Plans/Comment ary Rough Draft 6.1 Classroom Management Policy 6.2 TASK 2 completed 7.1 Generic Rubric Template 7.2 Teaching/video Complete 8.1 Homework Policy 9.1Safety Plan 9.2 Task 4 PACT DUE Literacy Supporting English Language Learners Discussion: Readings/ TBD o Portfolio o PACT: 5.1 Task2 Plans/commentary o Reading: CCMCh 6 o Portfolio 6.1 Classroom management Policy o PACT: 6.2 Finalize TASK2 o Reading TBA posted o Portfolio 7.1 Generic Rubric Template o PACT: 7.2 Teach/Video o Reading CCM Ch 7 Turn IN 3:00 PM 11/14/2011 o o o Assigned o Portfolio o PACT: 4.1 Timeline o Reading: CCMCh 9 Date o o Week 13 Week 14 In Class Agenda Performance Based Assessment Scoring Student Work Discussion: Readings/ TBD o o o o o o o o o o o • Controversial Issues • Generating and Testing Hypotheses: • Decision-Making • Educational Issues • Legal Issues • Community Resources • Curriculum Resources • Professional Organizations • Professional Development Discussion: Readings/ TBD SOTES Discussion: Readings/ TBD Week 15 Final Assigned o Portfolio 13.1 Observation of Second Veteran teacher o Reading CCM Ch 13 10.1 Grading Policy 12.1 Observation of one veteran teacher o Portfolio 14.1 Greensheet o Reading CCM Ch 10,14 13.1 Observation of Second Veteran teacher o 14.1 Greensheet Portfolio Check-off By appointment SCED 375 Sp2011/ Steever Revision date 3/7/16 Portfolio; Final Formatting Turn IN Final Portfolio Check-off Page 8/8