A. Interpersonal communication (speaking
and writing)
Oral interviews with instructor in the target language (French, German, Italian, Spanish 112, 201, 202 /
Spanish and French 499); Expressive interviews with instructor in the target language (ASL 250, 305);
Final expressive interviews with native ASL users in the target language (ASL 305); Guided expository
compositions in the target language (French, German, Italian, Spanish 112, 201, 202 / Spanish 301);
Critical reasoning essays in the target language (Spanish 301, 312, 499 / French 499); Critical reasoning
essays in the native language (Language 103).
B. Interpretive communication (listening,
reading, viewing)
Oral interviews with instructor in the target language (French, German, Italian, Spanish 112, 201, 202 /
Spanish and French 499); Expressive interviews with instructor in the target language (ASL 250, 305);
Receptive comprehension tests in the target language (ASL 201, 202, 312); Receptive comprehension of
peers’ presentations in the target language (ASL 112); Interpretation of cultural readings, of literary
passages and/or literary works in the target language (French, German, Italian, Spanish 202 / Spanish
301, 312, 499 / French 499); Interpretation of cultural readings, of literary passages and/or literary
works in the native language (Language 103); Interpretation of research studies in sociolinguistics in
the native language (Language 103); Interpretation of readings and videos of topics related to law
enforcement in Spanish (Spanish 204); Interpretation of readings and videos of health-related topics
such as diseases and alternative healing in Spanish (Spanish 203); Interpretation of readings and videos
of health-related topics such as diseases, surgeries and alternative healing in Spanish (Spanish 303);
Interpretation of movies and documentaries in the target language (Spanish 301, 312, 499 / French 499);
Receptive comprehension of course text DVDs in the target language (ASL 112, 250); Interpretation of
YOU-Tube videos in the target language (ASL 305).
C. Presentational communication (speaking
and writing)
Classroom presentations of cultural and/or historical topics in the target language (ASL 112, 201, 202,
205, 250, 305, 312 / French, German, Italian, Spanish 202 / Spanish 312, 499 / French 499); Classroom
presentations of cultural and/or historical topics in the native language (Language 103); Classroom
debates of cultural and historical topics in Spanish (Spanish 312); Classroom presentations based on
medical research in Spanish (Spanish 303); paired presentations of medical situations to instructor in
Spanish (Spanish 203) and of law enforcement situations in Spanish (Spanish 204); Paired presentations
in the target language (ASL 112, 305); Critical reasoning essays in the target language (Spanish 301, 312,
499 / French 499); Critical reasoning essays in the native language (Language 103).
D. Structure of the language including
demonstrating knowledge of grammatical
Oral interviews with instructor in the target language (French, German, Italian, Spanish 112, 201, 202 /
Spanish and French 499); Expressive interviews with instructor in the target language (ASL 201, 202,
250, 305); Classroom presentations of cultural and/or historical topics in the target language (French,
German, Italian, Spanish 202 / Spanish 312, 499 / French 499); Paired presentations of medical
situations to instructor in Spanish (Spanish 203); Paired presentations of law enforcement situations to
instructor in Spanish (Spanish 204); Classroom presentations based on medical research in Spanish
(Spanish 303); Tests on medical topics or individual research of medical topics in Spanish (Spanish 203,
303); Tests on law enforcement topics in Spanish (Spanish 204); Tests requiring identification of
elements of the structure of human languages in the native language (Language 103); Critical
reasoning essays in the target language (Spanish 301, 312, 499 / French 499); Critical reasoning essays
in the native language (Language 103); Guided expository essays in the target language (French, German,
Italian, Spanish 112, 201, 202 / Spanish 301); Guided expository writing in contextual situations on
exams in the target language (French, German, Italian, Spanish 112, 201, 202 / Spanish 204); Critical
reactions in guided contextual situations on exams in the target language (French, German, Italian,
Spanish 201, 202 / Spanish 301).
E. Culture including the relationship between
the perspectives (value systems, attitudes, and
beliefs of people from a target culture), products
(things, both tangible and intangible, that are
produced by members of a culture –i.e., food,
literature, laws, music, education systems), and
practices (patterns of social interaction, i.e., what
to do, when, where and how) of the target
culture(s) studied
Critical reasoning evaluations on tests or exams in the native language (ASL, French, German, Italian,
Spanish112, 201, 202 / Spanish 203, 204); Critical reasoning essays in the native language (ASL 112,
305, 312); Expository essays in the native language (ASL 202, 312); Book report written in the native
language (ASL 250); (Critical reaction evaluations on tests in Spanish (Spanish 303, 312); Class
discussions in the native language (ASL 112); Classroom presentations of cultural and/or historical
topics in the target language (French, German, Italian, Spanish 202 / Spanish 312, 499 / French 499);
Classroom presentations of cultural and/or historical topics in the native language (Language 103);
Critical reasoning essays based on research of cultural or historical topics in the target language (Spanish
301, 312, 499 / French 499); Critical reasoning essays based on research of cultural or historical topics in
the native language (Language 103); Research project in the native language: cultural portfolio, readings,
historical project, deaf culture timeline (ASL 312).