MCA Question Bank

M.C.A. I-Year I-Semester Examination - 2010
Question Bank for Practical Question Paper
Subject : Programming Lab-I
(C & C++ Programming)
Find the roots of a quadratic equation.
Find whether given number is prime or not.
Find the reverse of a given number.
(Ex : 12345 becomes 54321).
Find whether given number is palindrome or not.
(Ex : 34543)
Find the value of sinx, using series expansion.
Sort the elements in a given array, using bubble sort.
Sort the elements in a given array, using insertion sort.
Find the product of two matrices of sizes 3 x 4 and 4 x 3.
Find the position of given element in the array, using binary search.
Print the elements in the reverse order of the given elements in the array.
Find the number of vowels in a given string.
Find the number of letters in the given string.
Find the number of words in the given string.
Read all the records in a given sequential file.
Find whether the given matrix is symmetric or not.
Write a C++ program to implement flight class with data member as flight no.,
source, destination and fare. Write a copy constructor and a member
function to display the flight information.
Write a C++ program to implement a string object. Include member
functions to compare two strings and to concatenate two strings.
Write a C++ program to implement a class to represent complex
numbers. Include member functions to add and multiply to complex
numbers. Overload assignment operator =
Write a C++ program to implement time class that has separate data members
for hours, minutes and seconds. Overload + Operator to add two times
(object) and ++ operator to increment the time by one second.
Write a C++ program to implement a student class having roll no.,
name, rank, addresses as data members. Overload assignment operator =
Write a C++ program to implement user defined string class. Overload the
constructor and a member function to concatenate two strings.
Write a C++ program implement Complex class with the member function Add,
Subtract and Multiply two complex Numbers.
Write a C++ Program to implement a sphere class with appropriate members and
member function to find the surface area and the volume.
(Surface = 4 π r2 and Volume = 4/ 3 π r3 )
Write a C++ program to implements a string class. Overload + Operator to
concatenate two strings.
Write a C + + program to implement matrix class. Add member function to
transpose the matrix.
Write a C++ program to implement Bank-SB-Account Class with member functions
to deposit, withdraw and show the balance. assume appropriate data members.
Write a C++ program to find the number of characters, word and lines in the given
as input.
Write a C++ program to implement a telephone bill class with Name, Address, Tel.
No., No. of calls as data members. Compute the amount to be paid if the charges
per call is Rs. 2/-.
Write a C ++ program to implement a class for complex numbers with add and
multiply as member functions. Overload ++ operator to increment a complex
Write a C ++ program to implement a date class with member functions as next,
previous which return next date and previous date objects.
M.C.A. I-Year I-Semester Examination - 2010
Question Bank for Practical Question Paper
Subject : Programming Lab-II
(Elements of Information Technology)
1.(a) Draw the weekly time-table schedule of your MCA – I Year I – Semester in
MS-Word ?
(b) Create a Power-point presentation with a minimum of 3 slides ?
2.(a) Prepare a Table use MS-Excel for MCA-I Year I Semester marks with additional
fields of total marks, percentage of marks and division of pass.
(b) Illustrate MS-Word Search, Search and Replace Options with an example.
3.(a) Draw a flow chart for printing fibonacci numbers upto 1000 in MS-Word ?
(b) Create MS-Excel worksheet which illustrates simple sorting.
4.(a) Create MS-Excel worksheet with the following format :
PF Net
Perform the calculation as follows :
DA is 30% Pay, HRA is 20% of Basic Oat. Gross Pay is sum of Basic Pay, TA,
DA and HRA and Net pay = Gross Pay – Deductions (IT + PF).
(b) Create a Power Point presentation with minimum of three slides.
5.(a) Create MS-Word document which illustrate multi-level sort with paragraph text
and tables .
(b) Illustrate creation of Pie-chart using MS-Excel .
6.(a) Create an MS-Excel worksheet with the following fields.
Roll No. , Name, Marks in three subjects, Total marks, percentage of marks, and
division of Pass.
(b) Illustrate creation of Bar –chart using MS-Excel.
7.(a) Create an MS-Excel worksheet with the following fields.
Product Id, Product Name, Price, Quantity and Totals.
(b) Create a marks, table for MCA-I Year I Semester students using MS-Access.
Create a report to list the names of students in the order of merits.
8.(a) Create a html page to display MCA I Year marks of a student in a tabular form.
(b) With an example show how we can protect MS-Excel's worksheet with password?
9.(a) Create a Power Point presentation having at least 5 slides describing about
Andhra Pradesh.
(b) Create a Pie-chart for monthly sales of Cars of XYZ make with the following
monthly sales, using MS-EXCEL.
(300, 200, 100, 50, 100, 500, 600, 700, 100, 200, 150, 20)
10.(a) Demonstrate Mail-Merge feature available in MS-Word with an example.
(b) Create a Power-Point presentation with three slides about your college.
11.(a) Create a table in MS-WORD with the following format.
Product ID Product Description
(in number)
(b) Create a Power-Point presentation with five slides, describing your College.
12.(a) Draw a Flow Chart for finding the biggest of n numbers in MS-Word.
(b) Create a Power-point presentation with minimum of 3 slides describing about
Andhra Pradesh State.
13.(a) Create an Excel Work sheet with the following data.
Name of the Employee
Total Income
Income Tax
Income Tax is calculated as follows :
Income < 1,00,000 , Tax = 0
1,00,000 < income < 2,00,000, Tax = 20% for the amount above 1,00,000
Income > 2,00,000, Tax = 20,000 + 30% for the amount above 2,00,000.
Surcharge is calculated as follows :
Surcharge = 0, if the Income Tax < 40,000
Surcharge = 5 % of Income tax, if income Tax > 40,000.
(b) Create a time table for M.C.A. I Year Semester Exams, Using MS-WORD.
14.(a) Illustrate Bar-Chart creation using MS-Excel for the monthly sales of a product.
(b) Demonstrate the Search, Search and Replace Options in MS-Word.
15.(a) Demonstrate the usage of MS-Word Macros with an example which records a
macro and another by Running that Recorded macro.
(b) With an example illustrate the conception of adding comments to a cell in MSExcel.
16.(a) Create a Pie-Chart in MS-Excel to depict monthly sales of a product. Assume
appropriate data.
(b) Create an html page with the following contents.
Dept. of Computer Science Engineering
Uni. College of Engineering
Osmania University
Course offered
M. Tech.
Year of
Each of the above courses should be made as hyperlinks.
17.(a) Demonstrate MS-Word's Spelling and Grammar Options with an example.
(b) Create a Power-Point presentation with minimum of five slides describing about
your College.
18.(a) Create a letter in MS-Word indicating that your college is conducting a National
Seminar on Mobile Computing. Illustrate the usage of mail merge, if this letter
has to be mailed to all the principals of MCA colleges.
(b) Demonstrate the creation of Pie-chart in MS-Excel for the monthly sales of a
product with the following monthly sales.
(20, 40, 30, 100, 200, 300, 200, 100, 50, 30, 70, 30)
19.(a) Illustrate the creation of Pie-chart in MS-Excel for the monthly accidents in
Hyderabad city.
(30, 20, 5, 7, 20, 30, 40, 50, 20, 30, 70, 30)
(b) Illustrate with an example usage of Spelling and Grammar option in MS-Word.
20.(a) Create MS-Excel worksheet with the following format :
PF Net
Enter the details of Emp. No., E. Name and Basic Pay only and use formulate to
find the TA, DA, HRA, GROSS PAY, IT, PF and NET PAY and RA = 17.5% of
Basic Pay, DA = 35% of Basic Pay HRA=10% of Basic Pay, IT = 15% of Basic
Pay, P.F. = 12.5% of Basic Pay and GROSS PAY = Basic Pay + TA + DA + HRA
(b) Create a Power Point presentation with minimum of five slides describing
Osmania University.
21.(a) Create MS-Word document with three pages using a different header and footer
on the first page of the document, and different header and footers on odd and
even pages.
(b) Create a Power-Point presentation with minimum of three slides describe about
M.C.A. course.
22.(a) Create a letter indicating that your college is conducting a seminar on Mobile
Computing. Illustrate the usage of mail merge feature, if this letter has to be
mailed to all the principals of MCA Colleges.
(b) Illustrate the creation of Bar-Chart in MS-Excel.
23.(a) Create a table to enter the student roll no., name, date-of-birth, sex, address
fields, using MS-Word. Illustrate the add / delete rows and column features.
(b) Creation a Power-Point presentation with minimum five slides with animation
describing about your College.
24.(a) Illustrate the creation of Bar-Chart and Pie-Chart using MS-Excel for monthly
sales of a product. Assume appropriate data.
(b) Create a Power-Point presentation with minimum of five slides describing about
Osmania University.
25.(a) Demonstrate with an example about Simple Sorting and Complex Sorting in
(b) Create a home page for your College. The home page should have three
frames. First frame should provide a brief introduction to your College. Second
frame should list the Courses offered by your College and the third frame should
list the events that take place in your College.
26.(a) Create an html page for displaying M.C.A. I Year examination time table,
(b) Create an MS-Excel to generate pay slips.
27.(a) Create a home page for yourself. Apart from other information, the page should
have a table providing your academic record in a tabular form as shown below.
Exam. Passed
Year of Pass
Institution of Study
The entries in the last column i.e. the names of the Institutions where you have
studied should be made hyperlinks.
(b) Create a power point presentation with a minimum of five slides with animation
describing about your College.
28.(a) Create an html page to displays the following :
University College of Engineering
Osmania University
Department Detail
Name of the Department
No. of Faculty members
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
No. of Students
The Department names should be made hyperlinks.
(b) Create a time table for M.C.A. I Year I Semester Examinations in MS-Word.
Find the no. of students, who got first class, after creating student database using
MS-Access in the following format. Create atleast ten records.
Note : There are totally six subjects.
Student No
Student Name
Total Marks
Find the number of books written by 'xyz' in the library database, after creating it
using MS-Access in the following format. Create atleast ten records.
M.C.A. I-Year II-Semester Examination – June 2010
Question Bank for Practical Question Paper
Subject : Programming Lab-III
(Object Oriented Programming Lab)
1. Write a program to illustrate the concept of constructors and its overloading.
2. Write a program to demonstrate method overloading.
(by using methods of minimum and maximum of numbers)
3. Write a Java program to demonstrate multilevel inheritance.
4 Write a java program to demonstrate function overriding.
5 Write a Java program to demonstrate dynamic dispatch.
6. Write a Java program to implement the following hierarchy and find area and
perimeter Abstract
Write a Java program to implement an Vehicle Abstract class.
Write a Java program to demonstrate the concept of daemon threads
Write a Java program on multithreading by sung the thread class, and also use
the yield ( ), stop ( ), sleep ( ) ,isAlive() ,join() ,getPriority(),setPriority()
Write a Java program to demonstrate the concept of synchronization by
Suitable example.
Write a Java program to demonstrate the concept of Inter thread communication
by Suitable example
Write a Java program by using try,catch,finally,throw blocks.
Write a java program to demonstrate the user defined exceptions
Write a Java program to demonstrate use of user defined packages.
15 Write a Java program to illustrate the multiple inheritance by
using Interfaces
16 Write a java program to display the table of given number(from keyboard)
Write a java program to illustrate the keywords i)super ii)static iii)final
18. Write a program to demonstrate string tokenizer.
19. Write a Java class for matrix operations such as Read, Write, Add, Multiply.
20. Write a Java program to implement linked list using list interface.
21. Write a Java program using stack.
22. Write a Java Program by using Properties class
23. Write a Java program to Demonstrate methods of Tree Set class.
24 Wrote a Java program by sung Hash Set class.
25. Write Java program by using Tree Map Class.
26 Write a Java program by using Hash map .
27 Write a Java program which count the number of customers in the bank
(use static variable)
Write a program using Date class
Write a Java program to demonstrate banner applet.
Write a Java program to demonstrate an application involving GUI with controls
menus and event handling.
M.C.A. I-Year II-Semester Examination – June 2010
Question Bank for Practical Question Paper
Subject : Programming Lab-IV
(Data Structures Lab)
Write a template class to implement the stack( linked )
Write a template class to implement the Queue( linked )
Use the Stack to convert infix to postfix
4 Write a class to implement a growing Stack. A growing stack doubles its size
whenever it overflows.
Use the Stack to evaluate postfix expressions(including parenthesis).
6 . Write a program to find the addition of two sparse matrices .
7. Write a program to implement the application of queue.
8. Write a program to implement a dequeue.
Write a class to represent a polynomial as a linked list. Write a C ++ program to
multiplication two polynomials
10. Write a C ++ class to implement binary search. Represent the list of item as a
template class.
11. Write a C ++ class to implement linear search. Represent the list of items As a
template class. Demonstrate it by searching for items of integers and strings.
12. Write a C ++ to implement hashing.
13. Write a class to implement Selection sort. Represent the list of items to be sorted
as a template.
Write a program to implement reverse of linked list.
Write a class to implement shell sort. Represent the list of items to be sorted as a
16. Write a class to implement merge sort. Represent the lists of items to be sorted as
17. Write a class to implement Quick sort. Represent the list of items to be sorted as
18. Write a class to implement inorder traversal of binary tree(iterative).
19. Write a class to implement preorder traversal of binary tree(iterative).
Write a class to implement post order traversal of binary tree(iterative).
Write a class to implement post order traversal of binary tree.
Write a class to implement all traversal techniques and height of binary
23. Write a class to implement heap sort.
Write a class to implement binary search tree.
25 Write a class to implement insertion sort
26 Write a class to implement Breadth First Search of a graph.
27 Write a class to implement Depth First Search of a graph.
28 Write a class to implement binary and linear searches on a list of items represent
as an array.
29 Write a class to implement a singly linked list of integer.
30 Write a program to implement a circular Queue
M.C.A. II-Year I-Semester Examination
Question Bank for Practical Question Paper
Subject : Programming Lab-V
(D.B.M.S. Lab)
Create a table to represent sb-account of a bank consisting of account-no,
customer-name, balance-amount.
Write a PL/SQL block to implement deposit and withdraw. Withdraws should not
be allowed if the balance goes below Rs.1000.
Create The following two tables :
College-info consists of fields : college-code, college-name, address
Faculty-info consists of fields : college-code, faculty-code, faculty-name,
qualification, experience-in-no-of-years, address.
The field college-code is foreign key.
(a) Design a form to accept the data from the user.
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
List all those faculty members whose experience is greater than or equal
to 10 years and have M. Tech degree.
List all those faculty members, who have at least 10 years of experience
but do not have M. Tech degree.
Create the following tables for Library Information System :
Book : (accession-no, title, publisher, author, status)
Status could be issued, present in the library, sent for binding, and cannot be
Write a trigger which sets the status of a book to "cannot be issued", if it is
published 20 years back.
Create the following tables for Library Information System :
Book(accession-no, title, publisher, author, status, date-of-purchase)
Status could be issued, present in the library, sent for binding, and account be
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user Create a form to accept the
data from the user with appropriate validation checks.
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
List all those books which are new arrivals. The books which are acquired
during the last 6 months are categorized as new arrivals.
List all those books that cannot be issued and purchased 20 years ago.
Create the following tables :
Student(roll-no, name, date-of-birth, course-id)
Course (Course-id, name, fee, duration)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
(i) List all those students who are greater than 18 years of age and have opted for
MCA course.
(ii) List all those courses whose fee is greater than that of MCA course.
Create the following table :
Student (roll-no, name, subject-name, subject-opted)
Subject(faculty-code, faculty-name, specialization)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
(i) Find the number of students who have enrolled for the subject "DBMS".
(ii) Find all those faculty members who have not offered any subject.
Create the following table :
Item (item-code, item-name, qty-in-stock, reorder-level)
Supplier (supplier-code, supplier-name, address)
Can-supply(supplier-code, item-code)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
List all those suppliers who can supply the given item.
List all those items which cannot be supplied by given company.
Create the following tables:
Student (roll-no, marks, category, district, state)
Student-rank(roll-no, marks, rank)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
(i) List all those students who have come from Tamilnadu state and secured a rank
above 100.
(ii) List all those students who come from Andhra Pradesh state and belong to
given category who have secured a rank above 100.
Create the following tables :
Branch (branch-id, branch-name, customer-city, branch-id)
Customer (customer-id, customer-name, customer-city, branch-id)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
(i) List all those customers who live in the same city as the branch in which they
have account.
(ii) List all those customers who have an account in a given branch city.
Create the following tables :
Book(accession-no, title, publisher, year, date-of-purchase, status)
Member(member-id, name, number-of-books-issued, max-limit)
Book-issue(accession-no, member-id, date-of-issue)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
(i) List all those books which are due from the students to be returned. A book is
considered to be due if it has been issued 15 days back and yet not returned.
(ii) List all those members who cannot be issued any more books.
Create the following tables :
Book(accession-no, title, publisher, year, date-of-purchase, status)
Member(member-id, name, number-of-books-issued, max-limit)
Book-issue(accession-no, member-id, date-of-issue)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Write a PL/SQL procedure to issue the book.
Write a trigger to set the status of students to "back listed" if they have taken
book but not returned even after one year.
Create the following tables :
Book(accession-no, title, publisher, year, date-of-purchase, status)
Book-Place(accession-no, rack-id, rack-position)
Member(member-id, name, number-of-books-issued, max-limit, status)
Book-issue(accession-no, member-id, date-of-issue)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Write a PL/SQL procedure to issue the book.
Write a trigger to set the status of a book neither to "lost" which is neither
issued nor in the library.
Create the following tables :
Book(accession-no, title, publisher, year, date-of-purchase, status)
Member(member-id, name, number-of-books-issued, max-limit, status)
Book-issue(accession-no, member-id, date-of-issue, due-date)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Write a PL/SQL to list all those students who are defaulters. A student is
considerer to be a defaulter if he has not returned a book even after due-date.
Write a trigger to set the status of students to "back listed" if they have taken
book but not returned even after one year.
Create the following tables :
Branch (branch-id, branch-name, branch-city)
Customer (customer-id, customer-name, customer-city, branch-id)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
(i) List all those customers who live in the same city as the branch in which they
have account.
(ii) List all those customers who have an account in more than one branch.
Create the following tables :
Branch (branch-id, branch-name, customer-city)
Customer (customer-id, customer-name, customer-city, branch-id)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
(i) List all those customers who have more than 100 customer.
(ii) List all those customers who have an account in more than one branch.
Create the following table :
Student (roll-no, name, category, district, state)
Student –rank (roll-no, marks, rank)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
(i) List names of the students who are having same rank but they should reside in
different districts.
(ii) List details of students they belongs to same category with same rank.
Create the following tables :
Student(roll-no, name, date-of-birth, course-id)
Course (Course-id, name, fee, duration)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
(i) List all those students who are between 18-19 years of age and have opted for
MCA course.
(ii) List all those courses in which number of students are less than 10.
Create the following tables :
Student(roll-no, name, date-of-birth, course-id)
Course (Course-id, name, fee, duration, status)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Write PL/SQL procedure to do the following :
Set the status of course to "not offered" in which the number of candidates is
less than 5.
Create the following tables :
Student(roll-no, name, date-of-birth, course-id)
Course (Course-id, name, fee, duration, status)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Write PL/SQL procedure to do the following :
Set the status of course to "not offered" in which the number of candidates is
less than 5.
Create the following tables :
Student(roll-no, name, date-of-birth, course-id)
Course (Course-id, name, fee, duration, status)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Write PL/SQL procedure to do the following :
Set the status of course to "offered" in which the number of candidates is at
least 10 otherwise set it to "not offered".
Create the following table :
Item (item-code, item-name, qty-in-stock, reorder-level)
Supplier (supplier-code, supplier-name, address)
Can-supply(supplier-code, item-code)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Write PL/SQL procedure to do the following :
Generate a report to list the items whose qty-in-stock is less than or equal to
their reorder-levels.
Create the following table :
Item (item-code, item-name, qty-in-stock, reorder-level)
Supplier (supplier-code, supplier-name, address, status)
Can-supply(supplier-code, item-code)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Write PL/SQL procedure to do the following :
Set the status of the supplier to "important" if the supplier can supply more
than five items.
Create the following tables :
Item (item-code, item-name, qty-in-stock, reorder-level)
Supplier (supplier-code, supplier-name, address, status)
Can-supply(supplier-code, item-code)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Write PL/SQL procedure to do the following :
Generate a report of those items that are supplied by those suppliers whose
status is "important".
Create the following tables :
Student (roll-no, name, category, district, state)
Student –rank (roll-no, marks, rank)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Write PL/SQL procedure to the following :
Generate a report to list of those districts from which the first hundred rankers
come from.
Create the following tables :
Student (roll-no, name, subject-opted)
Subject –rank (subject-code, subject-name, faculty-code, specialization)
Faculty (faculty-code, faculty-name, specialization)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Write PL/SQL procedure to the following :
Set the status of the subject to "not offered" if the subject is not opted by at
least 5 students.
Create the following tables :
Student (roll-no, name, subject-opted)
Subject –rank (subject-code, subject-name, faculty-code, specialization)
Faculty (faculty-code, faculty-name, specialization)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Write PL/SQL procedure to the following :
Set the status of the subject to "not offered" if the subject is not offered by any
of the faculty members.
Create the following tables :
Student (roll-no, name, subject-opted)
Subject –rank (subject-code, subject-name, faculty-code)
Faculty (faculty-code, faculty-name, specialization)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
Find the number of students who have enrolled for the subject "DBMS"
Find all those subjects which are not offered by any faculty members.
Create the following tables :
Student (roll-no, name, subject-opted)
Subject –rank (subject-code, subject-name, faculty-code)
Faculty (faculty-code, faculty-name, specialization)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
Find the number of students who have enrolled for the subject "DBMS"
Find all those subjects which are offered by more than one faculty member.
Create the following tables :
Student (roll-no, name, subject-opted)
Subject –rank (subject-code, subject-name, faculty-code)
Faculty (faculty-code, faculty-name, specialization)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
Find the number of students who have enrolled for the subject "OS"
Find all those students who opted for more than 5 subjects.
Create the following tables :
Student (roll-no, name, subject-opted)
Subject –rank (subject-code, subject-name, faculty-code)
Faculty (faculty-code, faculty-name, specialization)
(a) Create a form to accept the data from the user with appropriate validation
(b) Generate queries to do the following :
Find the number of students who have not enrolled for the subject "DBMS"
Find all those subjects which are offered by more than one faculty member.
M.C.A. II-Year I-Semester Examination
Question Bank for Practical Question Paper
Subject : Programming Lab-VI
(Operating Systems Lab)
Write a program to implement the producer-consumer problem using
semaphores and shared memory.
Write a client-server program in which the client takes the name of the file as the
input and server sends the contents of the file to the client, which display it on the
Implement P and V operations on the semaphores using the system calls of
UNIX and use them implement mutual exclusion.
Write a program to implement echo server using pipes.
Write a program to implement readers-writers problem using semaphores.
Write a program which normally keeps idle wakeup every I minute and reminds
your appointments. The appointments are written in a file. Implement the above
using alarm signal.
Write a program to create two processes. The parent process takes a word as
input from the user and sends it to the child process. The child process counts
the number of letters in the word and returns it to the parent process which
displays the number on the screen. Implement the above using pipes.
Write a program to create two processes. The parent process takes a word as
input from the user and sends it to the child process. The child process counts
the number of letters in the word and returns it to the child process which
displays the number on the screen. Implement the above using message
Write a program to create two processes. The parent process takes a word as
input from the user and sends it to the child process. the child process looks up
for the word in a text file of words and returns yes or no message to the parent
process. Implement the above using pipes.
Write a program to create a child process. The parent process takes a word as
input from the user and sends it to the child process. The child process look up for
the word in a text file of words and returns yes or no message to the parent
process. implement the above using Message queues.
11.(a) Write a C program to list to display the command line arguments and the
environment variables.
(b) Write a shell script rename all files whose names end with. c as. old
(For example example. c file should be renamed as example. old)
12. (a) Write a C program to redirect the standard output (file descriptor 2) to a file name
" Examdata".
(b) Write a shell script rename all files whose names end with. c as. old
(For example example. c file should be renamed as example. old)
Write a program to create a child process. The parent process takes the name of
a file and sends it to the child process and the child process finds the number of
lines, words and the characters which it returns to the parent process. The
parent process then display them on the screen. Use pipes for inter process
Write a program to create a child process. The parent process takes the name of
a file and sends it to the child process and the child process finds the number of
lines, words and the characters which it returns to the parent process. The parent
process then display them on the screen. Use pipes for inter process
Write a program to create a child process. The parent process takes the name of
a file and sends it to the child process and the child process finds the number of
lines, words and the characters which it returns to the parent process. The parent
process then display them on the screen. Use message queues for inter-process
16.(a) Write a C program to redirect the standard output (file descriptor 2) to a file name
" Examdata".
(b) Write a shell script to display the number of lines in each of the text file in given
17. (a) Write a C program to list to display the command line arguments and the
environment variables.
(b) Write a shell script to display the number of lines in each of the text file in given
Write a program to create a child process. The parent process takes a shell
command (For example 'is') from the user and sends it to the child process the
child process executes the command and send the result to the parent process
which then displays the result on the screen. Use pipes as the inter-process
Write a program to create a child process. The parent process takes a shell
command (For example 'is') from the user and sends it to the child process the
child process executes the command and send the result to the parent process
which then displays the result on the screen. Use message queues as the queues
as inter communication.
Write a program to implement readers and writers problem using message
Write a program to implement echo server using message passing.
Write a program to implement dining philosophizers problem using semaphores.
Write a program to create a child process. The parent process reads the name of
the file from the user and sends it to the child process. The child process then
finds the type of the file sends it to the parent. The parent then displays it on the
screen. Use pipes as inter-process communication.
Write a program to create a child process. The parent process reads the name of
the file from the user and sends it to the child process. The child process then
finds the type of the file sends it to the parent. The parent then displays it on the
screen. Use Message queues as inter-process communication.
Write a program to create a child process. The parent process reads the name of
the user and the password from the user and sends it to the child process. The
child process then checks with password file it maintains and returns success or
failure accordingly to the parent process. The parent process reports it to the
user. Implement the above using pipes as inter-process communication.
Write a program to create a child process. The parent process reads the name of
the user and the password from the user and sends it to the child process. The
child process then checks with password file it maintains and returns success or
failure accordingly to the parent process. The parent process reports it to the
user. Implement the above using message queues as inter-process
Write a program to create a child process. The parent process reads the name of
the user and the password from the user and sends it to the child process. The
child process then checks with password file it maintains and returns success or
failure accordingly to the parent process. The parent process reports it to the
user. Implement the above using message queues as inter-process
Write a program to create a child process. The parent process reads the name of
the user from the user and sends it to the child process. The child process then
checks for the user name in a file it maintains and if the user name is found in
the file it send the current system time to the parent process. The parent process
then displays it on the screen. Implement the above using message queues as
inter-process communication.
Write a program to create a child process. The parent process reads the name of
the user from the user and sends it to the child process. The child process then
checks for the user name in a file it maintains and if the user name is found in
the file it send the current system time to the parent process. The parent process
then displays it on the screen. Implement the above using
message queues as inter-process communication.
Write a program to create a child process. The parent process reads the name of
the user from the user and sends it to the child process. The child process then
checks for the user name in a file it maintains and if the user name is found in
the file it sends 'ok' message to the parent process. The parent process then
prompts from the user and sends it to the child which stores the password along
with the password in another file. Implement the above using pipes as interprocess communication.
M.C.A. II-Year II-Semester Examination
Question Bank for Practical Question Paper
Subject : Programming Lab-VII
(UNIX Programming Lab)
1. (a) Write a script that prints all input lines.
(b) Write an awk command that prints the total number of
fields in the file?
2. (a) Write a script that prints the eighth line
(b) Write an awk command to simulate following shell command
CP file1 file2
3. Create an inventory file for the following data( do not include the column
heads only the data) call it as ch12s3f1
Partno Price Quantityonhand
0123 1.23
0234 2.34 34
3456 34.56 56
4567 45.67 7
6.78 75
(a) Create a script to prepare an inventory report. The report is to contain the partno,price,
Quantity on hand, reorder point, minimum order and order amount.
(b)The order amount calculated when the quantity on hand falls below the reorder point,
Is the sum of the reorder point and the minimum order less than quantity on hand .
(c) Also provide a report heading such as “Inventory Report” ,heading for each column and
“End of report” message at the end of report.
(d) Print the report
4 . Create a script that sends the contents of message file to every body who has logged in
Create a file shortly friendly message and mention that this is a test message that should be
Discarded by the receiver.
Script name: message.scr
Arguments: one argument ,a message file
(i)Ensure that exactly one argument is entered
(ii)Ensure that argument is readable filename
Body Section:
Create script that uses awk to create a temporary file containing the usernames of those
Users who are logged into the system at this moment. Then send the message contained in the
First argument to every logged –in user.Note that a user who has logged in more than once
Receive only one message
Testting the Script:
1.Test the script with no arguments
2.test the script with two arguments
3.test the script with one argument that is not readable file.
4.Test the script with one valid argument
You should include yourself in the receipent list. Chech to see if you have received the message.
5.) write a Script to backup a list of files
(i)create a file and type it in the list of files(in your home directory) that you want to backup.
(ii)create a directory in which you will store the backup files.
Script name: backup.scr
Arguments: A filename and directory.The file name holds the list of files that shold be
The directory is where the backup file should be stored.
-ensure that exact to arguments are entered
-check that the first argument is the name of file that exists.
- check the second argument is the name of directory that exists
Body Section:
Create backup files for all files listed in the first argument. The backup files should have
same name of as original file with extension ‘.bak’.they shold be copied to the directory given as
second argument.
Testting the Script:
1.Test the script with no arguments
2.test the script with one argument
3.test the script with three arguments .
4.Test the script with two arguments in which the first one is not the name of a file.
5.) test the script with two arguments in which the second one is the name of file rather than a
6)Test script with the name of file and directory which you are created
Check the contents of directory.
6. Setup a two-way pipe between parent and child processes in a C program. i.e. both can
send and receive signals
7. Write a 2 programs that will both send and messages and construct the following dialog
between them
(Process 1) Sends the message "Are you hearing me?"
(Process 2) Receives the message and replies "Loud and Clear".
(Process 1) Receives the reply and then says "I can hear you too".
8. Write a server program and two client programs so that the server can communicate
privately to each client individually via a single message queue.
9. Write 2 programs that will communicate both ways (i.e each process can read and write)
when run concurrently via semaphores.
10. write the programs shmget.c, shmctl.c and shmop.c and then
investigate and understand fully the operations of the flags (access,
creation etc. permissions) you can set interactively in the programs.
Use the prgrams to:
Exchange data between two processe running as shmop.c.
Inquire about the state of shared memory with shmctl.c.
Use semctl.c to lock a shared memory segment.
Use semctl.c to delete a shared memory segment.
11. Write client/server programs using connection oriented service. Implement server as
12. Write client/server programs using connection less service. Implement server as
13. Write client/server programs using connection oriented service. Implement server as it
gives result of command which is requested by client. The output has to be displayed in
14. Write client/server programs using connection oriented service. Implement server as it
validates username/password given by client and send back result to client.
15. Write client/server programs using connection oriented service. Implement server as it
sends contents of file which is requested by client. The contents has to be displayed in
16. Input: A file that contains English words, where each word is separated from next word
on a line by one space, specified on the command line.
Output: A table, in which the first column has the unique words. From the input file and
second column has the no. of times the word appeared in the file; no word can appear
twice in the table.
Method: Your program must use two arrays to store the table, one for the words and for
the frequency values.
17. Input: Three names, on separate lines from the keyboard.
Output: Three Input names in alphabetical order.
18. Write function in Perl.
Parameter: An array of numbers
Return value: The average an median of the parameters array.
19. Input: A file of lines of employee data where each line has
name: age: department code: salary
output: 1. The names of all Employees whose names end with “son”
2. Percentage of employees under 40 years old.
3. Average salary of employees under 40 years old
4.An alphabetical list of employees who are under 40 years old and who have
salaries more than 40,000
20. Input: A file of text in which all words are separated by white space or punctuation like
comma, a semicolon, a question mark, a period, or a colon. The input file is specified on
command line.
Output: A list of all unique words in the file in alphabetical order.
21. Write HTML code to create form that collects favorite popular songs, including the name
of the song, the composer, and performing artist or group. This document must call one PHP
script when the form is submitted and another to request a current list of survey results.
22.Write PHP script that collects data from the form and write into file.
23. Write HTML code to provide a form that collects names and telephone numbers. The
phone numbers must be in the format ddd-ddd-dddd. Write PHP script that checks the
submitted telephone number to be sure that it conforms to the required format then returns a
response that indicates whether the number was correct.
24. write the html code to create a form with following capabilities:
a. A text widget to collect the user’s name
b. Four chechboxes,one each for the following items.
i. Four 100-watt light bulbs for Rs100
ii. eight 100-watt light bulbs for Rs180
iii.four 100-watt long-life light bulbs for Rs150
iv.eight 100-watt long-life light bulbs for Rs280
c. A collection of three radio buttons that are labelled as follows
WRITE a script that computes the total cost of ordered bulbs after adding 6.2 percent sales
The program must inform the buyer of exactly what was ordered in a table.
25. write a script that gives no of hits for that particular webpage.
26. Implement Stack Class in Phython.
27. File Access, Prompt for number N and File F, and display the First N lines of F.
28. File Access, Write a “pager” program your solution should prompt for a file name, and
display text file 25 lines at a time, pausing each time to ask user to “press any key to
29.write class for student registration.
30. Write a program for function over loading .
M.C.A. II-Year II-Semester Examination
Question Bank for Practical Question Paper
Subject : Programming Lab-VIII
(Web Programming Lab)
Write a HTML program to demonstrate HTML Headers .
Write a HTML program using images as link Anchor.
Write a HTML program for adding images with HTML.
Write a HTML program formatting text size and color.
Write a HTML program to explain Nested unordered listed.
Write a HTML program to demonstrate different types of ordered lists .
Write a HTML program to demonstrate tables with formatting and colors.
Write a HTML program using FRAMESET Tag to first divide the web page into
two columns, and right column bottom row having the main page with text . The
left host column with some other images.
Write a HTML program using Java script to analyse examination result of a class
of 10 students. If no. of students passed in that class in greater than no. of
students failed then display the text 'Good Result'.
Write a HTML program using Java script to demonstrate
(a) Alert Box
(b) Prompt dialogue
Write a HTML program using Java script to perform comparison between two
numbers entered by user, using relational operators.
Write a HTML program using Java script to calculate the product of 3 integers.
Write a HTML program using J/s to paid the factorial of integer using recursions.
W Write a HTML program using J / s to demonstrate fibonacci (series) numbers
using recursion.
Write a HTML program using J / s to product sum of even integers from 2 to
Write a HTML program using Java script to search an array of elements using
linear search.
Write a HTML program using Java script to search an element in an array
element using binary search.
Write a HTML program using J / s to demonstrate Date and Time methods.
Write a HTML program to demonstrate aligning text and setting box dimensions
using CSS.
Write a HTML program to demonstrate object hierarchy using collection children.
Write a HTML program to demonstrate ONCLICK and ONLOAD.
Write a HTML program to demonstrate error handling with ONERROR.
Write a HTML program to demonstrate MOUSE EVENTS.
Write a HTML program to demonstrate Flip Filter.
Write a HTML program to demonstrate shadow filter.
Write a HTML program using VB script, to find minimum of 3 numbers.
Write a HTML program using VB script, to demonstrate various string functions.
Write a HTML program using VB script to find sum of two numbers.
Write a HTML program using VB script to demonstrate use of VB script classes.
Write a HTML program to demonstrate the forms, by reading the name of the
user from the form.