
SPRO-IMG  Enterprise Structure  Definition  Financial Accounting  Define Company.
T-Code: OX15
Press the Create request Button.
Press the save Button.
Edit Company
SPRO-IMG  Enterprise Structure  Definition  Financial Accounting  Edit,
Copy, Delete, Check Company Code
T-Code: OX02
Double click on the Edit company code Data entry.
press the address button in the above screen and Key in the values provided.
Press the tick button and Save it.
Assign Company Code to Company
Sap Customizing Implementation  Enterprise structure  Assignment 
Financial Accounting  Assign company code to company.
T-Code: OX16
Select the company code FDSG and assign it to the company FORD.
Save the Data.
Now create a Plant
SPRO-IMG  Enterprise Structure  Definition  Logistic General  Define,
copy, delete, check plant
T-Code: EC02
Double click on the Copy Delete Check plant.
Press the copy button and copy from the template plant of 1000 to our plant FSP1
Modify the plant details to our requirement and save it.
Press the address Button and Change to our address.
Press the tick button and save it.
Press the Details button and Key-in the values
Save the details.
Assign Plant to the Company Code.
SPRO-IMG  Enterprise Structure  Assignment  Logistics – General 
Assign plant to company code.
T-Code: OX18
Press the New Entries button and assign the plant to the Company code.
Setting Factory Calendar
SPRO-IMG  SAP Netweaver  General Settings  Maintain Calendar
T-Code: SCAL
Press the Edit button,
Press the Edit Button and make the To Year to 2020 and Save it.
Press the tick Button.
Create a Storage Location
SPRO-IMG  Enterprise Structure  Definition  Materials Management 
Maintain Storage location.
T-Code: OX09
press the new entries and key-in the values as shown.
Select the new entry FSS1 and double click on the Addresses of Storages. Press the new
entries and key in the Storage location number as 01.
Select the entry 01 and press the address button.
Press the tick button and save the details of the storages.
To Maintain Purchase Organization
SPRO-IMG  Enterprise Structure  Definition  Material Management 
Maintain Purchasing Organization
T-Code: OX08
Press the New Entries and create a new Purchase Organization entry.
Assign Purchase Org Grp to Company
SPRO-IMG  Enterprise Structure  Assignment  Material Management 
Assign purchasing Org to Company Code.
T-Code: OX01
Assign the Company code to the Purchasing Organization and save it.
Assign Purchasing Org to Plant
SPRO-IMG  Enterprise Structure  Assignment  Material Management 
Assign Purchasing Org to Plant
T-Code: OX17
Press the New Entries Button and assign the purchase organization to plant.
General Accounting Module (Create Chart of Accounts)
SPRO-IMG  Finacial Accounting  General Ledger Accounting  G/L accounts
 Master Data  Preparations  Edit Chart of Accounts List
T-Code: OB13
Press the New Entries button and key in the values shown.
Assign Company code to Chart of Accounts
SPRO-IMG  Financial Accounting  General Ledger accounting  G/L
accounts  Master Data  Preparations  Assign Company Code to Chart of
T-Code: OB62
Explanation for the Country chart of accounts – in the last field.
Define Account Group
SPRO-IMG  Finacial Accounting  General Ledger Accounting  G/L accounts
 Master Data  Preparations  Define a/c group.
T-Code: OBD4
Press the New Entries button and key in the values shown below and save it.
Define Retained Earnings Accounts
SPRO-IMG  Finacial accounting ( Not the Financial Accounting new)  General
Ledger Accounting  G/L accounts  Master Data  Preparations  Define
Retained Earnings Accounts
T-Code: OB53
Press the tick button and key-in the values as shown in the below dialog box and save it.
It will display a message as follows, Now press the tick button will save the data.
Maintain Fiscal Year Variant.
SPRO-IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global settings 
Fiscal Year  Maintain Fiscal Year Variant.
T-Code: OB29
Select the Template entry K4 and copy and rename it as FF which is the Ford Fiscal year
and press the tick button.
press the copy all button.
press the tick button and save the Data.
Assign company code to the Fiscal Year Variant
SPRO-IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global settings 
Fiscal Year  Assign Company Code to Fiscal year variant.
T-Code: OB37
Assign the company code FF to our company and save it.
Press the tick button will save the data.
In the following section we will discuss about the:
1. Posting Periods
2. Document Number Range
3. Field Status Variants
4. Creating GL A/C
Each invoice is created with that month which is raised, If for any reasons missed
then we need to use the 4 special posting periods which is the Audit posting period.
|---------------|-------------| ………………|--------------|
Period #1
Period #2
Configuration of Posting Periods
SPRO IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global settings 
Documents  Posting Periods  Define Variants for Open posting Periods.
T-Code: OBBO
Press the New Entries Button and key-in the values and save it.
Open and Close Posting Period
SPRO IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global settings 
Documents  Posting Periods  Open and Close Posting Periods
T-Code: OB52
By default 5 entries with 1000 to be copied
+ All a/c
A – Asset a/c
D – Customer a/c
K – Vendor a/c
S – GL a/c
M – Material a/c
Press the copy button and edit the 1000 and make it FSPP.
Note: Our Ford Company has the Fiscal year from Apr – Mar, the configuration has been
done as per the above dialog box, Press the tick button and save it.
K  Vendor
D  Customers
S  GL
R  Invoice
A  Accounts
Z  For payments
KA (15)
SPRO IMG  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global settings 
Documents  Document Header  Define Document Type
T-Code: OBA7
Select the KR entry and press the details button.
Press the Number Range information Button.
Press the Change Intervals Button – which is the bottom button.
Press the Intervals button.
Press the Insert (Entry) button at the bottom.
Similarly, create other entries and save it.
Note: Here we use a very big range of 80000 documents assuming that we will need
many documents to be keyed in. But, it depends on the type of business which we need to
create the range.
Saving this document will show the message box as follows, Just click the tick button.
Field Status Variable
SPRO-IMG  Financial accounting  Financial Accounting Global settings 
Document  Line Item  Controls  Define Field Status Variants
T-Code: OBC4
Select the Entry 1000 and copy it and modify the variable and the Name.
Press the tick button.
Press the copy all button.
Save it.
Assign Company Code to Field status Variant
Financial accounting  Financial Accounting Global settings  Document  Line
Item  Controls  Assign Company code to Field status variants.
T-Code: OBC5
Select the Company code FDSG and assign the Field Status Variant FSFV and save it.
Whenever we need more GL a/c we can create it
1. GL for bank
- Current Asset
2. GL for Material - Current Asset
3. GL for Vendor
- Liability Asset
SPRO-IMG  Financial Accounting  General Ledger accounting  GL Accounts
 Master Data  GL account Creation and processing  Edit GL account
(Individual processing)  Edit GL a/c centrally.
T-Code: FS00
Key-in the account number 10002001 and press the Create button.
Press the Control tab and key-in as shown below.
Select the Sort Key 001 from the List ( Default Value) which is the Posting Key, Posting
In the following Screen select the Field status Group G005 (Default Value) which is the
default value for Bank.
Save and GL which we have created.
Similarly Create one more account for Material
Press the tick button.
Save the Data.
Similarly, Create a GL for Vendor.
Save the Data.