Academic Coordinating Committee – SUMMARY of Business for Fall 2010 AGENDA ITEMS July 21, 2010 Meeting ACC Charge: Review and Update - ACC Membership Syracuse Welcome and First Year Experience Updates - Gregory Victory, Director, First Year and Transfer Programs New Business - A questions was posed a question regarding the definition of Co-Curricular vs. ExtraCurricular. The words do have distinct meanings, but the lines are often blurred as the student experience transcends coursework branching out into other areas. August 18, 2010 Meeting Judicial Affairs Update – Gerard Martin, Director, OJA It was noted that a discussion of disruptive situations within the classroom this should be a future agenda item. New Business - Members should inform the ACC Chair, Amie Redmond, if there are agenda items that should be included on the ACC calendar this academic year. September 8, 2010 Meeting Capital Campaign – Tom Walsh, Executive Vice President, Advancement and External Affairs; and Brian Sischo, Vice President, Institutional Advancement Mid-Semester Progress Reports – Sandy Hurd, Associate Provost; Judy O’Rourke, Director, Undergraduate Studies New Business - Discussion of parental involvement and the increasingly common practice of students giving their parents the student’s user name and password. September 22, 2010 Meeting Learning Community 2010 Update - Dan Cutler, Director, and MacGarret Becker, Assistant Director, Learning Communities for Student Affairs Syracuse Welcome Debrief - Gregory Victory, Director, First Year and Transfer Programs Academic Advisement Reports: Student Access - Deborah Nosky, Functional Application Specialist, Enrollment Management, and Lorraine Fasulo, FBA/Degree Audit Analyst, Information Technology October 6, 2010 Meeting Orange Central - Ellen King, Executive Director, Alumni Relations Undergraduate Petition for Early Participation in Commencement - Sandy Hurd, Associate Provost, Academic Programs 1 New Business – A question was raised about students who are not registered but are attending classes. It was decided that there should be a meeting to discuss how to address this situation. November 3, 2010 Meeting Retention Coordination Plan - Sandy Hurd, Associate Provost, Academic Affairs Overview SummerStart and SSUI - JoAnn May, Director SummerStart and SSUI New Business – A presentation and discussion about FERPA will be a future agenda item December 1, 2010 Meeting Spring 2011 Admissions Update – Nancy Rothschild, Associate Dean, Admissions Spring 2011 Housing Update – Eileen Simmons, Director, Housing, Meal Plan, and ID Services Winter Welcome Update – Gregory Victory, Director, First Year and Transfer Programs December 15, 2010 Meeting Student Experience Study - Barbara Yonai, Director, Institutional Research and Assessment; Dawn Johnson, Professor, School of Education ===================== Meeting Announcements July 21, 2010 Meeting is open and will be for August meeting as well The members welcomed new member Renie Kehres, Assistant Dean, Student Services, Human Ecology. Renie has been with the university in some capacity since 1970! August 18, 2010 Meeting Kandice S reported on the A&S restructuring. Changes include combining 4 separate offices into 2 and a name change to Academic Advising and Support. The counselors of academic services, pre-law, health professions, career advising, etc., all report to Shruti V; records specialists report to Maria Borte. The restructuring will allow for more walk in counseling hours for students. Facilities, Design and Construction have been helping A&S to optimize the space in 329 HL while still providing private counseling space. In response to a question, Kandice noted that the counselors have training in developmental counseling which will be especially helpful to students on probation or at risk. A full staff listing will be available to the ACC via email shortly. Nancy R announced that as of this morning we have 3489 first year students, but numbers shrinking every day, and she expects that we will meet our target of 3450. Our transfer student goal is 328, and today we stand at 309. Peter W gave each of us a sustainable water-bottle; every student will receive one. He noted that there are no paper take out cups in any dining halls; patrons can only take out food or beverages in reuseable containers. Pat noted that there are approximately 400 new international students who will be attending the SCIS orientation in Grant Auditorium. She also noted that it is now Ramadan, a month of fasting for Muslim 2 students. Shaw Dining is serving Halal foods and will be open for 1 hour after sundown during this time. Ernie Davis dining is open until 10 pm. Eileen noted that 1600 students (Goon Squad, peer advising, etc.) will be moving into the residence halls early, provided they have been pre-approved. Open triples and open quads (formerly lounges) will house 233 first year students. We have a bed for every student. Some of the open quads will be returned to lounges during the academic year. Terra asked that schools and colleges notify ORL if they hear of any problems or issues in the halls, so that they can be addressed and resolved quickly. We introduced ourselves and welcomed two new members: Bob Wilson representing the Advising Practitioners Forum, and Chase Catalano, Director of the LGBT program and a new member of the SU community. September 8, 2010 Meeting Greg Victory offered a huge thank you to everyone who made Syracuse Welcome 2010 successful. The feedback has been great and the most common sentiment has been: “SU is really a family, not a big impersonal university.” Chris Himes introduced herself; she is the new Maxwell representative. Can Isik introduced Andria Costello Staniec and noted that they will jointly represent ECS. Amie R announced that Peg Sterns from the Veterans Program at UC is looking for an ACC rep to serve on the Veterans Best Practices Committee. September 22, 2010 Meeting Greg V met with ITS and Admissions staff to discuss ways to education students and parents about creating and using their own passwords. They have several ideas that they are exploring. Judy O announced that the ACC meetings on Jan 12, 26 and Feb 9, 2011 will be in the Peter Graham Commons in Bird Library. Judy O announced that Placement Exam results will now be archived and any person who has access to Placement Exams will automatically have access to the Archived results. To see archived data, you will need to select the appropriate term. Youlonda C-M asked for help publicizing the I Otto Know This financial literacy program. Youlonda also noted that there is an overwhelming demand for Federal Work Study this year. Last year, we received additional money from the Federal stimulus initiative, but those funds are no longer available. In addition, federal funds were we re-distributed. The net result is that SU has ~$300K fewer FWS dollars available for AY 2010-11, and we have more demand for FWS jobs than we have funds available. Please keep the FA office updated about any changes for your WS students. Finally, Youlonda invited everyone to a celebration on October 1 st at 4 pm on the Quad to acknowledge a historical gift for scholarships. Colleen B distributed information about Family weekend -- this weekend, Sept. 24-26. As of last night, there were 5,000 registrants (this does not count families who do not register), which is greater than 2008 and 2009; 2007 had 6,000+ registrants. Peter W noted that the farmer’s market is this Friday, 9/24 in the Waverly parking lot. James D-A announced that the Wellness Fair is Friday, 9/24. October 6, 2010 Meeting Chase spoke about the media coverage of the recent LGBT suicide. He stated that SU will not hold a vigil on the advice of counseling services, as vigils can be counter-productive in suicide situations. Instead there will be an event and panel discussion focusing on bullying and homophobia on Monday, Oct. 11, which is also the first day of Coming-Out Week. T-shirts for Coming-Out Week are available, and Chase encouraged people to get one at the LGBT center and wear them. He pointed out that there is a You-Are-Not-Alone Facebook page. Please look for emails, etc. for details. Peter Webber announced that the next Farmer’s Market is this Friday, Oct. 8 th. ECS will be providing information and demonstrations about sustainable technology and hybrid/electric cars. 3 Judy announced that the MSPR deadline is Oct. 12th. At this time, schools and colleges should send reminders to their faculty explaining why it is important that they complete their MSPRs. November 3, 2010 Meeting Greg Victory – following up on our discussion several meetings ago – announced that language has been developed to warn students not to share their password, in several versions depending on where it will be posted. Greg will send the ACC copies of that language as an FYI. Greg noted that the SU v Cincinnati basketball game is at noon on Sat., Jan. 15 th. New and returning students will be allowed to begin moving into residence facilities on Friday, January 14th to avoid conflicts with the game (parking, etc.). He thanked ORL, Housing, Food Services, and DPS for their help in arranging this. He also noted that this will impact his, and other department budgets, as Winter Welcome will be 3 days long. Ernie Davis and Goldstein will be open on Friday for new students. Winter ReadySet will be available online beginning next week. Greg will be working on the orientation guide and schedule soon after that. Rosemary Kelly reminded us about the Veterans Day service on Thursday, November 11th Deb Nosky thanked the ACC and the ACC Advising Committee for their help in communicating information to applicable students about the new Academic Advising Report available to them on MySlice. Since it went live last Wednesday, ~1600 students have accessed it. This afternoon, there will be a class-based (in IST) session to see how students use this function and to obtain their feedback about it. Bobbi Yonai asked about internships: Is there a protocol for agencies to notify the University in the case of an emergency or a situation that would affect the intern? In the case at hand, the intern’s supervisor died and no one on campus was aware of this. Greg noted that if an internship relationship is recognized (for credit), the agency handbook or manual should provide guidance in this type of situation. Dawn reported that the ACC Advising Subcommittee reviewed the question raised at an earlier meeting as to whether or not the MSPR should continue to include a grade option. ACC Advising determined that this option should remain, although the language was ‘tweaked’ to say “mid-semester grade to date.” December 1, 2010 Meeting Maureen B noted that this is the time to review the Academic Rules and Regulations. Sandy Hurd and Maureen are leading an effort to re-organize and edit the R&R. In the new on-line version, there is redundancy and difficulty searching the rules. There are no plans to actually re-write the R&R (this year); this is primarily an attempt to re-organize to make the on-line version more user-friendly and useable. This will include an attempt to make the R&R contain only rules, and more procedural guidelines to more appropriate locations. People will be contacted about the sections which are “theirs,” and the deadline for input will be January 18th (this is the same date as previous years). December 15, 2010 Meeting No announcements 4