
AP Human Geography
Chapter 1 : Thinking Geographically
Reading Notes and Vocabulary
Agricultural Density
Arithmetic Density
Contagious Diffusion
Cultural Ecology
Cultural Landscape
Distance Decay
Environmental Determinism
Expansion Diffusion
Formal Region
Functional Region
Hierarchical Diffusion
Land Ordinance of 1785
Relocation Diffusion
Space-Time Compression
Stimulus Diffusion
Vernacular (Perceptual)
Reading Questions:
1. Explain the contribution of the following geographers: Aristotle, Eratosthenes,
2. Explain why 2 dimensional maps of the world are never accurate.
3. What was the impact of the Land Ordinance of 1785 on the location of place in
the Midwest United States today?
4. How can GIS be used to interpret information?
5. What is the difference between Site and Situation?
6. What has a bigger impact on climate? Latitude or Longitude? Why?
7. What is culture?
8. Give 1 example to support Environmental Determinism.
9. Give 1 example to support Possibilism.
10. What did Vladimir Koppen do and why was it significant?
11. Give and explain 1 example of adapting to or modifying their environment.
12. Is globalization good or bad? Why?
13. What are the three main properties of distribution?
14. What are the 3 main factors against diffusion?
Thought Question
1. Imagine that an ITD (Instant Transportation Device) was invented that would enable
all humans to travel instantaneously to any location on Earth’s surface. How would this
change the distribution of people across the Earth?