Guided Reading #2

Name: __________________________________________ Date: _______________ Period: ___
Guided Reading 1-3, Why Do Geographers Use Maps, & What do Maps Tell Us?
de Blij, pp. 16-22
1. What is cartography?
2. Define absolute location. Name an example.
3. Define relative location. Name an example.
4. What is a mental map and why are they so important?
5. What is an activity space?
6. What is an example of when remote sensing would be useful?
7. Using GIS, what is one way humans could be more sustainable with Earth’s resources?
Name: __________________________________________ Date: _______________ Period: ___
Guided Reading 1-4, Why are Geographers Concerned with Scale and Connectedness?
de Blij, pp. 22-32
1. What are the two meanings of scale?
2. What are at least two reasons why geographers are interested in studying phenomenon at different scales?
3. What is one reason why “jumping scale” can be harmful?
4. What is the reason geographer separate the world into regions?
5. Define formal region. Name an example.
6. Define functional region. Name an example.
7. What way is a perceptual region different from both a formal & function region? Name an example.
8. Define culture.
9. What are reasons why cultural traits are important?
Name: __________________________________________ Date: _______________ Period: ___
10. Name a cultural hearth.
11. What is a culture complex? Name an example.
12. Name an example in your own life of cultural diffusion.
13. Define each of the following and provide an example for each:
expansion diffusion –
contagious diffusion –
hierarchical diffusion –
Guided Reading 1-5, What are geographic concepts, and how are they used in answering geographic questions?
de Blij, pp. 32-34
1. What is the current view of environmental determinism?
2. Define possibilism. Name an example.