Harlem Renaissance and Civil Rights Movement

Create your own KBAR Quiz!!!
“Thank You, M’am”
20 points (Due Monday)
In lieu of dispersing a standard quiz or test as a form of assessing how much you know about your next
reading (“Thank You, M’am”); using this alternative can be equally as effective. Prove to me how much you
know and understand about the short story through creating a quiz for your partner. To make your quiz, use
your notes and the short story as your primary references.
Step 1: Take notes as you read about “Thank You M’am”. Your notes should include: character names,
examples of characterization (internal and external), setting, conflicts (internal and external), plot
development and theme.
Step 2: Create at least 10 questions for full credit. (Five may be multiple choice).
Step 3: Create an answer key for your quiz.
Note: Remember: your partner will be taking your quiz so it will be good to use both hand easy
How to create multiple choice Questions:
Use your notes and start with the answer in mind.
1) I have in my notes a quote example of direct characterization.
Ex. “He was a mongoose, rather like a little cat in his fur and his tail, but quite like a weasel in his head and his habits.”
2) I write a question asking my partner to identify what type of characterization it is.
3) I write multiple choice answers for the quote.
4) I write the correct answer in my Answer Key.
____1) Identify the correct type of characterization for the following example: “He was a mongoose, rather like a little cat in his fur and
his tail, but quite like a weasel in his head and his habits.”
A. External characterization
B. Direct characterization
C. Internal characterization
D. Indirect characterization.
____1) Identify the correct type of conflict for the following example:
“O God! what COULD I do? I foamed -- I raved – I swore! I swung the chair upon which
I had been sitting, and grated it upon the boards, but the noise arose over all and
continually increased. It grew louder -- louder – louder! And still the men chatted
pleasantly , and smiled. Was it possible they heard not?”
A. Man vs. nature
B. Man vs. society C. Internal conflict D. Man vs. dog
You will be graded on the quality of questions and genuine effort evidenced by the study guide. Prove to me
what you know. Consider this is an opportunity for you to distinguish what you believe are the noteworthy or
critical points of this story.
Element of Short Story
Character Names:
Direct Characterization: When the author states directly
what they want you to think about a character.
Indirect Characterization: When the author allows you
to make inferences based off of a character’s thoughts
or actions.
Types of Conflicts:
Man vs. Society
Man vs. Man
Man vs. Nature