Vocab 2 - Post

Vocabulary 2 - Introduction
8th Grade
Name:______________________________________ Hour_______
1. novelty (NAH-vul-tee) noun
A DEFINITION: something new or unusual
B. SOUNDS LIKE: novel tea
Your turn: ________________________________
C. Picture a book or novel drinking tea with his pinky pointing out! That is unusual!
D. SENTENCE: Our 3D TV is no longer a novelty.
2. obstinate (OBB-stin-ett) adjective
A. DEFINITION: stubborn; refusing to be persuaded
B. SOUNDS LIKE: Hobbs ten-eight
Your turn: ________________________________
C. STORY: Hobb stubbornly insists the score is 10-8, even though the scoreboard and the other players say
it is 12-6.
C. Your Story:
D. SENTENCE: Always obstinate, Sue insisted on going to the movies, even though she had the flu.
3. peruse (puh-ROOZ) verb
A. DEFINITION: read carefully; study in detail; look over
Your turn: _______________________________
C. Picture: A tourist carefully reading the map of Peru.
D. SENTENCE: Before signing the contract, you should peruse it carefully.
4. quarantine (KWAR-en-teen) noun
A. DEFINTION: forced isolation to prevent the spread of disease.
B. SOUNDS LIKE: car and teen
Your turn: ________________________________
C. STORY: The car and teen were left in the garage, when it was found that he had chicken pox!
C. Your Story:
D. SENTENCE: The first astronauts to return from outer space were quarantined for many days.
5. recluse (REK-loose) noun
A. DEFINTION: person who prefers to be alone all the time; someone withdrawn from the rest of society.
B. SOUNDS LIKE: wreck clues
Your Turn: _________________________________
C. STORY: A man walking into the forest to hide from police, keeps stopping to brush away his footprints
so he could wreck clues to his whereabouts.
D. SENTENCE: After being teased in school, the kid was a recluse, staying to himself all day.
6. solemn (SOL-im) adjective
A. DEFINTION: serious; somber; grave
B. SOUNDS LIKE: sell ‘em
Your Turn: _________________________________
C. STORY: Broke and needing cash the man holds up his favorite golf clubs and tells the pawn broker is
serious, sad voice, “Sell ‘em”.
C. Your Story:
D. SENTENCE: A funeral director must be solemn and friendly at the same time.
7. tentative (TEN-ta-tive) adjective
A. DEFINTION: not fully developed or definitely planned; provisional
B. SOUNDS LIKE: tend to give
Your Turn: _______________________________
C. STORY: We tend to give homework every night, but sometimes teachers don’t have a fully developed
D. SENTENCE : We made tentative plans to go camping, as long as it didn’t rain.
8. unanimous (yoo-NAN-ih-muss) adjective
A. DEFINTION: in total agreement
B. SOUNDS LIKE: you, Nanny Moose
Your turn: ______________________________
C. STORY: Nanny Moose is running for office. When the vote comes in the crowd says, “We CHOOSE
you, Nanny Moose!”
C. Your Story:
D. SENTENCE: Everyone wanted Michelle to be class president, so the vote was unanimous.
9. verbose (ver-BOSE) adjective
A. DEFINTION: very talkative; loquacious
B. SOUNDS LIKE: her horse
Your turn: _________________________________
C. STORY: The girl wished her horse could talk but when he wouldn’t stop talking she wished her horse
wasn’t so verbose!
D. SENTENCE: The verbose woman at the next table was giving us a headache.
10. waive (WAVE) verb
A. DEFINTION: to voluntarily abandon a legal right or privilege; relinquish; postpone
Your turn: _________________________________
C. STORY: The line to the bathroom was long. “If anyone is willing to give up or relinquish their spot in
line because they can hold it, wave your hand”.
C. Your Story:
D. SENTENCE: Lew waived his right to an attorney and defended himself.
Name:_____________________________ Hour:______
Vocabulary and Spelling – Four Activities #2
Directions: Choose four of the following activities to complete. This sheet must be
stapled to all four activities.
_____ 1. Write a separate sentence using each of the vocabulary words correctly.
Make sure you understand the definition and form (verb, noun,
adjective, adverb) completely. Underline the words.
_____ 2. Write a story using the words. The story must make sense and you must
underline the words.
_____ 3. Write newspaper headlines using each of the words correctly. Underline.
_____ 4. Design, illustrate and complete a comic strip using all of the words.
_____ 5. Create a word web. Each word is in the middle and everything you associate
with that words meaning is connected. All ten words.
_____ 6. Find the synonyms and antonyms for each word.