Chem 212 Quiz 2h p.1 NAME__________________________________ Functional Groups, Structures, Nomenclature (20 pts) 1. (4 pts) Draw line-bond structures for two different secondary amines with the formula C5H11N [2(5) + 2 - 11 + 1]/2 = 1, so there must be either one ring or one double bond. There are many possible correct answers. H N NH 2. (4 pts) Draw line-bond structures of two different ketones with the formula C7H12O [2(7) + 2 - 12]/2 = 2, and a ketone has one C=O, so there must be one other unsaturation in the form of a double bond or a ring. There are many possible correct answers, three variations are shown (only two are required) O O O 3. (6 pts) Underneath the structure, write the name of each of the following: Br 4-bromo-5-ethyl-2,2,3-trimethylheptane 3-isopropyl-1,1-dimethylcyclohexane (Please turn over) Chem 212 4. Quiz 2h (2 pts) Draw a line-bond structure for 1-t-butyl-2,3-dimethyl-cyclopentane 5. (4 pts) Draw a Newman Projection for a staggered conformation of 2,3-dibromobutane looking along the C2-C3 bond. H Br CH 3 Br CH 3 H There are several correct answers, but all correct answers have one CH3, one Br, and one H on the front carbon, and one of each on the rear carbon. (Please turn over) p.2