8380 - Virginia's CTE Resource Center

2015/2016 Online Instructional Materials Correlation
Human Body Systems (PLTW)
8380 - 36 weeks
Last Updated
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Human Body Systems (PLTW)
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Personal Qualities and People
Demonstrate positive work
Required 1
Required 2
Demonstrate integrity.
Required 3
Demonstrate teamwork skills.
Required 4
Demonstrate self-representation
Required 5
Demonstrate diversity
Required 6
Demonstrate conflict-resolution
Required 7
Demonstrate creativity and
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Professional Knowledge and Skills
Required 8
Demonstrate effective speaking
and listening skills.
Required 9
Demonstrate effective reading
and writing skills.
Required 10
Demonstrate critical-thinking
and problem-solving skills.
Required 11
Demonstrate healthy behaviors
and safety skills.
Demonstrate an understanding
Required 12 of workplace organizations,
systems, and climates.
Required 13
Demonstrate lifelong-learning
Required 14
Demonstrate job-acquisition and
advancement skills.
Required 15
Demonstrate time-, task-, and
resource-management skills.
Required 16
Demonstrate job-specific
mathematics skills.
Required 17
Demonstrate customer-service
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Technology Knowledge and Skills
Demonstrate proficiency with
Required 18 technologies common to a
specific occupation.
Required 19
Demonstrate information
technology skills.
Demonstrate an understanding
Required 20 of Internet use and security
Required 21
telecommunications skills.
Examining All Aspects of an Industry
Examine aspects of planning
Required 22
within an industry/organization.
Required 23
Examine aspects of management
within an industry/organization.
Examine aspects of financial
Required 24 responsibility within an
Examine technical and
production skills required of
Required 25
workers within an
Examine principles of
Required 26 technology that underlie an
Required 27
Examine labor issues related to
an industry/organization.
Examine community issues
Required 28 related to an
Examine health, safety, and
Required 29 environmental issues related to
an industry/organization.
Addressing Elements of Student Life
Identify the purposes and goals
Required 30
of the student organization.
Explain the benefits and
responsibilities of membership
Required 31 in the student organization as a
student and in professional/civic
organizations as an adult.
Demonstrate leadership skills
through participation in student
Required 32 organization activities, such as
meetings, programs, and
Identify Internet safety issues
Required 33 and procedures for complying
with acceptable use standards.
UNIT 1: The Human Body
Identifying Body Components
Describe the human body
Required 34
through its components.
Required 35
Identify the systems and
structures in the human body.
Display facts about and
Required 36 illustrations of human body
Required 37
Diagram the relationship among
multiple human body systems.
Design a visual system that
Required 38 demonstrates directional and
regional terms.
Identifying Tissues
Compare the structure and
Required 39 function of various types of
human tissue.
Required 40
Build muscles and fat of the face
on a skeletal model.
Required 41
Identify bones of the human
skeletal system.
Analyze bones to determine a
Required 42 person’s gender, age, stature,
and ethnicity.
Derive a mathematical equation
to determine height of an
Required 43
individual, using the length of a
long bone.
Identifying Molecules and Cells
Test restriction enzymes on
Required 44
DNA samples.
Analyze the restriction fragment
length polymorphisms (RFLPs)
Required 45 to link a missing person with
skeletal remains, using gel
Evaluate current technology
Required 46 used to verify and protect
Required 47
Design a biometrics plan
specific to a real-world situation.
Research the career
requirements of a forensic
Required 48
anthropologist and a DNA
Unit 2: Communication
Exploring the Brain’s Role in Communication
Identify types of communication
Required 49 that occur inside the human
Build components of the central
Required 50 nervous system on a skeletal
Required 51
Identify major regions of the
human brain.
Design a brain map that links
regions of the brain with specific
Required 52
human actions, emotions,
personality traits, or functions.
Research the history of brainmapping technology, including
Required 53 the mapping of the motor cortex
and the language centers of the
Exploring Electrical Communication
Required 54
Construct a 3-D, labeled model
of a neuron.
Produce a flow chart that shows
Required 55 how an initial body stimulus
affects a response.
Demonstrate the manipulation of
Required 56 ions in a membrane to generate
an action potential in a neuron.
Required 57
Generate an action potential in a
Complete a laboratory
investigation that uses data
Required 58 acquisition software and probes
to explore reflexes in the human
Complete a laboratory
investigation that uses data
Required 59
acquisition software to test
reaction time to particular tasks.
Design an experiment to test
Required 60 factors that could impact
reaction time.
Analyze the connection between
a fault in electrical
Required 61
communication and a disease
that may be the cause.
Demonstrate how a fault in
communication occurs and
Required 62
affects the function of other
body systems.
Exploring Chemical Communication
Produce a concept map for the
Required 63
endocrine system.
Design a feedback loop that
Required 64 shows how the body maintains
proper blood glucose levels.
Required 65
Create an evidence board with a
team to solve a medical mystery.
Analyze physical symptoms of a
patient, relating these symptoms
Required 66
to faults in chemical
Communicating with the Outside World
Required 67
Dissect a cow eye to observe
key structures.
Diagram the path of light as it
Required 68 enters the eyes and travels to the
brain for processing.
Evaluate visual perception by
testing depth perception,
Required 69
peripheral vision, color vision,
and visual acuity.
Simulate normal vision, as well
Required 70 as myopia and hyperopia, using
a model of the human eye.
Required 71
Experiment with lenses to
correct problems in vision.
Required 72 Simulate vision disorders.
Describe everyday challenges
Required 73 faced by those with a vision
disease or disorder.
Design an informative handout
Required 74 that explains the tests and
procedures in an eye exam.
Required 75
Research careers in the industry
of vision care.
Unit 3: Power
Exploring the Basics of Power
Compare the roles of food,
Required 76 water, and oxygen in the healthy
function of the human body.
Describe the body systems that
Required 77 create, process, and distribute
food, water, and oxygen.
Describe the survival
Required 78 expectations for people going
without food, water, or oxygen.
Research the environmental
factors and human
Required 79 characteristics that affect an
individual’s ability to conserve
Exploring the Way Humans Process Food
Build a model of the human
Required 80
digestive system.
Required 81 Outline the digestive process.
Investigate the effects of
environmental changes (e.g.,
Required 82 temperature, pH, enzyme and
substrate concentration) on
enzyme function.
Required 83
Analyze diet by comparing
energy inputs and outputs.
Create an assessment report on
Required 84 the overall dietary health of an
Research the structure and
Required 85 function of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP).
Exploring the Way Humans Process Oxygen
Required 86
Measure lung capacity and
absorption of oxygen from air.
Analyze data collected using a
spirometer to determine tidal
Required 87
volume, vital capacity, and
minute volume.
Required 88
Analyze data collected using an
oxygen sensor to determine the
change in oxygen concentration
of inhaled air versus exhaled air.
Research careers in respiratory
Required 89 or lung care (e.g., respiratory
Exploring the Way Humans Process Water
Build the organs of the urinary
Required 90
system on a skeletal model.
Required 91
Demonstrate the dissection of
the kidney.
Required 92
Illustrate the process of urine
Describe kidney function,
including connections between
Required 93 urine and blood and the
exchange of ions and fluids that
occur across the nephron.
Estimate the filtration rate of the
Required 94 glomerulus, using mathematical
Research the role of hormones
Required 95 in maintaining a water balance
in the body.
Build glands, hormones, and
target organs that are involved in
Required 96
water balance on a skeletal
Analyze the urine of four
fictional patients to diagnose
Required 97
disease and dysfunction in other
human body systems.
Unit 4: Movement
Exploring Joints and Motion
Required 98
Identify the types of synovial
Dissect and manipulate joint
Required 99 anatomy and motion of a cow
Describe the types of movement
Required 100 and range of motion possible at
a joint.
Measure the range of motion of
Required 101 human joints, using a
Exploring Muscles
Identify the different types of
Required 102 muscle tissue, using a
Identify simple arm muscles and
Required 103 muscle structure and action on a
skeletal model.
Required 104
Build a muscle group on a
skeletal model.
Test the effect of varying
Required 105 solutions of ATP on the
contraction of muscle tissue.
Design a model to demonstrate
the process of muscle
Required 106
contraction as well as the
phenomenon of rigor mortis.
Required 107
Build nerve roots and nerves on
a skeletal model.
Exploring Blood Flow
Describe the role of the heart in
Required 108 blood flow in pulmonary and
systemic circulation.
Required 109
Compare the structure of
arteries, veins, and capillaries.
Required 110
Explain the formation of
varicose veins.
Required 111
Build a heart and circulatory
routes on a skeletal model.
Required 112
Identify pulse points on the
Required 113
Calculate and assess cardiac
output, using heart-rate data.
Analyze the effects of smoking
Required 114 on circulation and blood
Required 115
Measure peripheral pulses, using
Doppler ultrasound.
Required 116
Calculate an ankle brachial
index (ABI).
Exploring Energy and Motion: Exercise Physiology
Research the reaction of the
Required 117 body systems to moderate and
intense exercise.
Analyze muscle fatigue, using
Required 118 data acquisition software and
Required 119
Compare the effects of exercise
on human body systems.
Design a comprehensive training
Required 120 plan for an athlete training for a
particular event.
Present a detailed training plan
to a prospective client who
Required 121
wants to improve his or her
athletic performance.
Unit 5: Protection
Exploring the Skin
Design and build a 3-D model of
Required 122 human skin, displaying tissue
layers and accessory organs.
Describe how burns can affect
Required 123 the functions of the skin and
other body systems.
Document treatment methods
and the roles of biomedical
Required 124 professionals who provide care
and rehabilitation of burn
Required 125
Describe the nature of physical
pain and the human response.
Exploring Bones
Required 126 Dissect a section of long bone.
Required 127
Draw a detailed diagram of
relevant bone anatomy.
Required 128
Compare compact and spongy
bone, using a microscope.
Required 129 Identify types of bone fractures.
Analyze bone breaks shown in
Required 130 X-rays, matching the images
with descriptions of the injuries.
Required 131 Research careers in radiology.
Required 132
Describe how the body
maintains a calcium balance.
Required 133
Diagram the stages of bone
healing after injury.
Exploring Lymph and Blood Cells
Research the structures and
Required 134 functions of the lymphatic and
immune systems.
Required 135
Build lymph vessels and nodes
on a skeletal model.
Analyze simulated blood
samples for blood type to
Required 136
determine potential donors for a
Analyze antibody data collected
after an infection and relate the
Required 137
data to the response of body
Describe the role of the immune
system in protecting the human
Required 138
body from a threat such as the
common cold.
Unit 6: Homeostasis
Exploring Health and Wellness
Design an innovative medical
intervention or invention to
Required 139
protect the human body in
extreme external environments.
Organize information about
Required 140 body function, using graphic
Required 141
Determine the need for a
medical intervention.
Research etiology, diagnosis,
Required 142 and treatment of a disease or
Required 143
Model a medical intervention of
a disease on a skeletal model.