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1. Turkish Spokesman said port services not included in Protocol with EU.
2. Lagenbdijk stated that the widening of the Customs Union Protocol will be a
‘light’ recognition of the Republic of Cyprus.
3. Edelman: We have done symbolic gestures to the Turkish Cypriots.
4. Two more JDP deputies resigned from the party.
5. JDP and RPP attempt to block out of the Turkish Parliament the Motherland
Party and the SDPP.
6. DP criticizes Talat for his statement that he will ask the Secretary – General
to undertake an initiative for a solution to the Cyprus problem after 17 April.
7. Tatar says that the aim of the Turkish side is the solution of the issue of the
missing persons this year.
8. Circulation of the Turkish Cypriot daily newspapers.
9. So-called Minister of Interior: “Our internal security is bound to the army
and the police”.
1. Spread of 'green money' in Turkey unnerves Washington.
2. Columnist in RADIKAL argues that the wave of MP resignations will not
change the direction of Turkish politics.
3. Columnist in HURRIYET suggests that Greek Cypriot ships be allowed to use
Turkish ports, but……
1. Turkish Spokesman said port services not included in Protocol with EU
Ankara Anatolia news agency (30.03.05) reports that the Turkish Foreign Ministry
spokesman Namik Tan, during the weekly press conference, was recalled the news
reports on statements of Kristina Nagy, spokesperson for Enlargement Director
General of European Commission, who said that opening of Turkish ports and
airports should be included in the Customs Union Additional Protocol.
Mr Tan said: “This issue is considered as service. Thus, opening of Turkish ports and
airports cannot be included in the protocol. The EU also knows this. Thus, it was not
included in the text written after talks. We expect regulations, which are on lifting of
isolations over ‘TRNC’ and will be adopted in the EU, to be approved soon with their
original text.”
Meanwhile, Mr Tan said that the statements of Nagy regarding the protocol are
important for Turkey.
He conveyed the statements of Nagy “as reference to statements which were made
by EU Acting Presidency and other few EU member countries after the European
Council meeting in December 2004, Turkey's signing the protocol will not mean that it
will formally and legally recognize Cyprus republic. The declaration which Turkey will
make while signing the protocol is a unilateral disposal and it has many examples in
international laws. The time of approval of the protocol by the Turkish Parliament is
not a problem for opening entry talks with the EU.”
2.Lagenbdijk stated that the widening of the Customs Union Protocol will be a
‘light’ recognition of the Republic of Cyprus
Turkish Cypriot daily HALKIN SESI newspaper (31.03.05) reports that Mr Joust
Lagenbdijk, the co-Chairman of the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary committee stated
that the widening of the Customs Union Protocol will be a ‘light’ recognition of the
Republic of Cyprus.
“In order for Turkey to start negotiations, it has been asked to recognize the Republic
of Cyprus. However, when Turkey will widen the Customs Union Protocol and will
include Cyprus as well, this will be a ‘light’ recognition, if I may use this expression”,
he said. He also stated that the exchange of letters as regards the Protocol between
Turkey and the EU is seen as positive as regards the signing of the protocol and it is
evidence that Turkey keeps its promises.
Mr Lagenbdijk stated that in the first half of April, he will have contacts in Cyprus with
politicians of both sides. He also referred to the forthcoming so-called presidential
“elections” of the pseudostate and said that the result will be the call of the Turkish
Cypriots´ will. He added that the Turkish Cypriots must support the parties that
support the EU, like in the “general elections”.
He also stated that the Greek Cypriots must finally decide what kind of changes they
want in the Annan Plan and to announce this the world’s public. “In the end, the
Annan Plan is still on the table and in order for a solution to be found, changes will be
made in this Plan”, he stated.
3. Edelman: We have done symbolic gestures to the Turkish Cypriots
Turkish daily HURRIYET newspaper (31.03.05) publishes a statement made by US
Ambassador to Turkey, Eric Edelman who will leave his post in Turkey in June and
will return to Washington to have a new appointment within the Bush Administration.
Ambassador Edelman expressed his view on various issues that concern TurkishAmerican relations, such as Incirlik Base, Inter-governmental relations, the negative
stance of the Turkish public opinion, Iraq, Cyprus etc. As for Cyprus the Ambassador
Subtitle: Symbolic gesture to the Turkish Cypriots
“On the Cyprus issue we are in close cooperation with our European colleagues. We
have done symbolic gestures to the Turkish Cypriots. There was a Talat-Powell
meeting. The US Ambassador in South Michal Klosson crossed into the north. Visa
facilities were provided to the Turkish Cypriots. We have extended 3 million USD
direct assistance to the TRNC. The representatives of the US firms in Turkey went to
the TRNC.
Subtitle: Direct flights to Cyprus is not that easy
It is true that after the referendum the Turkish Cypriots experienced a disillusion. I do
admit that this had also fed the anti-Americanism in Turkey. Direct flight to Cyprus is
not that easy. There are international laws governing this. This is not an issue that
the US will decide alone”.
4.Two more JDP deputies resigned from the party
Ankara Anatolia news agency (30.03.05) reports that Ibrahim Ozdogan, a
parliamentarian from the ruling Justice and Development Party (JDP), resigned from
his party on Wednesday.
After a while, Serpil Yildiz, a parliamentarian again from JDP resigned also from her
Below listed is the distribution of seats in the parliament after the new resignations:
Independent :
Vacant :
(RPP stands for main opposition Republican People's Party, TPP stands for True
Path Party, ANAP stands for Motherland Party, SDPP stands for Social Democrat
People's Party, and PAP for People's Ascendance Party).
5. JDP and RPP attempt to block out of the Turkish Parliament the Motherland
Party and the SDPP
Istanbul NTV television (30.03.05) broadcast the following report:
“According to the regulation adopted by the parliament, only the political parties that
can secure more than seven percent of the votes in the elections will be able to
obtain Treasury assistance.
This has now raised the question of whether Motherland Party, which has six
deputies in the parliament, and Social Democrat People’s Party (SDPP), which has
only five deputies, are eligible for Treasury assistance under the law that will be
submitted to the Cankaya presidential palace. For, the current law still in force
recognizes these parties the right of obtaining Treasury assistance.
Under the current law still in force, any party having more than three deputies is
eligible for Treasury assistance. However, if President Sezer approves the law
passed last night by the parliament with the joint votes of the Justice and
Development Party (JDP) and Republican People's Party (RPP), then the assistance
will be conditional on either receiving seven percent of the votes during the last
election or forming a parliamentary group.
Motherland and SDPP officials are saying that the President has not yet approved
the law and, therefore, they have the right to obtain assistance for 2005, as they have
more than three deputies each. They argue that their accrued right will not undergo
change even if Sezer approves the law.
But there are those inside JDP and RPP who take exception to that view. They argue
that once yesterday's law goes into effect the SDPP and Motherland Party would be
barred from obtaining assistance for 2005.
Another opinion is that Motherland Party and SDPP could obtain assistance
proportional to the period that lies between the time these two parties gained more
than three seats and the time when the law goes into effect. That is, if Sezer
approves the law today, they will only obtain assistance for about ten days.
It is believed that if Sezer approves the law, there will be recourse to court. Finance
Minister Kemal Unakitan already said that the disbursement of the Treasury
assistance for 2005 has already been completed and any new assistance is not on
their agenda.
Criticizing the amended law on Treasury assistance, Erkan Mumcu warned that the
financing of the democracy should not be done illegitimately and added: “For the
ruling and opposition parties -- which for two years could never compromise on any
urgent issue facing the country or on any reform -- to quickly pass such a law in one
dash without going through committees and only by placing it on the agenda of the
Consultative Council in haste is the product of the panic that has seized them.”
6. DP criticizes Talat for his statement that he will ask the Secretary – General
to undertake an initiative for a solution to the Cyprus problem after 17 April
Turkish Cypriot daily KIBRIS newspaper (31.03.05) reports that the Democratic Party
(DP) has stated that it followed with “worry and surprise” the statement of the socalled Prime Minister of the occupation regime, Mehmet Ali Talat who had said that
after the “presidential elections” in the occupied part of Cyprus he could call on the
UN Secretary – General to undertake an initiative for the recommencement of a new
effort towards reaching a solution to the Cyprus problem.
In a statement issued yesterday, DP argues that Mr Talat should be more careful and
sensitive in his statements on the issue, even if he said this responding to a question.
The DP claims that such an invitation to the UN Secretary - General in a period when
the Greek Cypriot side has not yet given a written answer regarding the reasons for
which it rejected the Annan Plan, will be contradictory to the policy of the so-called
government that has been formulated together with Turkey.
The DP argues that such a move by Mr Talat before the Greek Cypriot concerns are
announced in writing will mean putting onto the table all the things that the Turkish
Cypriots gained until today.
7. Tatar says that the aim of the Turkish side is the solution of the issue of the
missing persons this year
Turkish Cypriot daily KIBRIS newspaper (31.03.05) reports that Rustem Tatar,
Turkish Cypriot member of the Committee on Missing Persons, has argued that the
issue of the missing persons began in 1963 and that the aim of the Turkish side is
reaching a solution to this issue this year.
Mr Tatar alleged that the Turkish side was not responsible for the fact that this issue
has been transferred from 1963 to 1974 and to 2005 and that the Turkish side is and
will be doing everything it can for the solution of this problem.
8. Circulation of the Turkish Cypriot daily newspapers
Turkish Cypriot daily YENIDUZEN newspaper (31.03.05) reports that during the last
month it has been increasing its circulation and that it is now second in the occupied
areas regarding the number of papers sold daily.
Based on the numbers of the distribution agency, the sale in the kiosks and the Value
Added Tax paid, the paper publishes the following numbers of paper circulation on
23 March 2005:
The paper also reports that the newspaper KIBRIS is the first selling paper in the
occupied areas, but no number of selling is given.
9. So-called Minister of Interior: “Our internal security is bound to the army
and the police”
In its front leader page Turkish Cypriot daily YENIDUZEN newspaper (31.03.05),
under the title “Police has not caught anybody yet”, reports that the so-called Minister
of Internal Affairs, Ozkan Murat, commented on the bomb incident, where a bomb
was planted between two vehicles and exploded causing severe damages two days
ago. The one car was owned by the businessman and Cetinkaya Sports Club
Chairman Cemal Bulutogullari.
Mr Murat said: “Our internal security is bound to the army and the police. It is not fair
to ask me for detailed answers!”
1. Spread of 'green money' in Turkey unnerves Washington
Under the above title Turkish Daily News (30.03.05) publishes the following report:
“At a time when Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government is busy trying to
get diplomatic efforts on track to mend worsening ties with Washington, the United
States is increasingly concerned over what it sees as the uncontrolled spread of
“green money” in Turkey.
United States policy-makers fear some of the funds circulating in the “Islamic market”
in Turkey may spill over and be used to finance radical Islamic activity.
“Islamic business in Turkey … is expanding at a pace and in ways that we fear may
go out of control,” said one State Department official. “We urge the Turkish
authorities to take every possible measure to make sure green money does not fund
radical Islamic activity in or outside of Turkey.”
The official said the “green money” in Turkey has, in recent years, boomed in a way
that it is now extremely difficult to monitor its circulation. “It has spread to almost
every corner of Turkish business, especially, as we have been able to spot it, through
small and medium-scale businesses that have the potential to grow into big holding
Recently, Michael Rubin of the Middle East Quarterly, a think tank with close ties with
the Bush administration, pointed to an economic boom in Kayseri, Foreign Minister
Abdullah Gul's hometown..
“Malls, boutiques and fancy hotels dot the landscape. During the 1980s and early
1990s, as Turkey wallowed in economic stagnation, Kayseri's greatest export was its
people. Many young, unemployed or undereducated men migrated to Germany,
where they took a number of menial but relatively high-paying jobs,” Rubin wrote and
mentioned Kombassan Holding, founded in Konya by Hasim Bayram, a religious
conservative who began his career as a schoolteacher. “Groups such as Kombassan
grew rapidly as they issued shares in exchange for remittance income from migrant
labor in Germany and elsewhere in Europe and reinvested it in a variety of local
Kombassan began in 1989 as a local printing and packaging concern in Konya but
grew to include more than 50 firms in such key areas as automotives, electronics,
construction, textiles, petroleum, shopping centers and food, even purchasing
Konya's soccer team. At its height Kombassan boasted nearly 30,000 shareholders
and owned companies in Turkey, Germany and the United States, which Rubin
argues, translated into political influence. Bayram and other Kombassan board
members were widely known to have financed former premier Necmettin Erbakan's
Anatolia tour in the run-up to the 1996 elections and provided consistent support to
his Welfare Party (WP) from which Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Justice
and Development Party (JDP) emerged.
According to Rubin, the Islamic banks -- especially those sponsored by Saudi Arabia
-- regularly channel money to Islamist enterprises in Turkey. “Erdoğan has been
silent on these issues, perhaps because he is heavily invested in green money
business,” said Rubin.
Last November Deniz Baykal, leader of the parliamentary opposition Republican
People's Party (RPP), accused the JDP of trying to create a religious-based
economy. Similarly, in 2001 Rahmi Koc, chairman of Koc Holding, Turkey's largest
and oldest conglomerate, argued that Erdoğan had a $1 billion fortune and asked
where this wealth came from.
But the Kombassan model does not always guarantee success. Earlier this month,
Turkish prosecutors detained dozens of former executives of Endustri Holding,
another company that issued shares in exchange for remittance income from migrant
labor mostly in Germany. Endustri Holding managers are being accused of siphoning
off nearly $250 million from “good Muslims.”
In the early 1990s, between $2 and $3 billion was invested into Islamic holding
companies, but this changed in 1997 when a Turkish court froze Kombassan's assets
and ordered it to repay shareholders $101 million. But Kombassan balked, invoking a
legal loophole. When it issued stocks, many were informal, “written on napkins,”
according to one former politician. In October 2000, however, Turkey's Capital
Markets Board (SPK) froze Kombassan real estate assets, and there are now many
lawsuits against Bayram and his companies.
Rubin says: “The growth of the Islamic business sector is apparent across Turkey
and appears intricately linked to the JDP's rise. A decade ago, rural and conservative
Turks tended to inhabit poorer sections of town and shop in mom-and-pop stores or
outdoor markets while wealthier, secular Turks spent their money in modern shops
and Western-style supermarkets. Green money investment has caused the pattern to
blur. The green money influx into Turkey is not a short-term phenomenon. Rather,
through careful investment, green money is laundered into legitimate businesses that
will serve as an engine for Islamic parties to whittle away at Turkey's secular
traditions for years to come.”
Among the biggest conglomerates, the black sheep has always been Ulker. Military
officials privately admit the Turkish military refuses to buy Ülker products for its
conscripts so as not to subsidize Islamism. The military command remains on alert
against “green money.”
Earlier this year military and procurement officials “strongly discouraged” the
takeover of majority shares at a local defense company by a Turkish conglomerate
widely known to have “Islamic roots.”
“The potential buyer was convinced that the defense company it had intended to
acquire would have very slim chances to win military contracts if it went ahead with
the takeover plan,” a procurement official said.
Analysts say Turkey is quietly evolving into a not-always-comfortable mix: a union of
Islam and capitalism. “The spread of green money is now too visible to go
unnoticed,” said a London-based Turkey specialist. “This is particularly upsetting
Bankers point to the growth of the Islamic market. “The market is growing and as it
does, what it considers local and hence lower in risk, will include a larger part of the
globe. Islamic banking began as a geographic phenomenon, predominantly in the
Gulf countries and Egypt. It now covers most of the Islamic world, from North Africa
to Turkey, across Pakistan, all the way to Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei,” said one
Western banker in Istanbul. “By the end of this century, Islam is predicted to become
second only to Christianity in the United States and Europe, in terms of numbers of
adherents. Considering the issues, one gets a feel of where the growth to this market
might come from and how this market will be perceiving risk that it may now be
considering as foreign.”
One inevitable part of the picture is Muslim spiritual leader Fethullah Gulen, who now
resides in the United States. Today the Gulen community controls a nationwide
media empire that includes a television station (Samanyolu), a radio station (Burc
FM), a daily newspaper (Zaman) and a weekly magazine (Aksiyon) and several other
periodicals. It also owns an Islamic (interest-free) bank (Asya Finans) and is linked to
a number of business groups and prosperous entrepreneurs who help fund many of
his endeavours especially in the field of education – a network of 150 schools in
Turkey and possibly more abroad.
Alarmed by growing U.S. unrest vis-à-vis rising anti-Americanism (or rising Islamism)
in Turkey, Erdogan and Gul sent Murat Mercan, the JDP's deputy chairman, to
Washington with an olive branch.
On March 25 Mercan told an audience of the American Enterprise Institute, a
conservative think tank, that his government intended to become as transparent as
any other EU member state.
“We want to be as transparent as any European country. We want to be as
democratic as any European country. We want to be, as you know, considered as
respecting of human rights as any European country. In other words, what we are
saying is that the process that we are going to go through will definitely lead to more
transparency, the EU process that has been taken by my government, by my party,”
Mercan said.
He also said: “Our (party's) income is 99.9 percent government support, and our
expenses are very clear. So if you claim that our party has to disclose its financial
sources, it really hurts, because we do publicize it. We're like a public company. We
are a public institution and our deeds, our statements and our policies are open
everywhere and we don't have any other hidden agenda.”
2. Columnist in RADIKAL argues that the wave of MP resignations will not
change the direction of Turkish politics
Istanbul RADIKAL newspaper (29.03.05) publishes the following commentary by
Murat Yetkin under the title: "How the wave of resignations is affecting politics":
“With the resignation of six more deputies from their parties yesterday, the number of
22nd term deputies who have abandoned parties from which they were elected to
Parliament in the 3 November 2002 polls has increased to 23. Some 14 of these
deputies have resigned from the main opposition RPP [Republican People's Party]
while some nine have resigned from the ruling JDP [Justice and Development Party].
The JDP recruited deputies both from the RPP and other parties and independents in
this process. In this way, the number of the JDP's parliamentary seats (after the rerun
of the elections in Siirt in March 2003) dropped from 365 to 360 as of yesterday while
that of the RPP decreased from 177 to 163.
Where the 2002 elections gave rise to a two-party parliament, the number of parties
represented in the National Assembly rose to five yesterday. When the five deputies
who resigned from the RPP yesterday after the expulsion of Sisli Mayor Mustafa
Sarigul from the RPP join the SHP (which is expected to change its name once again
to Social Democracy Party, SODEP, soon), the number of parties that have seats in
Parliament will increase to six. It should not be surprising if the Felicity Party [FP], the
NAP [Nationalist Action Party], and a Kurdish party follow suit.
RPP Parliamentary Group Deputy Chairman Haluk Koc has announced that
yesterday's resignations have nothing to do with the bill that increases the lowest
number of seats political parties should have to become eligible for Treasury aid from
three to ten and on which the RPP and the JDP have come to an agreement.
Probably there is no direct link. Yet, it can be seen that this initiative is intended to
deter deputies who are being pulled apart from their parties by the centrifugal force of
the whirl of politics. This centrifugal force, which is the result mainly of the side
effects of the legal adaptation process with the EU, exerts its influence most on
deputies who engaged in politics in other parties before and entered the 2002
elections under the banner of the JDP and the RPP, which were then the main
centers of attraction in the left and the right. Apart from a few deputies actuated
totally by material concerns, it is their former political tendencies which exert a
gravitational pull on these deputies as they are moving away from the center.
New parties are being formed in Parliament and deputies are resigning one after
another, heaping criticism on the parties that enabled them to be voted into
Parliament, yet this situation is not causing major disturbances at the center of
politics or giving rise to major expectations. The business world and the stock
market, which is prone to be ruffled by the slightest wind, remain unperturbed. What
is the reason for this? Why is it that resignations that could shake politics at another
time are not causing the slightest ripple today? A few reasons could be named:
1. The JDP is acting with the relief of being persuaded at last that it cannot actually
change the Constitution without working out a compromise with the RPP. In the same
way, the RPP appears to be persuaded that the JDP's clear parliamentary majority
could not be ended without a new election. With its parliamentary majority, the JDP
has the power to decide whether there is going to be a new election. For this reason,
secure in the conviction that parliamentary balances would not be affected much by
the resignation, say, of even one fourth of the deputies from their groups and their
defection to other parties, both [JDP leader Recep] Tayyip Erdogan and [RPP leader]
Deniz Baykal are following a policy of "whoever wants to go could go."
2. This situation is reducing the leverage of deputies caught in the centrifugal force.
Those deputies that cannot use the threat of resignation effectively against their own
parties do not have much influence over other parties, either. They are returning to
those parties not as saviors but as representative voices in Parliament or as political
refugees of a sort in certain instances or as foxes brought to the furrier.
3. A possible exception is Erkan Mumcu. The MP [Motherland Party], which is
considered to have gone into its death throes, and whose name [MP leader] Nesrin
Nas has suggested could be changed because of its public image as a party involved
in corruption, has welcomed Erkan Mumcu as a sort of emergency doctor. However,
it is seen that the MP in the right and the SHP in the left are only regarded as a
means of draining the JDP and the RPP under extraordinary circumstances if need
be. The DTP [Democratic Turkey Party] played a parallel role during the 28 February
4. The new parties in Parliament do not have new or unknown policies they could
offer to voters. It should not be forgotten that the JDP and the RPP's success in the
2002 elections has to do with the fact that they were not involved in previous acts of
Due to these factors, the wave of resignations, which would have upset the political
scene in previous periods, is not taken too seriously because it is powerless to
change the main direction of politics”.
3. Columnist in HURRIYET suggests that Greek Cypriot ships be allowed to use
Turkish ports, but……
Columnist Fatih Altayli writing in Turkish daily HURRIYET newspaper (31.03.05)
refers to Turkey´s signing of the Customs Union additional protocol with the EU
Commission and says:
“What is expected is that Turkey is going to sign the
additional protocol that extends the Customs Union agreement to the 10 new
members of the EU.
The EU is firm on this. The negotiations will not start unless we sign this protocol
which is tantamount to recognizing the South Cyprus. In fact not starting accession
talks with Croatia was aimed at “intimidating Turkey”.
The additional protocol will be signed, but foreign minister Abdullah Gul says “Greek
Cypriot ships “cannot enter into Turkish ports”.
This is something impossible. It does not make any difference whether one let the
Greek Cypriot ships enter Turkish ports or does not sign the protocol.
However, ruling a state is art of creating solutions. Here one could provide simple
but effective solutions.
You let the Greek Cypriot ships enter the Turkish ports, but you delay embarking and
disembarking of the goods due to port congestion. You let the ship anchor outside of
the port, for 15 days.
This will reflect on the running cost of the ship. As a result of this, these ships either
will increase their shipping rates or refuse to get cargo to Turkey.
Similar, implementations were made in the past in the European countries, and no
one dared to say anything”.