DISSERTATION CONCEPT PAPER ASSESSMENT Doctoral Learner ______________________________________ Date concept paper received ______________ Date assessment completed ______________ ___ I accept this concept paper without revision ___ I accept this concept paper with minor revisions as specified in my written comments ___ I do not accept this concept paper at this time. Major revisions are required as specified in my written comments Dissertation Committee Chair __________________________________ ============================================= Rate the material contained in the “Introduction” and provide explanatory comments. 1. The topic or general problem area is stated and introduced in a broad theoretical, empirical, and/or practical perspective. I____________I___________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: 2. The community and/or organizational setting in which the research will be conducted is clearly described, i.e., a context is created for the topic or the problem that is introduced. I___________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Comments: Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable 3. The significance of the research topic or identified problem is clearly presented. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: Rate the material contained under the subheading “Statement of the Research Problem” and provide explanatory comments. 4. The purpose of the study is clearly and succinctly stated. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: 5. The research hypotheses and/or questions are within the scope of the purpose of the study and identified problem. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: 6. The research hypotheses and/or questions and any subsidiary question(s) are succinctly stated and well organized. I___________I___________I____________I Unacceptable Comments: Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable 7. How the findings or product are expected to affect the research area and impact practice or the organizational setting are discussed. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: Rate the material contained in the subsection, “Definition of Key Terms,” and provide explanatory comments. 8. Key terms crucial to the understanding of the anticipated dissertation topic are clearly defined. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: Rate the material contained in the subsection, “Brief Overview/Review of the Related Literature,” and provide explanatory comments. 9. The purpose of this section of the concept paper is briefly presented and the major themes or sub-topics around which the literature review is organized are clearly identified. I___________I___________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: 10. At least 7 to 10 relevant, published works or studies are discussed in a well organized narrative that relates the research topic and/or problem to the current literature. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Comments: Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable 11. APA format and style is used accurately for reference citations and, if any, quotations. I___________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: 12. The literature review concludes with a brief summary that builds a bridge to the need for the proposed research. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: Rate the material contained under the subheading, “Methodology,” and provide explanatory comments. 13. The specific research questions to be investigated are restated. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: 14. The nature of the proposed research design is clearly identified. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Comments: Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable 15. The research design is consistent with the purpose of the study and the research questions. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: 16. The types of data to be collected and the procedures to be used are clearly identified. I___________I___________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: 17. Measurement instruments, if being considered, are briefly, but clearly discussed. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable 18. Method(s) of analyzing data are briefly, but clearly and accurately presented. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: 19. In broad terms, ethical issues that may arise during the course of the research are discussed. I____________I___________I____________I Unacceptable Comments: Acceptable with Acceptable Minor Revisions Please rate the material contained in “References” and provide explanatory comments. 20. The references listed are consistent with those mentioned in text. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: 21. APA format and style and the NCU Dissertation Format and Style Handbook are followed. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable Comments: Rate the material contained in the “Annotated Bibliography” and provide explanatory comments. 22. The notes for each reference in the annotated bibliography are sufficiently explanatory and clearly presented. I____________I____________I____________I Unacceptable Comments: Additional Comments: Acceptable with Minor Revisions Acceptable