TRINITY VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE HEALTH OCCUPATIONS DIVISION TABLE OF MOST COMMONLY USED ABBREVIATIONS a before CPM continuous passive abd abdomen ABG arterial blood gas ac before meals ad lib as desired C&S culture and sensitivity ADL activities of daily living CXR chest x-ray film AEB as evidenced by DC discontinue AMA against medical advice Dx diagnosis amb ambulatory DRG diagnosis related ax axillary BE barium enema EBL estimated blood loss bid twice daily EEG electroencephalogram bil bilateral EKG electrocardiogram BKA below the knee ER emergency room amputation F Fahrenheit BM bowel movement FHR fetal heart rate BP blood pressure FUO fever of unknown origin BRP bathroom privileges Fx fracture BS blood sugar, bowel G or gm gram sounds, breath sounds GI gastrointestinal BSC bedside commode gtt drop c with GU genitourinary Ca. cancer; Calcium Gyn gynecology cal calorie HOB head of bed CBC complete blood count H&P history and physical CC chief complaint ht height C/o complains of Hx history CO2 carbon dioxide ICU intensive care unit motion CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation groups ID intradermal PERRLA IM intramuscular reactive to light with I&O intake and output accommodation IPPB intermittent positive post-op postoperatively pressure breathing pre-op pre-operative IV intravenous PRN as needed IVPB intravenous piggyback PT physical therapy KUB kidney-ureters-bladder pt patient x-ray q every KVO keep vein open R rectal, right lab laboratory RBC red blood cell count LOC level of consciousness; R/O rule out loss of consciousness; ROM range of motion; rupture laxative of choice pupils equal, round, of membranes LMP last menstrual period RR recovery room LP lumbar puncture r/t related to MAEW moves all extremities well Rx prescription mEq milliequivalent s without min. minute s/p status post NG nasogastric sp gr specific gravity NKA no known allergies subq subcutaneous NPO nothing by mouth stat immediately N&V nausea and vomiting T or Tbs. tablespoon O2 oxygen TPR temperature, pulse, and OB obstetrics OOB out of bed t or tsp. teaspoon OR operating room VS vital signs OT occupational therapy W/C wheelchair oz ounce wt weight p after WBC white blood cell count pc after meals y/o year old PO orally v\VN Handbook Policies Shared\abbreviations respiration Reviewed 11/12