Week 4 Words


Name _______________________

Language Arts

Week Four:

Date ______________

Period _____________


Bully For Your Thoughts-Part I

1. savagely – (adverb)

Definition – to act in a fierce and ferocious way towards others; to be vicious and cruel towards others

Synonyms – fiercely, ferociously, viciously, cruelly

Antonym - mildly

Sample Definition Context Clue sentence – My sister savagely or fiercely ripped the last cookie from my lips and ate it herself.


2. belligerent – (adjective)

Definition – to be aggressively hostile and combative; to be quarrelsome and argumentative; to be an antagonist (think of the word antagonist, which is usually the

“bad guy” or “villain”)

Synonyms – combative, quarrelsome

Antonyms – cooperative

Sample Definition Context Clue sentence – The bully was belligerent so people avoided making eye contact with him and got out of his way; in other words, the bully was always looking to start a fight with anyone who was willing.


3. sinister – (adjective)

Definition – someone or something that would be threatening and dangerous to others, suggesting evil or harm

Synonyms: ominous, evil, threatening

Antonyms: favorable, kind

Sample Definition Context Clue sentence – When the witch asked Snow White if she wanted a bite of the apple, she followed her question with a sinister, or ominous and dangerous laugh, “Mwah ha ha ha.”


4. intimidate – verb

Definition – to fill with fear, to force into or deter some action by inducing fear

Synonyms: frighten, terrify

Antonyms: calm, encourage

Sample Definition Context Clue sentence – The other team intimidated our team when they walked on the field because they were so much taller and their determined faces looked mean and cruel; in other words, they terrified us.


5. retaliate – verb

Definition: to return like for like, especially evil for evil

Synonyms: counter, repay, reciprocate, pay back

Antonyms: forgive, pardon, sympathize

Sample Definition Context Clue sentence – When my brother threw a water balloon at me, I wanted revenge so I retaliated, or reciprocated by filling a balloon up with pudding and throwing it at him.

