Approaches to Understanding the Neurobiology of

Approaches to Understanding the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Biology 351; Fall, 2012
Instructor: John Kirn
Office hours: M: 1-2 pm, F: 10-11 am in Shanklin 409.
phone: ext. 3494;
Class room:
SCIE 113 for Section 1 and Shanklin 201 for Section 2
Class times:
T,TH: 9:00-10:20 am for Section 1 and 2:40-4:00 pm for Section 2
Required readings: Selected reviews and original papers. Note: All readings will be available for
downloading from the class “Moodle”.
The goal of this course is to familiarize you with the many ways scientists have attempted to unravel the
mystery of how the brain acquires and stores information. There is no "right" way to study this problem.
Each approach has a unique set of advantages and disadvantages, at both conceptual and technical levels.
However, the collective results from this field of study point to a remarkable degree of neuroanatomical and
neurophysiological plasticity during learning and memory formation. The results suggest conceptual bridges
between so called "innate" vs. “learned” behavior, and common threads linking adult brain plasticity,
reorganization of the nervous system following brain damage, and brain development. These issues will be
among the central themes of the course. One of the earliest readings will be from the work of D. O. Hebb, an
early pioneer in the field. Throughout the semester, we will revisit the hypotheses of Hebb to see how well
they have withstood the test of time and whether they need revision.
This seminar is a mix of lectures and student presentations. In both cases, the success of this course will be
determined in part by the extent of student participation. Discussion will be expected, and is weighted
accordingly in the grading. To encourage class participation, I ask that you do 2 things. First, read the
assigned papers BEFORE class. Second, for each student presentation, bring in 3 questions you have from
the reading assignment for that day. These questions can range from points of clarification to criticisms of
the approach under investigation. Think about what is good and what is bad about a given approach, and
what kind of experiment you would do next if you were the scientists doing the work.
You will also have the opportunity to present one of the assigned papers. You should prepare a 20-30 minute
talk summarizing the key points of the research (see guide in Moodle). The remaining class time will be for
discussion. There will be 2 in-class, essay exams. These will be in the form of published abstracts/papers
that have had the Discussion Section removed by me. Your job will be to write the Discussion as if you were
the experimenters; drawing from- and integrating information you have learned from lectures, discussions,
and readings.
You are also asked to write a 10-15 page paper (20 pages maximum) on one of the topics we will be
examining (see guide in Moodle). The topic can be the same as the one for your presentation if you like, but
it need not be. It should, however, be thorough and up to date, with a reference list of no fewer than 10
papers. The paper topic should be approved by me before Fall Break. The paper is due on November 20 by
5PM. No extensions will be granted. You are encouraged to submit a draft of your paper and I will make
suggestions on how you might improve it. However, this draft can be submitted no later than November 12.
in class participation - 10%
class presentation - 20%
exams-20% each
Students with Disabilities:
It is the policy of Wesleyan University to provide reasonable accommodations to students with
documented disabilities. Students, however, are responsible for registering with Disabilities Services, in
addition to making requests known to me in a timely manner. If you require accommodations in this class,
please make an appointment with me as soon as possible [during the nth week of the semester], so that
appropriate arrangements can be made. The procedures for registering with Disabilities Services can be
found at <>
The readings for this course come from book chapters and the primary literature. Full references for texts
used are:
1. "Brain, perception, and memory", (2000), Johan J. Bolhuis (ed) Oxford University Press
2. "Behavioral Neurobiology", Thomas J. Carew (2000), Sinauer Associates, Inc.
3. "Neurobiology of Learning and Memory", Joe Martinez & Raymond Kesner (eds.),(1998) Acad. Press
4. "The cognitive neuroscience of memory", Howard Eichenbaum (2002), Oxford University Press.
5. "Principles of Neuroscience, 4th Ed." (2000), Eric Kandel, James Schwartz, & Thomas Jessell (eds.)
6. "The organization of Behavior", Donald O. Hebb (1949), Wiley & Sons.
Sept. 4
A Conceptual framework for the course
Sept. 6
What is learning?
Readings: Y. Dudai, “The Neurobiology of memory": CH 1 (Some basic notions and
their ontogenesis), "Influence of Auditory Experience on the Development of Brain
Stem Auditory-Evoked Potentials in Mallard Duck Embryos and Hatchlings” (1994)
Dmitrieva & Gottlieb
Sept. 11
How to study the neurobiology of learning and memory
Readings: Dudai, “The Neurobiology of memory":CH 3 (Biological universals)
Sept. 13
The Hebbian Synapse
Readings: D. O. Hebb, "The first stage of perception: growth of the assembly"
Systems Approaches: from simple to complex
Sept. 18
Readings: T. Carew, "Behavioral Neurobiology", CH 10 (Learning and memory in
simple reflex systems in Aplysia)
Sept. 20
Student Presentation: Cai et al., (2008). Post-synaptic regulation of long-term facilitation in
Aplysia., Current Biology, 18: 920-925.
Sept. 25
Hippocampus--LTP and spatial memory
Readings: T. Carew, "Behavioral Neurobiology", CH 12 (Spatial navigation in rats)
Sept. 27
Student Presentation: Wilson & McNaughton, (1993). Dynamics of the hippocampal
ensemble code for space. Science, 261:1055-1058.
Oct. 2
Hippocampus-- Does it do more? Multiple forms of memory
Readings: H. Eichenbaum, "The cognitive neuroscience of memory" pg. 156-170, and
Oct. 4
Student Presentation: Wood et al., (2000). Hippocampal neurons encode information about
different types of memory episodes occurring in the same location. Neuron, 27: 623-633.
Oct. 9
Exam 1
Oct. 11
The Cerebellum and skill learning-1
Readings: King & Thompson, “Skill Learning: The Role of the Cerebellum”
Fall Break (Oct. 13-16)
Oct. 18
The Cerebellum and skill learning-2
Readings: King & Thompson, “Skill Learning: The Role of the Cerebellum”
Oct. 23
Student Presentation: Robleto & Thompson, (2008). Extinction of a classically conditioned
response: red nucleus and interpositus. J. Neuroscience, 28:2651-2658.
Learning and memory explored through studies of the ontogeny of brain/behavior
Oct. 25
Experience guides sensory/motor development before and after birth.
Readings: Black & Greenough, "Developmental Approaches to the Memory Process"
Oct. 30
Student Presentation: Schaal et al., (1998). Olfactory function in the human fetus: Evidence
from selective neonatal responsiveness to the odor of amnionic fluid. Behavioral
Neuroscience, 112:1438-1449.
Nov. 1
Bird Song Development
Readings: M. Konishi, "Birdsong: from Behavior to Neuron".
Nov. 6
Student Presentation: Sober & Brainard, (2009). Adult birdsong is actively maintained by
error correction. Nature Neurosci, 12(7): 927-932.
Embryology carried into adulthood
Nov. 8
Adult cortical map plasticity as a function of experience or injury
Readings: H. Eichenbaum, "The cognitive neuroscience of memory", pg. 175-193; J.
Kaas et al., 2008.
Nov. 13
Student Presentation; Froemke et al., (2007) A synaptic memory trace for cortical receptive
field plasticity. Nature, 450: 425-429.
Nov. 15
Neurogenesis in adulthood
Readings: Shors et al., (2012) Use it or lose it: How neurogenesis keeps the brain fit
for learning. Behavioural Brain Research 227: 450–458
Nov. 20
Student Presentation: Jessberger et al., (2009). Dentate gyrus-specific knockdown of adult
neurogenesis impairs spatial and object recognition memory in adult rats. Learn. Mem. 16:
Nov. 20
Term Papers Due
Thanksgiving Break (Nov. 21-25)
Learning “Off-Line”
Nov. 27
Sleep / Dreaming and Learning
Readings: E. Kandel, J. Schwartz & T. Jessel, "Sleep and dreaming" pg. 936-947
Nov. 29
Student Presentation: Walker et al., (2002). Practice with sleep makes perfect: Sleepdependent motor skill learning. Neuron, 35: 205-211.
Dec. 4
Course Overview
Dec. 6
Exam 2