Fish- Adaptations, Habitat and Niche AP Environmental Science Name ____________________________ Per. _______ An adaptation is any physical or behavioral characteristic that makes an organism more suited to survive and reproduce in its environment. Often the physical traits (adaptations) of organism can provide valuable clues to where it lives (habitat), and how it makes its living (niche). Complete the table below using the fish chart for fish of the San Francisco Bay and Northern Pacific Ocean. Provide a description of each characteristic recorded. FISH NAME BODY SHAPE TAIL SHAPE COLORATION PATTERNS MOUTH ORIENTATION MOUTH SIZE & SHAPE TEETH? WHERE IN WATER DO YOU THINK IT LIVES? WHAT DO YOU THINK IT EATS? Over Write a letter to your 5th grade sibling explaining the concepts of habitat and niche. Using fish as an example, explain how physical characteristics (adaptations) can provide clues to its habitat and niche.