ABC USD Foreign Language Assistance Program 2009 – 2010 5 – Step Communicative Lesson Plan Date: Thursday 12/14/09 Text: Living Mandarin 2 A. Objective: Level: pp. 23-25 Novice Unit Title: 打電話 1. Students will be able to make inquiry in a telephone conversation “你 在 哪 裡?” and “你 在 做 什 麽? 2. Students will be able to provide information for the inquiry “我 在+ (地方)。” and “ 我 在 + action.” 3.Students will be able to use 只有 ( only ) to compare the quantity in the sentence pattern: 我有 + object A (more) , +可是只有 + object B (less) 我有三個姐姐,可是只有一個哥哥。 4. Students will be able to use 還有(in addition) in the sentence pattern : 我有 + (list of items), 還有 + (additional items) 我有姊姊,還有哥哥。 5.Students will be able to make phrases with 過,聖誕樹,禮物,卡片,聖誕老人(老公公) Materials Needed: Projector, laptop, PPT , flash cards, props B. Steps/Plan Teacher will: Students will: Setting the Stage: Brainstorm on the pictures Play the song 打電話 爺爺,奶奶 ,外公,外婆 Present PPT slide 1 做點心,畫圖,看書,念故事 etc. 他 (們)是誰? 他 (們 )在做 什 麽? Minutes:10 Comprehensible Input Teach sentence pattern (slide 2) 1. “你 在 哪 裡?” and “你做 什 麽?” 2. 我 在 + (地方)。” and “ 我在+ action.” Teach sentence pattern 1. “person + 到 哪 裡 去?“ 2. person + 到 + location +去做什麽? “ teach sentence pattern (slides 3, 4 ) : 1. 我有 + (more) object A, +可是只有 + (less) object B 2. 我有 + (list of items), 還有 + (additional items) Use PPT slides, props , realias and TPRS to teach new words . 過 (節),聖誕樹,禮物,卡片,聖誕老人 After listening to the dialogues (PPT slides 2-4 ), students will conclude that 1. 外婆到舅舅家去吃點心。 2. 外婆到市場去買西瓜,香蕉,還有蘋果. 3. 爺爺沒有顔色筆,只有鉛筆. Students will make short sentences applying new vocabularies. E.g. 1. 我喜歡過聖誕節. 2. 我叔叔買了很多聖誕禮物. 3. 我姊姊做了三張聖誕卡片. 4. 我家的聖誕樹很大/高/美麗. 5. 聖誕老人給了我很多禮物. UCLA Language Materials Project 2 Guided Practice: Practice listening skills on the questions Example (slides 1, 2): 1. 小弟弟做什麽?他給誰打電話? 2. 外婆到哪裏去? 3. 外婆在做什麽? Students will be able to summarize the dialogues 外婆到舅舅家去吃點心. 外婆到市場去買西瓜,香蕉,還有蘋果. 爺爺沒有顔色筆,他只有鉛筆. Play the recording of the PPT dialogues and check students’ comprehension. In small groups, have students use learned vocabularies and sentence patterns to change the dialogues Minutes:20 Independent Practice: Pass a list of characters, to-do things, and places in picture forms ( last week’s worksheets) Ask students to use the list to practice a phone conversation with their shoulder partners. Practice with shoulder partners as if they are talking on the phone. use as many vocabularies as possible Example: A: 我買了很多聖誕禮物.我有…,…,…, 還有….. B: 我沒有…,…,…., 可是我有…..。 Minutes :15 Evaluation/Assessment/Closure: Checking for comprehension at each activity. Have students share 5 things that they have learned in this class with their shoulder partners. Students will share 5 things that they have learned in this class with their shoulder partners. Minutes:5 C. National Standards Communication : Interpersonnel, interpretive, presentational Cultures : grandma can be 外婆/阿婆/姥姥 or 祖母/奶奶/ and grandpa can be 外公/阿公/姥爺 or 祖父/爺爺/ Comparisons : Chinese New Year shopping VS American Christmas shopping Communities:Students will share what they have learned with their family after school UCLA Language Materials Project 3 D. Language Arts Listening: teacher’s input, PPT slides narrations, teacher’s questions and answers. Speaking: role play, small group discussion, practicing dialogue with partners.. Reading: reading text book, reading flash cards, reading PPT dialogues. Writing: practicing new words on writing board, worksheet. Conventions: The word 喂 means “ hello” & “hi” 餵 (喂) means to feed. E. Language Development : Students will be able to engage in conversation making inquiry about a person’s whereabouts and exchanging simple information. Students will be able to construct sentence pattern: “person + 到 + location + 去 + 做什麽? “ and “person + 到 + location + 去 + action。“