SECTION BUILDER GENERATION OF STEEL, CONCRETE AND COMPOSITE MEMBER CROSS SECTIONS SECTION BUILDER General Features Shape Availability Editing Capabilities Section Properties Metarials Properties Capacity Curves Stress Contours Prestress Check Report Generation Simple Sections Compex Sections Composite Sections Built-Up Sections Shear Walls Bridge Piers Retrofitting Section Builder is a comprehensive Windows based, Graphical Software Package for creating simple & complex structural cross sections of steel, reinforced concrete or composite materials. Section Builder includes numerous practical shapes that can be defined parametrically. Sections can be picked up directly from standard data bases. Arbitrary unsymmetrical sections can be drawn graphically using a wide variety of drawing and editing tools. Complex Sections can be built up by combining previously defined sections with each other or with sections obtained directly from the standard databases. Various options allow the user to obtain biaxial interaction curves and surfaces, moment-curvature relationships and stress distributions for a given set of section forces. The Software comes with a set of examples and comprehensive documentation and on-line help to aid in effective application of the Related Links Downloads Technical Papers product. General Features Fully integrated interface with Windows 95/98/NT/2000 Wide range of predefined shapes AISC, BS and CISC standard Steel Section Database Powerful tools for editing - graphically and numerically Generation of various capacity diagrams and stress contours Report generation capabilities Export to AutoCAD via DXF file Shape Availability Section Builder offers a wide range of shapes encompassing the basic steel and concrete shapes, database shapes relating to various standards, bridge piers, shear walls and much more. Basic Concrete Shapes include rectangular, circle, hollow circle, hollow rectangle, triangle, flanged, angle and channel. The sizes may be modified numerically or graphically. AISC (US and Metric), CISC and British Standard database shapes with standard dimensions and properties. Other user-defined libraries may be added to the existing libraries. User can create general shapes graphically using the drawing tools on the screen. Section Properties Properties ranging from basic area, moments of inertia to advanced properties for complex sections, such as like torsional constants, shear areas, plastic section modulii can be computed instantaneously Basic Properties Area, moment of inertia about any arbitrary axis, elastic section modulus and radii of gyration... Principal Properties Principal moments of inertia and corresponding Principal angles Additional Properties Torsional constant, shear areas and plastic section moduli Editing Capabilities A wide range of editing tools and options are available to facilitate the creation of complex cross sections conveniently and accurately Shape dimensions can be edited graphically and/or numerically Vertices of existing shapes may be dragged and dropped with snaps for accuracy Shapes of similar material types may be merged to obtain complex shapes Graphical rotate, flip, align and stack functions are available. A Rebar Editor allows accurate placement of reinforcing bars in or around the section. Capacity Curves Load-Moment Curves Moment – Moment Curves Moment – Curvature Curves P-M-M Interaction Surface Shear Stress Contours for shear and torsion Stress distribution on any arbitrary line along the depth or width of the section Stress Strain Curves for Sections Materials can be modeled realistically using one of the many stressstrain curves available for both concrete and steel. The stress strain curve options include the ACI Whitney Block, BS-8110 Parabola, Mander, Circular and Rectangular Confined, Elasto-Plastic, Strain Hardening and a general User Defined Curve. What you can do with Section Builder Can Create General Cross Sections for building columns and bridge piers. Can be used for evaluate a shear wall core for biaxial bending Properties of complex built-up sections and plate girders can be determined Moment-Curvature curves can be generated for members for use in Seismic Performance Based Design - Non-linear Pushover Analysis Properties of cross sections for retrofitting, strengthening and rehabilitation using jacketing can be evaluated using this software Section Builder comes with Comprehensive documentation Step-By-Step Tutorials and Context Sensitive Help