Christine L. Brown Assistant Superintendent Glastonbury Public Schools PO Box 191 Glastonbury, CT 06033 (860) 652-7963 EDUCATION 2004 Completed coursework for Doctoral Degree, University of Connecticut 1991 Sixth Year Certificate, Administration and Supervision, University of Hartford 1980 M.S., TESOL - Central Connecticut State University 1973 B.A., French - Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 1971 . Study Abroad - Miami University - Luxembourg, Luxembourg PRESENT TEACHING AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE 2005-Present Assistant Superintendent, Glastonbury Public Schools Responsibilities include: Creation and Implementation of district strategic plan 2006-2011; Creation and implementation of curriculum council and curriculum development plans; implementation of web-based curriculum repository-Atlas Rubicon; development of district professional development plan and program; development and implementation of 2008-2013 Teacher Evaluation Plan; oversee all district teacher induction, interns, student teachers and mentoring; oversee all budgets for curriculum and professional development; supervise directors and principals as required; write and oversee district grants 1983 – 2005 Director, Foreign Languages and ESOL, Glastonbury Public Schools Responsibilities included: Recruitment and retention of teachers and tutors, supervision and evaluation of 51 teachers and 12 tutors, curriculum development in 6 languages, materials evaluation and development, budget preparation, grant writing, teacher training and program evaluation in foreign language and ESOL K – 12 and all travel and exchanges abroad 2003 – Present Chair, Curriculum Council, Glastonbury Public Schools 1998 - Present Foreign Language Methods Instructor, Presenter and Student Teaching Supervisor, Alternative Route to Education, Connecticut State Department of Higher Education 2000-2006 Internship Advisor, Glastonbury Public Schools and the University of Connecticut, Neag School of Education Masters Level Internship Program, supervised and mentored 9 language interns 1 PAST TEACHING EXPERIENCES 1991 - 1996 Adjunct Instructor, University of Hartford, Foreign Language Methods and Second Language Acquisition Theory in Children 1973 - 1983 Teacher of French, Spanish and English to Speakers of Other Languages, in grades K - 12, West Hartford Public Schools 1980 - 1983 Teacher Consultant, Foreign Language and ESOL, West Hartford Public Schools PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCES 2005-Present Consultant, AERO Language Project, United States Department of State and the Neareast, Southeast Asia American Schools Abroad. Conducted program audits in Oman and Egypt. Conducted two summer curriculum workshops for international teachers in American schools 2007, 2008. Will conduct in 2009. 2008 Chair, National Foreign Language Teacher of the Year Committee, ACTFL, Orlando, Florida 2005-2006 Consultant, Maine Language Standards Project 2005 Reviewer, Foreign Language Assistance Grants, United States Department of Education 2003-Present Consultant, National Arabic Language Standards Project, National Foreign Language Resource Center, George Washington University 2003 – 2005 Co-Chair, Working Committee, National 2005 Year of Languages Campaign, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages 2004 Program Evaluator, Bennington College MATSL Program, Bennington, Vermont 2004 Delegation Member Connecticut Education Delegation to Shandong Province, China 2003 - 2004 Immediate Past President, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Alexandria, Virginia 2002 -2005 Task Force Member, International Education Committee; Connecticut State Department of Education and the Connecticut General Assembly 2002 – Present Board Member, American Forum for Global Education, New York, New York 2 2002 . 2001 – 2003 President, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Yonkers, New York President, Glastonbury School Administrator’s Association 2002 Chair, Professional Development Committee, Glastonbury Public Schools, Strategic Planning Committee 2000 – 2001 Reviewer Ohio Foreign Language Frameworks 2000 - 2001 Education Fellow, Institute for Educational Leadership, (Connecticut Chapter), Washington, D.C. 1998 - 2000 Task Force Member, Foreign Language Task Force, National Professional Teacher Standards Board, Reston, Virginia 1999-2000 President, National Network for Early Language Learning, Washington, D.C. 1999 Chair, NNELL Conference, University of Hartford, Hartford, CT 1996-2000 Member, Executive Council, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages 1996 - 1997 Member, Advisory Council, Connecticut World Language Standards Project 1996 Reviewer, Nebraska Foreign Language Frameworks 1996 Reviewer, New Jersey Foreign Language Standards 1993 - 1996 Chair , K-12 Task Force, National Foreign Language Standards, funded by U.S. Department of Education 1995 - 1996 Member, U.S. Advisory Group on IEA Language Education Study, Council of Chief State School Officers 1994 - Present Member, Advisory Board, National K-12 Foreign Language Center, Iowa State University 1993 - 2005 Member, Regional Advisory Board, Manchester Community Technical College 1990 - Present Reviewer of Modern Language Journal 1988 - Present Coordinator, US/Russia Academic Partnership, France Exchange, Mexico Exchange, Spain Exchange Glastonbury Public Schools 1988 - 1999 Consultant, Prentice Hall Publishing Company, 7-12 Foreign Language materials 1986 - 1994 Member, National FLES Commission, American Association of Teachers of French. Author of several articles for FLES Commission 3 1992 -1993 Chair, New England Network of Academic Alliances 1991, 1993, 1999 Reader, National Endowment for the Humanities Special Initiatives in Foreign Languages 1991 - 1993 Founder and Co-chairperson, Greater Hartford Academic Alliance in Foreign Languages 1989 - 1995 Member, Inter-district Magnet Immersion Project at Trinity College. Vice-Chair - 1994-95 1989 - 1990 Board Member, Foreign Language Editorial Board, Scholastic Magazines 1989 - 1990 President, Glastonbury School Administrators Association 1986 - 1987 Chairman, Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Responsibilities included: 1) preparing a four day conference for 3,000 attendees, 2) securing authors, keynote speakers and presenters, and 3) producing a videotape on teacher recruitment 1986 - 1987 Task Force Member, Connecticut Assessment of Educational Progress in Foreign Languages 1984 - 1986 President, Connecticut Council of Language Teachers SPECIAL RECOGNITION 2006 AATF Administrator of the Year Award 2004 Language Program selected as a National Model for International Education, Goldman Sachs Foundation and the Asia Society 2002 National Foreign Language Supervisor of the Year, Prentice Hall Publishing Company and the National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Language 1999 Glastonbury Foreign Language Program selected as one of seven model foreign language programs in the United States, Center for Applied Linguistics 1999 Commissioner of Education Commendation, Connecticut State Department of Education for Leadership in and Commitment to Foreign Language Education in Connecticut 1996 Distinguished Service Award, Connecticut Council of Foreign Language Teachers 1995 Finalist, Educational Leader of the Year Award, Connecticut Association of Curriculum and Supervision 4 1994 Recipient, Robert Ludwig Award for National Leadership in Foreign Language Education, New York State Foreign Language Teachers Association 1994 Invited to testify before U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Education, Arts and Humanities regarding the reauthorization of ESEA 1991 Recipient, Florence Steiner Award for Leadership in Foreign Language Education, ACTFL 1989 Invited to testify before U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Education, Arts and Humanities regarding S.1690, the Foreign Language Competence for the Future Act 1989 Scholarship from Alliance Française for one month of study in Paris - July 1989 1987 Citation from the Connecticut General Assembly for outstanding contributions to the field of foreign language teaching PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATIONS 2007 Keynote Speaker, Tennessee Foreign Language Teachers’ Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee 2007 Keynote Speaker, Maine Foreign Language Teachers’ Annual Conference, Portland, Maine 2007 Invited Plenary Speaker, Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City, NCLB and the Future of Language Teaching 2006 Invited Plenary Speaker, Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City, Diversity and Language Teaching 2006 Invited Keynote Speaker, International HANBAN Conference, Beijing, China, Peoples Congress Hall 2005 Invited Plenary Speaker, “Building Language Capacity”, Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education Conference, Montreal, Quebec 2004 Keynote Speaker, Connecticut Council of Language Teachers Conference, Cromwell, CT 2003 Invited Collaboration, European Commission on Language Promotion, Brussels, Belgium 2003 Keynote Speaker, Florida Foreign Language Teachers Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, FL 5 2003 Invited Speaker, “American Language Standards” International Federation of Language Teacher Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa 2003 Keynote Virginia Language Teachers Conference 2002 Keynote Speaker, “The K-12 Language Standards”, Foreign Service Institute, McLean, VA 2002 Keynote Speaker, Conference on Culture and Language, Central Connecticut State University on September 27 2002 Invited Speaker, Embassy Forum on World Languages and International Studies: Bringing the world to U. S. classrooms. Presentation to and meetings with representatives of the U.S. Embassies and representatives of the U.S. Department of Education, (September 23-23) 2002 Invited Representative of the United States to the Conference on International Language Use in the Western Hemisphere, Quebec City, August 29, 2002 1999 Presenter, West Deptford New Jersey Language Consortium 1998 Keynote Speaker, Northeast Regional Biennial Conference, American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, New Jersey 1997 - 1998 Presenter, ACTFL Professional Development Program, Westchester County, NY, Springfield, MA, Framingham, MA 1997 Outreach Workshop, National Standards, Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York, NY 1997 Keynote Speaker, Rhode Island Foreign Language Teacher Annual Meeting- Providence 1996 Keynote Speaker, Maine Foreign Language Teachers Annual Conference, Portland 1996 Keynote Speaker, Idaho Foreign Language Teachers Annual Conference, Sun Valley 1996 Keynote Speaker, Florida Foreign Language Association, Tampa 1996 Keynote Speaker, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Pedagogical Conference, Indiana University of Pennsylvania 1996 Keynote Speaker, North Carolina International Educator Conference, “The National Standards”, Raleigh 1996 Presenter-Writer, Standards Curriculum Project, National K-12 Foreign Language Center, Iowa State 1996 Workshop Presenter, “Advocacy for Foreign Languages, Whose Job Is It Anyway”, ACTFL Conference, Philadelphia, PA 6 1995 Workshop Presenter, Education Reform in the New England States, U.S. Department of Education Conference, Worchester, MA Present 1994- Consultations and Presentations for the following school districts: Rosalyn ,NY(97), Savannah (GA) Country Day School (97). In Connecticut: Bloomfield, Bolton, Darien, Durham/Middlefield, Mansfield, Middletown, New Haven, Newington, Old Saybrook High School Evaluation, Project Learn, Regions 4, 10 and 13, Simsbury, Stonington, Suffield, Wallingford, Waterford, West Hartford, and Vernon 1994 Education Reform and Foreign Language Education, Opportunity or Threat ?, Modern Language Association Articulation Conference 1994 Education Reform and Language Teaching, Keynote Address, New York State Foreign Language Teacher Association Annual Meeting 1994 Education Reform, Keynote Panelist, Ohio Foreign Language Teachers Annual Meeting 1994 National Language Standards, Keynote Address, New Hampshire Foreign Language Teachers Annual Meeting 1994 National Language Standards Project, Satellite Broadcast to 4,000 affiliates, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign languages Annual Meeting 1994 The Language Standards Project, Plenary Address, Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages 1994 Education Reform and foreign Language Education; An Overview, Conference on American Education sponsored by the Connecticut State Department of Education for visiting Russian teachers, Yale University 1994 Foreign Language in Connecticut, A Symposium for Connecticut Administrators, Board of Education Members and Parents, Connecticut Council of Language Teachers Annual Meeting 1994 “Curriculum Framework in Foreign Language, Connecticut Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Spring Conference 1993 “Children Say Hello to the World”, National Congress of Parents and Teachers Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio 1993 “Foreign Language Standards Implications for Delaware”, Delaware State Department of Education 1993 The History of Elementary School foreign Language Programs in the United States Presentation, A Symposium on International 7 Language Policy and Planning, The National Foreign Language Center, John’s Hopkins University “The New Jersey Foreign Language Standards”, New Jersey State Department of Education 1993 ARTICLES PUBLISHED “No Child Left Behind and the Case for Foreign Languages”, Modern Language Journal, Summer 2005 “Why the United States Needs to Celebrate a Year of Languages”, The Central States Journal, Spring 2005 “Language Learning Technologies, How They Have Changed”, ASCD Technology Newsletter “How to Be and Effective Language Leader, “2002, The Northeast Conference Reports “The Case for Foreign Languages”, excerpted in Learning Languages, The Journal of the National Network for Early Language Learning, Winter 1997 “The Case for Foreign Languages: The Glastonbury Language Program”, Perspective, Council for Basic Education, Spring 1995 “Elementary School Foreign Language Education in the United States”, Annals of the American Academy of Political Science , March 1994 “Education Reform and Foreign Language Education: Opportunity or Threat?”, ADFL Bulletin, Modern Language Association, March 1995 “The Race to the Future”, Collaborare Newsletter, February 1990 “School District Perspectives on Elementary School Language Programs”, Languages in Elementary Schools, ed. Kurt Müller, 1989 “Curriculum and Materials Development, Northeast Conference Reports, 1984 GRANTS APPLIED FOR AND RECEIVED 1992-1995 Foreign Language Assistance Program, United States Department of Education, $160,000.00 to fund East Hartford Glastonbury Magnet Japanese Program 1995-1998 Foreign Language Assistance Program, United States Department of Education, $180,000.00 to continue to fund East Hartford Glastonbury Magnet Japanese Program 1996-1998 Goals 2000 Grant Connecticut State Department of Education, $25,000.00 to fund Interdisciplinary Curriculum Development 1999-2001 Foreign Language Assistance Program, United States Department of Education, $400,000.00 to Create Model, Standards Based Language Curriculum K-12 2001-2003 Foreign Language Incentive Program per Capita Grant for Language Excellence $ 250,000.00 8 2002-04 Title VI Higher Education Research Program, United States Department of Education, $550,000.00 to create model K-12 Standards Based Assessments 2005-06 Connecticut State Department of Education Technology Grant to provide laptops and online writing tools for high school students. 125,000.00 2007-2008 Emergency Management Grant, United States Department of Education, to provide improvements and innovations in the district level emergency management system 2008-2013 Foreign Language Assistance Grant to create model language assessments in Chinese, Russian and Arabic $2.5 million MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS American Association of the Teachers of French American Council of Teachers of Russian American Association of Teachers of Slavic/Eastern European Languages American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese American Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development American Association of School Administrators American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Connecticut Council of Language Teachers Delta Kappa Gamma National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages National Network of Early Language Learning National Secondary School Teachers of Japanese Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Advisory Council Phi Delta Kappa Pi Lamda Theta Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages 9