Ethical Code Guidance Final IAPT Ethical Codes for Non- Professionally Affiliated Staff Guidance The Issue Trainees and newly qualified High Intensity Therapists and Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, are being supervised both by universities and services before they are accredited with professional bodies. A question has arisen about their accountability and responsibility during this period, particularly in relation to the responsibility of the supervisors. An ad hoc process has been advised in some areas in relation to High Intensity Therapists that they join the BABCP as members, in order that they are ‘covered’ by the BABCP code of ethics. It is clear that this is not being taken up consistently. This issue was taken to the IAPT Clinical Advisors meeting on 14th July and the following is a summary of the advice received and agreed there. Key Points 1. Where a member of a ‘core’ profession is newly professionally qualified as a psychotherapist, for instance in the case of a nurse, they will still be expected to adhere to the ethical standards and processes of their professional body, e.g. the NMC, providing they are still registered with that body. So the issue is more one for people who do not have a ‘core’ profession. In IAPT, this will include people who have gone through the ‘KSA’ process for High Intensity training and PWPs, where there are greater numbers of people who are not professionally affiliated. 2. The employer has a code of conduct to which it will expect all its employees to adhere, irrespective of their professional affiliations; it is therefore important that this is specified in the job descriptions of all staff: trainees, newly qualified staff and supervisors. 3. Where there is shared responsibility for supervision between universities and services, a clear supervision contract should be in place outlining any differences in the two roles. 4. Supervision contracts should include a statement requiring all supervisees to have compliance with an ethical code. (See Annex 2 for BABCP example). 5. Supervision expectations are clearly identified in module 1 of High Intensity training and in module 3 of the PWP curriculum. It may be appropriate to highlight this earlier in PWP training. 6. Every practitioner should take personal responsibility to take out personal indemnity insurance. Ethical Code Guidance Final 7. HEI's also expect students to adhere to reasonable standards of behaviour and conduct. There should be guidance from individual institutions but national guidance on codes of behaviour and conduct for students from regulators, such as GMC and HPC, also exist. All HEIs will have a student disciplinary process and usually a Fitness to Practice process to deal with complaints against individual students registered on professional training courses with the HEI. It is important that any action taken against a student is co-ordinated with any disciplinary action also undertaken by the student’s employer, so as to avoid double jeopardy situations. Training courses ought to have clear guidance about these matters which are freely available to students via course handbooks etc. Actions Agreed 1. Each IAPT job description should include a line on the importance of adhering to the employer’s Code of Conduct. 2. A supervision contract should be in place between services and universities. 3. The contract should state the requirement for supervisees to have compliance with an Ethical Code. 4. This issue should be addressed for clarification in induction and early on in training. Annex 1 BABCP example. 20.3.11 RH/AC/GT Ethical Code Guidance Final Supervision Agreement Template Between ……………………….. & ………………………. Confidentiality All professional and clinical issues discussed are confidential and are not to be discussed outside the supervision session. The exceptions to this are where professional malpractice may be evident, or if requested to release information by a Court of Law, Coroners Office or Professional Body. All cases or professionals discussed during supervision must be made anonymous. Where tape recording of session’s takes place this must be agreed with and have the informed consent of the service user, carer or professional. Arrangements must also be made to destroy/wipe any recordings. The supervisee is responsible for ensuring this process is followed. Comments Content of supervision Content of supervision will focus on the acquisition of knowledge, conceptualisation and clinical skills within a cognitive behavioural model (s). Associated issues will also be discussed when it is relevant to do so e.g. medication, hospitalisation, case management. Identification (and collaborative change of these if appropriate) of supervisee thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and values and the impact of these on therapeutic and professional behaviour. Discussion and working through relationship and process aspects of supervision. There will be an equal split between the time spend on each of the above in the time available. Comments Practicalities One session each ………………… for …………….. hours/minutes The venue the session (s) will take place at is ………………………….. The person responsible for booking the accommodation is …………………….. Fees for Supervision are ………………………………….. Cancellation arrangements ………………………………… Supervision methods and content Discussion of therapeutic relationship and engagement issues. Case conceptualisation/formulation. Rehearsal of therapeutic techniques e.g. simulation, role-play. Discussion about therapeutic strategies. Case Presentations. Homework. Review of audio and videotapes (at least one per month). Direct observation of practice – at least once month per supervisee. Identification of supervisee thoughts, attitudes, beliefs with exploration of the impact of these on therapeutic and professional behaviour. Review of risk and therapist/service user safety. Review of clinical guidelines/manuals. Review of psychoeducational material. Experiential exercises. Supervision Agreement Template Between ……………………….. & ………………………. Other strategies as agreed. Comments Aims of Supervision The primary focus of supervision is the welfare of the client through the supervisee’s learning process, in terms of knowledge attainment, attitude refinement, and skills development. Goals for supervision: 1. 2. 3. 4. Comments Anti Discriminatory practice Practice will follow the policy of ……………………………………………... [employer/professional Ethical Code Guidance Final body] Comments Steps in the event of a breakdown in the arrangements for clinical CBT supervision In the event of inappropriate behaviour by the supervisor/supervisee this should be discussed together initially.………………... If this is unsuccessful or the behaviour is of a serious and immediate nature then ………………………….. should be informed IMMEDIATELY. In the unlikely event that the relationship between the supervisees and supervisor deteriorates, each person is responsible for attempting to work together to resolve the problem. Comments Changes to this agreement and timescale Changes to this agreement can be negotiated at any time. This agreement covers the period …………………………………. Signed ______________________ Supervisor __________________ Date _____________ Signed ______________________ Supervisee __________________ Date _____________ [With thanks to Michael Townend] Please feel free to circulate and edit the document as you wish.