Quiz #1 - Taft College

Sociology 3: Minority Group Relations: Fall 2007
Quiz 1 Study Guide
Section 1: Choose the best answer for the following questions. 15 of these will be on your quiz.
1. When two or more social groups come to share common social institutions, organizations and
friendship networks, it is called:
a) Cultural assimilation.
b) Pluralistic integration.
c) Basic pluralism.
d) Structural assimilation.
e) Primary assimilation.
2. Recent increases in immigration to the U.S. have stimulated renewed interest in:
a) Pluralism.
b) Integration.
c) Anglo-conformity.
d) The race relations cycle.
e) Marxism.
3. A third type of pluralism that reversed Gordon’s first two stages would be:
a) Acculturation without separatism.
b) Integration without equality.
c) Integration without acculturation.
d) Separatism without integration.
e) Acculturation without pluralism.
4. An employer does not hire Karen because she is a woman. This is an example of:
a) Institutional prejudice. - Incorrect
b) Ideological racism.
c) Individual discrimination.
d) Individual prejudice.
e) Stupidity.
5. Institutional discrimination refers to:
a) The belief that some groups are naturally inferior. - Incorrect
b) A prejudiced individual's habit of discriminating.
c) Discrimination built into the everyday operations of a society.
d) The fact that minority groups routinely avoid the institutions of the larger society.
e) All of the above.
6. A person that believes that blacks are lazy and that Jews are stingy is exhibiting the ______
dimension of prejudice.
a) emotional. - Incorrect
b) cognitive.
c) societal.
d) affective.
e) institutional.
7. Generalizations that are thought to apply to all minority group members are called:
a) Affective emotions. - Incorrect
b) Cognitive emotions.
c) Prejudices.
d) Stereotypes.
e) Racist views.
8. Marx believed that conflict between classes was:
a) Counterproductive. - Incorrect
b) Dysfunctional.
c) Inevitable.
d) Always harmful to the well being of the society as a whole.
e) Avoidable if people would just learn to get along.
9. A process in which various groups come together and contribute in roughly equal amounts to a
common culture and a new, unique society is called:
a) The melting pot.
b) Anglo-conformity.
c) Coercive assimilation.
d) Pluralism.
e) Americanization.
10. The type of assimilation that historically has predominated in the U.S. is:
a) Reverse.
b) Institutional.
c) Melting pot.
d) Apartheid.
e) Anglo-conformity.
11. Which of the following is NOT an example of institutional discrimination?
a) Not hiring a Mexican-American woman because you do not like her accent. - Correct!
b) Members of minority groups finding it hard to get political funds or endorsement for elections.
c) "Aptitude tests" that reflect negatively on the minority group.
d) Ignoring African-American contributions to the United States in high school history books.
e) Height requirements for law enforcement officers that eliminate Asian-American applicants.
12. In the United States today, racist ideologies and institutional discrimination are.
a) Less commonly found than in Europe. - Incorrect
b) Virtually non-existent.
c) Unrelated to inequality and social class.
d) Part of the system through which dominant group privilege is sustained.
d) Much less important for an understanding of dominant minority relations than individual prejudice
and discrimination.
13. _____ is a belief system that asserts that a particular group is inferior.
a) Institutional prejudice. - Incorrect
b) Ideological racism.
c) Racist prejudice.
d) Institutional racism.
e) Traditional discrimination.
14. Park felt that intergroup relations go through a predictable set of phases that he called:
a) assimilation cycle.
b) race relations cycle.
c) minority conformity cycle.
d) Anglo-conformity cycle.
e) secondary institutional cycle.
15. For groups that immigrate to the U.S., ________ to the dominant Anglo-American culture includes
learning the English language, changing eating habits, and adopting new value systems.
a) integration.
b) amalgamation.
c) Ethnogenesis.
d) structural assimilation.
e) acculturation.
16. Segmented assimilation suggests that:
a) Opportunity to succeed is really based on hard work, not ethnic origin.
b) Some immigrants will assimilate while others will become part of the urban poor.
c) The process of assimilation occurs in a fragmented rather than even way.
d) Assimilation breaks down as intercultural marriages end in divorce.
e) Some groups of people really don’t want to integrate with others.
Section 2: Define and provide examples for 3 of the following. Each is worth 5 points. Five will be on
your quiz.
1. Ethnicity and Race
2. Prejudice and Discrimination
3. Assimilation and Pluralism
4. Emigration and Immigration
5. Karl Marx’s Theory for Sociology
6. Minority Group and Dominant Group
7. Milton Gordon’s Theory of Assimilation
8. Human Capital Theory
9. Chain Immigration