Alla önskas hjärtligt välkomna till följande öppna seminarium vid Centrum för tvåspråkighetsforskning. Högre seminariet i tvåspråkighetsforskning Tisdag 14 oktober kl. 15.00–16.30 i rum D480 Gerald Roche Hugo Valentin Centre, Uppsala University The 'Double Assimilation' of Tibet's Linguistic Minorities Abstract 'Double assimilation' describes a situation where a single population is subjected to dual assimilatory pressures: assimilation into a national identity occurring alongside assimilation into a regional or ethnic identity. Double assimilation has been most thoroughly described for the case of national minorities in the Soviet Union, but I will be arguing for broader applicability of the model. My presentation examines the case of Tibet's minority languages, and their double assimilation at the hands of the Chinese state and Tibetan nation. Although typically represented as a linguistically homogenous territory and nation, Tibet, at present, is home to about forty non-Tibetan languages, including eighteen spoken by people presently classified as Tibetans. While much has been written about Tibetans as objects of assimilation within China, this presentation will draw attention to the role of Tibetans as agents of assimilation, thus highlighting a little-studied aspect of ethno-politics in China today, namely, the existence of state-sponsored ethno-nationalism and its linguistic impact. Drawing on comparative case studies from Europe, I outline a typology of double assimilation within which to discuss the varying predicaments of Tibet's minority languages, in order to provide an analytical framework within which to continue further research on this topic. Vi önskar alla hjärtligt välkomna till seminariet och till postseminarium efteråt! Caroline Kerfoot