Sample Websites for High School Classrooms A. History a. Digital History: Using New Technologies to Enhance Teaching and Research i. Offers a variety of sources for history students and teachers. Includes timelines, historical documents, recordings of historical speeches, online exhibits of select topics, teaching resources and much more. This site focuses on American history. Information found on this website belong to the combined efforts of the University of Houston; Chicago Historical Society; The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History; The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; American Voices; National Park Service; and Teachers as Historians – Teaching American History (TAH)2. b. The Library of Congress: The Learning Page… i. Offers a vast amount of history resources. Provides educators with lesson plans, includes activities labeled for appropriate grade levels, provides an alphabetic index of various topics offering a summary and teaching resources. c. Smithsonian Source: Resources for Teaching American History i. Offers videos, lesson plans, historical documents, secondary reading, and questions concerning materials covered within for six topics of American History. This website also offers information about integrating primary sources into the classroom discussion. d. HistoryTeacher.Net i. Offers essays on select historical topics. Many essays include a quiz. Covers many different histories: American, Global, European, and “history through film.” e. Exploring Ancient World Cultures i. Offers a vast amount of information on seven distinct historical cultures. The services this website provides are the property of the University of Evansville. B. Sciences a. Biology and Related Sciences i. Biology (General)—May also be used for Zoology 1. Action Bioscience www.actionbioscience.orq a. Offers articles, edited by student-aged people, discussing the implementation of biology. Discusses topics from evolution to extinction. Information provided by this website is protected by copyright held by the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS). 2. Biology Teaching and Learning Resources a. Offers descriptions, graphs, articles, and quizzes on various biology topics. ii. Anatomy and Physiology (May also be loosely applied to Forensics) 1. Human Anatomy Online a. Offers educational images as well as essays about the various systems of the human body. 2. Anatomy of the Human Body a. Provides a well-organized outline featuring articles that explain different topics that would be covered in an anatomy and physiology course. Many topics also feature figures depicting its subject. b. Physical Sciences i. Physical Science (General Science) 1. Regional Math and Science Center a. Offers mini-lessons in subject matter covered in a typical high school science course. ii. Physics 1. Regional Math and Science Center a. Offers mini-lessons in subject matter covered in a typical high school science course. 2. The Franklin Institute Resources for Science Learning a. Discusses general topics of a typical physics or chemistry course. 3. Pedagogical Resources on the web for Teaching Physics: Physics Education Resources a. Sample activities and articles discussing physics and the laws of physics. iii. Chemistry 1. Regional Math and Science Center a. Offers mini-lessons in subject matter covered in a typical high school science course. 2. The Franklin Institute Resources for Science Learning a. Discusses general topics of a typical physics or chemistry course. 3. Amazing Chemistry Teacher Resources a. This site offers a variety of sample activities as well as printer-friendly worksheet templates for topics discussed in chemistry and biology courses. Some activities require that a teacher “sign up”; however, there is no fee involved in signing up for these activities. 4. Chemistry Teaching Web Sites hoolsites a. Offers a liaison to sites featuring information that may be useful for chemistry courses. c. Earth Science i. TeacherVision 1. Offers lesson plans and ideas for activities to be utilized in earth science classes. C. Social Sciences a. Psychology i. APS: Association for Psychological Science: Teaching Resources 1. Offers links to subjects covered in an introduction to psychology course. Links are arranged by subject matter; for example, developmental psychology. Some links may be outdated or no longer available; however, many sites linked to this hub are from prestigious sources. ii. Psychology World Wide Web Virtual Library 1. Offers information on various subjects of psychology. b. Sociology i. The SocioLog: Julian Dierkes’ Comprehensive Guide to Sociology On-Line 1. Provides the educator with in-depth studies on topics discussed in introduction to sociology. This site also offers resources for teachers; for example a Jeopardy game incorporating sociology topics. D. Language Arts a. Grammar and Writing Courses i. Language Arts Lesson Plans 1. Offers lesson plans for language arts courses. This site may also be useful for elementary and intermediate teachers. ii. TeacherVision 1. Provides a variety of services from lesson plans to printable worksheets on themes useful in an English classroom. A unique feature of this website that many educators find useful is the section on graphic organizers: iii. Education World 1. Offers an array of materials to supplement lesson plans of many disciplines from kindergarten-twelfth grade. iv. Read. Write. Think. : Web Resource Gallery 1. Offers links to “a myriad of useful English language arts resources on the Internet.” v. 4 Teachers 1. Offers a variety of tools an English teacher may find useful in helping his or her students be successful. An example of a tool offered by this web page is the “Think Tank”, which allows students to create a bank of topics and subtopics that they may find useful or something they may have interest in writing about in a writing course. b. Speech i. Web English Teacher 1. Offers handouts that explain skills that may help students in conducting speeches. c. Drama i. Web English Teacher 1. Offers lesson plans on units in drama. Features activities, quizzes, tests, and eNotes. ii. Drama—Acting 1. Offers links to useful sites. d. Literature i. High School Literature: Teaching Resources for High School Literature 1. Offers links to useful sites. ii. Web English Teacher 1. Offers lesson plans, activities and quizzes. Literature is broken down into forms. For example, one page is labeled “Literature: Prose”. Use the links on the left of the site to access related materials. e. SOME SITES LISTED UNDER ONE SUBJECT HEADING (a,b,c,d) MAY BE USEFUL UNDER ANOTHER SUBJECT HEADING E. Mathematics a. General Mathematics i. The Math Forum @ Drexel: High School Teachers’ Place 1. Offers a variety of pages for use by math teachers, ranging from activities and lesson plans to links to professional development sites. ii. Teacher Workshops 1. Provides sample “workshops” for a unique way of teaching mathematics. Some workshops require equipment that isn’t available in a high school setting; however, some workshops feature simpler topics, for example, proper use of direct teaching (lecturing) that will not “disengage” the students. b. Algebra, Pre-Algebra and Advanced Algebra i. Critical Foundations for Algebra: Recommended Practices 1. An example of a service offered b this website follows: “Preparing students for entry into algebra by developing a focused, coherent progression of key topics and skills, including fractions, leading to proficiency.” By clicking on the heading listed above, the website links you to another set f links describing what works, how it works, and then ideas for implementing what works. ii. Pre-Algebra Resources 4 Teachers 1. Offers a variety of sources for teaching pre-algebra or intermediate algebra students. iii. Algebra I & II Teacher Resources 1. Offers lesson plans, unique activities, etc. c. Geometry i. Internet Library: Teaching Resources for High School Geometry 1. Offers links to other useful sites. d. Trigonometry i. Internet Library: Teaching Resources for High School Trigonometry 1. Offers links to other useful site. e. Calculus i. Topics in Calculus 1. Offers a variety of tools for use in a calculus or precalculus course. f. SOME SITES LISTED UNDER ONE SUBJECT HEADING MAY ALSO APPLY TO ANOTHER SUBJECT HEADING. F. Home Economics (Family and Consumer Sciences) a. Home Economics i. Offers links to other useful sites. G. Technology a. AP Computer Science Teaching Resources i. Offers a variety of materials for instruction on website creation. b. Keyboarding Skills and Typing Lessons i. Offers typing and keyboarding lesson plans. c. Typing Games i. Offers a variety of games that test a student’s competence in typing. H. Business Education a. Business Education Resources i. Offers links to a variety of useful sites. Links include the following: Business Information Search engine, a site that “contains more than 25,000 categories and subcategories and includes more than 400,000 business-oriented websites along with 64,000 company profiles which include detailed information about public, private and international companies, including news, financials and biographies of executives”; the Business Start-up Journal, a site provided by the Wall Street Journal Center for Entrepreneurs that offers a “free, online publication focused on starting a business or franchise, including articles about the challenges and successes in business startups”; the Mint, a site offering game ideas and sample quizzes that introduce students to “personal finance and business principles”; Fantasy Stock Market, an educational investment game that allows each student to create a stock portfolio by trading stocks and mutual funds with 100,000 “fantasy” dollars; and many more ranging from general business sites to company information and stock and share sites. b. Study Sphere: Accounting www, i. Offers a variety of project ideas for accounting courses; for example, the site offers a financial statement project and a project that allows students to try an alternative method of accounting, the spreadsheet (automated accounting). I. Geography a. National Geographic: Geography Action! i. Offers sources discussing the cultural, industrial, etc. differences of geographical regions. Provides lesson plans, activities, etc. b. TeacherVision i. Website description: “Foster global awareness in your class with U.S. and world geography printables, lessons and references. Teach students about oceans and landforms with science activities and mapping resources. There are plenty of crossword puzzles and quizzes to test your students' knowledge of the earth's surface. Map and geography skills may be used in many subject areas including language arts, math, and history. These social studies resources can enhance any curriculum for kindergarten through twelfth grade.” J. Government a. Political Compass i. Provides an assessment that rates an individual on a graph based on political opinion. The compass rates individuals by how far left or right he or she falls politically and whether he or she is politically authoritative (positive y-axis) or libertarian (negative yaxis). The site also shows where elected officials and previous government officials of several nations fall on the graph. b. FREE Federal Resources for Educational Excellence i. Offers a variety of links discussing American Government. Links are arranged into categories: presidents, courts, U.S. Constitution, elections, military, congress, and other. This site provides descriptions clearly stating what each link offers. K. Foreign Language (Spanish) a. Spanish Resources i. Offers links to a variety of websites that may be useful in teaching Spanish. This website lists resources according to their grade level; however, if Spanish is not taught in elementary, some tooling of the resources should prepare them for implementation in a first year high school Spanish course. b. Best Spanish Websites i. Offers activity ideas, lesson plans, links to other useful sites, etc. This site focuses mainly on the Mexican version of Spanish. L. Agriculture a. Iowa Farm Bureau: Ag in the Classroom i. Offers a variety of tools for agriculture education. The Iowa Farm Bureau will also connect you via links to the K-12 Connections, American Farm Bureau, Foundation for Agriculture,, Iowa Agriculture, Awareness Coalition, National 4-H Web, National Ag in the Classroom, and the USDA ARS “Sci for Kids” websites. (Some of the services of this site and the services provided by the sites linked to it may not be suitable for high school.) M. Health a. FREE Federal Resources for Educational Excellence: Health and Physical Education i. Offers links to other useful sites. N. Career Readiness, Understanding of the job market, career placement, etc. (Guidance) a. Quintessential Careers i. Offers a variety of materials, including links, articles, and tutorials. These materials range from preparation for the job market, career information for after high school or college, and articles about the techniques of getting a job, including resumé writing, interview skills, and letter writing. This site also serves as a liaison to job ads and offers resumé posting. 1. Quintessential Careers also offers links to other sites that aide sob-seekers in finding what job best suits him or her, finding what jobs are available, strategies to use in the application process, etc. O. Iowa AEA Online Iowa Area Education Agencies provide Iowa AEA Online, consisting of eight dynamic online resources, to all Iowa accredited schools. Students and staff have access at school and at home (Internet access required), 24 hours a day, seven days a week! These online resources support the content standards for school curriculum and student learning by bringing a wealth of information to teachers and students wherever they may be, with just the click of a mouse. (Copied form the Iowa AEA Online webpage) a. Iowa AEA Online offers the following resources: i. AccuWeather Premium Weather Service ii. AP Images iii. Atomic Learning Library iv. School Edition v. DE Streaming vi. EBSCO vii. SIRS Researcher viii. World Book Web 1. (For a description of these services access the website at b. Connecting to Woodbine’s Iowa AEA Online Resources i. Access the website at ii. In the student tab, click the resource you wish to use. iii. Type, in the spaces provided the username and password that appears below: 1. Username: woodbinehs 2. Password: aea13 iv. The services of this site are now open to your use. c. Iowa AEA Online may be useful for any subject heading listed above (A,B,C,D…).