The Branches of Science

The Branches of Science
Science is a way of learning about the natural world and the knowledge gained through
that process. Science includes many topics and categories but the three main branches of
science are Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science.
Life Science is the branch of science that mainly focuses on living things.
Physical Science is the branch of science that studies the natural sciences and
science but excludes living things.
Earth Science is the branch of science that focuses on planet Earth and its place
in the universe. While studying Earth Science we will study the 5 branches of Earth
Science in depth. Those branches are astronomy, environmental sciences, geology,
hydrology, and meteorology.
Match the branch of Earth Science with its correct definition below:
_____1. Astronomy
_____2. Environmental sciences
_____3. Geology
_____4. Hydrology
_____5. Meteorology
A. Science that focuses on the study of Earth and everything dealing with Earth. It
specifically concentrates on the solid Earth.
B. Science that focuses on the effects of human activities on Earth’s land, air, water, and
living things and it tries to find solutions to problems about the use of Earth’s resources.
C. Science that focuses on the study of water on Earth.
D. Science that focuses on studying the Earth’s atmosphere and the causes of weather. It
also involves learning about predicting the weather
E. Science that focuses on studying the moon, stars and other objects in space.