Public Administration Definitions: Political, Legal, Managerial

Definitions of Public
In simplest terms, it means
government in action.
Definitions of Public Administration
I. Political Definitions
-focuses on the political nature of
administrative decisions
A. Defines government activity: refers to
influencing the public’s business
B. Reflects the cultural norms and beliefs
of its environment
C. Refers to when govt. provides services
or contracts with others to provide them
Definitions of Public Administration
D. Refers to making decisions in the
public interest (exercises personal
judgment to protect citizens: Burke)
E. Refers to the community spirit: when
people agree to provide services to those
less well-off
Definitions of Public Administration
II. Legal Definitions
A. Focuses on the execution of public law.
Administration cannot exist without a legal
B. Focuses on regulations: the more
economically developed a country, the more
C. Refers to the goods and services that
leaders are willing to share (the king’s largesse)
Definitions of Public Administration
III. Managerial Definitions
A. Refers to the management or
running of existing programs
B. Uses government resources to
accomplish agency goals
C. Often is symbolized by ‘red
tape’/Mickey Mouse rules
D. Refers to judgment calls of
Definitions of Public Administration
IV. Occupational Definitions
A. Refers to the jobs public employees
B. Refers to a writing intensive job; success is
based on how well you can write (and speak)
C. Refers to idealism in action; people trying
to serve the greater good
D. An academic field that applies
management to government
Definitions of Public Administration
E. Based on Wilson’s
politics/administration dichotomy initially
The core content of PA focuses on its
political dynamics; it is a political process.
Recognizes that reforms tend to follow
cyclical patterns.