Circulatory System

Circulatory System Quiz
Mr. Miller
1. What is the circulatory system?
The body's breathing system
The body's system of nerves
The body's food-processing system
The body's blood-transporting system
2. From what source do cells get their food?
Other cells
Carbon dioxide
3. Which type of blood vessels carries blood away from the heart?
Arteries, veins and capillaries
4. What is the main job of the red blood cells?
To clot blood
To fight disease
To transport oxygen to the body's cells
and carry away carbon dioxide from the cells
To transport carbon dioxide to the body's cells and
carry away oxygen from the cells
5. Which blood cells fight diseases and infections?
Red blood cells
White blood cells
6. What happens to blood when it is pumped into the thin-walled blood vessels of the lungs?
Platelets are exchanged for plasma.
Carbon dioxide is replaced with oxygen.
Blood fills the lungs and causes coughing.
Nothing -- the lungs are just a place blood goes through
on its way back to the heart.
7. What is the function of the blood vessels and capillaries?
They pump blood to the heart.
They filter impurities from the blood.
They carry blood to all parts of the body.
They carry messages from the brain to the muscles.
8. How big is the heart?
A. Large enough to fill the entire left side of the chest.
B. About the size of a clenched fist.
C. About the size of a golf ball.
D. Small enough to fit inside a gnats eyelash.
9. The heart is divided into how many chambers?
A. Four - two atriums and two ventricles.
B. Five - three atriums and two ventricles.
C. Two - one atrium and one ventricle.
C. One - one auricle.
10. The upper chamber of the heart has two
A. Capillaries.
B. Veins.
C. Auricles.
D. Heart
11.After receiving oxygen from the lungs, blood flows back to the heart through the __________
A. inferior.
B. superior.
C. aortic.
D. pulmonary
12.The ________________ is the largest blood vessel in our body.
A. aorta
B. carotid
C. pulmonary
D. vena cava
13. Capillaries are:
A. The smallest blood vessels of the circulatory system.
B. The medical name for heart muscle cells.
C. Small lumps of fatty tissue that can clog blood vessels.
D. The concentration of red blood cells within the blood
14. Where are Cardiac muscle fibers found?
A. Capillaries.
B. Veins.
C. Arteries.
D. Heart
15. Which blood vessels contain one-way valves to stop the blood from travelling backwards?
A. Capillaries.
B. Veins.
C. Arteries.
D. Heart
16. What is blood pressure?
A. The amount of pressure exerted on blood vessel walls as the blood is pumped around.
B. The ratio of oxygen to carbon dioxide within the blood.
C. The concentration of red blood cells within the blood.
D. The point at which blood boils.
17. What is the organ that pumps blood all throughout the human body?
The lungs
The heart
The kidneys
The blood vessels and capillaries
Use the following terms:
A. Pulmonary Artery
B. Pulmonary Vein C. Superior Vena Cava D. Inferior Vena Cava
E. Aorta
A. Right Atrium
B. Left Atrium
To Label the parts of :
C. Right Ventricle
D. Left Ventricle
27. My muscles move body like strings move a ______________
A. Window Blind
B. Heart
C. Puppet
D. Vein
28. The muscular system is made up of _______________
A. tendons and tendons B. tendons and ligaments C. ligaments and cartilage
D. ligaments and arteries
29. I have about __________ muscles in my body.
A. 65
B. 506
C. 206
D. 650
30. My muscles make up _________ of my body weight.
A. 1/3
B. ¼
C. ½
D. 2/3
31. My muscles are important because they
A.Pump my blood
B. Allow me to run and play
C. Help me to smile!
D. All of the above
It takes more muscle to _____________ than to ___________________.
laugh, cry
frown, smile
smile, frown
smile, spit
Our ______________ tendon is the thickest tendon in the body.
34– 43 Label the anterior view of the Muscular System:
A. Rectus Abdominus
B. Sartorius
C. Biceps
D. Triceps
A. Deltoids
B. Oris
C. Frontalis
D. Pectoralis
A. Sterno-Cleido-Mastoid
B. External Oblique
44- 51. Label the Posterior view of the Muscular System:
A. Adductors
B. Hamstrings
C. Latissimus Dorsi
D. Trapezius
A. Gluteus Maximus
B. Achilles tendon
C. Deltoid
D. Triceps
True or False
Cardiac muscle fibers are found in the heart
Smooth muscle fibers are found in the small intestines
Skeletal muscles are involuntary
Smooth muscles are voluntary
½ our body weight is made up of muscle fibers.
Muscles shorten in length when they contract.
Muscles weigh more than bones.
Our heart is located on the left upper side of our chest.
A broken heart can be mended.