
Nic Harcourt
Taking a leaf out of the Jackson 5's playbook, the three HANSON brothers -- Zac,
Taylor, and Isaac -- appeared in 1997 with a pop sensibility that defied their years. They
were respectively eleven, thirteen, and sixteen when their first major-label album, Middle
of Nowhere, which included the smash hit single MMMBop, was released on Mercury
Records. As a result of clever, thoughtful marketing, as well as the fact that with the help
of their producers and co-writers they had put together an album of quality pop songs,
Hanson became huge teenage stars. Although their follow-up material failed to deliver
the same success, there's little doubt that they ushered in an era of young stars such as
Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, and boy bands such as *NSYNC and the
Backstreet Boys. Hanson have continued writing and recording, and the last page of their
story is yet to be written. (in his book, Music Lust).
Michelle Branch
"They write really great, hooky songs, and I'm hoping that people will be able to see they aren't
brothers that sing 'MMMBop' anymore and they don't all have long, blonde hair anymore, and
they actually look like guys instead of girls," Branch joked. "People need to give them more credit
because they really make phenomenal records. I genuinely love the guys, and I wanna help 'em
out in any way I can."
Jonny Lang
"I hate saying I'm impressed, because that makes me sound like I know what I'm talking about,
but those guys were really impressive. They're really pros in the studio. Their musicianship is as
good as you can be."
MTV Interviewer: "What about Hanson? I've never heard you say anything negative about them?"
Eminem: "Why the *bleep* would I hate Hanson? They're the only *bleeping* real band out there,
I mean I don't like that kind of music or anything, but they're *bleeping* real"...;
Wyclef Jean
FreakOfHanson asks: Do you make fun of Hanson?
SonicNetGuest: No......I think Hanson is talented
From: http://www.wyclef.com/chats/061098-t.html
Meredith Brooks
"You know I've been amazed about this "Hanson thing" because as I get to know more about
MMMBOP, there really is a message behind that, and I LOVE that, I support that I think there has
to be that in pop, I think we have a duty at this stage in the game with our planet and everything
going on, and with kids who are younger than me, to have something for them aim for and look
up to and have hope and let all this hopeless mess, it has to be in the background now."
Thom Yorke (Radiohead):
"If you want to be entertained, go and see Hanson" - Thom
Shannon Curfman:
I am a huge fan of theirs. Their vocals just naturally melt together so well that it gives me chills
and they have always had their own sound. What they play is really a part of who they are.
David Garza
Ashley asks: "Are you a fan of Hanson's music, by any chance? :)".
David Garza answers: Yes! For many reasons. 1. Because they play their own instruments. 2.
They're brothers and they work together as brothers. Being able to work with your brothers is a
beautiful thing. I used to do it when I was a child. 3. They're cool and they emit a healthy light
Matthew Sweet
"I was amazed by them, watching them play and sing," he continues. "You always got the sense
that they were actually talented but they really have that brothers thing. They have a sixth sense
when they play together"
Dan Wilson (Semisonic)
Dan Wilson from Semisonic here. Yes, it's true, the Hanson guys and I jammed in LA last time
Semisonic went through on tour. I think we actually came up with a really cool song, unfinished,
but we'll get to that. I think they're really good musicians and when they sang together my hair
stood on end, I swear.
Meanwhile, on a related topic, I LOVE MMMMBop, (whoops tooo many MMMMs)
Joe Elliott (Def Leppard)
"... I was very impressed with the Hanson album. "Mmmm-Bop" is one of the best pop songs ever
written, and they wrote that themselves. It wasn't written by a bunch of songwriters. It was a 10
year old drummer, a 12 year old keyboard player, and a 14 year old guitarist. It was a fantastic
achievement. Great structure, great singing, great performance. Brilliant. Really, really good. And
the following songs could have sat on any Black Crowes album. You know, it's very, very good."
Robbie Kreiger (The Doors)
"A lot of kids were into them, but a lot of older musicians were too. They have a unique sound
that gets to me. Unlike a lot of these boy bands, they play their own instruments, and their
harmonies are impressive."
Elton John
"Hanson...they play their own instruments, a lot of teeny bop acts don't do that.... they're different
because they want to be a band...I hope they stay together and persevere..'cause I think they can
write really good songs..and they are good guys"
Bob Weir (The Grateful Dead, The Other Ones, Ratdog)
"They're gonna be giants in American music if they continue their trajectory. They have a couple
of advantages that almost no one ever gets. They've been playing together since they were tots
and they have a sibling vocal blend that's just so tight and so great-sounding that it's just a joy to
listen to . They have a great deal of respect for American musical tradition and they ask all the
right questions. The last couple times I've met them, you know, they're all over me about this tune
and that tune and where did it come from? Who is Rev. Gary Davis That kind of stuff, They
remind me of me when I was a kid.
JW: That was going to be my next question. Have you sort of taken them under your wing,
because they're around the age that you were when you began playing with the Grateful Dead?
BW: They don't need anyone to take them under their wing. They're gonna find out what they
need to find out because they're curious (laughs). If they want any advice or any direction from
me, they've got my number"
Sharon Corr (The Corrs)
"A band that I think is really wonderful and I don't think is gonna go away--and I think they are
really, really suffering because of groups like Nsync and Backstreet Boys--is Hanson. Hanson are
wonderful, wonderful musicians: the music they write together, the energy they have playing it.
And I think they are really suffering because they can play, and they can write, and they can sing,
and so they can't be manipulated. There is room for 'N Sync and stuff like that, but it is a pity if
real music does suffer,"
Art Alexikas (Everclear)
"'MMMbop' by Hanson, Middle of Nowhere : 'As a little boy I sometimes wished I was black so I
could be in the Jackson 5. I think a lot of older people look at Hanson the way some older people
looked at the Jackson 5 when I was a kid. This is simply a great f******* song. So what if it doesn't
mean anything-who gives a sh*t? It made my heart feel good. I can play this song over and over
again, just like I did 'ABC' by the Jackson 5....Great songs say something about their times-but
they also have a timeless quality"
Jay Kay (Jamiroquoi):
"Ah, nice bunch of lads, totally different class, you see what I mean? Guys can sing. They can
play. Good songs. They can all sing... got personality. They're brilliant, you know. I'd give it to
them every time, you know? Well done. Brilliant. They deserve it. As Marilyn Manson, God forget
Marilyn Marilyn, ah yes, satanic verse."
Sean Combs (P Diddy):
"I think Hanson's going to be around for a long time. I think that they're three great talented young
men and I think that what people need to stop doing to music is looking at the negative in
everything. People are trying their best. It's great, and I think they're going to be around for a long
time. You know, I like Hanson. When I hear them sing live, they have good voices, they play live
instruments. I think they are going to grow as musicians. They are great entertainers and they
have a lot of personality...some clean-cut kids trying to have a good time. They sound like the
Jackson 5 to me a little bit. They got a lot of soul to them."
(both of the above were broadcast on MTV interviews)
Steven Jenkins (Third Eye Blind's lead singer):
"I hate it when people say Hanson sucks...Hanson does NOT suck. They proved that at the
Grammy's they can rock .. face it people, bow down to Hanson, they rock and will be around a lot
longer than most..."
Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac):
At the Grammy's - "I was very impressed with Hanson's performance. I thought that little drummer
was a kick-ass drummer, and that they sang great. I mean I didn't know, they're just little boys
you know? I was very impressed. I think they they'll probably be around in 20 years writing good
songs and being in a great band."
Dave Navarro:
When asked who he'd want Godzilla to fight if it was made into a sequel - "Hanson, because they
have SO much rock power. I mean, their rock power is huge, and they'd kick Godzilla's ass!"
Tom Hamilton (Aerosmith):
"Hanson makes some great music so we're happy to share the bill with them."
Steven Tyler (Aerosmith):
"I hate it when people say that they don't like 'MMMBop.' Everyone likes 'MMMBop.' Whether they
like it or not, the song rocks."
Shawn Colvin:
At a post-Grammy party - "I loved Hanson. I loved MMMBop. I love it. How could you deny that?
It just sounded great! And that kid can really sing!"
John Popper (Blues Traveler):
"It was a real treat to play "MmmBop" with Hanson. Whether you like Hanson or not, or the song
that song has historical basis. Centuries from now, everyone will have to concede that back in the
90s, Hanson's music affected contemporary music. The boys were nice enough. Humble, polite,
etc. But I'd like to talk about their musicianship for a second. When we were their respective
ages, we couldn't play instruments nearly as well. When I first saw Hanson on video. I remember
feeling a little concerned for them, insofar as they are cute little blonde boys who will be chewed
up and spit out by an uncaring and fickle teenybopper, radio-friendly audience. The reason this
concerned me was that they seemed to care about playing their own instruments and writing their
own songs. It my hope that given enough time to interact with other musicians. As they get older
they will continue to grow in their playing and their songwriting. I think they did a fine job. Bravely
walking on someone else's stage. A stage full of musicians who can really play. And sell a hit
song to a very skeptical crowd. What was weird for me was looking back and seeing young Zac
behind the drums. Because he looked exactly like Brendan when he was 13 and I first started
playing with him. Quite the eerie flashback. Hanson has been both blessed and cursed for being
cute in a teen idol kind of way. If I was them, I would milk it till the teat is dry. And then regard as
merely an introductory chapter in their musical career."
Gus Van Sant (director):
On working with Hanson - "They were fantastic. They are very smart and very successful
because of their talent and perseverance, not just because they got lucky. Taylor has the
charisma of a young prophet and is in love with people, and Isaac is the comedian, although Zac
is pretty funny, too."
Billy Joel:
"They're pretty cool. I'm partial to Zac because we act the same. But they will be around for a
Art Alexakis [from Everclear]
"Hanson rules ,it's as simple as that. They're great role models, they're really talented, and they're
hot (laughs). Well, to teenage girls. But seriously, they're not just some overnight sensation, onehit wonder. Hanson is here to stay!"
Reel Big Fish:
"Yeah, Hanson's cool."
"They really deserve more respect than they're getting."
Ric Ocasek (The Cars):
"The Hansons are gonna be around. They're too talented to go away. It's in their hearts. They
know what's going on. They know about music. They're great writers and phenomenal singers.
They're just getting going. They're gonna be around."
Mickey Hart (The Grateful Dead, The Other Ones):
"And I got to tell you, Hanson they are not bad players, Those kids can play. That drummer can
play! So Hanson, Shmanson! If they stay with it, some day they'll be great musicians."
Busta Rhymes:
"Congratulations, guys. Y'all are definitely doin' it."
Bob Weir:
"It's impossible not to see how talented they are, and how far their potential goes."
Rosie O'Donnell:
"Those kids in Hanson are so talented and cute. Someone should get them a sitcom."
Darren Hayes (Savage Garden):
"Hanson are three... babies, who make great music. One, one in particular can sing like a mofoe."
Jennifer Love Hewitt:
"Awww. I think they're so cute! Even if their voices go bad after they finish changing they will still
be extremely talented."
When asked about meeting Johnny Depp - "But it's not like he was Hanson or anything..."
[Interviewer: "Are you a big fan?"] Love: "Oh my God yes...I'm a HUGE fan!"
Matchbox 20:
On who they want to meet Kyle: "That kid..."
Brian: "Hanson! We're all about Hanson."
Kyle: "The drummer kid - Zac. I really want to meet him!"
Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys):
When asked if there were any competition between BSB and Hanson, since they are the two
most popular groups with the teen audience right now - "We bet this question would come up - oh
you guys! We have a completely different sound and look and image and whatever have you, and
we do not feel like rivals at all. Case closed. We really do think that Ike, Zac, and Taylor are
talented though - they are really what you call "boy wonders". We are really happy for them - they
have been working hard for like five years or more to get where they are - they are not the
overnight sensation everyone thinks they are."... "'Mmmbop...ba du be dop ba du bop'...I love that
tune, it's just so catchy and real easy for me to sing to!"
Brian Littrell (Backstreet Boys):
"We hung out with them for a while in the States and they were pretty cool. Its amazing how they
all get along so well. If I was in a band with my brothers, I think I would have killed them by now. I
can see the smallest one, Zac right? I could see him getting on well with Aaron (Carter)."
Aaron Carter (Nick of the Backstreet Boys' lil brother):
"Yeah, I think they're cool. They're very talented. I wanna make a movie with them! I don't see
them as competition because we make different kinds of music. Who's tougher? I think I'm
tougher than Zac but the other two are pretty big. Isaac is... seventeen? I'm nine! Taylor I think
might kill me! No! Just joking. I don't really think about who's the toughest, I just like them."
Scott Wolf (Party of Five):
When asked his fave song of '97 - "Oh, definitely 'MMMBop' by Hanson. I think they are doing so
well. And they're so young! To write a song like that at their young ages, what they did is very
cool. All credit to the lads."
Chris Rock:
"I went to a Hanson concert the other night, and you know what? They can play!"
Justin Timberlake ('N Sync):
On how the market in America has changed in the past year - "I think that... I honestly think that
like Hanson just did something. Hanson...just did something and went to the edge with the pop
market and then it kind of mellowed out." ,
Lance Bass ('N Sync):
On what he would do if he ruled the world - "I'd build a skate park, then invite Hanson 'round for a
skate party!"
Jim Carrey:
"I want to adopt that little Hanson brother."
Scott Robinson (5ive):
"Do you know what 'mmmbop' means? It means 'Hanson!'"
Jonathan Taylor Thomas:
When asked what he thinks about Hanson - "Hanson? Yeah, I've heard of them. I saw them
perform and they have an interesting sound. I wish them every success."
Steve Mason (Jars of Clay):
When asked if he'd ever met Hanson - "No, but someone we know was talking to them and the
older one, Isaac, said that he listens to us all the time and loves us, which really surprised us!"
Jim Breur (comedian):
"It's always crazy when Hanson is around somewhere. Because the girls are screaming and
trying to touch them, and Hanson's just basically trying to get the hell outta there in one piece. If
one Hanson brother gets tackled then you can forget about ever seeing them again. Although I
did see Taylor get his shirt ripped off. That had to be embarassing. But they are cool."
Hallie Einesburg (actress -- 'Paulie'):
"I like Hanson. Especially Zac. Probably because he's the only one closer to my age besides their
little brother, Mac."
Janeane Garofalo:
"That drummer is so cute! And I'm not even kidding, he's so adorably cute that from the very first - well, at first I thought that guy was a girl, the middle guy. I thought, "What a cool girl." And I
remember just thinking, "She's the coolest, what a great role model for young girls." I just thought
it was a girl. So when I first saw Hanson, I was caught up in the ideology of a great role model for
teen girls, and thinking, "What a important thing this band is doing." And then I find out that's a
boy. And, uh, they're still great. I just think that they're utterly adorable. They seem really welladjusted and sweet and they're home-schooled hippie kids, and I like the whole thing. I just like
the "MMMbop" song."
David Duchovny:
On his favorite song of 1997 - "I'll tell you what song I like, but I'm embarassed. I'm only going to
tell you because...I like the Hanson song...I liked MMMBop."
Meredith Brooks:
"I first met Hanson over in Japan and they gave me some great advice about the fans and they
seem real down to earth."
Tia and Tamara Mowry:
When asked if they like Hanson - "[We] LOVE Hanson!!"
Carson Daly:
"Ah,you gotta love Hanson!"
John Norris:
"They're 3,nice,clean-cut kids from Oklahoma."
Butch Vig (Garbage):
"Well, I loved 'MMMBop' the first time I heard it," Vig told Wall of Sound. "But-this is the God's
honest truth-I thought they were girls. The first time I saw the video, I thought, 'Well, that must be
a guy and his two sisters.' Then Shirley [Manson] said the next day, 'Um, no, they're three boys.'
It kind of freaked me out." But Vig is quick to point out that whatever Ike, Zac, and Taylor are
doing, they're doing it well. "I heard 'Weird' and said to myself, this is gonna make all the girls out
there hold up their lighters - or whatever little girls have - and cry."
DJ Swamp (in a lecture at Emerson College, Feb. 2000)
"When I went in there, I thought they were puppets. I was as skeptical as anybody. I thought it
was like the Jackson 5 - Their Dad was running the show or something. But they're pretty in
charge. I got in there and they were giving me the cues. It wasn't a song that I would have
thought needed some scratching, but yeah"
Scotty Morris, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy vocalist
"Beck noted that the Beatles were a boy band and maybe, just maybe, one of these boy bands
will become the next great one - Hanson for example"