Unit Plan World Power

Teacher: Atencio
Becoming a
H.B.2 g-h
World Power
Ch 8-9
248- 279
H.B.3 a-c
Subject: U.S. History
Date: October 21st- November 22nd
Analyze the transformation of the American economy and the changing social and political conditions in the United States in response to the
industrial revolution, including: (g) Conservation of natural resources (e.g., the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Anasazi ruins at Mesa Verde, Colorado,
National Reclamation Act of 1902); (h) Progressive reforms (e.g., the national income tax, direct election of senators, women’s suffrage, prohibition).
Analyze the United States’ expanding role in the world during the late 19th and 20th centuries, to include: (a) Causes for a change in foreign policy
from isolationism to interventionism; (b) Causes and consequences of the Spanish American War; (c) Expanding influence in the Western
Hemisphere (e.g., the Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary added to the Monroe Doctrine, the “Big Stick” policy, “Dollar Diplomacy”)
Unit Understandings: Students will understand that…
2. Success Criteria for Unit Understandings: Students will …
The United States had expanding role in the Western Hemisphere during the late 19 th and
1. Evaluate the causes and consequences of the Spanish American War and identify key terms,
20th centuries.
which explain the United States expanding influence in the Western Hemisphere.
3. Summative Assessment:
1. Both an objective pretest and posttest on the vocabulary and standards of the unit. Present a power point or other verbal and visual presentation on the connection of American
Imperialism and the need for world-wide coaling stations to the Iraq war and the American need for oil, as part of the common core curriculum.
Western Hemisphere
4. Additional Standards
5. Skills Required to Achieve Understandings:
Social Darwinism
1. Define Western Hemisphere, Spanish American War, Roosevelt Corollary, Dollar Diplomacy,
Rough Riders
Panamá Canal, Monroe Doctrine, and Big Stick Diplomacy; Classify the causes of the
Yellow Press
Spanish American War; Classify the consequences of the Spanish American War; Apply
Spanish American War
Sphere of Influence
chronological and special thinking to understand important events during the Spanish
Roosevelt Corollary
Boxer Rebellion
American War; Explain connections between the past (Spanish American War) and the
Dollar diplomacy
Moral Diplomacy
present (today); Apply writing techniques (e.g. ACE, Formula Writing) when answering open
Panamá Canal
ended (OE) questions or short answer (SA) questions.
Monroe Doctrine
Natural Resources
Big Stick Diplomacy
Open Door Policy
Great White Fleet
National Income Tax
Theodore Roosevelt
Direct Election
6. Activities for Knowledge and Skills Instruction:
1. Method for accessing prior knowledge: Students will take Pre-test over Unit 2 and will track their results on the student progress chart … We will also have daily quick starts, which will
assess their prior knowledge, as time progresses I will also ask them to recall information from previous lessons. (see calendar below for specific QS questions).
Unit understandings and success criteria will be reviewed with students: At the start of each unit teacher and class will review learning topic rubric in order to clarify expectations for
the unit. At the start of each lesson teacher will clarify expectations for the day verbally as well as periodically review the rubric as needed with students. The learning goals and success
criteria will also be listed on the front board and reviewed regularly at the start of class.
Students write an individual goal for the unit: Students will list their individual goal for the unit following the introduction of the unit rubric; they will also list their goals on the unit divider
page in their notebook. Students will also monitor their level of understanding by referring to their learning topic rubric.
Method for vocabulary instruction: Students will complete 6-step vocabulary for the identified words from district materials. Teacher will also provide students with a list of key vocabulary
and concepts that is necessary for each unit. On the list it will be divided into 2 sections of the MUST know and the GOOD to know words. Students will make a set of KIM cards for each
word on the vocabulary and concept list, which will be added to EOC card deck. Word wall is also located on the front wall of the room.
Method for introducing unit content: Students will participate in daily warm-ups, which will help to assess prior knowledge and work to introduce new material, exit slips will also be used
on occasion in order to preview what they know about upcoming topics, and to review the material of the day. This will also work to help guide instruction. (See calendar below)
7. Teaching/Modeling Activities, Guided Practice Activities, Independent Practice Activities, Methods for checking understanding:
October 21------------------------ SUB
October 22
October 23
October 24
October 25
Students will be able to define key
Students will review and preview
Students will categorize the
Students will investigate the various Students will investigate the various
terms both visually and verbally.
Progressive movements.
Progressive movements through
Progressive movements through
QS – What was the 13th, 14th, and
QS- List an example of imperialism. QS- What do you think the
15th amendments?
1. Papers from unit 2 were passed
Progressive Movement was about?
QS- What are 4 topics Progressives QS- What is a muckraker?
1. Review and list learning topics
out to students as well as
1. Students build organizer and
tried to address?
1. Continue working on
and set individual goals (should
midterm scantrons.
1. Have students break into
newspaper project.
be 1st page in unit 3 section)
2. Students will track progress on
2. Students will then complete
2. Make sure they cite evidence
2. Complete 6-step vocabulary for
class and individual charts.
organizer from PPT.
2. Hand them a photo packet and
in photo captions.
the key terms. (should be 2nd
3. Finish vocabulary terms and turn 3. Finish organizer and answer
have them create a photo
HW- Due at the end of class.
page in the section)
in exit slip out.
reflection questions with class
essay to explain the
HW-Finish 6 Step Vocabulary
progressive movement. (See
Completed organizer is exit slip out.
Classroom Website)
HW- Organizer if extra time needed. 3. Make sure to cite evidence in
photo captions.
HW- Finish Photo Essay
October 28
October 29
October 30
October 31
November 1
Students will present portions of
Students will define imperialism and Students will define and explain the
Students will be able to explain the
Students will identify artifacts of
their photo essay and add notes to
explain the causes.
causes of imperialism and explain
United States influence in the
American Expansionism.
QS- what is Jingoism?
how the US was involved.
Western Hemisphere.
QS- Why was the Panama Canal
QS- Do you think the Progressive
1. Discuss QS
QS- List and describe 2 examples of QS- What caused the Spanish
movement was a worthy cause?
2. Build Graphic organizer
American Imperialism.
American War?
1. Make artifacts cards over 10
3. Read pgs 250-255 and fill in
1. Watch a series of videos on the 1. Finish the PPT and let students
key events from the period.
1. Student presentations and add
the organizer.
topic. Followed with notes and
have time to take notes.
This is pre-work activity for
note to organizer from
4. Answer questions 1-2 on pg
HW- Finish at home if needed.
254 for bank points.
Exit Slip- Define imperialism and
2. Complete Menu 1 item
HW- Finish above
explain what caused it .
November 4
November 5
November 6
November 7
November 8
Students will show their
Students will analyze “The White
Students will evaluate the pros and
Students will use their resources
Students will take a unit test to
understanding of American
Man’s Burden” and respond.
cons of imperialism.
from the entire unit and answer big
measure their progress.
QS- Do you agree with imperialism? QS- Do you think Imperialism is
topic essay.
QS- Get out your study guide and
QS- In your opinion did or does
1. Break into partners and
good or bad.
QS- Start on your unit Study Guide. quietly review by yourself or with a
America own an empire?
analyze White Mans Burden
1. Line Opinion game with
1. Answer big topic question
1. Students will use their Cheat
and discuss.
using student Resources.
1. Review Expectations for the
sheet cards to complete a
2. Then divide teams into
2. Compete writing prompt using
2. Students should complete unit
test, collect cards
series or competitions and
partners and have them
cards. - Menu 2
3 cards.
2. Take unit test
quizzes over imperialism.
discuss the pros and cons of
HW- Draw thoughts for bank points. 3. Make sure notebook is in order 3. Work on something from
2. Game challenge Monday.
they will be graded on Tues.
another class or read a book
HW- Add or refine cards as needed. HW- add or refine to cards
HW- finish note cards and organize
November 11
November 12
November 13
November 14
November 15
November 18
November 19
November 20
November 21
November 22
Service Learning Movie Day
Service Learning Movie Day
Service Learning Movie Day
Feedback Is given to students through daily warm-ups which will either preview or review key concepts. Students will also get written or oral feedback on
papers or assignments and are highly encouraged to re-do or revise their work. Grades are promptly put into the grade book and students are encouraged to
take advantage or the “re-do” window. I have created an email listserv and reminders and announcements are sent out weekly to students and parents. If
student are in need of help they can see me before school during lunch or after school. Students are also given student and teacher example of what is
expected for their work, and behavior.
Reflection (Write reflection on unit and results.) (Have students write a reflection of what they learned at end of unit)
10. Review (Items to include in next unit – based on assessment results)