Unit Plan Industrialism

in America
Ch 4-7
98- 247
U.S. History
Date: September 23 to October 17, 2013
2. Analyze the transformation of the American economy and the changing social and political conditions in the
United States in response to the industrial revolution, including: (b) rise of business leaders and their companies as
major forces in America (e.g., John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie); (c) development of monopolies and their
impact on economic and political policies (e.g., laissez-faire economics, trusts, trust busting); (d) growth of cities
(e.g., influx of immigrants, rural-to-urban migrations, racial and ethnic conflicts that resulted); (e) efforts of workers
to improve working conditions (e.g., organizing labor unions, strikes, strike breakers); (f) rise and effect of reform
movements (e.g., Populists, William Jennings Bryan, Jane Addams, muckrakers)
1. Unit Understandings: Students will understand that…
2. Success Criteria for Unit Understandings: Students will …
Students will understand that…
1. Evaluate the causes and consequences of Industrialization in America and
1. Industrialization in the United States led to major social and political
identify which the various groups and discuss the impact it had on their life
changes that have permanently shaped America.
politically and socially.
3. Summative Assessment: The student will take an objective test, to compare knowledge learned since the pretest.
The students will also answer DBQ questions and short answer questions in regard to the above learning standards.
The students will also complete a minimum of 4 projects from the differentiation project sheet. Each project will directly connect to the 4 major learning topics
found on the learning rubric. (See last page for rubric)
Scoring Guide: Percent on the objective test and a rubric for written questions and to assess learning topic goals. (See last page for rubric)
1. Vocabulary:
Laissez faire
Bessemer process
Mass production
Andrew Carnegie
John D
Consumer Culture
Trust Busting
Rural to urban
Labor union
Strike breakers
William Jennings
Jane Addams
Sweat shop
Collective bargining
Samuel Gompers
Haymarket Riot
Pullman Strike
Gilded Age
Spoils System
19th Amendment
4. Additional
5. Skills Required to Achieve Understandings:
1. Define industrialization and urbanization; Explain the various reasons for the
industrial revolution; Classify the consequences of the industrial revolution
on society, politics, and economic policies; Apply chronological and spatial
thinking to understand important events during the industrial revolution;
Explain connections between the past and the present (today); Apply writing
techniques (e.g. ACE, Formula Writing) when answering open ended (OE)
questions or short answer (SA) questions.
6. Activities for Knowledge and Skills Instruction:
1. Method for accessing prior knowledge: Students will take Pre-test over Unit 2 and will track their results on the student progress chart … We will also
have daily quick starts, which will assess their prior knowledge about reconstruction and the lesson for each day, as time progresses I will also ask them
to recall information from previous lessons. (see calendar below for specific QS questions).
2. Unit understandings and success criteria will be reviewed with students: At the start of each unit teacher and class will review learning topic rubric in
order to clarify expectations for the unit. At the start of each lesson teacher will clarify expectations for the day verbally as well as periodically review the
rubric as needed with students. The learning goals and success criteria will also be listed on the front board and reviewed regularly at the start of class.
3. Students write an individual goal for the unit: Students will list their individual goal for the unit following the introduction of the unit rubric; they will also
list their goals on the unit divider page in their notebook. Students will also monitor their level of understanding by referring to their learning topic rubric.
4. Method for vocabulary instruction: Students will complete 6-step vocabulary for the identified words from district materials. Teacher will also provide
students with a list of key vocabulary and concepts that is necessary for each unit. On the list it will be divided into 2 sections of the MUST know and the
GOOD to know words. Students will make a set of KIM cards for each word on the vocabulary and concept list, which will be added to EOC card deck.
Word wall is also located on the front wall of the room.
5. Method for introducing unit content: Students will participate in daily warm-ups, which will help to assess prior knowledge and work to introduce new
material, exit slips will also be used on occasion in order to preview what they know about upcoming topics, and to review the material of the day. This will
also work to help guide instruction. (see calendar below for more details)
7. Teaching/Modeling Activities, Guided Practice Activities, Independent Practice Activities, Methods for checking understanding:
(Students are to work in homogenous groups for the unit)
September 23
September 24
September 25
September 26
September 27
Students will review and
Students will work in groups
Students will participate in a
Students will work on their
Students will watch a video
preview unit.
in order to complete a guided mini discussion over the
industrialism internet
that demonstrates what life
QS- What is the industrial
note organizer.
industrial revolution.
assignments in their groups.
was like during this time
QS- What definition term
QS- What is a robber baron
QS- Why did the industrial
1. Students got assigned to
refers to the growth of a city
and give 2 examples?
revolution change society so
QS- List 3 inventions and
or area.
1. Class will have a small
their inventors from the
new partner groups.
Part 1 Starts
mini discussion over the
1. Students are to work in
Industrial Revolution.
2. Students were reminded to Have students follow part 1
industrial revolution
cooperative groups and
1. We will watch a short
re-take/take unit 1 test.
checklist self paced
hitting key points from the
complete DBQ mini
video that shows what life
3. I collected U1 quick starts.
organizer. Following
assignments see class
was like during the
4. Papers from unit 1 were
1. Students will use
discussions students will
industrial revolution.
passed out to students
resources on the website
create a concept quilt as
HW- work on mini
2. Class will have a
and graded during vocab.
in order to complete the
a class.
discussion on the film
5. Students then listed their
“Industrial Age Guided
2. Following the discussion
and students will identify
unit two learning
Note Sheet”.
and class quilt students
characteristics from the
2. Make sure to look at a
can finish their note guide
time period.
6. Student groups worked on
variety of sources and
if needed or move on to
HW- finish anything that is
completing 6-step
add extra notes as
the next section.
vocabulary for the 3 unit
HW- Work on note guide and
HW- Finish vocabulary terms
turn in when complete
September 30
Students will review material
using a concept quilt.
QS- What were the living
conditions like in the city?
1. Students will continue
working or finish the
internet assignments
2. If completed students will
move on to next step.
HW- Start menu item 1
October 1
Students will complete an
individual menu item to show
understanding for topics
QS- What is a monopoly?
1. Students are to choose
one item from menu 1
and complete. See
website for options.
2. Small group instruction
HW_-work on menu item
October 2
Students will complete an
individual menu item to show
understanding for topics
QS- Define Nativism
1. Students are to choose
one item from menu 1
and complete. See
website for options.
2. Finish menu item
3. Part 1 ends
October 7
Students will will examine the
causes and
consequences of the
Industrial Revolution
QS- How has the Industrial
Revolution shaped America?
1. Watch the Flocabulary
video and add details
to your practice
essay from the 3rd.
2. Review Family History
HW- start your family history
October 14
Students will use their
resources from the entire unit
and answer big topic essay.
QS- Summarize the Industrial
Revolution listing 5 major
1. Answer big topic question
using student Resources.
2. Students should
complete unit 2 cards.
3. Make sure notebook is in
order they will be graded
on Thurs.
HW- finish note cards and
organize notebook.
October 8
Students will Students will
complete an individual menu
item to show understanding
for learning topic.
QS- What is the difference in
immigration and migration?
1. Students are to choose
one item from menu 2 &
3 and complete.
HW- Finish menu item if not
completed yet
October 9
Students will review the
causes and consequences of
the Industrial Revolution.
QS- Get started on work.
1. Follow the questions
prompts and answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
Make sure to use
complete sentences and
restate. Please label
each section on your
HW- Finish at home
October 16
Students will take a midterm
in cooperative groups.
1. Chart midterm progress on
class charts.
2. Review Expectations for
the test
3. Take midterm
4. Work on something from
another class or read a book
Review Questions
October 15
Students will take a unit test
to measure their progress.
QS- Get out your study guide
and quietly review by yourself
or with a partner.
1. Review Expectations for
the test, collect cards
2. Take unit test
3. Work on something from
another class or read a book
Review Questions
October 3
Students will check their level
of understanding of the IR
QS- Describe the Industrial
1. Teach students test
taking strategy
2. Have students take quiz
3. Grade the quizzes as a
class and collect.
Exit Slip- Define Industrial
HW- Continue working on
missing work…
October 10
Students will view the causes
and consequences of the
Industrial Revolution.
QS- Get started on work
1. Follow the questions
prompts and answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
Make sure to use
complete sentences and
restate. Please label
each section on your
HW- Finish at home
October 17-----------------1/2
9 Weeks Rewards Day
1. Depending on student
progress they will either
participate in rewards day
or work on make up items
in the classroom.
2. Need 70% or higher in
class and less than 3
tardies for the quarter.
October 4
Students will take notes from
QS- What is migration?
1. Lecture over immigration
–take notes on the
2. Following the lecture we
will discuss the key points
of the lecture…
3. Watch video over
HW- continue working on
missing assignments.
October 11
Students will create unit
review cards to study for their
QS- Define Industrial
1. Make review cards for
Unit 2
2. Play Review games for
Unit 2 Test
3. Make sure notebook is in
HW- finish cards, organize
notebook, and finish work
October 18
No School
Professional Development
8. Feedback Is given to students through daily warm-ups which will either preview or review key concepts. Students will also get written or oral feedback on
papers or assignments and are highly encouraged to re-do or revise their work. Grades are promptly put into the grade book and students are encouraged to
take advantage or the “re-do” window. I have created an email listserv and reminders and announcements are sent out weekly to students and parents. If
student are in need of help they can see me before school during lunch or after school. Students are also given student and teacher example of what is
expected for their work, and behavior.
9. Reflection (Write reflection on unit and results.) (Have students write a reflection of what they learned at end of unit)
10. Review (Items to include in next unit – based on assessment results)