1 Department/School: Faculty of Law, Common Law Section University of Ottawa 08/25/2015 CURRICULUM VITAE Employee No. 118273 A. NAME: Jane Bailey Full Professor, Common Law Section, University of Ottawa Member of the Bar of Ontario B. DEGREES: LLM LLB MIR BAS (Hon) University of Toronto Queen’s Queen’s Trent Law Law Industrial Relations Administrative & Policy Studies 2002 1993 1990 1988 C. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 20152008-present 2008-2010 2013-present 2003-2008 2002-2003 1994-2002 1993-1994 Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Law Law Info Studies (cross appt.) University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Assistant Professor Replacement Professor Lawyer Law Clerk Law Law Litigation Group Honourable Justice John Sopinka University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Torys LLP Supreme Court of Canada D. HONOURS, AWARDS & APPOINTMENTS: 2014- Full Academic Member Human Rights Research and Education Centre University of Ottawa 2014- Network Researcher PREVNet (Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network) Queen’s University 2013 Visiting Professor Law Universidad de Puerto Rico 2012- Team Leader, Working Group 1 Toward Cyberjustice: Université de Montréal 2 Rethinking Processual Law 2011 Visiting Professor Law University of Hong Kong 2007 Visiting Professor Law Universidad de Puerto Rico 2005-06 Overall Award of Excellence for Full-Time Professor Common Law Students’ Association University of Ottawa 2004-05 Overall Award of Excellence for Full-Time Professor Common Law Students’ Association University of Ottawa 2004 Visiting Professor Law Universidad de Puerto Rico 2002 WCG Howland Prize for Outstanding LLM Performance (shared) Faculty of Law University of Toronto 2001-02 Centre for Innovation Law & Policy Graduate Fellowship Faculty of Law University of Toronto 2001-02 Ontario Graduate Scholarship LLM Programme University of Toronto 1993 David Sabbath Prizes in Wills, Remedies, Advanced Family Law, Feminist Jurisprudence Faculty of Law Queen’s University 1991 Reuben Wells Leonard Prize in Advanced Constitutional Law Faculty of Law Queen’s University 1991 McCarthy Tétreault Prize Faculty of Law Queen’s University 1991 Fasken Campbell Godfrey Prize in Torts (shared) Faculty of Law Queen’s University 1990 Borden & Elliot Prize in Contracts Faculty of Law Queen’s University 1990 Queen’s University Entrance Scholarship Faculty of Law Queen’s University 1988 President Symons Medal for first standing in degree program Administrative and Policy Studies Trent University 1985 Eugene Forsey Scholarship Administrative and Trent University 3 Policy Studies 1985 E. Bruce Barrett Memorial Prize in Administrative and the Philosophy of Logic Policy Studies Trent University SCHOLARLY and PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: 1) University of Ottawa 2014-2015 Member, Human Rights Research and Education Centre Management Committee 2013-2014 Member, Aboriginal Advisory Committee, Faculty of Law 2013 Member, Equity Committee, Faculty of Law 2011-2013 Member, Teaching Personnel Committee, Faculty of Law Member, Admissions Committee, Faculty of Law 2010- Member, Centre for Law, Technology & Society 2008- Member, Faculty of Graduate Studies 2007-2009 Chair, Equity Committee, Faculty of Law 2007-2009 Organizer, Annual Warren Winkler Lecture on Civil Justice Reform 2005-2007 Member, Admissions Committee, Faculty of Law 2003-2006 Member, Executive Committee, Institute for Women’s Studies 2003- Member, Internal Advisory Board, Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic 2003-2005 Member, Equity Committee, Faculty of Law 2002-2004 Member, Admissions Committee, Faculty of Law 2) External 2014- Member, YWCA Canada Help Communities Prevent and Eliminate Cyber-Violence Against Young Women and Girls Project Advisory Committee 4 2014- Member, Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women Cyberviolence Project Advisory Committee 2013-Present Guest Editor, Special Issue of Laws on Law, Technology & Society 2010- Member, Editorial Board, Canadian Journal of Women & the Law 2012-13 Co-Chair, National Steering Committee, National Association of Women & the Law 2012 Expert Consultation, Law Reform Committee of the Parliament of Victoria, Australia regarding their inquiry into sexting (31 October meeting in Ottawa together with Steeves, V.) 2009-2012, 2013-Present Member, National Steering Committee, National Association of Women & the Law 2009-Present External Evaluator, Grant Applications to Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council 2008-Present Peer reviewer for various journals, including: Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Queen’s Law Journal, Alberta Law Review, McGill Law Journal, New Brunswick Law Journal, Osgoode Hall Law Journal 2008 Evaluator, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Council for the Humanities, Open Competition Research Programmes Expert Consultation, House of Lords Constitution Committee on Privacy Related Matters (21 April meeting in Ottawa together with Kerr, I., et al) 2006-2007 Member, Advisory Committee to the Department of Justice’s Action Plan on Racism 2006 Member, Organizing Committee for Lawyers Without Rights Exhibit, Ottawa 2003-2004 University of Ottawa Faculty Representative, Colloquia Planning Subcommittee of the Chief Justice of Ontario’s Advisory Committee on Professionalism Member, Advisory Committee, LEAF Consultation on the Internet and Equality F. GRADUATE EXAMINATION AND SUPERVISION: 5 1) GRADUATE EXAMINATIONS 2013- Lori Stinson (Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa), “Mainstream pornography, mediated sexual consciousness and youth vulnerability to sexual harassment, abuse, coerced sex and violence: Deconstructing and reconstructing agency in emerging sexual identities” [in progress]. 2013 Trevor Milford (M.A., Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology, University of Ottawa), “Girls’ Online Agency: A Cyberfeminist Exploration”. 2013 Anne Uteck (LL.D., Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa), “Reconceptualizing Spatial Privacy for the Internet of Everything”. 2013 Jennifer Barrigar (LL.D. Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa), “Time to Care About Reputation: Re-viewing the Resonances and Regulation of Reputation”. 2012 Alex Cameron (LL.D., Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa), “The Nexus of Copyright and Intellectual Privacy”. 2012 Chloe Georas (LL.M., Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa), Masters Project “Preemptive ‘Othering”: How Predictive Technologies Criminalize ‘Bad Communities’”. 2004 Rong Wu, (LL.M., Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa), Masters Project “State Surveillance and the Right to Privacy in China”. 2003 Karen Ng (LL.M., Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa), Masters Project, “Spam Legislation in Canada: Federalism, Freedom of Expression and the Regulation of the Internet”. 2003 Marc Watkins (LL.M., Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa), Masters Project, “The Introduction of a National ID Card in Canada”. 2002 Marcus Bornfreund (LL.M., Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa), Masters Project, “Legal File-Sharing”. 2002 Alana Maurushat (LL.M., Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa), Masters Project, “Patrolling the Freedom Expressway: Ethnocentric and Technocentric Free Expression Beliefs and the Internet”. 2) GRADUATE SUPERVISION: 6 2015 Iulia Zubrytska (LL.M. Candidate), “Digitizing cost calculation in civil proceedings” (in progress) [co-supervisor]. Margaret Galley (LL.M. Candidate), Revenge Porn: An Examination of the Phenomenon and Existing Responses. 2014 Ran Bi (LL.M.), “Unfair terms in online contracts” [co-supervisor]. Juan Acevedo (LL.M.), “Cyberbullying”. 2013 Jacob Downs (LL.M.), “Privacy, Surveillance & Democratic Dialogue”. Aleksandra Suwala (LL.M.), “Content, search engines and defamation cases: Should technology of the Internet affect responsibilities and duties of search engines?” [cosupervisor]. 2009 Eleanor San San Pua Ramirez (LL.M.), “The 21st Century Warfare: Cyber Warfare in Particular Reference to China” [co-supervisor]. 2008 Amy Awad (LL.M.), “Tracking Myself?: A Response to Online Behavioural Tracking (Implementing the Access Principle)”. 2007 Louisa Garib (LL.M.), “Biometrics and Employee Privacy Rights: Unequal Protection and Unsure Footing”. 2005 Ana Guanabara (LL.M.), “New Kinds of Discrimination Against Women in the Workplace”. 2004 Na Yang (LL.M.), “Who Should be Liable for Song Swapping – An Analysis of ISP Liability for Online Music Sharing”. G. GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE COURSES: 1) GRADUATE COURSES: Technoprudence: Legal Theory in the Information Age 2011-present; a mandatory seminar for graduate students completing an LL.M. with Concentration in Law and Technology 2) UNDERGRADUATE COURSES: Cyberspace & Human Rights 2011; a 6 week intensive seminar for undergraduate and graduate law students taught as a Visiting Professor at The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law; approximate enrolment: 20 7 Cyberfeminism 2008-present; a first year elective course taught at the University Ottawa; maximum enrolment: 25 2007 & 2013 (summer); a 6 week intensive upper year seminar for law students taught as a Visiting Professor at Universidad de Puerto Rico, Escuela de Derecho; approximate enrolment: 30 2006-2007; upper year seminar for law and graduate students; maximum enrolment: 25 Contracts 2004-present; first year lecture course for law students; average enrolment: 75 Women, Law & Technology 2004 (summer); an upper year seminar for law students taught as a Visiting Professor at Universidad de Puerto Rico, Escuela de Derecho; approximate enrolment: 30 Civil Procedure 2003-present; an upper year lecture course for law students; average enrolment: 65-75 Regulation of Internet Communications 2003-2005; a seminar taught to undergraduate and graduate students (law and engineering); maximum enrolment: 25 3) UNDERGRADUATE DIRECTED STUDIES: 2014 Saranjit Cheema, “Cyberbullying: Addressing Intermediary Liability in Tort and Contract Law” (UROP) 2013 Faiza Ahmed-Hassan, “Using Law to Further Social Justice: Redefining the ‘Ordinary Person’ Standard in Defamation Law” [co-directed] 2012 Prubjoth Sidhu, “Cyber-Justice: Use of Videoconferencing Technology in Criminal Law Proceedings” 2012 Rachel Gold, “Women in Law School and Women in Computer Science Undergraduate Programs in Canada: Why the Enrolment Gap and Lessons from Law School” 2009 Katie Black, “Identity in a Feminist Utopia” 2008 Ashley Deathe, “Identity in a Feminist Utopia” 2008 Stephanie Wildman, “Pornography and the Politics of Power” 8 H. 2006 Alex Munoza, “Digital Divide in Venezuela” 2005 Andy Kaplan-Myrth, “Factor Interaction: Optimality Theory, Constraint Interaction and Legal Reasoning” EXTERNAL RESEARCH FUNDING: Year Source Amount 2015 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Partnership Grant $2.5 million 2014 Social Sciences and $24,739 Humanities Research Council Connections Grant 2014 Canadian Women’s Foundation $5,000 2011 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Partnership Development Grant $199,000 Principal Purpose Investigator(s) Jane Bailey Investigate the Valerie Steeves relationship between (Co-PI’s) online behavioural targeting of youth and cyberbullying Jane Bailey Organize and execute Valerie Steeves international, (cointerdisciplinary investigator) workshop and public conference “eGirls, eCitizens” and co-edit book of collected works Jane Bailey Organize and execute Valerie Steeves international, (Co-PI’s) interdisciplinary workshop and public conference “eGirls, eCitizens” and co-edit book of collected works Valerie Steeves “The eGirls Project” – Jane Bailey research, write and (Co-PI’s) publish on girls’ and young women’s involvement in social networking and its implications for critical theory and policy development 9 2011 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council MCRI Grant $2.5 million 20052007 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council $2.96 million Ian R. Kerr Jane Bailey et al. (coinvestigators) 2004 Centre for Innovation Law $10,000 and Policy Curriculum Development Grant Jane Bailey 20032006 Bell Canada, Ontario Research Network in Electronic Commerce Jane Bailey (T2) Ian R. Kerr (T1) Daniel Gervais (T3) $500 000 Karim Benyekhlef Jane Bailey et al. (coinvestigators) “Vers la cyberjustice/Towards Cyberjustice” – 32 interdisciplinary international scholars institutions and community organizations collaborating on how technology can and is being used to aid access to justice “On the Identity Trail” 23 member collaborative, multidisciplinary research initiative studying anonymity, identity and authentication in networked society “Women, Law & Technology” – research and develop a seminar focused on equality-related communications technology issues from feminist and other critical perspectives Study on Social Dimensions of Digital Copyright Reform 10 2003 I. Centre for Innovation Law $10,000 & Policy Curriculum Development Grant Jane Bailey “Regulation of Internet Communications” - research and develop an interdisciplinary seminar for law and engineering students that actively engages both legal and technological expertise in the joint pursuit of the exploration and resolution of issues relating to the regulation of Internet communications INTERNAL RESEARCH FUNDING: Year Source Amount per Principal year Investigator $3,000 Jane Bailey 2014 University Research Development Program 2012 Law Foundation of Ontario $2,000 2011 Law Foundation of Ontario $6,000 2010-11 Law Foundation of Ontario $2,000 Purpose Organize and execute international, interdisciplinary workshop and public conference “eGirls, eCitizens” and co-edit book of collected works Jane Bailey Conduct review of Canadian policy debates on technology and children over a 10 year period Jane Bailey eGirls: paper focused Ian Kerr (co on the social investigator) networking experiences Michael Geist of girls and young (co investigator) women Jane Bailey “Re-opening Law’s Gate” – paper on public interest standing and access to justice 11 J. 2010 University Research Development Grant $5,000 2009 Law Foundation of Ontario $2,000 Jane Bailey “A Chatroom of One’s Valerie Steeves Own” (co-investigator) - conduct research, qualitative interviews and focus groups, write article on risks and benefits inherent in the ways young women construct their online personae Jane Bailey Papers and presentations on sexting and online hate propaganda PUBLICATIONS: 1) LIFE-TIME SUMMARY: Books edited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Casebooks edited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chapters in books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Articles in journals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Papers in conference proceedings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Reports & parliamentary submissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Invited contributions / Papers read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 50 Others (workshops/consultations/opinion editorials/media/social media) . . 46 2) DETAILS: LEGEND: R – REFEREED/REVIEWED T – TRANSLATED A – ADAPTED I – INVITED REP - REPUBLISHED (A) Books edited: A1. Bailey, J. and Valerie Steeves, eds. eGirls, eCitizens: Putting Technology Theory and Policy Into Dialogue with Girls’ and Young Women’s Voices (Ottawa: UOttawa Press) [in press]. A2. Walker, Watson, Hutchinson, Pinos, Bailey, Farrow, Hanycz, Murphy, Page, Pirie, Sossin, The Civil Litigation Process – Cases and Materials (7th ed) (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2009) (Chap. 7 – Discovery), 72 pages (also responsible for reviewing Chap. 9 - Privilege and Deemed Undertaking and Chap. 6 – Pleadings). 12 A3. Walker, Watson, Hutchinson, Pinos, Bailey, Farrow, Hanycz, Murphy, Page, Pirie, Sossin, The Civil Litigation Process – Cases and Materials (6th ed) (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2005) (Chap. 4 – Pleadings), 38 pages, (Chap. 5(V) – Intervention), 13 pages (also responsible for reviewing Chap. 9 – Privilege and Deemed Undertaking, 119 pages). (B) Course Collections Edited: B1. Cyberfeminism ed Jane Bailey (University of Ottawa: Ottawa, 2014) B2. Technoprudence ed Jane Bailey (University of Ottawa: Ottawa, 2013) B3. Human Rights and Cyberspace ed Jane Bailey (University of Ottawa: Ottawa 2011) B4. Regulation of Internet Communications ed Jane Bailey (University of Ottawa: Ottawa, 2004) (C) Chapters in Books: C1. Bailey, J. “A Perfect Storm: How the Online Environment, Social Norms and Law Constrain Girls’ Online Lives”, eGirls, eCitizens: Putting Technology Theory and Policy Into Dialogue with Girls’ and Young Women’s Voices, Jane Bailey and Valerie Steeves, eds. [in press], 34 pages. C.2 Steeves, V. and Jane Bailey. “Living in the Mirror: Understanding Young Women’s Experiences with Online Social Networking”, Expanding the Gaze: Gender, Public Space and Surveillance, Emily Van De Muelen, ed. [University of Toronto Press: in press], 37 pages. R C3. Bailey, J. and Valerie Steeves. “Will the Real Digital Girl Please Stand Up?”, New visualities, new technologies: The new ecstasy of communication, Hille Koskela and Macgregor Wise eds. [Ashgate Publishing: 2013], 37 pages. R C4. Bailey, J. “Twenty Years Later Taylor Still Has It Right: Section 13 of the CHRA’s Continuing Contribution to Equality” The Supreme Court of Canada and Social Justice: Commitment, Retrenchment or Retreat, Sheila McIntyre and Sanda Rodgers, eds. (Markham, Ontario: Supreme Court Law Review and LexisNexisCanada, 2010), 39 pages. R C5. Bailey, J. “Life in the Fishbowl: Feminist Interrogations of Webcamming” On the Identity Trail: Anonymity, Privacy and Identity in a Networked Society, Ian Kerr, Carole Lucock and Valerie Steeves, eds. (Oxford University Press: 2009) 283-301, 19 pages. R C6. Bailey, J., “Legal Workplace Technology and Equality for Women Lawyers: Fortifying or Transforming the ‘Master’s House’?” Bailey, J., “Legal Workplace Technology and Equality for Women Lawyers: Fortifying or Transforming the Master’s House?”, Calling for Change: Women, Law and the Legal Profession Ten Years After Touchstones for Change, Elizabeth Sheehy and Sheila McIntyre, eds. (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2006), 29 pages. R 13 C7. Bailey, J. “Deflating the Michelin Man: Protecting Users’ Rights in the Canadian Copyright Reform Process”, In the Public Interest: The Future of Canadian Copyright Law, Michael Geist, ed., (Toronto: Irwin Law Book, 2005), 42 pages. R C8. Bailey, J., “Of Mediums and Metaphors: How a Layered Methodology Might Contribute to Constitutional Analysis of Internet Content Regulation”, Legal Issues in Electronic Commerce 2d, R.L. Campbell, ed., (Concord: Captus Press, 2005), 4 pages. A, REP. (D) Journal Articles: D1. Bailey, J., Jacquelyn Burkell and Graham Reynolds, “Access to Justice for All: Towards an ‘Expansive Vision’ of Justice and Technology” (2013) 31(2) Windsor Yearbook on Access to Justice, [in press]. R D2. Bailey, J. “Time to Unpack the Juggernaut?: Reflections on the Canadian Federal Parliamentary Debates on ‘Cyberbullying’” ((2014) 37(2) Dal LJ 661. R D3. Lupo, G. and Jane Bailey. “Designing and Implementing e-Justice Systems: Some Lessons Learned from EU and Canadian Examples” (2014) 3(2) Laws 353-387 (co-authored in equal proportions), 35 pages. R D4. Bailey, J. and Jacquelyn Burkell. “Implementing Technology in the Justice Sector: A Canadian Perspective” (2013) 11:2 CJLT 253-282, 30 pages. R D5. Bailey, J. “’Sexualized online bullying’ through an equality lens: Missed opportunity in AB v. Bragg?” (2013) 59 McGill LJ 709-737, 29 pages. R D6. Bailey, J., Valerie Steeves, Jacquelyn Burkell and Priscilla Regan. “Negotiating with Gender Stereotypes on Social Networking Sites: From ‘Bicycle Face’ to Facebook” (2013) 37 Journal of Communication Inquiry 91-112, 22 pages. R D7. Bailey, J. and Angela Chaisson. “On Being ‘Part of the Solution’: Public Interest Standing after SWUAV SCC” (2012) 1 Canadian Journal of Poverty Law 121-144, 24 pages. R D8. Bailey, J. “Systematic Government Access to Private Sector Data in Canada” (2012) 2 Intl Data Privacy Law 207-219, 13 pages. R D9. Bailey, J. “Re-opening Law’s Gate: Public Interest Standing and Access to Justice” (2011) 44 U.B.C. L.Rev. 255-285, 31 pages. R D10. Bailey, J. and Mouna Hanna. “The Gendered Dimensions of Sexting: Assessing the Applicability of Canada’s Child Pornography Provision” (2011) 23 C.J.W.L. 406-441, 36 pages. R 14 D11. Bailey, J. “Across the Rubicon and Into the Apennines: The Privacy/Law Enforcement Balance After A.M. and Kang-Brown” (2009), 55 C.L.Q. 239-280, 42 pages. R D12. Bailey, J. “Missing Privacy through Individuation: The Treatment of Privacy in the Canadian Case Law on Hate, Obscenity and Child Pornography” (2008) 31(1) Dalhousie Law Journal 55, 28 pages. R D13. Bailey, J. “Towards An Equality-Enhancing Conception of Privacy” (2008) 31(2) Dalhousie Law Journal 267-309, 43 pages. R D14. Bailey, J. “Framed By Section 8: Constitutional Protection of Privacy in Canada” (2008) 50(3) Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 279-306, 28 pages. R D15. Bailey, J. and Kathy Neufeld “Gender, Identity and Professionalism: A Review of The First Women Lawyers by Mary Jane Mossman” (2007) 86 Canadian Bar Review 355-362, (coauthored in equal proportions), 8 pages. R D16. Bailey, J. and Ian Kerr, “Seizing Control?: The Experience Capture Experiments of Ringley and Mann” (2007) 9:2 Ethics and Information Technology 129-139 (co-authored in equal proportions), 11 pages. R D17. Bailey J. and Adrienne Telford, “What’s So Cyber About It?: Reflections on Cyberfeminism’s Contribution to Legal Studies” (2007) 19(2) CJWL 243-271 (responsible for 75% of content), 29 pages. R D18. Bailey, J., “Confronting Collective Harm: Technology’s Transformative Impact on Child Pornography” (2007) 56 UNBLJ 65-102, 38 pages. R D19. Bailey, J., "Strategic Alliances : The Inter-related Roles of Citizens, Industry and Government in Combating Internet Hate” (2006) Canadian Issues, 60-65, 6 pages. I, T D20. Bailey, J., “The Substance of Procedure: Non-Party Disclosure in the Canadian and U.S. Online Music Sharing Litigation” (2006) 43 A.L.R. 615-645, 31 pages. R D21. Bailey, J. and C. Mathen, “Constitutional Advancement of Women’s E-Quality: Responding to Challenges and Seizing Opportunities” (2005) 30 Queen’s L.J. 660-714 (co-authored in equal proportions), 55 pages. R D22. Kerr, I. and Bailey, J., “The Implications of Digital Rights Management for Privacy and Freedom of Expression” (2004) 1 Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society 87-94, (co-authored in equal proportions), 8 pages. R 15 D23. Bailey, J., “Private Regulation and Public Policy: Toward Effective Restriction of Internet Hate Propaganda” (2004) 49 McGill L.J. 59-103, 45 pages. R D24. Bailey, J., “Of Mediums and Metaphors: How a Layered Methodology Might Contribute to Constitutional Analysis of Internet Content Regulation” (2004) 30(2) Manitoba L.J. 197-226, 30 pages. R (E) Papers in conference proceedings: E1. Kerr, I. and Bailey, J. “Seizing control?: The Continuous Personal Experience Capture Experiments of Ringley & Mann” ETHICOMP 2007, (Tokyo, Japan, 2007) [co-authored in equal proportions], 16 pages. R E2. Kerr, I. and Bailey, J. “Chief Treasures of the World: What Happens When Law Protects the Technologies that Protect Copyright” ETHICOMP 2004, (Syros, Greece, 2004) [co-authored in equal proportions], 13 pages. R (F) Reports and Parliamentary Submissions: F1. Bailey, J., (supported by Professors Faye Mishna, Wayne MacKay, Andrea Slane), Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights Regarding Bill C-13 (Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act) (26 May 2014), 12 pages. A. F2. Bailey, J., Invited testimony before and submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights regarding Bill C-304 (repeal of the Canadian Human Rights Code provision against internet hate propagation), Senate of Canada, Ottawa (25 June 2013), 8 pages. I. F3. Bailey, J. “Digitization of Court Processes in Canada” Cyberjustice Laboratory Working Paper No. 2 (23 October 2012, am June 2014), online: http://site.cyberjustice.ca/Content/documents/WP002_CanadaDigitizationOfCourtProcesses20121023.pdf, 53 pages. I. F4. Bailey, J. “Toward Development of an Ethical Framework for the Criminal Intelligence Process” (22 September 2009), 95 pages. I. F5. Bailey, J. “Confronting the Dragons Without and Within: Privacy’s Final Frontier?”, A Report on “Terra Incognita”, The 29th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, Montreal Canada (December 2007), prepared for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, online: http://www.privacyconference2007.gc.ca/workbooks/Terra_Incognita_summary_E.html, 33 pages. I. (G) Invited Contributions / Papers Read: 1. Bailey, J. “A Perfect Storm: How the online environment, social norms and law shape girls’ online lives”, to be presented at Amsterdam Privacy Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2015. 16 2. Bailey, J., Valerie Steeves, Jacquelyn Burkell and Priscilla Regan, “Above, Below, Beside, Within: The Privacy Implications of Surveillant Immersion”, to be presented at Amsterdam Privacy Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2015. 3. Bailey, J. “Cyberjustice Initiatives in Canada”, presented at 8th Annual Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law, University of Ottawa, 25 August 2015. 4. Steeves V., Regan, P., Bailey, J., Shade, L, Burkell, J., Ruparelia, R., “Bridging the gap between theory and practice: evaluating the application of intersectional methodologies in the context of surveillance studies”, to be presented at Surveillance Studies Centre Workshop 2015, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, 11 June 2015. 5. Bailey, J. “eGirls, eCitizens: Putting Technology Theory and Policy into Dialogue with the Voices of Girls and Young Women”, to be presented at Canadian Law and Society Association Meeting, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Ottawa, 5 June 2015. 6. Bailey, J. “What policymakers should know: perspectives from The eGirls Project”, to be presented at Canadian Communications Association Meeting, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Ottawa, 4 June 2015. 7. Bailey, J. “Privacy, equality and online attacks: lessons from The eGirls Project”, presented at the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta’s Data Privacy Day, Calgary, Alberta, 28 January 2015. 8. Bailey, J. and Valerie Steeves, “eGirls: gender, privacy, equality, and cyberbullying in online social networking”, presented at Canadian Access and Privacy Association Conference, Ottawa, 8 December 2014. 9. Bailey, J. and Valerie Steeves, “Surveillance and Self: Young Women’s Experiences with Online Social Media”, presented at Shirley Greenberg Lecture Series, uOttawa, 15 October 2014. 10. Bailey, J. “Gendering Big Brother: What’s a Feminist To Do?”, presented at Gendering Civil Liberties: A Symposium, sponsored by Osgoode Hall Institute for Feminist Legal Studies and Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Toronto, 19 September 2014. 11. Bailey, J., “Canadian Courts and Technology: An Overview”, presented at Cyberjustice Laboratory Summer School, Université de Montréal (12 June 2014). 12. Bailey, J., Jacquelyn Burkell and Graham Reynolds, “Mind Your Conceptions: Access to Justice and Technology” presented at Law and Society Association Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota (30 May 2014) 13. Valerie Steeves and Bailey, J., “Living in the Mirror: Understanding Young Women’s Experiences with Online Social Networking” presented at 6th Biennial Conference of the Surveillance and Society Network, University of Barcelona, Spain (April 2014). 17 14. Bailey, J., “The Cyberbullying Debates in Canada”, presented at In the Public Interest Conference, University of Hong Kong (10 April 2014). 15. Bailey, J. and Valerie Steeves, “A Perfect Storm: How the Online Environment, Social Norms, and Law Constrain Girls’ Online Lives”, presented at eGirls, eCitizens: Putting Theory, Policy & Education into Dialogue with the Voices of Girls and Young Women, University of Ottawa (28 March 2014). 16. Bailey, J., “When the Label Obscures the Problem(s): An Analysis of Canadian Federal Parliamentary Debates About ‘Cyberbullying’” Annie Macdonald Langstaff Workshop, McGill University, Montreal (15 January 2014). 17. Bailey, J., “Filling an equality gap?: the role of privacy in AB v. Bragg” Defining the Legal Line: Youth, Cyber Bullying & Wellbeing, McGill University, Montreal (20 November 2013). 18. Bailey, J., “Privacy in service of equality?: online sexualized bullying in AB v. Bragg” Queen’s Feminist Legal Studies Speaker Series, Queen’s University (1 November 2013). 19. Bailey, J., “Filling an equality gap?: the role of privacy in AB v. Bragg” Status of Women Canada Workshop on Cyberbullying and Online Sexual Exploitation in the Lives of Girls and Women, Ottawa (7 October 2013). 20. Bailey, J. “Online Sexualized Bullying through an Equality Lens: Missed Opportunity in AB v Bragg?” presented at Law & Society Association Conference, Boston Mass (1 June 2013). 21. Bailey, J. “Cyberbullying and Structural Inequality” to be presented at Clicks and Stones: Cyberbullying, Digital Citizenship and the Challenges of Legal Response, University of Toronto (3 May 2013). 22. Bailey, J. “Cogs in the wheel of economic progress?: Claims-making about girls and technology in Canadian policy discourse” to be presented at Greenberg Lecture Series, University of Ottawa (20 February 2013). 23. Bailey, J. “Gender, privacy and equality online: from bicycle face to Facebook”, presented at Universidad de Puerto Rico Faculty of Law Centenary Celebration, Puerto Rico (17 January 2013). 24. Bailey, J. “Confidentiality for ‘young victims of online sexualized bullying’: was AB v. Bragg an equality case?” University of Ottawa Association of Women and the Law (21 November 2012). 25. Bailey, J. “Towards Cyberjustice Working Group 1 Year 1 Report”, Towards Cyberjustice Team Meeting, Montreal, Quebec (26 October 2012). 26. Bailey, J. “The Interconnection of Gender, Privacy and Equality in Online Social Networking”, presented at Amsterdam Privacy Conference, the Netherlands (October 2012). 18 27. Bailey J. “Privacy and Equality: Perspectives of Girls and Young Women”, presented at Yukon Bar and Bench Seminar, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory (27 September 2012). 28. Bailey J. and Valerie Steeves, “Doing Girl Online: Relating Privacy to Gender in Online Social Spaces”, presented at International Law and Society Association Conference, Honolulu Hawaii (6 June 2012). 29. Bailey, J. and Valerie Steeves, “Negotiating Girl Online: Relating Surveillance to Gender in Online Social Spaces”, prepared for and presented at Surveillance and Society Conference, Sheffield, England (4 April 2012). 30. Bailey, J. and Valerie Steeves, “Negotiating Girl Online”, prepared for and presented at Torys Tech Talk, University of Ottawa Faculty of Law (22 February 2012). 31. Bailey, J. and Valerie Steeves “Will the Real Digital Girl Please Stand Up?: How Canadian Policymakers Have Avoided Discussion of the Sexualized Commercial Agenda that Undermines Girls’ Online Agency”, presented at EU Kids Online Conference Children, risk and safety online: Research and policy challenges in a comparative perspective, London England (23 September 2011). 32. Bailey, J. “Will the Real Digital Girl Please Stand Up?”, presented at University of Hong Kong Technology Law Speakers Series, Hong Kong (February 2011). 33. Bailey, J. “Sexting: Policy Approaches”, presented at the Canadian Law and Society Association Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec (June 2010). 34. Bailey, J. “Digital Caricatures: How Public Debate and Policy Discourse ‘Think’ About Girls Online”, presented at Taking Stock of Tech: Reflections on Law, Society and Technology, University of Ottawa (March 2010). 35. Bailey, J. “You have no idea who I am: misogyny online”, presented at What About Us? Privacy, Identity and Equality in a Network Society, Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela de Derecho (January 2010). 36. Bailey, J. “Online Hate and Harassment: An Equality Challenge”, presented at Law Society of Upper Canada Staff Event Commemorating December 6, 1989, LSUC, Toronto (December 2009). 37. Bailey, J. “The “I’s” in Digital Convergence”, presented at In the Age of Digital Convergence: An East-West Dialogue on Law, Media and Technology, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law, China (June 2009). 38. Bailey, J. “Online Hate and Harassment: A Feminist Issue”, presented at Torys Technology Law and Shirley Greenberg Lectures, University of Ottawa (March 2009). 39. Bailey, J. “The Role of Industry in Fighting Online Hate: A Canadian Perspective”, presented at Conference of The International Network Against Cyberhate, Washington D.C. (18 November 2008). 19 40. Bailey, J. “Baboon hearts, social networking and nagging doubts”, presented at The Concealed “I” Conference, Ottawa (25-27 October 2007). 41. Bailey, J. “Privacy, Identity and Equality: The Case of Child Pornography”, presented at University of Toronto Centre for Innovation Law and Policy Second International Symposium on Online Child Exploitation, Toronto (7 May 2007). 42. Bailey, J. and Ian Kerr, “Seizing Control?: The Continuous Personal Experience Capture Experiments of Ringley and Mann”, presented at ETHICOMP, Tokyo, Japan (27 March 2007). 43. Bailey, J. and Ian Kerr “The Document People: Privacy, Identity and Continuous Personal Experience Capture”, presented at a Cross-Disciplinary Colloquium, Unblinking: New Perspectives on Visual Privacy in the 21st Century, University of California Berkeley (3-4 November 2006). 44. Bailey, J. “Internet Hate: Crafting Responses”, paper presented at the Law Society of Upper Canada, B’nai Brith, Centre for Innovation Law and Policy, University of Toronto Faculty of Law Third International Symposium on Hate on the Internet, Toronto (September 2006). 45. Bailey, J. “Knowing Me, Knowing You: Webcamming’s Contribution to the Social Construction of ‘Woman’”, paper presented at Canadian Law & Society Association Conference, Toronto (May 2006). 46. Bailey, J. “The Medium is A Message: Reaffirming Public Obligations in the Battle Against Internet Hate”, a paper presented at Law Society of Upper Canada and B’nai Brith Canada Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration: Hate on the Internet and Freedom of Expression: Eliminating Online Propaganda of Racial and Religious Hatred, Toronto (26 April 2006). 47. Bailey, J. “The Substance/Procedure Connection: Identity Disclosure in Online Filesharing Litigation”, a paper presented at the Alberta Law Review Privacy Forum, University of Alberta (16 March 2006). 48. Bailey, J. “Surfing the Waves: What Cyberfeminism Is Teaching Me”, a paper presented in the Shirley Greenberg Lecture Series, University of Ottawa (15 March 2006). 49. Bailey, J. “Private Initiatives & Public Objectives: Civil Society & Internet Hate Propaganda”, paper presented at Canadian Human Rights Commission and Association of Canadian Studies Conference: A Serious Threat: A Conference on Combating Hate on the Internet and Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, Ottawa (December 2005). 50. Bailey, J. “Bibendum, Bird and the Beatles: The Role of Free Expression in the Canadian Copyright Reform Process”, paper presented at Third International Conference on the Intellectual Property Protection of High Technology, Tsinghua University, School of Law, Beijing, China (9 December 2005). 20 51. Bailey, J., “Technological “Revolution”: Reflections on ‘Virtual’ Child Pornography and Conceptions of Harm, paper presented at Canada-Australia Comparative IP & Cyberlaw Conference, University of Ottawa (October 2005). 52. Bailey, J., “Constitutional Advancement of Women’s E-Quality: Responding to Challenges and Seizing Opportunities” presented at Womyn’s Voices, Womenspace In-Person Consultation, Ottawa (September 2005). 53. Bailey, J., “Empirical Aspirations: The Substance of Procedure in Online Music Sharing Litigation”, paper presented at Canadian Law & Society Association Conference 2005: Law’s Empire, Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia (June 2005). 54. Bailey, J., “Of Scalars and Matrices: Approaching the Issue of ‘Virtual’ Child Pornography” paper to be presented at University of Toronto Centre for Innovation Law and & Policy Symposium on Online Child Exploitation, University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Toronto (2 May 2005). 55. Bailey, J., “Barriers on the Road to Free Expression: Getting Past the Michelin Man”, paper presented at Enlarging the Canadian Intellectual Property Academy Conference, University of Western Ontario, London (2005). 56. Bailey, J., “Freedom of Expression, Property and Expressive Property”, presented at Canadian Law & Society Association Mid-Winter Meeting, University of British Columbia (January 2005). 57. Bailey, J. “Freedom of Expression in a Technologically Protected World”, paper presented at Canadian Law & Society Association Conference 2004: Confluence: Ideas, Identities, Place, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg (Summer 2004). 58. Bailey, J., “Advancing Women’s E-Quality: Freedom of Expression and Legal Restriction of Online Hate Speech” paper presented at LEAF Consultation on Women’s E-quality and the Law of Internet Communications, University of Ottawa (September 2004). 59. Bailey, J., “Legal workplace technology: dismantling or fortifying the master’s house?” presented at Osgoode Hall Law School Feminist Law Faculty Workshop, Toronto (30 April 2004). 60. Ian Kerr and Bailey, J., “Chief Treasures of the World: What Happens When Law is Used to Protect the Technology that Protects Copyright”, paper presented at ETHICOMP 2004: Challenges for the Citizen of the Information Society, University of Aegean, Syros Greece (16 April 2004). 61. Bailey, J., “Technology in the workplace: Enemy or engine of social change for women lawyers?” paper presented at Proceedings of the Shirley Greenberg Women and the Legal Profession Professorship and the Human Rights Research and Education Centre Conference - Re-Imagining Touchstones: The Wilson Report Ten Years On and Counting: Re-visiting the Issues and Rethinking the Questions, University of Ottawa (5 March 2004). 21 (H) Others (workshops/consultations/opinion editorials/media/social media): 1. Bailey, J., Jeremy DeBeer, Barbara McIsaac, “Brave New World: Civil & Family Law Litigation in the Cyberage” presented at Ontario Superior Court of Justice Annual Conference, Ottawa (8 May 2014). 2. Interviewed by Julie Lalonde, The Third Wave, CHUO FM, “eGirls eCitizens Conference" (26 March 2014), online: http://stream.chuo.fm/play.php?sid=2488&date=20140325&time=16&count=1. 3. Interviewed by Karen Gross, NEXUS Magazine, University of Toronto Faculty of Law, “Crusade against cyberbullying” (Fall/Winter 2013), online: http://www.law.utoronto.ca/news/nexus/nexus-archives/nexus-fallwinter2013/crusade-against-cyberbullying. 4. Bailey, J., “Bill C-13: The victims of “cyberbullying” and Canadians deserve more” (28 Nov 2013), online: http://egirlsproject.ca and http://www.bloggingforequality.ca/2013_11_01_archive.html 5. Interviewed by Andre Mayer, CBC News, “Cyberbullying bill won’t stop online taunts” (27 Nov 2013), online: http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/cyberbullyingbill-won-t-stop-online-taunts-critics-say-1.2440785. 6. Interviewed by Laura Rhodes, McGill Law Journal, “Cyberfeminism and The eGirls Project”, (18 Nov 2013), online: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/mcgill-lawjournal-podcast/id794051568?mt=2. 7. Interviewed by Kristy Kirkup, CBC News, “Help for victims of cyberbullying” (9 August 2013), online: http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/Canada/Ottawa/ID/2400154443/ 8. Interviewed for Kim Mackrael, “Ottawa homes in on cyberbullying laws”, The Globe & Mail (22 April 2013), online: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/ottawa-homes-in-on-cyberbullyinglaws/article11488998/. 9. Bailey, J. “Cyberbullying: One Feminist’s Perspective” (7 February 2013), online: The eGirls Project, http://egirlsproject.ca/. 10. Bailey, J. and Angela Chaisson, “Downtown Eastside Sex Workers Win More Than Their Right to be Heard” (27 Sep 2012), online: http://www.bloggingforequality.ca/2012/09/downtown-eastside-sex-workers-winmore.html 11. Bailey, J. “Sexting” presented at Enrichment Mini-Course, University of Ottawa Faculty of Law (8 May 2012). 22 12. Bailey, J., Michael Geist, Ian Kerr, “Social Media and the Law” presented at National Judicial Institute Seminar for Chief Justices, Chief Judges and Associates The Forks in the Road (16 April 2012). 13. Bailey, J. “Democracy Suffers When Equality is Threatened” Ottawa Citizen Op Ed (8 December 2011). 14. Bailey, J. “Sexting: A Legal Problem?”, presented at Canadian Association of Provincial Court Judges Annual Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, (30 September1 October 2010). 15. Bailey, J. “Online Child Pornography: An Overview”, presented at Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute Programme, Halifax, Nova Scotia (10 June 2010), 166 slides. 16. Bailey, J. “Sexting: A Legal Issue?”, presented at CRCJ3003B, Carleton University, Ottawa (9 February 2010; 26 October 2010). 17. Bailey, J. “Confronting Collective Harm”, presented at CRCJ3003B, Carleton University, Ottawa (10 February 2009; 20 October 2009). 18. Bailey, J. “Civil Procedure in Canada: An Overview”, presented at Joint Meeting of National Judicial Institute and the Supreme People’s Court of China, Ottawa (25 May 2009). 19. Bailey, J. “Open Access”, presented at Inter-Disciplinary Ideas Commons, Canadian Law and Society Association Annual Conference, Ottawa (22 May 2009). 20. Bailey, J., Ian Kerr, Carlisle Adams, David Matheson, Jacquelyn Burkell, Jennifer Chandler, “The Trial of Joe K.” presented at National Judicial Institute Conference, Ottawa (April 2009). 21. Bailey, J. “What’s So Cyber About It?: How Cyberfeminism Contributes to Legal Studies”, Faculty of Law Open House, University of Ottawa (March 2009). 22. Bailey, J., “Reasonable Expectation of Privacy: A Primer” presented at Ontario Court of Justice, Annual General Meeting, Ottawa (22 May 2008). 23. Bailey, J., “Regulation of Online Child Pornography: Past, Present and Future Issues”, presented at Nova Scotia Provincial Court Judges Education Conference, White Point, Nova Scotia (18 October 2007). 24. Bailey, J., “Taking Control?: An Exploration of Webcamming in the Context of Feminist Tensions Surrounding Pornography, Privacy and Identity”, presented at On the Identity Trail Workshop, Bologna, Italy (28 May 2007). 23 25. Bailey, J., Carlisle Adams, Jacquelyn Burkell, Jennifer Chandler, Ian Kerr, David Matheson, and Valerie Steeves “A Reasonable Expectation of Privacy?: You Be the Judge”, workshop presented at Computers Freedom and Privacy: Autonomy on the Electronic Frontier, Montreal, Canada (1 May 2007). 26. Bailey, J. “Privacy as a Social Value” (24 April 2007), online: On the Identity Trail, http://www.idtrail.org/content/view/673/42/. 27. Bailey, J. “Privacy as Modesty and the Uninterrogated Equality Rights of LE” (27 February 2007), online: On the Identity Trail, http://www.idtrail.org/content/view/632/42/. 28. Bailey, J. and Ian Kerr, “The Document People: Privacy, Identity and Personal Experience Capture”, presented at Torys Technology Law Speakers Series, University of Ottawa Faculty of Law (13 February 2007). 29. Bailey, J., “Hate on the Internet: What Parents and Children Should Know”, presented at B’Nai Brith Forum on Hate on the Internet, Royal Vale Secondary School, Montréal, (January 2007). 30. Bailey, J. “Privacy vs. Equality: Reflections on Re-thinking the Dichotomy” (5 December 2006), online: On the Identity Trail, http://www.idtrail.org/content/view/591/42/. 31. Bailey, J., “A Framework for Examining Reasonable Expectations of Privacy” presented at The True Colours of Judging, Canadian Association of Provincial Court Judges Conference, Moncton New Brunswick (September 2006). 32. Bailey, J. “Clearing Away the Debris?: Webcamming in the Context of Feminist Tensions over Pornography, Privacy and Identity” (30 May 2006), online: On the Identity Trail, http://www.idtrail.org/content/view/480/42/. 33. Bailey, J., “A Right Not to be Presumptively Known?: Privacy, Identity and Equality in Hate Speech and Pornography”, presented at On the Identity Trail Workshop, Paris, France (April 2006). 34. Bailey, J., “What’s Going on in That Woman’s Head?: In Search of Connections”, invited dinner speech prior to Contours of Privacy Conference, Ottawa (4 November 2005). 35. Bailey, J., “Legal Events Preceding the Security Proceedings” presented at A to Z[undel] – A Legal Odyssey: Internet Hate and National Security, Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies, Ottawa (September 2005). 36. Bailey, J., “Criminal Law, Technology & Internet Pornography” presented at 24 Judging Across Borders: Canadian Judges and International Law, National Judicial Institute and Canadian Chapter, International Association of Women Judges, Victoria, British Columbia (April 2005) [co-presented]. 37. Bailey, J. “Procedural Decisions and Substantive Impacts: The Same Sex Marriage Reference”, University of Ottawa Faculty of Law (22 March 2005). 38. Bailey, J., “Working at the Intersections: Equality, Free Expression & the Internet” presented at Canadian Law & Society Association Mid-Winter Meeting, Université de Montréal (January 2004). 39. Bailey, J., “Free Beer, Government-Free or Control-Free?: TPMs, DRMs & Freedom of Expression”, presented at Innovation Through Partnership, Bell University Laboratories Conference, Toronto (20 November 2003). 40. Bailey, J., “Restricting Internet Hate Propaganda: Can Private Regulation Serve Public Objectives?”, Torys Technology Law Speakers Series, University of Ottawa (18 November 2003). 41. Bailey, J., “Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives”, presented at Centre for Innovation Law & Policy Canadian Teaching Colloquium, London Ontario (May 2003). 42. Bailey, J., “Women, Technology and the Legal Profession: Making Connections”, presented at Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario Conference, Ottawa (May 2003). 43. Bailey, J., “How technology affects our ability to achieve social justice & what we can do about it”, presented at University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law (March 2003). 44. Bailey, J., “The Non-Universality of the U.S. First Amendment”, presented Internation: Governance and Government in Cyberspace Conference, Technology & Intellectual Property Group, University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Toronto (24 January 2003). 45. Bailey, J., “Email’s Impact on Lawyers and Litigation”, presented at Carleton County Law Association Conference: Internet for Lawyers, Ottawa (May 2003). 46. Bailey, J., “Email’s Impact on Lawyers and Litigation”, presented at Advocates’ Society Conference: Litigation Meets the Internet, Toronto (January 2002). I. Works in progress: I1. Bailey, J. “Gendering Big Brother: What Should a Feminist Do?” [under review]. I2. Bailey, J. and Valerie Steeves, eds. eGirls, eCitizens: Putting Technology Theory and Policy Into Dialogue with Girls’ and Young Women’s Voices (Ottawa: UOttawa Press) [forthcoming, spring 2015]. I3. Bailey, J. “A Perfect Storm: How the Online Environment, Social Norms and Law Constrain Girls’ Online Lives”, eGirls, eCitizens: Putting Technology Theory and Policy Into Dialogue with Girls’ and Young Women’s Voices, Jane Bailey and Valerie Steeves, eds. [forthcoming spring 2015], 34 pages. 25 I4. Bailey, J., Jacquelyn Burkell and Graham Reynolds, “Access to Justice for All: Towards an ‘Expansive Vision’ of Justice and Technology” [forthcoming Windsor Yearbook on Access to Justice], 32 pages. Jane Bailey SIGNATURE: _______________________________ JANE BAILEY DATE: ______________12 May 2015____________