Study Guide- Chapter 16

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Bentley Chapter 17 Study Guide: Nomadic Empires and Eurasian Integration
Eyewitness: The Goldsmith of the Mongolian Steppe (p. 353-354)
1. Describe the impact of Boucher’s life. Where did he live, why?
2. Explain and give examples of how nomadic people have impacted Eurasia.
Turkish Migrations and Imperial Expansion (p. 354)
3. Describe the Turkish organization and commonalities of the Turkish people.
Economy and Society of Nomadic Pastoralism: Nomadic Pastoralists and Their Animals (p. 354)
4. Describe the characteristics of pastoral nomads of central Asia.
Economy and Society of Nomadic Pastoralism: Nomadic and Settled Peoples (p. 355)
5. Describe interactions between nomadic peoples and settled peoples.
Economy and Society of Nomadic Pastoralism: Nomadic Society (p. 355)
6. Explain nomadic society.
Economy and Society of Nomadic Pastoralism: Gender Relations (p. 355)
7. Describe the roles of men and women in pastoral societies.
Economy and Society of Nomadic Pastoralism: Nomadic Religion (p. 356)
8. Describe the religion of nomadic people as well as the conversions of many Turks.
Economy and Society of Nomadic Pastoralism: Turkish Conversion to Islam (p. 356)
9. Describe the first large scale conversion to Islam.
Economy and Society of Nomadic Pastoralism: Military Organization (p. 356-357)
10. Describe nomadic armies, including their organization and skills.
Turkish Empires in Persia, Anatolia, and India: Saljuk Turks and the Abbasid Empire (p. 357)
11. Describe the interactions between the Saljuq Turks and Abbasids from the id-eight century through the last
two centuries of the Abbasid state.
Turkish Empires in Persia, Anatolia, and India: Saljuk Turks and the Byzantine Empire (p. 357-358)
12. Describe the interactions between the Turks and the Byzantine empire.
Turkish Empires in Persia, Anatolia, and India: Ghaznavid Turks and the Sultanate of Delhi (p. 358)
13. Describe interactions between the Afghan Turks and northern India, as well as the establishment of a
permanent settlement.
14. Describe the social and cultural implications of Turkish rule in India.
The Mongol Empires
15. Where were the Mongol nomadic tribes from?
Chinggis Khan and the Making of the Mongol Empire: Chinggis Khan’s Rise to Power (p. 358-359)
16. Describe the unification of the Mongol tribes.
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Chinggis Khan and the Making of the Mongol Empire: Mongol Political Organization Power (p. 359)
17. Describe Mongol political organization, including the capital and important institutions.
Chinggis Khan and the Making of the Mongol Empire: Mongol Arms (p. 359-360)
18. Describe the skills of the Mongols.
19. Describe Mongol warfare and strategies.
20. What is the significance of Chinggis Khan’s campaigns?
Chinggiss Khan and the Making of the Mongol Empire: Mongol Conquest of Northern China (p. 360)
21. Summarize the Mongol conquest of Northern China.
Chinggiss Khan and the Making of the Mongol Empire: Mongol Conquest of Persia (p. 360-361)
22. Summarize the Mongol conquest of Persia and the impact on the environment.
23. Describe the legacy of Chinggis Khan.
The Mongol Empire After Chinggis Khan (p. 361)
24. What happened to Chinggis Khan’s empire after he died?
The Mongol Empire After Chinggis Khan: Khubilai Khan (p. 361-362)
25. Describe characteristics of China under Khubilai Khan.
The Mongol Empire After Chinggis Khan: Mongol Conquest of Southern China (p. 362)
26. What dynasty did Khubilai establish in China?
27. Describe Khubilai’s attempt to conquer Southeast Asia and Japan.
The Mongol Empire After Chinggis Khan: The Golden Horde (p. 362-363)
28. Summarize characteristics of the Golden Horde in Russia.
The Mongol Empire After Chinggis Khan: The Ilkhanate of Persia (p. 363)
29. Summarize Mongol expansion in Persia under Hulegu. What difficulties did they experience once they
established their empires?
The Mongol Empire After Chinggis Khan: Mongol Rule in Persia (p. 363)
30. Describe the political characteristics of Mongol rule in Persia.
31. What are some changes that the Mongols made in Persia and how did they assimilate into Persian society.
The Mongol Empire After Chinggis Khan: Mongol Rule in China (p. 364)
32. What restrictions were placed on the Chinese under Mongol rule?
33. Describe characteristics of the Mongol government in China and changes that occurred under Mongol rule.
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The Mongol Empire After Chinggis Khan: The Mongols and Buddhism (p. 364)
34. Describe the attraction the Mongols had toward Buddhism.
The Mongols and Eurasian Integration (p. 364)
35. How were the Mongols able to keep their empires united?
The Mongols and Eurasian Integration: The Mongols and Trade (p. 364)
36. Describe trade in the Mongol Empire.
The Mongols and Eurasian Integration: Diplomatic Missions (p. 364-365)
37. Describe the diplomatic missions that occurred throughout the Mongol Empire.
The Mongols and Eurasian Integration: Missionary Efforts (p. 365)
38. What religions were spread along trade routes by missionaries?
The Mongols and Eurasian Integration: Resettlement (p. 365)
39. Describe how the Mongol policy of resettlement encouraged Eurasian integration.
Decline of the Mongols in Persia and China: Collapse of the Ilkhanate (p. 365)
40. Describe the collapse of the Ilkhanate.
Decline of the Mongols in Persia and China: Decline of the Yuan Dynasty (p. 366)
41. Describe the decline and collapse of the Yuan dynasty.
Decline of the Mongols in Persia and China: Bubonic Plague (p. 366)
42. Describe the spread and impact of the Bubonic Plague.
Decline of the Mongols in Persia and China: Surviving Mongol Khanates (p. 366)
43. What khanates were able to survive?
After the Mongols
Tamerlane the Whirlwind: The Lame Conqueror (p. 366)
44. Summarize the power vacuums in China and Persia.
Tamerlane the Whirlwind: Tamerlane’s Conquests (p. 366-367)
45. Describe Tamerlane’s conquests and his rule.
Tamerlane the Whirlwind: Tamerlane’s Heirs (p. 367)
46. Summarize Tamerlane’s empire after he died and his legacy.
The Foundation of the Ottoman Empire: Osman (p. 367-368)
47. Describe the rise of Osman.
The Foundation of the Ottoman Empire: Ottoman Conquests (p. 368)
48. Explain the advantages and disadvantages the Ottomans had in conquering the Byzantines.
The Foundation of the Ottoman Empire: The Capture of Constantinople (p. 368)
49. Describe the capture of Constantinople and expansion of the Ottoman empire.