Climate Education Workshops NOAA's Climate Stewards Education Project (CSEP) is collaborating with Federal, State and NGO partners to convene four climate-science workshops for formal and informal educators. Participants will hear from and interact with climate science, education and communication experts, and visit research facilities to explore foundational technologies and innovations in Earth-system research. Each workshop will focus on regional and/or topical impacts of climate change, with a goal of connecting educators and their students/audiences to the best-available, science-based information and resources about climate change. You may register for and attend as many workshops as you wish. As there are attendance limits for each workshop, and we are advertising them nationally, please register only for the workshops you plan to attend. Availability will be on a first come first serve basis, so register early for your workshop. Participation in all workshops is free, but attendees are responsible for arranging their own transportation, lodging and meals unless otherwise indicated in workshop details. All attendees will receive a certificate acknowledging their participation in the workshop as well as the number of professional development hours they have engaged in. Below are the locations, dates, locations, and attendance limits for the upcoming workshops. Review the attachment for more information about each workshop. Registration forms will be shut down when registration for that workshop has reached capacity. You will receive an email confirming your participation in the workshop. Important Note: If you are a foreign national and wish to attend the workshops in Seattle, WA; Boulder, CO; and/or Silver Spring, MD you MUST send an email to the lead contact for that workshop (see below) Location 2015 Dates Participant Max Registration Link Seattle, Washington Thu & Fri, April 23 & 24 40 Participants Click here to register for the Seattle, WA workshop St. Petersburg, Florida Sun & Mon, May 17 & 18 50 Participants Click here to register for the St. Petersburg, FL Workshop Boulder, Colorado Thu through Sat, June 30 25 through 27 Participants Click here to register for the Boulder, CO Workshop Silver Spring, Maryland Wed August 5 Click here to register for the Silver Spring, MD Workshop 100 Participants Have Questions? For general questions concerning all workshops, contact: For questions concerning specific workshops including location and program questions, contact the following workshop leads: Seattle, WA - St. Petersburg, FL - Boulder, CO - Silver Spring, MD - Additional Information on Regional Workshops Seattle, Washington Dates & Times: Thursday and Friday, April 23rd and 24th, 2015. 8:30am - 5:00pm Place: NOAA Western Regional Center, Building 9 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 Important Note: If you are a foreign national and wish to attend this workshop, you MUST note it in your registration and send an email to: Lisa Hiruki-Raring, Contacts: Lisa Hiruki-Raring, Peg Steffen, Molly Harrison, Featured Presentations Ocean Acidification - What We Know & How We Know It. The Past and Present Climate of the Pacific Northwest. Climate Change Impacts on Ice-Associated Seals in Alaska Ways to Engage Audiences and Inspire Local Action to Address Ocean Acidification. Pacific Northwest Climate Change: Impacts and Implications. Western Water Resources, Climate, and Science. Salmon Flexibility Put to the Test by Climate Change. Featured Activities Fisheries and Ocean Acidification Polar Detectives Climate Change Impacts on Ice-Associated Seals. Tours: o NOAA’s National Weather Service Forecast Office o o NOAA’s Marine Mammal Research Bone Collection NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory’s Engineering Department Notes - Workshop Costs, Food & Lodging: There is no cost to attend this workshop. Participants must make their own travel and overnight arrangements. A nearby lodging option is The Silver Cloud Inn - University District ( 5036 25 Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105. Ph: 206.526.5200, 800.205.6940. If there are enough workshop participants staying at this hotel, there may be an option for free shuttle service to/from the NOAA Sand Point Campus. Meals will not be provided, but there is an easily accessible cafeteria as well as vending machines on the NOAA Campus where the workshop will be held. St. Petersburg, Florida Dates & Times: Sunday and Monday, May 17th and 18th, 2015. 8:00am - 5:00pm Place: Sirata Beach Resort & Conference Center 5300 Gulf Blvd, St. Pete Beach, FL 33706 (855) 344-5999 This workshop will precede a Sea Grant-supported Climate Community of Practice (CCOP) Annual Meeting in the same location. Information on both the CCOP annual meeting and the climate education workshop can be at: . Primary Contacts: Amy Clark, Molly Harrison, Bruce Moravchik, Featured Presentations: Paleoclimatology, Paleoceanography, Human Impact on Climate Cycles and Tools for Teaching it Impacts of Climate Change on Human and Biological Ecosystems Impact of Climate Change on Manatees and Their Habitats Palynological Research, What it is, How Its Used to Understanding Climate Change, and Tools for Teaching it Lessons Learned: Best Practices for Teaching Climate Change Featured Activities: Develop your climate change “Elevator Speech” for connecting to climate skeptics See demonstrations of how scientists and educators have made climate data and research findings available and relevant to the education community (included a visit from two of Busch Gardens Tampa’s Ambassador Animals) Activities to increase participant climate science knowledge Participate in demonstrations on how to teaching climate change and related topics. Field Trip to Eckerd College - See how a local college implements student run stewardship programs related to climate education and resilience. Including: composting, recycling, community gardening, invasive removal, and a bike share programs. Notes on Food & Lodging: There is no cost to attend this workshop. Participants must make their own travel and overnight arrangements. Meals will not be provided, but there are numerous dining options nearby. A limited block of rooms have been reserved at the Federal Government Rate ($104/night excluding taxes) at the Sirata Beach Resort & Conference Center. To reserve a room at this rate, call the Sirata at 1-800-344-5999 by Thursday, April 30 and identify yourself as booking a room as part of the “NOAA Education Workshop Group” No rooms will be held at this rate past this date. Boulder, Colorado Dates & Times: Thursday through Saturday, June 25th-27th, 2015. Thu/Fri 8:00am-6:00pm, Sat 8:00am-3:30pm Place: National Center for Atmospheric Research /University Center for Atmospheric Research Mesa Laboratory 1850 Table Mesa Drive. Boulder, Colorado 80305 303.497.1000 Important Note: If you are a foreign national and wish to attend this workshop, you MUST note it in your registration and send an email to: Teresa Eastburn, Primary Contacts: Teresa Eastburn, Bruce Moravchik, Peg Steffen, Featured Presentations: The Landscape of Climate change and its Impacts: A Global to Local Perspective. Meet the Scientists - 1:1 Rotating Small Group Conversations with Climate Scientists NOAA’s Science on a Sphere - Visualizing the impacts of Climate Change Globally and Locally Water and the West: Regional Impacts of Climate Change and Citizen Science Monitoring Programs. A Strategy to Decarbonize US Energy: What Needs to Be Done and How Teachers, Students, and Communities Can Mitigate and Adapt to the Impacts of Climate Change. Featured Activities: Tour and Presentations at o U.S. Department of Energy National Renewable Energy Lab. o U.S. Geological Survey Ice Core Lab. Participants should bring a winter coat, hat, and gloves in order to experience the ice core storage freezer within the facility. o NCAR Wyoming Super-Computing Center Hands-On Activity Demonstrations: o The Energy Wedge Game o o o Glaciers A Go-Go & Glaciers Now and Then The Systems Game The Very Simple Climate Model & other Climate Simulations for the Classroom. Notes on Food & Lodging: There is no cost to attend this workshop. Participants must make their own travel and overnight arrangements. Meals will not be provided, but participants will be informed of the numerous dining options. A limited block of rooms have been reserved below the Federal Government Rate ($111/night excluding taxes) at the Days Inn, Boulder. 5397 South Boulder Road, Hwy36 Table Mesa Exit, Boulder, CO 80303 (, To reserve a room at this rate call Days Inn at 303.499.4422 by Friday, May 22 and identify yourself as booking a room as part of the “NCAR/UCAR/NOAA Group” No rooms will be held at this rate past this date. A series of shuttles organized by the workshop will be available for limited transportation to/from this hotel and the NCAR/UCAR facility and downtown locations at the beginning and end of each workshop day. Silver Spring, Maryland Dates & Times: Wednesday, August 5th, 2015 8:00 am-4:30pm Place: NOAA Science Center 1305 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Important Note: If you are a foreign national and wish to attend this workshop, you MUST note it in your registration and send an email to: Peg Steffen, Primary Contacts: Peg Steffen, Bruce Moravchik, Featured Presentations: An introduction to global climate models, including a user friendly version that can be run on a desktop computer, allowing students to explore the subject of climate change in the same way that research scientists do. Simulations and Activities for Modeling planetary energy balance, tree rings, paleoclimates, the greenhouse effect, climate sensitivity and future climate projection. Climate change poses some formidable communication and education challenges, as well as opportunities. Simulation-based role-playing games offer a growing opportunity to provide powerful educational experiences. Featured Activities: Hands-On with NOAA’s Science on a Sphere, and new flat screen app! Explore the drivers for change in sea level in a new app that includes a question-driven tour and an exploration of data that scientists collect. Hands-On Activities and Simple Computer-based Simulations for Climate Modeling Education SMARTIC role playing simulation for Polar regions based on the U.S. Navy Fleet Arctic Operation Game. Carbon Journeys simulation for students and a new Risk Reduction Simulation for coastal hazards that encourages thinking about uncertainty. Design your own transition to a low-carbon global economy with the En-ROADS simulation Notes on Food & Lodging: There is no cost to attend this workshop. Participants must make their own travel and overnight arrangements. Meals will not be provided, but participants will be informed of the numerous and inexpensive dining options in walking distance.