1 The Unconstitutionality of the Mental Health System, Education

The Unconstitutionality of the Mental Health System, Education, the New World Order,
Prophecy & Annotated Bibliography, websites & contacts
26,579 words
For 50 years psychiatry has been slandering Christians, and now God is answering them
12 years ago I wrote a book about the Mental Health System, saying it is unconstitutional
and needs to be abolished.
Manual for Transformational Healing-God's Answer to Psychiatry.
It is FREE on my website http://www.1prophetspeaks.com
The mental health system violates our Religious Freedom Rights guaranteed by the First
Amendment of the Constitution, and other constitutional rights, the 8th, against Cruel and
Unusual Punishment, the 13, against Slavery and the 6th Amendment Right to Due process
for a hearing on criminal charges. It also violates Articles 3 & 5 of the UN Declaration of
Human Rights.
I wondered why it has even existed for 50 years. The answer, I found, is because there are
spiritual and sociopolitical agendas by the devil and his use of certain people to use psychiatry as
a device to silence Christians and religious people by labeling them mentally ill and then treating
them to destroy them. The organization behind this is Freemasonry, which is really Sata---.
When I was at a mental hospital the first time, I kept seeing a truck that said "mason" on it
driving by. I sensed God was giving me a message about there being a connection to masonry.
When I got out, my research confirmed this.
There is a shadow government whose hidden agenda is to void the constitution and create a
world government, the new world order which will be the government of the antichrist as
described in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament.
These people are connected to Freemasonry. George HW Bush, a 32 level mason, said on Sept
11, l993, that "the Gulf War was the first test of the new world order."
The whole worldview of psychiatry is atheism. Freud, the father of psychiatry, was an atheist.
Historically, the funding and direction of psychiatry has been by Sat-----(Devil worshippers;
using the name is not a good idea spiritually because it can invoke his spirit; when we say the
name of God, His spirit comes and it works the same way with the other side), acting through
Freemasonry, at the top level, is Sat-ism. The handbook for the 32 and 33 level of the Scottish
Rite was written by Albert Pike, a Sat--ist. He says in the book "we worship the Luciferian
principle but we don't tell the lower levels this." I have seen the book.
The director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Dr Robert Hanna Felix, a Mason, also
directed psychiatrict research for 32nd level Scottish Rite Masonry. He directed MKULTRA, a
CIA mind control research experiment that went on for years. This program brainwashed
assassins for political purposes. President Bill Clinton apologized for MKULTRA. It continued
under another name. All of the secret CIA programs just changed names when they got exposed.
The book that I wrote is from the point of view of a Christian. It was a prophetic book given to
me by God. Someone prophesied to me at a Prophetic presbytery at a “school for prophets”; “I'm
gonna use you to write a manual.” A year later, He engineered circumstances to send me into the
mental health system to be a witness against it and write the book.
The title was given to me in a dream - Manual for Transformational Healing. It talks about
how the mental health system because of its atheism and drugs doesn't heal people, and is
unconstitutional. The book is a warning about the mental health system, and God's answer to the
problem. Christians need to fight for their constitutional rights.
God's answer to heal mental illness is prayer and worship. I talk about this in a Vision for
Revival that I wrote previously and included in the book. I am a musician. Ultimately, God
wants revival of the christian churches through 24 hour worship. This would heal people and we
need it for prayer/intercession to fight the spiritual darkness in the world.
There is a prophetic warning in the book to the Christian church about the danger of the mental
health system to Christians and everyone. The system has been used for 50 years against
Christians, and the goal is to use it to finish them off ultimately.
I have also been doing research for several months on the history of psychiatry and the
political/spiritual agendas behind the mental health system. Following are some points from my
book and my research.
I have been writing music and playing since age 4 (over 50 years). I knew when I was a small
child that I was put on earth to do music and it's holy. This idea came from God. Once, I was
playing, and my mother was trying to talk to me. I remember thinking "doesn't she know this is
holy and she shouldn't interrupt?"
Biblically, God used the musicians as prophets in the Old Testament. That is still God's agenda
for musicians - to serve him through worship, intercession (prayer) and prophecy. Prophecy is
speaking words from God's spirit.
There is the office of prophet in the church, according to the New Testament. Ephesians
4:11 There is also a prophetic message in the Old Testament, in the book of Joel, that says "in
the end days I will pour out my spirit on all flesh, and your sons and daughters will prophesy and
your old men will dream dreams and young men will seen visions."
I think what God is also saying is that in the last days because of his spirit, all words have power
to create what we speak, both positive and negative. Both become self-fulfilling prophecies.
That's why we have to be careful what we speak and only speak what is inspired by God in the
first place. It says in the New Testament, in 1 Peter; "if any man speak, let him speak as the
oracle of God."
One of the purposes of the book is so lawyers can use the information to challenge the
constitutionality of the whole mental health system - to the supreme court. These angles have not
been addressed by the supreme court - and they need to be. Another purpose is to use the
constitutional issues to pass a constitutional amendment making it illegal to hold anyone
involuntarily in a civil commitment in a mental hospital or to treat anyone involuntarily as an
inpatient or outpatient.
See article “Free book on web is help for mental health lawyers”
There also could be an executive order declaring it illegal to hold anyone in an involuntary civil
commitment. This would be an emancipation proclamation for mental patients. Governors could
do this on the state level and the president could do this on the federal level.
There are several constitutional violations by the mental health system:
1)Using people's religious beliefs to commit them or treat them are both violations of the first
amendment's protections of religious freedom.
The system is rooted in atheism and they simply define religious beliefs and experiences as
symptoms of mental illness.
People who are being labelled psychotic - schizophrenic or schizoaffective,are mostly people
who have religious experiences that are being labelled as hallucinations by the doctors.
The second question a shrink always asks is "do you hear voices?" This is a theological
question. Any Christian who says "yes God talks to me when I pray", will be labelled psychotic.
The truth of the matter is that it is an inane question, because, according to Christian theology,
everyone hears voices, God and the devil, as thoughts in our heads. It is like the cartoon of a
good angel on one side of our head and a bad angel on the other.
All thoughts come from the spiritual realm. The word inspiration means " a spirit goes into
The bible says that there is wisdom from above and wisdom from below (James ch 3). Jesus said
explicitly, "my sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me." (John 10:27).
So psychiatry would label Billy Graham or any minister or Christian as psychotic. It is simply
slander. The other label they use for Christians is bipolar, since they use logic which says a
person who prays all the time is religiously preoccupied, which they define as a symptom of
mania, hence once they have stuck the manic label on the person, they simply assume they are
also depressed and bipolar. It's all nonsense. All three of these labels are fictitious diseases. They
are created to slander religious people. Slander would be a basis of civil lawsuits against the
mental health system. (Of course, that's the least of the abuse).
There is a new book by Melody Peterson 2008 called Our Daily Meds which documents the
fraud by the pharmaceutical industry. They create fictitious diseases and market drugs to treat
these diseases. The doctors who write the DSM book which is the book which defines mental
illnesses are all paid consultants to the pharmaceutical industry. They make a lot of money by
making up diseases which can be treated by the drug co's.
The drug co's also market drugs with no scientific support for all kinds of purposes by
influencing doctors to do so. They use a loophole in the law which says doctors can write
prescriptions for drugs for purposes other than what they are approved for legally. It is all fraud
Psychiatry is Atheism Masquerading as Science
The whole purpose behind psychiatry which is rooted in atheism, (Freud, the father of
psychiatry, was an atheist) is to destroy religious belief. There is an interesting quote if you
google George Brock Chisholm, a psychiatrist who was the head of the World Health
Organization and the World Federation of Mental Health - this nut was against God, morality
and parental influence. He said the purpose of therapy is to destroy morality. Woody Allen is a
good example of someone whose personal morality is pretty abhorrent, and he is the product of
years of psychotherapy. So Chisholm's goal is effective. This anti-Christian agenda has been
going on for 50 years in this country.
The BIG LIE that has been created by the drug companies to sell drugs is that mental illness is
caused by chemical imbalances. It is pseudo-science. It is a theory, not fact. There is no
biological evidence of chemical imbalances in people's brains prior to treatment.
Nathaniel Lehrman a psychiatrist on Long Island who has testified against the drugs, says in an
interview on the CCHR website "the idea that mental illness is caused by chemical imbalances is
a big lie".
Gary Belkin, now a deputy director at Bellevue Hospital, who I knew at another hospital, once
said to me "we don't know how the drugs work".
Loren Mosher the former head of the American Psychiatric Association, resigned a few years
ago because, as he said, "the APA & the AMA were hijacked by the drug companies."
The whole game behind the mental health system and the marketing of drugs is that the drug
companies make money and the social engineers get social control to create the society they are
looking to create - a la Brave New World, the prophetic book by Aldous Huxley.
Huxley said "a scientific fascism will be easy to sell the masses."
People in this society are being programmed to worship science rather than God. The CCHR
website has several articles addressing greed and fraud with the pharmaceutical industry.
Huxley's book describes a fascist society where everyone is controlled & drugged. He knew the
agendas of the social engineers; he was an insider.
I told a court clinician that I believed in the bible. This idiot said to me, "if you believe in the
bible, you're mentally ill." He told the judge to send me to the hospital, but didn't tell him why if he had, the judge would have known it was unconstitutional.
While being there, I wrote the book. I saw that most shrinks are atheists. I have also seen polls
that say that most psychiatrists and psychologsts are atheists. God said to me ;"I've made you a
witness to all this.
I have spent 7 years in mental hospitals over the last l0 years; and my observation is that the
majority of the patients are not mentally ill or psychotic; they are Christians who are being
labelled psychotic by atheistic or Jewish dr's.
The Jewish doctors have a theological problem because most Jews are living in the old
testament, as opposed to the new testament. They think that God only talks thru prophets, as
opposed to directly, thru the Holy SpIrit, which is according to Christian theology and
experience. Actually the Holy Spirit talks to everyone on earth now; they just don't realize it.
The theological problem is because of the history; Abraham, the first Jew, walked and talked
with God. Then God spoke on Mt Sinai to the whole Jewish people. Their reaction was they said
"Can we hear from God and live?" and asked God to only talk to Moses. God agreed, and so for
a period of time following that, he spoke to the Jews thru prophets. Then, when he sent Jesus, the
messiah, it was to reinstitute talking to us directly again, first thru Jesus, the Son of God, and
then thru the Holy Spirit.
I had a Muslim doctor think I was psychotic because I told him I was a prophet. He was also
ignorant of Christian theology; according to the new testament, there is the office of prophet in
the church. Ephesians 4:11 says there are 5 offices in the church: apostle, prophet, evangelist,
teacher, pastor.
He was also ignorant of the Old Testament. I told him I was named after an Old Testament
prophetess, so that was a sign of the call on my life. He had never heard of her. So ignorance of
the bible causes a lot of this problem. It is ironic that in court the judges regard the doctors as
"experts". I always protest that they are not experts at all, but ignoramuses, since they are
ignorant of the bible. They are also ignorant for other reasons.
There are many different belief systems in the world. One man's religion is another man's idea of
mental illness. The idea that psychiatrists have the right to sit in judgment of other people's belief
systems and then petition judges to hold them and treat them against their will to cure them of
their religious beliefs is an outrage. It is totally unconstitutional. It goes against the whole spirit
of the constitution. If I want to believe in pink elephants that is my right, whether it seems like a
delusion to someone else or not. Atheists think God is a delusion. It is dangerous for one group
of people to be given the power to judge another group's or individual's theology.
Another example of the stupidity; the first time I was in a hospital in new England, the
interviewing doctor tried to say I was ma-- because I talk fast. I told him that was just because I
came from NY, where everyone talks fast. It is a cultural trait. I said to myself, this kind of
stupidity would never happen in NY. Well, it did - because at a hospital in NY, all the doctors
were from pakistan, and they simply thought all the patients who were fast-talking New Yorkers,
were suffering from this condition. This is cross-cultural misjudging.
There are several legal constitutional issues to be addressed by attorneys and the Supreme
Court and Congress.
1) the first amendment issue of religious freedom. Labelling people mentally ill and trying to
commit them because of their religious beliefs is a violation. Treating them involuntarily is also a
violation of the first amendment right to practice religion, since the drugs interfere with prayer
and worship (and clear thinking).
2) 8th Amendment injunction against cruel and unusual punishment. Any judge who sends
someone to a hospital to be treated with drugs or ect is violating the 8th amendment against cruel
and unusual punishment. Being violated by drugs or other treatments is worse than rape; this is
cruel obviously. The side effects of the drugs can be very painful; e.g. cramps, tremors, agitation.
I had a hospital "punish" me for calling a state rep to get me out by trying to drug me. They
ordered a drug that I had had a dangerous reaction to previously; I persuaded the nurse to give
me water instead and she did because she didn't want to risk her license by taking a risk with
hurting me.
3), involuntary treatment violates the 13th amendment - anti-slavery. All the patients who
are used as unwilling guinea pigs by the dr's and drug companies are being forced into
involuntary servitude as medical experiment subjects. This is definitely slavery. Biblically, it is
the sin of whoremongering, which sends people to Hell. Hebrews 13:4, Eph. 5:5, Rev. 21:8,
22:15. I am a musician. I have a masters in music and have played all my life. I knew since I was
a small child that I was put on this earth to do music and that it is holy. I was not put on this earth
to be someone's medical guinea pig, but that is what happened to me when I was in those places.
And the drugs hindered my musical abilities.
There is another legal angle that can be used against the hospitals who do "research" on
children - they are violating the child labor laws.
NYU's child study center is guilty of child abuse and should be shut down. The people who do
these experiments are as bad as the nazi doctors who experimented on the Jews. The argument
should be made that it is not treatment but experimentation they are offering. They always try to
make the specious argument that they don't use the old drugs, which had really bad side effects.
They say the new drugs are better and don't have the side effects. This is lies, since it is precisely
because they are new that the long term effects are unknown, and so by definition everyone
taking them is being used as a guinea pig.
The concept of having judges and dr's politley discuss whether to drug someone against their will
is no different a crime than sitting around discussing whether to rape them. The violation is
worse than rape - it is a bodily violation. I have been raped and drugs are worse - they are more
dangerous. Once after I was drugged i had a nightmare of being gang-raped. This is a human
rights violation and criminal behavior.
The UN Declaration on Human Rights says in Article 3 that everyone has the right to life
liberty and security of person. Obviously being drugged violates security of person. Holding
someone in a commitment violates their right to liberty. Because the drugs are dangerous they
take risks with the person's right to life. Nobody should be forced to play Russian roulette.
Article 5 says there should be no torture or degrading treatment or punishment.
Just like being raped is degrading and torture, so is being bodily violated. The side effects are
definitely torture. They interfere with clear thinking. There are a lot of involuntary muscle
spasms and tics pr agitation. I was so agitated on one drug I couldn't sit still to pray. They create
problems that the doctors then treat by adding more drugs for the side effects. So then the people
are taking a whole bunch of drugs, which in itself is dangerous because it can cause liver damage
to mix drugs, which can be fatal.
A lot of famous people die from mixtures of street and legal drugs, or just legal drugs. One of the
most recent was Heath Ledger, the actor. A lot of people who take these drugs long term suffer
kidney or liver damage. The drugs are a spiritual contamination of the person's spirit, as any drug
is. No drugs, including caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, pot, etc, or any psych meds, are any good.
They all contaminate the person's spirit by opening them up to unclean spirits. When I was on
them I had trouble praying in tongues, which is common practice for pentecostal Christians,
which I am. So the drugs interfered with the practice of my religion, a constitutional violation (lst
The reason people who take the drugs for long periods of time get worse is because the psych
meds put demonic oppression on them just like other drugs. We often read about crimes
committed by people who went off their meds, implying that the drugs must be helping. But
actually, it is the drugs that made them crazy in the first place, or contributed to their problem,
since the drugs put unclean spirits in them. Even when they stop taking the meds, the unclean
demonic spirits are still in them or around them unless they get prayed for in Jesus' name to be
The first time I set foot in a hospital God said to me "Rail Rail against the dying of the light"
from a Dylan Thomas poem ' Do not go gently into that good night'. To paraphrase he was telling
me to scream bloody murder about what I was about to see.
He also told me, "the covering over this place is sorcery." He meant the spiritual covering - the
spirit of the place. Sorcery is forbidden in Deuteronomy 18 - it is mind control.
If you look up the word pharmacy the root is pharmakeia which translates as drugs, sorcery.
So I deduced that God didn't like the psych meds - that he regards them as SORCERY
One defintion of sorcery is the use of drugs to invoke demonic spirits to control people.
This is exactly what the drugs do.
Mental & physical illnesses are caused by demonic spirits whose assignments are the names
of those diseases.
All drugs which affect the mind are openings for these spirits. This includes, alcohol,
caffeine, nicotine, speed, pot, lsd, etc & all psych meds. This is why the psych meds cause
mental illness rather than cure it.
They can not cure it; demons don't cast out demons. The bible says only Jesus has authority to
cast out demons. He did it and gave his followers authority to do it. It works. I have done it. I
have rebuked cance-, asthm-, depress-.
That is another legal argument to be used against the drugs - I said I was against them because it
violated my religious beliefs to take them since God was against them.
The drugs put people in a hypnotic trance so they can be brainwashed.
The whole process of drugging people and then "educating" them to believe they are ill and need
to take meds the rest of their lives is all brainwashing. The purpose is to have a continual market
for the drugs.
There is documentation that the CIA in program MKULTRA used people in mental hospitals to
brainwash them and do experiments. They have turned people into assasins by using drugs to
hypnotize them. Most if not all the people who have committed violent crimes had connections
to mental hospitals and had been taking meds.
The political agenda to create criminals is to manipulate the gun control laws.
They use violence as an excuse to take away guns from the population, in violation of the 2nd
amendment, to make it easier to create a police state where the population can't defend
themselves against the government.
They also are using the violence provoked by the drugs to argue for MORE drugs; mental health
screening, so they can control more people with their drugs.
A person is safer in jail than they are in a mental hospital. There, they are not as likely to be
forced to take drugs. A lot of people in prison take drugs, but it is voluntary. By not taking them,
they are able to keep a clearer head and be able to pray. And there is less risk of being killed by
the drugs.
David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam who killed several people in NY in the l970s ended up in
prison. He got saved and became a Christian ll years ago. He is no longer the same person who
committed those crimes. He says that he was crazy as a kid because he dabbled in the occult. He
is not mentally ill now. I'm sure it was easier for him to pray and hear from God in jail than a
hospital. Since his sins are forgiven, they should release him. He can testify to a lot more people
on the outside.
According to biblical theology, mental illness is caused by demonic oppression.
The biblical answer to this is to caste out the demons in the name of Jesus. Jesus did this and
gave his followers authority to do the same thing in his name. In addition, all diseases, including
physical ones, are caused by demonic oppression and can be healed by rebuking the spirits which
cause it in Jesus name. I have been cured of several serious diseases this way.
The spirits can jump around through verbal or physical contact.
I have had spirits of depres--- jump on me from another person, and then I was crying for no
reason. Someone prayed for me and it left.
Another time, something jumped on me when I touched someone who had it, and then I
spontaneously coughed and it left.
So I know by experience the reality of spirits causing mental and physical illnesses. I don't like
to print the whole name of a disease because it can invoke the spirit which causes that disease
I had a sexually transmitted disease. God healed me of it when I repented for the sexual sin that
led to the disease. I rebuked ca--- a life threatening disease, and it disappeared.
There needs to be an emancipation proclamation setting free all the mental patients by the
Just like Lincoln set the slaves free - it is a human rights violation to hold people in civil
commitments who have not been convicted of any crime.
4) The Competency to Stand Trial question is a 6th Amendment violation.
The whole concept of declaring people not competent to stand trial is a ruse used to deprive them
of their constitutional right to a hearing on the charges. By raising the red herring issue of
whether they are mentally ill, they are being deprived of their due process rights on a hearing on
the actual charge. Again, the courts frequently use psychs to judge if a person is competent, and
they use their religious beliefs as a litmus test to deprive them of their due process rights,
because they ask the question "do you hear voices". This is irrelevant. That is like asking if a
person kneels when they pray.
What's relevant is whether they understand the legal process. So the whole process is fraudulent.
Declaring people not competent and then petitioning courts to treat them to "make them
competent" is more doublespeak. The drugs put them in a fog. This sabotages their ability to
think clearly to defend themselves. They look crazier on the drugs so that when they go to court
the doctors can argue that it is the illness making them that way to justify holding them.
Just like political dissidents in communist Russia were sent to psych hospitals, it is apolitical ruse
to deprive whoever they want to of their civil rights. Shrinks can use any excuse to declare a
person incompetent, so the danger is there of this system having been created to be used against
any political dissident, and that is where the government is going. But it is particularly dangerous
to Christians, because the real agenda behind all this is the creation of a one world government,
which will be anti-Christian, the new world order. In order to do that, they will suspend the
constitution and declare martial law. The people in charge have been moving in this direction for
years, and it is all prophesied by the book of Revelation of the new testament that such a thing is
5) The suspension of Hearsay rules in Commitment and Medication hearings violates 6th
Amendment right to confront witnesses.
At medication and commitment hearings the rules of evidence are violated. These hearings
violate the injunction against hearsay. There are exceptions in mental health law to these rules so that the medical record is introduced as admissible - made up of reports by various hospital
personnel who all lie to serve themselves and make the patients look bad, accusing them of
behaviors to argue that they are a danger to others so they can be committed. They drug people
illegally all the time, and lie about the circumstances to justify these events. The people who
write these reports are not in court to be cross examined. This is not due process at all. It is a
kangeroo court.
There are currently 40 something states that have mandatory outpatient treatment laws these are abusive since they are human rights violations and constitutional violations.
Most of the patients are not even mentally ill - they are Christians or religious people who are
being slandered. The drugs can sabotage one's ability to function.
I met a man on the street who was discharged from a hospital wearing a bracelet that said "fall
down risk". He could barely stand up. I told him to get off the drugs and he said "they know
where I live". He was referring to the outpatient treatment laws. They keep people in bondage,
living half alive live
Legal Solutions:
A constitutional amendment making it illegal to hold anyone in a civil commitment or be treated
involuntarily. An Emancipation Amendment like the anti-slavery amendment or since the 13th
amendment (anti-slavery) already covers this, a Supreme Court ruling making all state mental
health laws to hold and treat people involuntarily, illegal.
There needs to be a Supreme Court ruling on the competency to stand trial question - finding it
an unconstitutional violation of our 6th amendment due process rights to a hearing on the
A presidential executive order Emancipating all patients from involuntary civil
commitments and involuntary inpatient and outpatient treatments.
KJOS Ministries, a Christian website, talks about the Universal declaration of Human Rights
adopted dec 10, l948.
Art. 18 "the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
Art 19: freedom of opinion and expression.
But Art. 29 says "these rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to purposes and
principles of the UN. This is spooky, since the real agenda of the UN is the new world order one
world government. So they are saying that freedom will not be extended to those who are against
the new world order.
The whole system of psychiatry is historically rooted in atheism and funded and run by
freemasons who are actually Sat--ists. Their agenda is to label Christians as mentally ill and use
the psych system to destroy the
Jim Keith's book Mass Control says CIA mind control experiment MKULTRA director doctor
Robert Hanna Felix was director of psychiatric research for the scottish rite of Freemasonry, and
director of the National Institute of Mental Health. (SO, - Sata--sts running mental health!) At
the top level of Freemasonry, the 33 and 32rd level of the Scottish Rite, they are Sat--ists. Their
handbook, which I have seen, was written by Albert Pike, a Sat--ist.
It says "We worship the Luciferian principles but we don't tell the lower levels this."
The New World Order is a Freemason-Illuminati term that is on the dollar bill in Latin (novus
ordu seclorum). The Illuminati, an old occult mystical group, infiltrated freemasonry. The dollar
bill image was put there under FDR.
George HW Bush is a 32 level mason. He said, on Sept 11, l993, "the gulf war is the first test of
the New world order".
Hitler used the expression. I saw it on a newspaper from WWII in Israel. The expression is
commonly used by those who want to create a one world government. They also call themselves
See my article “The New World Order- a prophetic warning to Jews, Christians &
everyone.” at http://www.1prophetspeaks.com/ It warns of their plans for world government,
genocide, mind control, an atheistic world religion.
I read a quote by US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter 1952 saying "the order's
(Masonic illuminati) working involvement in America is immense. The real rulers in
Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes."
Politically, there is another agenda going on. The social engineers running the world government
have an agenda of population reduction. Our state department talked about it - Kissinger and
Haig depopulation policy. The Office of Population Affairs established in 1975 by Kissinger.
Thomas Fergusen, the Latin American case officer for OPA is quoted on the internet as having
talked about a government policy to reduce population in the third world by abortion. He said
that if they don't do it cleanly, they send the CIA in there to make wars to reduce population.
Historically there has been a connection between psychiatry and eugenics, both coming from
The Rockefeller Foundation funded eugenics in the US and Germany as well as education.They
funded the Cold Spring Harbor Lab on LI for genetic research (it was no longer called Eugenics.
They changed the name after WWII when it became evident to the population that eugenics led
to genocide.
Nathan Tabor's book The Beast on the East River documents the population control agenda of
the State Dept. under Kissinger. Foreign aid was tied to 3rd world countries' compliance with
pop. control measures, including abortion and sterilization. The UN also has a big pop. control
agenda. UNFPA - the pop foundation created in l966. For 40 years it has worked with Planned
Parenthood IPPF to promote family planning and birth control worldwide, emphasizing abortion
and sterilization especially in 3rd world nations.
Jim Keith in his book Mass Control says Depopulation was supported by the Rockefellers who
supported abortion. Depopulation is supported by Warren Buffet. That's why he funds vaccines;
they are toxic and kill people.
See my article “Warning-microchips, toxic vaccines & toxic fluoride.”
At http://www.jesus-is-saviour.com/
there is an article titled "steps toward global mind control under the banner of mental health
and education".
It chronicles the history of mental health and education and psychology
1928 Rockefeller Foundation funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Inst for Psychiatry in Munich
directed by Ernst Rudin.
l932 Rudin a nazi was appointed president of global eugenics Foundation.
1945 World Federation for mental health founded by Harry Stack Sullivan and George
Brock Chisholm. Chisholm says," To achieve world government, it is necessary to
remove..individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism and religious dogma".
l948 3rd International Congress of Mental Hygiene says "principles of mental health
cannot be successfully furthered in any society unless there is progressive acceptance of
world citizenship
1948 BF Skinner writes Walden 2 - saying children should be reared by the state, Kinsey
publishes Sexual behavior in Human Male - wrests sex from constraints of love and marriage;
National Institute of Mental Health founded.
Jim Keith's book p. 24 says " Bill Clinton passed a law in l994 for Goals 2000. Promoted by the
NEA the literature says Goals 2000 is "an academic/behavior modification plan based on control
theory/reality therapy." The purpose is population control and promotion of totalitarian world
He says, "ADD and ADHD are being treated with Ritalin. Actually they are caused by bad
nutrition (sugar, additives, pesticides), tv, violent videos and music." I agree with this - the
nutritional aspect is one level, and the tv, video and music introduce demonic influences. He is
exactly right.
There is an agenda to get rid of the mentally ill by simply killing them with the drugs. Giving
people cocktails of multiple drugs can easily cause liver damage and be fatal.
My mother died as a result of liver damage. The theory that the National Institute of Health had
about it was that it was a result of a mixture of drugs. I also prayed for revelation about what
happened, and saw a vision of her mixing drugs.
She once said to me, "Freud takes you to a wall and leaves you there" meaning, psychiatry is a
This is for 2 reasons: the atheism and psychotherapy, which leads nowhere, and the drugs.
Freud was an atheist and a drug addict (cocaine). His legacy, as the father of psychiatry, is
atheism and drug addiction, both of which are dead-ends. A lot of people die in these hospitals
and that is the exact purpose.
When I was in the hospital for 2 years and I wrote my book, 3 patients died during that time. 2
patients committed suicide.
When I was somewhere else for 10 months, 2 patients died. It is common for some of the drugs
to suppress the gag reflex and people choke on their food. I also had friends who committed
suicide from being on the drugs.
There is also a racist agenda to get rid of blacks. The eugenicists were also racists. The purpose
of abortion is genocide against blacks and Jews. The majority of people in the criminal justice
system are black and a large percentage in the psych system are black; it is just another way of
getting rid of them.
There is persuasive evidence that AIDS was created by our government to get rid of blacks and
gays. It was introduced in NY in a hepatitis vaccine that was given specifically to gays. The
same places where the vaccine went, AIDS popped up. The same thing in Africa; a vaccine was
given in Africa and the same places where it was given, AIDS showed up. This genocidal
attitude comes out of the fascist ideology that is behind these laws.
Hitler was inspired by social darwinism - survival of the fittest, which was eugenics.
Darwin wrote in the Descent of Man 1871 that Eugenics is the result of natural selection,
survival of the fittest. "The civilized races will exterminate and replace the savage races."
Evolution came from the Greek philosopher Epicurus. Hitler went after the mental patients first
before everyone else.
The nazis killed mental patients in the secret t-4 euthenasia program. They used psych
meds. This genocide has continued since, worldwide, using mental health as a cover.
Mental health is a continuation of nazi genocide of Jews, Christians, blacks, the poor,
mentally ill & others.
The drugs cause brain, kidney, liver damage, obesity, diabetes. People on them live 20
years less. They drive people to suicide & homicide.
Dr. Peter Breggin has written many books warning about toxic psych meds, saying they cause
mental illness, He uncovered the t-4 nazi euthenasia of mental patients. http://www.breggin.com/
Breggin has testified in many cases. In one recent case, a Canadian judge ruled the prozac caused
a teen to commit homicide. The drugs produce personality changes. I know people this has
happened to.
See article “Judge rules psych meds cause homicide”
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was a eugenicist. She said the
feebleminded bred more than the better ones. She talked about sterilizing the "feebleminded" so
they couldn't breed. She wrote The Pivot of Civilization in l922. She believed in freeing sex
from morality to release creativity. She linked low IQ with crime, poverty, insanity.
The Eugenics movement started in England and the US and spread to Germany. Hitler
took it to its logical conclusion. They were pleased with his work.
Mental Health Parity is dangerous. Having more insurance coverage for mental health stays
just gives hospitals who hold people involuntarily a further financial incentive to call them sick
to get the insurance money. They already do that - the whole system is based on insurance fraud.
Melody Peterson's 2008 book Our Daily Meds chronicles this fraud.
The Citizen's Commission on Human Rights has a website with a lot of research about the
abuse by psychiatry. The CCHR was founded by Dr Thomas Szcaz, a psychiatrist in Syracuse
who has written many books saying mental illness is a myth, and the church of scientology
(whose theology I Don't agree with. They believe they are reincarnated aliens. ) Nevertheless,
they speak the truth about psychiatry. And they have some good ideas about detoxing from the
toxic drugs.
As an aside, this becomes an object lesson in how the devil operates.
He infiltrates everything; every political and religious movement.
Then he points fingers at the sins of one of the others. One purpose is to manipulate people to
align with him. They think; oh, he is speaking the truth about x, so he must be ok (y). To
manipulate people to align with y. But he is in both sides. So he wins either way. It is a
projection; he knows what x is doing being y is doing it too; it is him behind it in both cases!
Both psychiatry AND scientology practice mind control.
Psychiatry uses the drugs and their manipulative education classes to brainwash people. The
drugs put people in a hypnotic trance so they can be easily brainwashed,
I had experiences with scientologists years ago.
A man telepathically willed me across the street (I had never met him), introduced himself,
invited himself to my apt and seduced me. Then told me he was a scientologist. I realized he had
used telepathic mind control on me, and was wary of the movement since that interaction.
They are clearly a cult because they charge a lot of money for people to “evolve” by going up
various levels of spiritual development. And they have secrets. It is only at the highest level that
people find out what their theology actually is. That is how all demonic cults work. They have
secrets and only the elite at the top level know half of what they are really about. Freemasonry
is the same way.
Mormonism is another one. Actually a lot of semi-Christian religious cults do this. I have read
that there are masonic ties to Christian science, Jehovah's witnesses, Mormonism. The mormons
supposedly do masonic rituals in their upper level ceremonies in the main temple in Utah. The
low rung people are not privy to this.
I used to practice Transcendental Meditation for 10 years. They do the same thing. They have
levels of spiritual development classes that cost money.
After 10 years of reading new age spiritual books, I had the intuitive flash one day (Which had to
be from GOD) that if something is FROM GOD it SHOULD BE FREE. Hence that became a
standard to judge all the new age philosophies and techniques. Most of them charge money.
When I read the bible later, I saw that God says “FREELY YE ARE GIVEN, FREELY YE
SHALL GIVE. And in one story Simon the Sorcerer offered to PAY Jesus' followers for the
Holy Spirit so he could heal people like they were doing. They rebuked him and told him to
But New age techniques can be taught and people charge for this. So if they are asking money,
then it is NOT of God. That is the standard to judge if they are authentic or demonic. That
intuition drove me out of the new age movement and into Christianity.
Since my writing are prophetic messages, I don't charge. The Old Testament prophets did not
charge for their “messages” from God.
But plenty of new age writers charge for their books of supposed “messages from God'. Well, if
it really were GOD they were chanelling, HE would tell them “don't charge for this.”
New Age magazine is published by Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Since masonry at the top level is
devil worship, this shows that the spirit behind the new age movement is the devil.
See my article "Letter to a new ager on spiritual deception"
I read a testimony of a Christian pastor who had a big revival on his hands. He writes in a book
about it that God warned him “DON'T MARKET THIS”. Well, they DID sell books about it
(Isn't that marketing it?) If they loaned the books out FREE like a library, it would not be doing
that, but that is not what they were doing. So what happened? A counterfeit spirit infiltrated the
place because of their disobedience. Sin is an opening for demonic attack.
All demonic groups operate this way. The devil is consistent. When something works, he
replicates it lots of places.
I think the game with psychiatry-scientology is this: scientology screams that psychiatry is
against religion. This is TRUE. However, when the average ignorant person sees them saying it,
and presumes they mean THEIR religion, they then think, “yeah, but their religion is obvious
nonsense - so they think well they wouldn't do that to a REAL religion! But the truth is OH YES
It means the argument needs to COME from a REAL LEGITIMATE RELIGION Like
Christianity so normal people GET that this is really happening. Which of course, they wouldn't
expect, since we have a constitution, and people think That couldn't possibly be happening
HERE, we have a constitution! Everyone KNOWS we have religious freedom! That's how they
get away with it! Right under our noses, since people think it can't possibly be happening.
Hitler said, make a LIE SO BIG nobody will believe it is happening.
Do something so outrageous that nobody will believe you could be doing it. Because of their
denial it is EASIER to do it! IN countries where they don't have those rights on paper, nobody
would disbelieve such atrocities happen. But Americans are lulled into a false sense of security
about their rights because of the papers that are our foundations. And those rights are being
shredded all the time-because of this psychological manipulation.
We have rights on paper that exist ONLY on paper. The reality is that they get violated all the
time by people who use power for their own purposes. There is a huge discrepancy between
theory and practice.
I have had doctors say to me “We're not trying to interfere with your religion. A pathological
bold-faced lie. That is EXACTLY what they are trying to do, since the drugs exactly interfere
with one's ability to think and pray. No question. I know from experience. And since they are
atheists, they regard religious beliefs as ‘delusions’.
BY DEFINITION they consider legitimate religious beliefs and experiences to be “delusions”
and “hallucinations” which are in their minds, SYMPTOMS of mental illness. Then they try to
“treat” them with the drugs, involuntarily, of course. They think they have the right to “change
people's religion” just because they say THAT is NOT what they are really doing, when that is
EXACTLY what they ARE doing. But they DENY It is a theological issue and CALL it
BIOLOGICAL, creating a whole straw man with the complete nonsense argument that there are
chemical imbalances that need treating.
This is easy to do since they are DOCTORS and everyone knows that doctors treat Biology.
Ergo, there must be something biological going on. A simple presumption.
But they are sata-sts masquerading as dr's pretending there is something biological going on so
they can address it euphemistically. They call torture, brainwashing and genocide “treatment'.
What lawyers need to do in mental health cases is Challenge their USE of language to expose the
manipulation and lies through the orwellian doublespeak and euphemistic nonsense. When
someone in court calls it “treatment” the lawyer needs to “object” to the FALSE characterization
of what is going on - “NO it is torture and genocide, not treatment.
Treatment presumes there is a DISEASE to Treat, which is a FALSE presumption in the first
place. There is NO EVIDENCE of a BIOLOGICAL DISEASE with mental illness. Brain scans
show nothing. Blood tests show nothing. Many dr's have said this. They judge mental illnesses
by symptoms of thinking and behaving. It is NOT scientific at all. What needs to be questioned
is where there is any disease to “treat”.
Know what charade they pull in court? They have a word they invented for someone who
DENIES they have a “mental illness” - a supposed condition that describes this. More
psychobabble. Loading the language. So when the patient or lawyer dispute that the person HAS
an illness, the dr responds – OH they just have X – the condition where they DENY they have an
illness. This clever game MAKES them SOUND legitimate.
They keep biologizing the issue- framing it as a biological problem and using biological mumbojumbo to support this argument. They know that if they keep insisting on this lie, people will
believe it. They know that if they can get the judge and court to accept their biologizing of the
issue, they get authority in court.
So the defense attorney has to address that presumption and insist there are NON biological
issues here, theological ones. By re-framing and challenging the LINGO, the other side (GOD'S)
can get authority instead.
Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter, said on his video “The government manipulates thru
grammar”. He was speaking the truth. By loading the language and framing issues the way
They want to frame it, they get influence. He may also have been referring to hypnotic trigger
words the government uses when they hypnotize and brainwash people. They may have done
this to Loughner. He was in a psych hospital 7 years earlier. And he called his school “my
genocide school”. Which may have meant there was some kind of programming going on there,
similar to what happened with the death education class the Columbine shooters took.
They definitely did it to the Columbine shooters. They were ON psych meds and taking a
DEATH EDUCATION Class. One of them said he had nightmares of shooting people after this .
They were programmed to do what they did.
See my article “The Significance of the shooting in tucson, mental health parity &
conspiracy issues” at http://www.1prophetspeaks.blogspot.com/2011/01/significance-ofshooting-in-tucson.html
The mass shootings keep being used to argue for mental health screening, more drugging and
gun control laws. Police states want gun control laws so only police have weapons and the
population can not defend themselves against a fascist regime. Hitler & Mussolini passed gun
control laws.
The judge who was shot was against gun control laws. It was reported that someone called him
and asked him to join Giffords. So he MAY have been set up.
By declaring Loughner incompetent to stand trial, they are using the system to avoid a trial
where actual facts can be possibly exposed. That is their whole ploy. They do this a lot in
assassinations where they use CIA brainwashed patsies. The same people who DO the
brainwashing, psychiatrists, are the ones who “assess” whether the person is “competent to stand
trial”. Considering what is really at stake here, Psychiatric manipulation and brainwashing, this is
a REAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The defense lawyer needs to make this point.
Judges can judge competency 2 ways; by asking questions directly of the defendant in
court, or deferring to a psychiatric exam. The judge is the one who should make this
assessment. It is not hard to see if the person is coherent and can understand what is going on. It
is obvious. All they have to do it ask questions and see what kind of answers they get. The
problem is that judges often refuse to let the defendants speak for themselves. They insist that the
lawyers speak for them, to supposedly protect their rights and prevent them from incriminating
But as far as determining competency, they SHOULD let the defendants speak. Any normal
person can tell if someone is coherent or understands what is going on, by listening to them a
little while. If layman can do this, judges should do it too. It is fraudulent to trust this process to
“experts” who have an agenda and a bias and a conflict of interest. This is completely unethical.
The atheistic psychiatrists use people's religious beliefs as a litmus test to deprive them of
their constitutional rights to a hearing on the charges. This is religious discrimination.
They SAY they are judging biology but they are not; they are judging theology.
The judges think “Oh, I' not qualified to judge medical issues; - I need a medical expert. That is
the whole fallacy. It is NOT a medical issue at all. It is a legal issue – either the person is able to
understand the proceedings and work with their lawyer or not. Of Course a judge can judge this;
all they have to do is use their own eyes and ears in court!
That is EXACTLY What they do in their hearings -assess the defendants and judge whether they
are speaking the truth or lying.
When Dr's assess people, they are really judging their religious beliefs and using it as a litmus
test to deprive them of their constitutional rights to address the criminal charges. This is religious
discrimination. They are saying Christians are not allowed to address their criminal charges.
I had a Jewish judge listen to me in court. I was preaching Christian theology to her. She knew
nothing about it. To her it was gibberish, apparently. She said it made no sense to her. So she
assumed there was something wrong with me because she didn't know what I was talking about.
It should have occurred to her that maybe it was her own ignorance that was the problem, which
it was. When one speaks a concept unfamiliar to someone it can sound like nonsense., initially.
When a person hears something they know about and agree with, they think “Oh of course that's
true. “ But if they hear something that challenges an assumption or belief they hold, the likely
reaction is “HUH? There is almost cognitive dissonance that has to be resolved. If the proper
explanation is not provided to lead them from a to b to c, they won't “get it'.
The problem is the combination of ignorance and Arrogance, whereby the judges assume that the
problem is the other person rather than themselves. I remember explaining to this judge that
EVERYONE hears voices, as thoughts in our heads, and it is an illegitimate question to be
asking to determine if someone was mentally ill. And it was certainly irrelevant to the
competency issue! It had NOTHING to do with the question of whether I understood my rights
and the legal procedures. What was actually happening was that I was SHOWING the judge that
I Obviously understood the legal system because I was raising legal issues for her to address.
Her reaction was incredulous- she found it hard to accept because it was a point of view she had
obviously never heard or considered before and she didn't know how to process the information.
What I was telling her was a complete contradiction of what she had been brainwashed (by
psychiatrists) to believe; so her initial reaction was denial that what I was saying was actually
true. She had heard, millions of times “Hearing voices is a symptom of mental illness.” The
unstated presumption in her mind was “EVERYONE KNOWS THAT.
Then I come along and say NO IT's NOT. That is NONSENSE. It is a stretch. She is
unconsciously thinking “But I've heard this a million times. It MUST be true.” So my statement
provokes denial.
She had been brainwashed by the repetition of this lie, and it is hard to un-brainwash someone by
just contradicting what they have been brainwashed to believe. It is NOT a rational process.
What this showed is that there WAS brainwashing involved. If she had NOT been brainwashed,
She could have responded to a rational discussion of the issues. But my contradiction of her
repetitive brainwashed message produced cognitive dissonance. The only way for her to resolve
it was to deny the legitimacy of my statement. I could SEE by her reaction – it was not a rational
response. She did NOT CONSIDER it and thoughtfully respond, she had a knee-jerk response –
like “That CAN'T be true” and that was the end of her addressing that issue. Her unspoken
response was “I can't process this issue”.
That's what Hitler said. If you repeat a LIE enough times, people will believe it. So the doctors
do this.
They know that if you repeat something all over the media, etc people will think “EVERYBODY
KNOWS such and such is true” just because they have heard it repeated so many times.
When I meet a person who says “What do WE know” about a subject? The infamous Collective
Like what does Science tell us about such and such an issue – I think Who is WE?
We collectively all believe something because we have been brainwashed or propagandized thru
supposed “education” to believe it. As if that process is supposedly pure, altruistic and ethical as
opposed to manipulative and with hidden agendas.
People who ask “What do WE know” to me, seem to be prone to GROUP THINK. They don't
think for themselves, they just go with the group. These are not individualists, they are sheeple
who are easily manipulated. The majority of humanity, unfortunately. These are the people who
are brainwashed. Whatever they have heard repeatedly, they simply assume must be true.
“Everyone knows this because we've heard it forever”.
ALSO, these are people who assume that if the majority believe something it MUST BE TRUE.
This is a completely false assumption, since the Majority of humanity are Easily brainwashed
and do NOT think for themselves at all, so the odds are that what THEY believe is lies. The truth
tellers are the ones who stand against the masses.
In the bible, God's prophets are ALWAYS in the minority, not the majority. That is exactly
WHY God uses them. To correct the ignorance of the masses and wake them up.
I learn from other people's experiences all the time, but I don't assume that because others
believe something, it must be true. I test it against my own experiences and see if mine confirm
it. I believe we should take other people's testimonies as an incentive to see if we come to the
same conclusion by a similar process or experience.
The purpose of testimony is to provide inspiration. If I say “pray such and such a way. I did it
and it works." So fine, TRY It yourself and see what happens.
There is nothing wrong with being empirical, as long as one is open minded to whatever the truth
But if one approaches it with a negative bias- don't assume that won't influence the result,
because it WILL.
The bible says that “he who wavers or doubts receives nothing of the Lord” James ch 1.
His prayers don't get answered. It is FAITH that releases prayers to be answered.
If you say “I don't believe this will work, but I'll try it to see what happens” you just sabotaged it.
One needs to move and think in faith to release prayers to be answered. This is the nature of it.
Negative thoughts and words act like curses and affect whatever we are addressing. The
Heisenberg principle in Physics says that the observer affects whatever is being observed. He is
not neutral.
I remember knowing people years ago that said ouija boards don't work around them, because
they didn't believe in them. They thought they were just a game, not an actual divination device
that opened people to spiritual communications.
Well, for them, they didn't work because they were of a mindset that was not open to the
possibility that such things actually do what they claim to do. For people who are open to it, they
do all kinds of things. NOT GOOD. Actually they are openings for demonic influences. This
does testify to their being a spiritual realm. Experiences of Demons OR GOD both prove that
same point – the spiritual realm exists. Materialistic non-spiritual people think neither one is real,
when both actually are.
Someone gave a prophetic word not too long ago that “Those who would hurt you would be
those who would heal you”.
It was clearly a warning about the healthcare profession being used to harm people. That is
exactly what is happening. They use toxic vaccines and fluoride to genocide people. Poisoned
food, implanted microchips to control people. They don't openly admit this; it only slips out
parenthetically when they are not paying attention.
For example, Bill Gates in a speech at TED on youtube admitted that
“soon there will be 8 billion people on the planet”. If we do a really good job with
reproductive health care and vaccines, we can get this down to 6.”
SO what did he mean? That they are using both to depopulate the planet, obviously. Which
means reproductive healthcare is about abortion & and sterilization, not improving baby care,
and vaccines will help lower the population. HOW? By making people sick and killing them,
that's how. Or at least making them sterile, which the GMO foods do. There is no denying what
came out of Bill Gates mouth. And he has given huge amounts of money to vaccinate people in
3rd world countries – to “get the population down”. Google Bill Gates-TED speech on youtube.
A doctor interviewed by Jesse Ventura in his program Conspiracy Theory with Jesse
Ventura tells him most vaccines have squaline, a poison, which makes people sick and die. This
was in his second season, in an episode on secret societies. You can watch it on youtube.
This is consistent with what Gates ACTUALLY SAID. The bible says “let everything be
established with 2 or 3 witnesss. So here are 2.
A lot of brainwashed patients assume the doctors know what they are doing, when they really
don't. They think these people are medical “experts' when they are really ignoramuses. They
don't know the bible.
A lot of them are just ignorant. They are the useful idiots for the ones who know EXACTLY
what they are doing – destroying religious belief because they are atheists and that is what they
Or they are really sata-ists masquerading as atheists who are definitely interested in destroying
Christianity and Christians. The top level masons are definitely sata—ists with a hidden agenda.
But they will not admit it openly. They only do so to their own.
Having seen the handbook for the 32nd level scottish rite, which admits they worship lucifer but
hide this from the lower levels, I KNOW what the game is. God leaks information about the
devil's games to warn us.
The apostle Paul said “we are not ignorant of the devil's devices.
One of the devil's goals is to destroy God's people. SO His followers would have the same
agenda. This includes Jews & Christians.
I read a book by Thomas Szcaz on the history of communist Russia's use of psychiatry to punish
dissidents. The CCHR has chronicled a lot of the abuse in this country. They have lawyers that
go after the doctors on criminal charges. They have articles about insurance fraud. http://cchr.org
The hospitals I have been at label everyone with a diagnosis just so they can get the insurance
money. One of the CCHR articles says the doctors would simply pick whatever diagnosis would
pay the highest. Many doctors have investments in drug cos. There are many articles including a
recent one in the NY Times by Ben Carey chronicling how psychiatrists doing research get a lot
of money from pharmaceuticals. Doctors who write the DSM book - the book which defines
disorders, all have investments in pharmaceuticals. They simply create these disease labels so
they can push drugs and make money. The pharmaceuticals are the biggest lobby in the world.
Most of the media have ads from them so they are bought out. The drug companies all have ties
to Germany. Their parent company IG FARBEN made the gases for the death camps. Standard
Oil run by John D Rockefeller, had business ties to IG Farben. The Rockefellers historically
funded German based medical models that were heavy on drug use. This gave them political
power to overshadow other therapies like homeopathy, naturopathy and chiropractic
On the CCHR website is an article by Dr. Robert Whitaker of Cambridge MA saying the
drugs made people worse - people that took psych meds had more relapses than those NOT
treated with drugs!
http://www.cchr.org/ (Citizen's commission on human rights). They have a lot of research on
psychiatric abuse.
Whitaker wrote Anatomy of an Epidemic which shows that as drug treatments have gone up, so
has mental illness, not down. This is because the drugs cause mental illness.
T. Szasz is at http://www.szasz.com/
Steve Ferry at http://www.words-images.com/
has a good article under writing samples on psychiatry and psychology that talk about the history
and also has a statistic that says in 1961 18% of Christians went to psych. In 1991 that number
was up to 38% During that time church membership went down 25%.
Churches have been sending their sheep into the system for evaluation and help, and this is a
mistake. Protestant churches are guilty of this, and they need to repent. The Catholic Church is
also guilty, and they should know better, because they believe in exorcism. They supposedly
send people to shrinks to rule out something organic first. Ironically, physical conditions like
hypothyroidism sometimes cause what looks like psychiatric conditions. But statistically
psychiatrists have been very negligent in actually investigating and diagnosing these kinds of
physical causes. Rather, they have misdiagnosed conditions as mental illnesses and put people on
psych meds.
A lot of children that are labelled hyper are reacting to food additives or food allergies. When
this is addressed they are cured. But again, a lot of the doctors don't consider this first. Parents
need to address this.
Psychiatry is atheism and ungodly thinking and the church should have nothing to do with it. The
bible says in psalm l “blessed is he who takes not the counsel of the ungodly”.
Jewish families who sent relatives into the mental health system for help just made them worse
by looking for help in the wrong place. If they had known about the healing power of Christ and
gone to a pentacostal or charismatic church they could have helped.
Atheist Behaviorist psychologists who have been running education schools in this country,
like Columbia Teachers' College, & Harvard School of Ed, feed from the same spiritual
trough as the psychiatrists.
90% of psychologists and psychiatrists are atheists, according to polls I have read.
Ferry mentions that there are enormous numbers of psychologists working in the school system
now. They put pressure on parents to drug their kids for behavior problems, often under threat of
taking the kids away if the parents don't comply. The CCHR has documented a lot of this abuse.
Benjamin Wiker wrote a book called 10 books that screwed up the world. All of the books
are written by atheists.:
Nietzsche 1886 in Beyond Good and Evil - led to Hitler. he called himself the antichrist
because the devil was speaking through him. His atheism led to a world without good and evil, a
world ruled by will to power.
Since psychiatry is also rooted in atheism, and according to Chisholm, the purpose is to eradicate
morality, it is clearly the same spirit as Hitler, i.e. the fourth reich.
The Prince by Macchiavelli 1513 says a ruler should appear to be good, but not be - he should
appear all mercy, all faith, all honesty, all humanity, all religion. Do evil for the purpose of
Good. Ends justify the means. This contradicts Plato's Republic, where Socrates says a person
must strive to be good. Author says the prince underlies communism - ends justify the means =killing, doing evil for greater good. Says he has to be an atheist to not believe in good or heaven
or hell.
Descartes - 1755- Discourse on Method. Invents God - says he exists because we conceive him.
I think therefore I am.
Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes 1651 "every man has a right to everything. Makes desires
synonymous with rights. Says there is no good and evil, right and wrong. Good means getting
what you want and evil what blocks it. Desires are no sin."
Chisholm got his ideas from Hobbes (to do away with the yoke of sin). Hobbes said there is no
God, therefore no good and evil. Humans have no other meaning but to feel physical pleasure
and avoid pain. Says men have a right to others' bodies. Hobbes' rights are just desires (we have
a right to something)
John Jacques Rousseau 1712-1778 Discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality
among men "Savages are not evil precisely because they don't know what it means".
Marx 1818-1883 and Fred. Engels 1820-1895 Manifesto of the Communist Party 1848 Marx
was an atheist and materialist "the history of all society is the history of class struggles. Get rid
of the oppressor class - bourgeousie – capitalists” Josef Stalin killed millions more than Hitler
when he purged Russia of dissidents, intellectuals, bourgeouis.
Utilitarianism - John Stuart Mill 1863 Atheist said the highest pleasure for biggest number is
Darwin 1871 Descent of Man Natural selection, survival of the fittest. "The civilized races will
exterminate and replace the savage races" Evolution came from the Greek philosoher Epicurus
Darwin said Natural Selection is natural; nature favors the strong. Society should not
interfere with nature by artificially protecting the weak - that is unnatural and unscientific.
Society should help natural selection and eliminate the weak - that is eugenics. He said "if
various checks do not prevent the inferior from increasing at quicker rate than better class of
men. Darwin believed mercy came from sympathy, an evil. So morality was not natural or God
given, but result of natural selection. He supported eugenics. Considered negroes and australians
as lower races.
Lenin The State and Revolution 1917 Said violent revolution necessary to get rid of
oppressors. capitalists are enemies of state. Lenin was an aristocrat. Vlad Ilyich Ulyanov. Killed
6-8 million; Stalin killed 20-25 million. Communist utopia is the goal.
Hitler - Mein Kampf - 1925 The health of the People (volk) is goal - racial purity Hitler saw 2
problems - Marxism and Judaism. He saw poverty due to capitalism, so he joined socialist party nazi party. Nazis killed handicapped, mixed=race people. He said degeneracy was result of the
Jews, race-mixing and Jewish capitalism and Jewish Marxism. he fought in ww1 and Germany
lost. Nazis read Darwin - political biology
Sigmund Freud - 1856-1939 The Future of an Illusion Freud moved from Czech to Vienna.
He was against religion. Believed morality, thou shalt not kill, was pragmatic. Didn't need God.
No afterlife meant man would focus on a better now. (In Moses and Monotheism Freud denied
that Moses heard from God.
Judaism focuses more on the now than the afterlife. Christianity talks more about the afterlife.)
Author says Hobbes is the father of Freud - said instinctual wishes for incest cannibilism and
killing which is repressed. Neurotics can't handle the repression so react with asocial behavior.
By removing neurosis - the person would revert to their "natural" amoral state. So psychopaths,
produced by therapy are the result. Chisholm's comments support this.
Coming of Age in Samoa Margaret Mead 1928 "child of future must have an open mind.
Child must be taught how to think, not what to think. Argued that Samoans weren't neurotic were homo and heterosexual. Didn't have strong parent ties. See idea of wanting state to raise
kids - break from family ties, and free sexuality fro religious constraints. Others argued she was
projecting her own desires on these people and did poor anthro. research.
Kinsey - Sexual Behavior in the Human Male l948 Atheist believed Judeo-christian
prohibition of homosexuality unnatural. He was homeosexual pervert. Believed in bestiality too.
He talked about raping babies and small children.
Feminine Mystique 1963 Betty Friedan She was Marxist - led to feminism to weakening of
family She was atheist. Founded NARAL l969 org to repeal abortion laws with Bernard
Nathanson. (Nathanson later converted to Catholicism after seeing ultrasounds of abortion - he
renounced abortion). the abortions since Roe v Wade is 48 million. She founded NOW she felt
housewives were unhappy so should work.
So we have - those philosophies led to Brave New World - psych (Freud) eugenics (Sanger)
Mead (sex) all by atheists.
Wiker says; philosophy is desire for truth. Ideology comes at truth from opposite direction,
molding truth to what we desire. Pseudo-science is thus the handmaid to ideology. Politics is its
hammer. Mead's ideology came out of desire to change society by changing culture, coming
from belief that ills came from culture, not genetics. Mead had desire to make a sexual
Others peddling pseudo-science: Marx and Engels, Darwin, Freud, Hitler and Sanger. They all
thought themselves scientific. Talking about Kinsey - says the sexual revolution used Kinsey's
pseudo-science to push a sexual revolution that started in the l960's and continues. Its greatest
opponent is Christianity. So atheism is the root.
Wiker made the argument that atheists in this century have killed many more people than
believers in previous centuries.
Jonah Goldberg wrote Liberal Fascism. He says Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley's brother, first
director of UNESCO was a eugenicist. So was Aldous. In Brave New World - people are
bioengineered and chew hormonal gum to be happy.
Goldberg quotes a song sung by Hitler youth - anti-Christian;
“We are the happy Hitler youth we have no need for Christian virtue for A.H. is our
intercessor and our redeemer.”
So much for the false notion that the Germans and Nazis were Christians.
They were occultists; devil worshippers. Hitler channelled demons. You can see the blackness in
his eyes when he spoke. Charles Manson, who hypnotized women to commit the Sharon Tate
murders, looked the same. Hitler mesmerized Germans and so did Manson. The devil has
hypnotic power.
This is why the bible forbids it in Deuteronomy 18; (charmers & enchanters). Hypnosis opens
one up to demon possession.
This is how the psych meds work. They stupify people; put them in a hypnotic trance, easy to
The nazis also used fluoridated water in the camps to make prisoners docile. There is fluoride in
the antidepressants and anti-psychotics which is why they stupify people.
Fluoridated water is mass medication of the population.
It is used worldwide for mind control & genocide. Sodium fluoride is a toxic waste; the
ingredient in rat poison. It does not cause less cavities; that is a BIG lie sold to the public to
accept this. Fluoride toothpastes say to call poison control if swallowed.
Sodium fluoride causes canc--, bone fractures. Lab rats fed it developed ADHD. Areas with
fluoridated water have IQs 20 points lower. 65% of the US & UK use it; Europe banned it. NYC
has it.
Fluoride is also sneakily in most bottled water & many drinks & foods (sodas). Antidotes include
vitamin C, apple pectin.
For a list of foods see article:
Warning-toxic fluoride in drinking water, psych drugs & food & how to get rid of it.
What Hitler did to the Jews, he did legally. The world held later that the laws were immoral. The
mental health laws are the same way; they are just as immoral. There is a real spiritual battle
going on right now between God's agenda and our constitutional rights, and the New World
Order agenda of the world government people and the devil. It's not surprising that death by
drugs is now the modus operandi in this country; the atheistic root of psychiatry was always
The prophetic book that shows where this is going politically is Brave New World by Aldous
Huxley. It talks about raising children by the state and using drugs to control them. Also they
brake down inhibitions against sexual behavior to separate it from procreation to support
abortion and birth control and the breakdown of the family unit. Huxley's brother Julian, an
atheist was the first head of UNESCO the UN organization to make education policy. They have
a new world order agenda.
In the 90's I worked as a teacher in the Boston Public Schools & other schools in the area,
for 7 years.
I taught k-12, every subject, so I saw what was being taught. I also taught music.
I was a witness there to the atheistic agenda of public education. First, since the 30's they used
methods of teaching reading that made people dyslexic deliberately so they could dumb them
down and control them. The whole agenda behind public education, since John Dewey and his
progressive education, is atheism.
Dewey was a secular humanist. He wrote the Humanist Manifesto. Atheism is the religion of
the schools. This is a violation of the separation of church and state, because it is actually the
state establishment of a religion, which is atheism.
Atheism is the belief there is no god. Secular humanism believes man can save himself without
See my article “Musings on Secular Humanism & public education, answers to the
Humanist Manifesto, psychiatry”
Education is run by psychologists whose root is behaviorist Wilhelm Wundt from Germany,
and whose followers include BF Skinner, the behaviorist. The agenda is not to train people to
read so they can think critically, but rather, to dumb them down and tell them what to think.
They use Outcome based education (OBE) - which is the teaching of moral relativism, of
According to KJOS Ministry, Ben Bloom, the father of OBE said "the goal of education is to
change thoughts, feelings and actions of students" - behavior modification.
Not teaching them to read, write & think critically. They don't want that. They want obedient
They are teaching values, not skills. Not education.
John D. Rockefeller, whose foundations funded the Southern Education Board, said "I don't want
thinkers, I want workers."
They are against the moral values of the bible and want to break down family influence and
morality so that people are controlled by the state. They teach that homosexuality is not wrong,
but an alternative choice. A child who believes, from his parents and religious values that it is
wrong will be judged as being incorrect.
Most education is propaganda anyway. We were all taught that Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes
Booth, a lone assassin. It turns out there was a conspiracy & 11 people were hanged. Nobody I
know ever heard that in school. Jesse Ventura writes about it in his book "Lies lies & more
dirty lies"
He makes the point that every assassination is supposedly by a lone nut with 3 names; this is
psychological programming. The reality is that most assassinations are done by conspiracies,
usually involving the CIA. Their program MKULTRA brainwashed assassins & did mind
control experiements. Bill Clinton apologized for MKULTRA. They continued the program
under another name.
The CIA has been run by Nazi scientists who came to the US under Operation Paperclip. They
have hijacked our government.
Jim Marrs in his book The Rise of the 4th Reich talks about Operation Paperclip. There is an
interview with him in my article Psychiatry, Nazis & the 4th Reich.
This inculcation of atheistic immorality and amorality is a constitutional violation of the
establishment clause (1st amendment). It should be addressed in the courts.
I once walked in on a meeting of the Mass Teacher's Association. The agenda on their materials
was "what to do about the Christian right". I asked the leader what he knew about OBE and he
refused to talk about it. The teachers hide their agenda from parents.
By using whole language learning instead of phonics to teach people to read, they have crippled
people and created all the behavior problems we now see in schools. The dyslexia, add and adhd
were created by using a reading method that frustrates kids so they can't read so they have
behavior problems instead. Then, psych rushes in with their solution - label them and put them
on drugs. It is a good example of a spiritual principle I have discerned - the devil creates a
problem and then tries to sell us his solution. This whole agenda in education has been written
about by Sam Blumenfeld in his books. One was The Trojan Horse in Education, written
about 20 years ago. Sam Blumenfeld is at www.howtotutor.com
Charlotte Iserbyt, former head of the Dept of Ed under Reagan, a government whistleblower,
wrote The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America which exposes government policies to dumb
down students through Russian obedience training techniques to prepare the US for communist
government, to merge us with Russia. Her book is free at
I saw for myself, as a teacher, that the students were not being taught how to sound out
unfamiliar words by using the phonic method of reading. Instead they were using whole
language learning, or sight-word recognition. This creates dyslexia, according to Blumenfeld,
when they get a little older and have to deal with unfamiliar longer words. they have a mental
block against reading by sounding out letters, and this is dyslexia. Blumenfeld's book says the
National Education Association had ties to socialism, progressive education and behavioral
psychology. Blumenfeld, in his book talks about how Hitler said "I have the youth".
I have been doing research the last few months about all these political agendas, and for years I
have been a prophetic witness to all kinds of related things about the direction the
government is going.
A Supernatural Warning about Homeland Security
In 2001 an interesting picture appeared in the Boston Globe.
It was an article on Oct 9 2001, announcing Bush's appointment of Tom Ridge as Homeland
Security chief. They were standing in front of a flag and what appeared in the pix was not an
American flag, but a nazi swastika. I saw it, and so did my friends. This was a spiritual warning
of the spirit behind Homeland Security, and what was coming. 911 symbolically is the beginning
of a police state - since that is the number to dial the police.
Interestingly there have been several prophetic things happening on that same date. On 911 l991
George HW Bush said of the Gulf War, " this is the first test of the new world order". In 1973 on
911 Chile's Allende was overthrown, ushering in a military dictatorship.
There is a video on the web that is available to see if you google Denver International
Airport - New World Order.
The video shows that this new airport, called the New World Airport, is a very sinister place.
They have capstones which show masonry.
Freemasonry is satanism at the top level, though they deny it. The handbooks for the top 2 levels
- the 31and 32nd level of the scottish rite, of which George HW Bush is a member, were written
by a man named Albert Pike, who was a sat--ist.
It says, literally "We worship the Luciferian principle, but we don't tell the lower levels this." I
have seen it with my own eyes.
There are murals in this airport. They show people in coffins.
They show a black person, an Indian, and a girl holding a bible with a cross on it and wearing a
jewish star. So the target of who they intend to eliminate in concentration camps is blacks,
indians, jews and Christians.
The mental hospitals are today's concentration camps.
Alex Jones' website talks about the New world Order. http://www.infowars.com/ Jones is the
biggest alternative radio host, based in Austin, TX
So does Pat Robertson in his book of that name. 1991 The New World Order.
There are 3 groups whose agenda is the New World Order: the Council on Foreign
Relations, founded by David Rockefeller, the Trilateral Commission, an offshoot of it, and
the Bildeberger group, an international group which meets once or twice a year.
The same politicos, international bankers, multinational corporate CEO's and Newsmedia heads
are members of all three. They make political and economic policy recommendations and are
really controlling government policy. They are the shadow government.
Dan Estulin's Book The True History of the Bildebergers details the members of all 3 groups.
Jesse Helms is quoted in Estulin's book as talking against the New World Order on Dec 15
l987 in Congressional Record p. s18146. "This campaign against the American people - is
systematic psychological warfare, orchestrated by the Eastern establishment and radical left,
including the Dept of State, Dept of commerce, money center banks and multi=national corps,
media, education establishment, entertainment industry and large tax exempt foundations. All of
these interests are working to create a New World Order. Private organizations such as the RIAA
(British), CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), Trilateral Commission, Dartmouth Conference,
Aspen Inst. for Humanistic Studies, Atlantic Instit., and Bildeberger Group disseminate and
coordinate plans for New World Order in business, finance, academic and official circles. This
influence runs contrary to real long-term national security of our nation which if unchecked,
could subvert our constitutional order."
It is symbolic ominously that Helms died on July 4 2008.
Estulin's book has the following information:
John D Rockefeller was behind the Russian Revolution to destroy oil competition (Russia was
producing more oil than the US) until Standard Oil could move in and take over in Russia. Also
supporting the Russian Rev. were the Federal Reserve bank of NY, JP Morgan bank.
Richard Gardner in July 74 issue of Foreign Affairs (CFR magazine) called for "an end run
around national sovereignty eroding it piece by piece."
Jimmy Carter's presidential order created FEMA in l979. It does not operate under the president,
but under the National Security Council whose members are Bildeberger/CFR/TC.
5 Corps. run the news media.
PBS has News Hour with Jim Lehrer, who is CFR. Funding for PBS is Att (CFR), Pepsico
(Nooyi, CEO, is Bildeberger & TC), Smith Barney (CFR). Smith Barney is connected to
Citigroup, member of Bildeberger, CFR & Trilateral Comm.
Other journalists on NewsHour are Wm Kristol (NYT columnist), Wm Safire (NYT columnist),
Dave Gergen, Paul Gigot all belong to Bildeberger, CFR or TC.
The Trilateral commision was established 1973 by David Rockefeller. Zbig Brzezinski and
Henry Kissinger were running it. Bill Moyers talked about David Rock. in a tv documentary, The
Secret Government, in l980. 65 members represent the N. American group; of those, 35 were
CFR, at the first meeting in Tokyo in l973.
At the 1972 Bildeberger meeting David Rockefeller proposed the Trilateral Commission - an
international alliance that would create strategies and policies to consolidate the 4 pillars of
power "political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical" - under a central world government.
CFR was founded by Edward House, a Marxist. CFR insists on secrecy about meetings - who
said what. JFK was CFR.
Corporate members of CFR include:
ABC News
Eli Lilly
Kellog, Brown & Root
Rothschild N. Am
Shell Oil
Occid. Petro.
News Corp
Coca Cola
Morgan Stanley
Fed Ex
Lehman Bros
The Trilateral Commission:
N. American Group includes:
Jimmy Carter
Madeline Albright
Zbig Brzezinski
Dianne Feinstein - US Sen D-CA
Tom Foley - Former Speaker of House
Don Graham - CEO Wash Post
Rich Haas
Rich Holbrooke
Henry Kissinger
Gerald Levin CEO Time Warner
Chas Rangel - D NY H of Rep
Charlie Rose
L Summers - Pres of Harvard, former Sec of Treas.
G Tenet, former CIA Dir
Wm Webster, Former FBI Dir
Fareed Zakariah - Ed, Newsweek
Mort Zuckerman, US News
Robert McNamara, former Pres, World Bank, Sec of Defense
David Rockefeller
Jim Keith's book Mass Control mentions that the publisher of the Washington Post, Katherine
Graham, is a CFR member. So is Art Sulzberger of the New York Times. Carl Bernstein of the
Wash. Post said journalists who were on CIA or other agency payrolls are about 400.
Keith's book on p. 46 quotes a website that is quoting David Rockefeller addressing the
Trilateral Commission June 91. The Trilat. Comm. was formed as an offshoot of the CFR to
include Japan and Europe.
He says; "We're grateful to the Wash. Post, NYT, Time Mag whose directors have attended
our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have
been impossible for us to develop our plan for world if we had been subject to publicity. But
the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward world government. The
supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is preferable to national
auto determinism practiced in past centuries".
Source: The Invisible Hand of the Media" World Internet News Distrib Source http:// the
winds.org/index.html This is plausible, since it is the same people who attend the Bildeberg
meetings, and the media go to that and don't report what they discuss either.
The social engineers behind this New world order - one world government are people on
the Council on Foreign Relations, whose whole agenda is the new world order.
This agenda is no longer hidden- I saw a book in a bookstore titled The New World Order written by someone who was a CFR member (AnneMarie Slaughter, dean of Princeton). She was
advocating it. These are politicians and international bankers - people who manipulate the
economy and wars to make money and create economic shock to sell us their solution - which
will be the world government. They created the depression and made a lot of money. They are
manipulating the mortgage crisis.
The people behind this are David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Zbig Brezinski (OBama has said
he would use brezinski as his foreign policy advisor). Kissinger has said "the New world order is
coming". The Clintons were part of this agenda. Their goal is to get rid of the constitution and
US sovereignty to merge us with the EU.
Kissinger has said “Obama will bring in the new world order”. Kissinger is advising him –
supposedly speaking with him every day. So Kissinger is obama’s “handler”.
This will create the beast described in the book of Revelation ch 17 a multi-king
government of the antiChrist. It is described as a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns.
Several years ago, after hearing a minister preach on this, I looked at the New York Times
on the front page and saw a picture of 10 heads of state - Bush, Gorbachev, france, japan,
etc, and in the corner it talked about the G-7. Right out of the book of Revelation in the
New World Order has been used historically. I saw a newspaper in Jerusalem from Nazi
Germany that had a swastika and said New World Order. The phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum,
New World Order in latin, is on the dollar bill. It was put there by FDR who put that and other
illuminate symbols on the dollar bill, including the eye and the pyramid.
The illuminati were an occult group that infiltrated freemasonry and that is supposedly when
they became demonic. So the same spirit behind Hitler is now behind the New World Order,
which is why there was a symbolic warning picture of a swastika in the Boston Globe picture of
Bush and Tom Ridge at their Homeland Security announcement.
See my article “The New World Order- prophetic warning to Jews, Christians & everyone”
on their plans for world government and depopulation thru healthcare, poisoned foods, water,
The Nazis killed mental patients with drugs in the secret t-4 euthenasia program. The
mental health system is a FRONT for continued worldwide nazi genocide.
Hitler went after the mentally ill first. So those who are labelled such are now in the
greatest danger.
Since psychiatry is used to label Christians mentally ill, this is a prophetic warning to
Christians that they are in danger and need to act to protect their constitutional rights and
to prepare to defend themselves.
See article “The Mental health system is a FRONT for Nazi Genocide- an eyewitness
account & excerpts from the book The Men Behind Hitler-a German Warning to the
World by Bernhard Shrieber. “
Shrieber talks about the social engineers in the US & UK who supported eugenics &
euthanasia who supported Hitler. These same people run mental health.
That also means they need to be praying constantly about all these issues. Hence we need 24
hour churches with 24 hour prayer and intercession. God gave me a prophetic vision for revival
and told me to write it down.
Blueprint for Revival. It is a Free minibook on my website http://www.1prophetspeaks.com/
I included it at the end of my book Manual for Transformational Healing-Gods Answer to
Psychiatry, FREE at http://www.1prophetspeaks.com/
We need 24 hour intercession to pray for the protection of people and against the New World
Order agenda.
See “Urgent Prophetic Warning to Churches & Christians; att: Times Square Church &
NYC area churches”
The churches need to repent of their own sins to have standing before God to do this.
They need to open their doors 24 hours for people to pray & for the homeless. By not being
open continually, they are in violation of Matthew 25 (take in the stranger). God said to
me, ‘they don’t have standing’ to intercede because of this. One time I was looking at the
homeless sleeping outside Times Sq church & God said to me “for a witness against them”.
They also need to consecrate themselves & stop using drugs like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol,
psych meds which contaminate the Holy Spirit.
The Bildebergers group meets once a year to dictate foreign economic and political policy for
the world. They are made up of European royalty and international bankers and politicos. These
people are all the shadow government; The same people as the Council on Foreign Relations and
also Europeans: David Rockefeller, Brezinski, Kissinger. They are illuminati bloodline families;
the Rothschilds, Rockefellers. The Rothschilds control banking for Europe. They lend money to
the countries & create debt.
The publishers of the Wash. Post and the NY times attend these meetings but never report what
is covered. They are part of the conspiracy. The people we elect act like puppets. The
bildebergers invited bill clinton to their meeting and 2 years later he was president.
Alex Jones was at the current meeting taking pictures of the participants. It was in Epoch Times.
Americanfreepress.net lists this year's list of people at the Bildebergers meeting. It included
Condi Rice, Ben Bernanke, the IMF, the Carnegie Foundation, Charlie Rose, Larry Summers,
pres. of Harvard.
Estulin makes the intersting point about the name Bildebergers as being related to Farben-Bilder.
IG Farben was the chemical company that made the gas for the death chambers at Auschwitz.
The founder of the Bildeberger meeting was Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands, an ex-Nazi
The Bildeberger agenda is a continuation of Nazi worldwide domination agenda.
There is a warning in the book of Revelation ch 13 about the Mark of the Beast.
It talks about a mark that the antichrist will insist everyone take in their right hand or
forehead, without which no man can buy or sell. It says that those who take this mark will
suffer eternal torment.
Carl Sanders, 30 years ago, worked for the government designing computer chips to put in
people. He was an atheist then. Now he is a minister and his ministry is to warn people that the
chips he worked on are this mark. Sanders' website is http://www.trumpetministries.net/
In l997 I was in Florida, and I heard several times an announcement that the government was
thinking of testing chips in jails and mental hospitals. I was in a jail and they insisted on giving
me a tb shot I had a spooky feeling about it. Then I left and went north. My best friends had a
video about Sanders. I called him up and he asked me if I had been having wierd headaches and
falling asleep. I said yes. He told me that the government tested chips in military personnel in the
gulf war. I have prayed about it and I believe I got a witness from the Holy Spirit that the
government will do it sneakily - like they have been with the tb shots and military personnel.
They probably told them it was a vaccine.
Sander's website has information saying that the Japanese have now developed a chip that is so
small it is the size of a pen point. And he shows a gun that can be used to shoot people from a
distance to inject the chip so they will think it was like a mosquito bite. I asked God if this was
true information and I got a witness to it.
I had a friend in Cambridge MA who worked on computer chips. He came to testify in court for
me, and he told me - don't talk about the chips, because it sounds like a classic thing to them that
a paranoid person talks about - having a chip put in them. The government has used jails, mental
hospitals and the military for all kinds of covert experiments in mind control for years. Some of
the mental patients that claimed to have chips probably were telling the truth - they were gunea
The Obamacare bill sneakily mandates microchips. P. 1001 calls for a ‘registry of medical
devices” pursuant to a 2004 FDA directive calling for “implantable transponders for healthcare
info & id”
See “ microchips mandated in new healthcare bill”
The CIA did experiments on people under the program MKULTRA. They brainwashed people
to be assassins using drugs. Lee Oswald was likely one example Sirhan Sirhan RFK's alleged
killer was another. Court forensic dr's said Sirhan seemed hypnotized. He had no memory of the
The CIA funded Timothy Leary's experiments at Harvard with LSD on undergraduates. Leary
admitted this.
McGill University, did experiments using drugs and ect to wipe out people's memory so they
could be reprogrammed. Ewen Cameron, who was the head of the APA, the World Psych
Association and the Canadian Psychiatric Association, led these experiments. I read about this in
a couple different places.
One place is Naomi Klein's book The Shock Doctrine, which talks about government using
economic shock to justify introducing their "reforms" (New world order) The shadow
government people are masons. Their motto is "order out of chaos". they create problems
economic, wars, terrorism, to sell us their solution - the New World Order, a corporate fascist
Klein's book also mentions the KBR contracts for concentration camps. KBR, a subsidiary of
Halliburton, got a contract in 2006 to build detention camps, for 'illegal immigrants and other
unspecified purposes.” They are referred to as FEMA camps, because they are to be run by
FEMA. Alex Jones has many movies warning about them. They are free on youtube. His site is
I know from experience that the effect of the psych meds is to put people in a hypnotic trance.
Then they can be easily brainwashed. The agenda of the hospitals is to brainwash them into
believing they have a disease and they need to take the meds the rest of their lives to manage
their symptoms. The doctors say they can't cure anyone of mental illness. They just "manage
Of course they can't cure anyone with drugs; the psych meds are openings for more demonic
spirits. Demonic spirits don't caste out spirits. Only God and Jesus cast out demonic spirits and
cure people.
I have had other patients physically attack me because the staff told them to to try to stop me
from escaping. They were hypnotically controlled robots. One could say - their agenda is not to
cure anyone - but to drug them to control them, a la Brave new World by Aldous Huxley.
There is a very well written article at http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/nwo/council-foreignrelations
which explains the whole economic system of the federal reserve bank, a private bank that
manipulates the economy and wars to make money and controls the CFR and the government.
The bankers of the federal reserve create wars so the government will need to borrow money
from them to fund them. They use income taxes to pay off the debts. They create foundations to
avoid paying income taxes.
According to this website, Admiral Chester Ward, a CFR member for 10 years, became a
critic, and wrote a book in l975 titled Kissinger on the couch which says
"they have l objective - the surrender of sovereignty and national independence of the US".
Ward said that within CFR is a small banking elite - who want monopoly - headed by the
Rockefeller brothers.
All presidential candidates and presidents have been CFR members. This includes John
Anderson, Ross Perot, Bush, Clinton, Mcgovern. Media - Katherine Graham of the Wash Post
and Henry Luce of Time, Life.
Jimmy Carter was a member of the Trilateral Commission which was created by David
Rockefeller and Zbig Brezinski with the goal of economic linkage between Japan, Europe and
the US.
Since 1934 the secretary of State, War and Defense have been members of CFR. Obama is a
CFR member. George W Bush was not. But his vp, Cheney was head of CFR, So they used him
to influence the president. The head of Obama's vp search committee is a Bildeberger member.
Thomas Jefferson warned against private banks, which is what the Federal Reserve is:
"The central bank is an institute of most deadly hostility existing against principles and form
of our constitution...if American people allow private banks to control issuance of currency,
first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around them
will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless."
This is happening now, with all the home foreclosures.
This is what the Occupy Wall Street movement is protesting.
Unconstitutional, the Federal Reserve Act of Dec 1913 provides inflation and debt, not
stability because the constitution says only "congress shall have power to coin money,
regulate the value thereof. Article 1, Sect 8, Constitution.
The Federal Reserve is privately owned by member banks, makes its own policies, not
subject to oversite by congress or the president. There are 10 major shareholders Rothschild; london and berlin
Lazar bros; Paris,
Israel Seiff, Italy,
Kuhn-Loeb, Germany,
Lehman Bros, NY,
Goldman Sachs, NY,
Warburg; Hamburg & Amsterdam, and
Rockefeller, NY.
(Goldman Sachs were at the 1999 Bildeberger mtg)
CFR is made up of same bankers as Federal Reserve. Funded 1921. These bankers all sound
Jewish except for Rockefeller. I don't think the old claim that there is an international Jewish
conspiracy is based on nothing - these international banks are running the world. The
Rothschilds lend money to all the European aristocracy and governments. Whoever lends money
has power and control.
This is why Baron Rothschild said “Give me control of a nation's currency and I care not who
makes its laws.”
The Rothschilds funded Stalin and Hitler.
The banking families are Jews, but they are Masonic Jews. They are illuminati bloodline
families. The illuminati are devil worshippers. The evil done by these banking families brought
on the anti-semitism against other Jews in Germany and elsewhere. The Occupy Wall St
movement will turn into that as well, in the US. This is why God is telling the Jews prophetically
to leave & go to Israel.
See Urgent Prophetic Message to American Jews
The international banks created WW1 - engineered the sinking of US ship by Germany to start it
to create debt by the US government. Rockefeller and Bernard Baruch a banker, made millions
in WW1. The purpose was to usher in the one world government - they created the League of
Nations but the senate didn't ratify the Treaty of Versailles.
They elected Woodrow Wilson president - got him to agree to support the Federal Reserve and
the Income tax (to pay off debt to bankers). Fed Reserve is a means to loan money to the fed
government. Income tax is the means to repay it. Escape from tax for wealth through creation of
foundations Excuse to borrow money - a war.
CFR was created in l921 by Colonel House, JP Morgan, John D Rockefeller, Otto Kahn, Jacob
Schiff. Millions of funds are donated to causes promoting drugs, while degrading preventive
medicine. Since making drugs is made from coal tar derivative, oil companies and drug
companies (many owned by Rockefeller) are the main beneficiaries.
These bankers created the 1929 crash - made money.
FDR took us off the gold standard. His dad, Franklin Delano, was on the Federal Reserve. This
created inflation and credit revenues for banks. The New Deal needed to borrow money - so
banks made money. The CIA has been under CFR control - Allen Dulles, founding member of
CFR and brother of Sec of State under Eisenhower John Foster Dulles. "Foreign Affairs" is the
pub. of the CFR. Sources: Gary Allen, the Rockefeller FIle 1976 ;The CFR is at 58 E 68 st NYC
Congressman RON PAUL has been talking about dismantling the Federal Reserve or at
least auditing it for 30 years.
Every president that tried to have the treasury print money instead of the Federal Reserve,
was shot, including JFK.
The Bilderbergers don't like Ron Paul. They want to destroy the sovereignty of the US & its
constitution. Ron Paul has been a prophetic witness in Congress for 20 years, saying
REMEMBER the CONSTITUTION. He has refused to vote for anything that violates it. He
voted against the Patriot Act, which did.
He also ignores lobbyists, and does not take money from the drug companies. he has sponsored
bills against mental health screening, which is highly dangerous & a doorway into drugging the
population. He knows this.
If Paul ran with Jesse Ventura, we would have 2 people who didn't take money from lobbyists;
representing the American people. Ventura when he ran for & won as governor of Minn. as an
independent, didn't meet with lobbyists. This is highly unusual. Ventura said if Paul runs as an
independent, he would run with him.
Running for President, Paul is taking his prophetic message to the American people.
REMEMBER the constitution.
See my article Ron Paul & the rebirth of America-Remember the Constitution, Remember
God, Be Born Again.
My point is that God is using Paul, an obstetrician, symbolically prophetically to tell the US to
be BORN again as a nation and individually. The constitution was the manual for this country's
birth. The bible is the manual for our spiritual rebirth. Both are important.
This country was blessed because it was founded on religious freedom and freedom to worship,
and on biblical values. As the country has moved toward ungodliness & sin, we have lost the
blessings of God. He has been sending signs of judgment. 911 was one. God creates problems to
get people to turn to him for solutions & to get their attention. He uses sickness, natural disasters,
economic problems & more.
Another source said that Kissinger wrote in Foreign Affairs, the CFR's magazine, "so the
US will merge with the Soviet Union".
Nathan Tabor wrote The Beast on the East River - the UN Threat to America's Sovereignty &
Security. It is about the UN agenda to become a world government. They are trying to get power
to tax everyone, to pay for an international army. In his book is a story of a serviceman who
refused to wear a UN uniform under Clinton, saying he had sworn an oath to support the US
constitution, not the UN. he was courtmartialed.
The World Federalist Assoc was an organization supporting the dissolution of the US to come
under a UN world gov. Walter Cronkite was an advocate It changed its name to Citizens for
Global Solutions. Tabor is founder and contrib. editor to the Conservative voice.com - news &
He cites another book on the NWO - En Route to Global Occupation by Gary Kah.
Also Pat Robertson's book The New World Order. l991
At the website http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NewAge/Lucis-Trust.htm
there is an article on the occult influence at the UN and the New World Order agenda, showing
that it is sat----. The New Age movement is really devil worship, as this article shows and it is
behind the new world order. I have also talked about the deceptions in the new age movement in
my book, deceptions that try to hide the devil worship agenda. From this cite:
Alice Bailey, a leading disciple of the russian Theosophist madame Helena Blavatsky, formed
the Lucifer Publishing Co. in l920. l922 saw the org's name change to Lucis Trust though the
advancment of the Luciferian beliefs remained true. Beliefs that in Blavatsky's words: "oppose
the materialism of science and every dogmatic theology, esp. the Christian, which the Chiefs of
the Society regard as particularly pernicious."
Lucis Trust promulgates the work of an "Ascended master" who was working "through" Alice
Bailey for4 some 30 years. The Lucis Trust Pub. Co. and their many fronts and organizations
worship an "externalized hierarchy" of "ascended masters" wo carry out the work of a Luciferian
master plan for the establishment of a permanent "age of aquarius" ruled by one "Sanat Kumara"
the "lord of the"
Lucis Trust is a powerful institution that enjoys "consultative status wtih the UN, including a seat
on weekly sessions, and influence with business and national leaders throughout the world.
Through its founding of World Goodwill, Lucis Trust is "aggressively involved in promoting a
globalist ideology".
Lucis trust is run through an intern'l board of trustees whose membeship is said to have included:
John D. Rockefeller, Norman Cousins, Robert McNamara, Thomas Watson, (IBM, former
Ambass to Moscow), Henry Clauso Grand Commander of the Supreme Counciol, 33rd Degree,
Southern Dist. Scottish Rite (masons) and Henry Kissinger. This would then tie Bialey's
influential occult org. into the international conspiracy of elitists, including the CFR,
Bildebergers and Trilat. Comm.
In l917 Bailey moved to the US and was introduced to the teachings of Theosophy She met and
married her husband, a 33rd level Scottish Rite mason. Bailey wrote 24 books, including an
autobio. 19 of which were supposedly written by her Tibetan master DK whose voice she heard
dictating the books. She had orig. had a visitaton as a child by a man in a turban who had entered
her room and told her that there was some work planned for her to do int he world. After writing
these channeled books, she spent time working on the Plan, which apparently birthed many new
age groups. She wrote that 'when the great one appears, he will take the mysteries religion
perserved by Freemasonry and make them public."
Lucis Trust supports The Arcane School, a school giving correspondence corses in meditatoin
and occult. It also supports financially World Goodwill, founded in l932 and recognized by the
UN as an NGO. World Goodwill works direcctly wit the world federalists and is part of the work
to "externalize the hierarchy of "illlumined minds" which will usher in an "age of Maitreya".
(Lord Maitreya is a new age Guru that has met with many world leaders). many oranizations
work with World Goodwill, who is quoted as saying the plan is to initiate action to prepare for
the new world order.”
Lucis Trust runs the prayer room at the UN.
To return to the issue of the government's plan to declare martial law; all the executive orders are
preparing that, as are other laws like the military commissions act of 2006 which gives the pres.
the right to declare any citizen an enemy combatant and detain them without due process wiping out habeas corpus. The number for the act is HR 6166. Note the number - 3 6's, which are
the number of the antichrist according to the book of Revelation. Ominous.
Dan Hamburg in the San Francisco Chronicle p. B-7 had an article which said: The military
Commissions Act says anyone talking against the government can be detained without trial.
(WHAT HAPPENED TO FREE SPEECH?) He mentions the KBR contracts for detention camps
for removable aliens and terrorists. Also railcars for transport. The plan for that is called
ENDGAME. He says Sec 1042 of the 2007 National Defense Authorization Act gives the
executive power to declare martial law. He mentions HR1955 "Violent Radicalization and
homegrown terror prevention act of 2007"
He also mentions the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act which labels people who engage in sitins, civil disobedience or any crime as terrorists! He says the government is adding 20,000
people a month to lists of terrorists. We can see, from this act, where they are getting these
names from! Political dissidents!
By converging this act with the Military Commissions Act, the government can simply call
anyone a terrorist and thereby deprive them of due process rights.
First they pass a law saying Terrorists are enemy combatants and have no rights.
Next they pass a law defining whoever they want as Terrorists! The dehumanization of whoever
they want. This follows what they have been doing at Guantanamo - dehumanizing foreign
terrorists and saying they have no rights and torturing them.
First they go after the enemy without, then the enemy within. The military commissions act can
label anyone who is a writer or political activist an enemy combatant. This is legal power for the
politically paranoid. It sounds like Nixon's paranoia, but it is more insidious.
It sounds like what happened in Nazi Germany. Everything Hitler did, he passed laws to do. He
created camps, and he passed laws depriving Jews of property and rights. Finally he defined
them as criminals simply because they were Jews. Once he labelled them that way he got more
support to get rid of them. This government is also doing that to illegal aliens - calling them
criminals simply because they are here illegally. That gets support to do more evil. The bible
tells us to treat the stranger kindly.
This country is going to be judged for how we treat illegal immigrants.
What goes around comes around. If we put aliens in camps, we will be invaded by
foreigners who will do that to American citizens.
I had a strange experience a few months ago.
I was working in an office one night and a chinese man in military fatigues came in to
work. I spoke to him and He told me he was Chinese and worked for FEMA. I thought;
wow, this is weird. I heard the Holy Spirit say to me “moving in”.
I was wondering if this was a prophetic warning about China 'moving in” and getting
ready to occupy the US and put americans in FEMA camps.
I think this is true. Other Christian prophets have warned about Russia and China
invading the US, and killing Christians and Jews at their houses of worship, with no mercy.
John W Johnston says this at http://www.united-states-prophecy.com
He says that Revelation 18, which talks about a city of commerce and the arts, which is
destroyed in one hour, refers to NYC. Every time I have prayed about this I got a witness
this is true. Years ago when I first read Rev 18 I immediately thought “It's NYC”.
Another prophetic witness is messianic musician Maurice Sklar. He says NYC is the spiritual
Babylon described in Revelation 18. His website is http://www.mauricesklar.com
See my article: “Prophetic Visions of judgment, the rapture, Babylons, NYC from Maurice
Sklar” http://www.1prophetspeaks.blogspot.com/2012/03/prophetic-visions-of-judgmentrapture.html
The whole situation with Iran is relevant here. If Iran is attacked by Israel & the US or just
the US that will provoke an attack on the US, because IRAN has treaties with RUSSIA and
I feel God has been warning me for YEARS that Russia will NUKE NYC.
In 2002 while in solitary confinement for 8 months. I prayed all the time. One day I heard
PUTIN. Then God spoke to me twice, saying “Tell them the sword is coming” This was a
reference to Ezekiel 33, the watchman who is told to warn people of danger so they can
take cover, and sinners to repent. He had given me that scripture a few years earlier –
about l8 years ago when he specifically told me to warn the Jews in NY to GO TO ISRAEL.
I used to tell Jews to GO there, and they would say “That's crazy, it's safer here. “
I saw 911 happen live on tv. A day later, God spoke to me, saying “TELL THEM NOW”
The l993 world trade center bombing was a warning about 911 in 2001.
The 2001 destruction of the Twin Towers was a warning about judgment coming on NYC.
I know of other Christians who have had visions of fires burning in NYC. My pentecostal
Russian “pastor” who discipled me saw this as we drove to NYC years ago.
Pastor David Wilkerson, founder of Times Square Church, also had visions of fires
burning in NY.
See Urgent Prophetic Message to Christians & Churches; attention Times Square Church
& NYC area churches.
God has been telling me that the churches don’t have ‘standing’ to intercede to stop
judgment on NY; they need to repent of how they treat the homeless, & consecrate
themselves from drugs to pray effectively.
China owns this country now. Much of our manufactured goods come from there. All my
clothes do. They own our debt. SO if they own our debt, they own us. Already.
I saw a video of a Chinese official talking about how they would inevitably need to invade the
US because of their population explosion and they need our resources. He said it would be
unfortunate, but if he had to choose between his people and Americans, naturally he would have
to choose chinese.
China is ALREADY Hauling off our WATER from the GREAT LAKES.
Jesse Ventura in Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura season 2 talks about this. They are
hauling it across the Pacific to China. Already. So this is proof they DO need our resources.
There is another interpretation to what is going on. It has been said there are foreign troops
already stationed around the US under UN authority. Their purpose will be to enforce martial
law. IT has been said repeatedly that the government would use foreign troops who would be
willing to shoot Americans, rather than American troops who would be reluctant to do so.
SO what has been happening is that our troops are being sent all over the world, to make
an opening for the foreign troops to come here and occupy the US. Either under UN
authority for a world government, or as foreign invaders. Two different scenarios.
The fact that that Chinese soldier said “I work for FEMA” signifies to me the scenario of
foreign troops being used to force Americans into FEMA camps at threat of being shot.
Why else would a foreign soldier tell me "I WORK FOR FEMA?"
The National Defense Authorization bill signed by Obama Dec 2011 gives the chief executive
the right to call anyone enemy combatants and detain them indefinitely without trial. He said in a
signing statement that his administration will not use it against American citizens. But his
signing statements have no legal authority. The bill gives the executive the right to do this. The
ACLU has said this bill is the most unconsitutional piece of legislation ever passed.
If you google American concentration camps on the web there are lists of camps all over the
country that are being prepared for detainees in the event of martial law. In 2006 Kellog Brown
and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton, got a contract to build many more.
The stated purpose is for detaining illegal immigrants and for any other unspecified purpose.
Supposedly, according to some website, there is a huge facility in Alaska that is designed to hold
a million people as a mental health facility at Elmendorf Airforce base. They may call it mental
health, but that is all doublespeak - it is mental death. So perhaps the real agenda of this camp
will be to murder everyone they send there - Christians, Jews, blacks, political dissidents,
10 years ago I heard that in Christian circles there was a rumor that there were
concentration camps in Indiana. As I was talking about it, the Holy Spirit fell on me.
One of the camps, in Beech Grove, outside Indianapolis, is very suspicious. There are huge
structures that look like crematoriums there. There are camps listed in states all over the country.
Some are camps from WW2, some are army bases and the rest are the new ones being built by
KBR. The administration of these camps will be FEMA.
If you google FEMA red blue lists there is a site that claims there are already 2 lists of people to
be picked up to be detained, red and blue. People on the red will be picked up to be exterminated
before martial law. Blue will be picked up after martial law is declared. The source for this
information was someone claiming to be an FBI agent, who said he saw his name on the list. ?
Some notes I took on one site: Concentration camp - Amtrak railcar repair facility Beech Grove,
IN fences turned in (to keep people in) Red blue zones marked. red blue lists surfaced in 1996
RADAR Magazine at www.Radar online.com by Chris Ketcham recently had an article about
the government lists of enemies that are being compiled. Nixon had enemies lists, J Edgar
Hoover had them; but supposedly 20,000 a month are being added to these government lists with
no explanation as to why. It is mostly the Dept,. of Homeland Security,which has no oversight.
Main Core is a codename for a database of perceived "enemies of government" - this from a
senior gov official who served in 5 administrations with high security clearance. l source said 8
million people are on the list. Bush talked about COG - continuity of Government plans developed during the cold war and revised since. In the late l980's Austin American Statesman
and other publications reported l0 detention camps on military facilities nationwide who could
hold hundreds of thousands of people.
In l975 Sen John Tunney of CA did investigation of domestic surveilance program by Federal
Preparedness Agency (became FEMA) - had database, located at underground city at Mt
Weather, near the town of bluemont, VA. This was confirmed in l976 by Progressive Mag which
said the Mt Weather computers can obtain info on American people by tapping data at any of 96
Fed relocation centers - a ref to other classif. facilities. According to Progressive, the surveilance
program is secret even from leaders of House and Senate.
In l986 Miami Herald reported a plan by Oliver North under Reagan - REX 84 which called for
suspension of the constitution, turning control over to FEMA and appointment of military to run
state and local gov. Also called for detention. Tex Cong Jack Brooks tried to question North
about it at the 87 Iran-Contra hearings.
In July 2007 Fep DeFazio a D- OR member of House Homeland Sec Comm sought access to
"classified annexes" of Bush's COG program. This was prompted by Homeland Security Pres
Directive 20 (also known as NSPD-51) May 2007, which gives executive sole authority to
decide what constitutes a national emergency and to determine when it's over. DeFazio said the
NSPD-51 COG plan is extra-constitutional or unconstitutional. Congress passed bills to add to
this; Military Commissions Act of 2006 which suspends habeas corpus and says the exec can call
any citizen an enemy combatant and forfeit rights under the Bill of Rights.
The John Warner National Defense Authorization Act of 2006, had rider that said "use of
armed forces in major public emergency which allowed military to be used in domestic
insurrection as permanent under posse comitatus and the Insurrection Act of 1807 and added
natural disasters, epidemics, terrorists attack or incident.
Certain websites claim that there are UN troops in this country, and also various foreign troops at
various bases waiting to be used when the government declares martial law. On one list of camps
it lists Indiana, Terre Haute, as having crematoria. It says that Holloman AFB in New Mexico is
a major UN base with German troops.
Another site, http:www.roytaylorministries.com
says "Mr Sea, a Christian, says he's seen camps. There are 130 for resisters, dissidents. Resisters
are gun owners who won't give up guns. Dissidents are Christians, patriots, constitutionalists. He
says German troops are at Holloman, Wright-Patterson in Ohio and Ft Hood, Tx, Chinese at
Long Beach Naval Station in CA and Russians at Gulfport, Miss. They're using foreign troops
who will be more willing to shoot Americans.
I read an article in Progressive magazine about a program where the government is deputizing
private citizens in the event of martial law to help take charge and carry weapons for social
control, with authority to shoot. It is called Infraguard. Jesse Ventura also investigated
Infraguard in his show Conspiracy with Jesse Ventura.
Jon Zittram has a new book called The Future of the Internet and how to stop it. He says
GPS in cars and cellphones can be programmed to record conversations thru microphones. Pc's
God has given me a double prophetic message:
1) is that he made me a witness to the abuse of the mental health system and he gave me
the book to write to expose it and to empower lawyers to challenge the constitutionality of the
mental health system.
The mental hospitals are the concentration camps today, and of the encroaching police state.
2 years ago I was at a meeting of the 911-truth people, who believe the world trade center attack
was an inside job, or at least that the government let it happen. God spoke to me and said "to
support your prophetic message". Their evidence is persuasive; there was no video evidence at
the pentagon of a plane hitting; the hole was that of a missile, not a plane. The official 911 report
neglected to even mention the collapse of a 3rd tower 5 hours later, which many claim was
blown up. There is evidence that the government was looking for something to use as a pretext to
go into Iraq, and to create a police state.
There is a video by indep. film maker Aaron Russo talking about his aquaintance with Nick
Rockefeller, who told him 11 months before 911 that there would be an "event" so that the
government could then go into Afghanistan, and Iraq for the oil, and then they wanted to go after
Chavez in Venezuela. Chavez has been saying there is a US plot to get him. Nick Rock. also
talked about a secret agenda to "chip" everyone for government control and to create a society of
ruling elite and serfs. Google Aaron Russo, Nick Rockefeller.
See a transcript of Russo's conversation with Nick Rockefeller in an interview with Alex Jones in
my article “Nick Rockefeller, microchips & the new world order” at
Every terrorist act has been followed by passage of laws in the direction of a fascist state. Clinton
passed wiretapping laws after the Oklahoma bombing. The violence by youth is used to justify
more repressive mental health laws and gun control laws.
Every fascist dictatorship passed gun control laws before the military took over. The second
amendment's right to bear arms was designed exactly to protect us from our government. We
need to protect that. Some of these people may have been deliberately brainwashed by the CIA
to do violent acts to justify such governmental reaction.
Maybe someone like Andrew Goldstein who pushed Kendra W. in front of a train, had been
brainwashed to do something violent so they could pass the repressive outpatient laws that
mandate drugs. 40 states in this country now have these abusive laws; mandating drugs for
outpatients. The majority of people labelled mentally ill are not even ill; they are just Christians
who are being mislabeled. And the drugs make people worse, not better anyway.
The drug handbooks say that many antipsychotics actually cause psychosis. They are definitely
an opening for the devil to attack a person's mind. I had bad dreams when on them
The Columbine shooters were not only taking psych meds, they were also receiving a course in
"death education".
One of them said he had a dream of shooting people with his friend. The dream was not inspired
by God; it was a combination of the drugs and the programming from this course. If it is not
political manipulation, it is definitely spiritual. The devil inspires violence so he can sell us his
solution, which is repression. And the fact that most of the violent youths who used guns were
also taking psych meds is an indictment AGAINST the drugs and the treatment. It should NOT
be seen as a need for MORE treatment!
All of the mass shooters were ON psych meds or withdrawing from them.
Jim Marrs has documented this in his best-selling book The Rise of the 4th Reich. You can
read a transcript of an interview with him & Alex Jones in my article “Psychiatry, Nazis & the
4th Reich; interview with Jim Marrs, author of The Rise of the 4th Reich”
Also see article “Judge Rules psych meds cause homicide"
Naomi Wolf in her book The End of America 2008 argues that there are 10 characteristics of a
fascist state, and that we are practically there. The president has signed all kinds of exec. orders
making it legal to declare martial law. All they have to do is use any crisis as an excuse. The
orders he signed are parallel to orders signed by Hitler.
2: God has an agenda for Jews - he wants them to leave and go to Israel. He told me that 15
years ago. He gave me the scripture from Ezekiel 33; the watchman, who is told to warn people
if there is danger coming. I used to tell Jews to go, and they would say, that's crazy, it's safer
here. I saw 911 happen live on tv; God spoke to me after that and said "Tell them NOW". 911
was a warning of the coming police state. 911 is the phone no. for police! Coincidence?!!
The government is using terrorism as an excuse to take away civil rights. In 2003 God spoke to
me and said "tell them the sword is coming". This was a quote from the Ezekiel scripture. I have
been asking him, "do you mean radical Islam or the encroaching police state?" I believe he has
been telling me, both. The two prophetic agendas are obviously related.
God wants the Jews to leave and go to Israel so they don't end up like the jews of Nazi Germany.
He wants the Jews in Israel to solve the Palestinian problem. If the American Jews go to Israel,
they will double the population and be secure as a zionist state, so they can stop oppressing the
Palestinians and give them full citizenship.
There is another reason too- Jesus is going to come back soon and he will come back into
Jerusalem the same way he left, from the air, the bible says. And all the Jews who are there,
when they see him, will say, "Oy, it WAS him!"
There is also the danger of radical Islam. Islam is a danger to the Jews here and in Israel; but
there will be supernatural protection in Israel. Iran could attack NY because of the Jews being
there. They are closer to having nuclear weapons than our government lets on. John Hagee wrote
a book Jerusalem Countdown 3 years ago. I read it 2 years ago. He said the israelis were saying
Iran would have nuclear weapons very soon. I prayed and asked if this was true, and felt a
witness from God.
God wants the Jews in Israel. If all of America's Jews return there; they will double the
population and solve the palestinian problem. They can have one Israel and give the Palestinians
full citizenship and let them vote without having to worry about being overpopulated by Arabs
and thus losing their status as a Jewish homeland.
God sent Zeev Jabotinsky as a prophet to Europe's Jews before Hitler. He warned them to
leave and he got a lot of them into Palestine illegally. But if more had listened they wouldn't
have died there. Jabotinsky was a zionist hero in Israel.
I read that Himmler in Germany initially was amenable to letting the German Jews leave. The
extermination didn't happen til near the end of the war. God wanted the European Jews in Israel
in 1948. If they had all gone there not only would they not have died, but there would not have
been a Palestinian problem all this time. The Jewish population would have been larger and they
could have given the Arabs full citizenship instead of treating them like second class citizens.
The number of Jews in Israel would have protected their status as a Zionist homeland for Jews.
Now God is giving the Jews a second chance to solve the Palestinian problem.
If the American diaspora Jews go to Israel they will outnumber the Arabs and can give them full
citizenship without Losing the Jewish majority and hence Israel's status as a Jewish homeland.
The solution for peace there is not a two state solution, but one state. God doesn't want the
land divided. Everytime they contemplate it, something happens. When Ariel Sharon talked
about giving up land in the west bank, God gave him a stroke. Other leaders who talk about it
find they are the victims of scandals or the government falls apart.
There are parallels between Nazi Germany and today in America. The swastika in the Boston
Globe article was a foreboding sign. The orders that have been passed by the president exactly
parallel the laws passed by Hitler. Naomi Wolf made this point in her book The End of America.
The Jews in Germany were secular, assimilated and German first. American Jews are similar;
secular, assimilated and American first.
There is growing anti-semitism and anti-Zionism on college campuses as Arab oil money has
more and more influence on these institutions. Several people have written books about the
growing anti-semitism. Phyllis Chesler is one.
Worldwide the level of anti-semitism is the highest it has been since WW11. God is allowing it
to drive the Jews back to Israel.
The old testament scriptures say that God will bless the Jews by bringing them back to their
homeland. It is something that God has said prophetically He will do (Ezekiel 37)."37:21: "And
say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among
the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their
own land."
The first part of the scripture God says (line 12) :Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus
saith the Lord God;Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out
of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when
I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves, and shall put
my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land; then shall ye know
that I the Lord have spoken it, and performed it"
Bibliography annotated, websites & contacts
From Manual for Transformational Healing- God's Answer to Psychiatry
FREE at http://www.1prophetspeaks.com
3822 words
Radar magazine article on martial law by Chris Ketchum.
Conspiracy Archive.com Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey & World Goodwill. On Sata–, new age
agenda at UN occult philosophy behind politics. Prince Charles was spokesman for Lucis Trust
(I read somewhere else).
Foundation for Truth in Reality http://www.sntp.net/education/leipzigconnec- tion.html articles
on psych, education. History of behaviorist psychology coming from Germany
TrumpetMinistries.net- Carl Sanders. About microchips, new world order. Sanders helped
design chips to put in people 30 years ago. Now he warns they are the Mark of the Beast warned
about in the Book of Revelation ch 13 of the New Testament. The government can do it sneakily
and already has. He told me they used them in gulf war military.
They’ve used them in jails and mental hospitals. I heard the government announce 10 years ago
in Florida that they were thinking of testing them in jails and mental hospitals. They say it’s a tb
test in jails as a ruse. They now have the tech. to shoot chips into people without them being
aware of it.
Microchips are sneakily in healthcare bill. See article “Microchips mandated in healthcare” at
Link: http://www.1prophetspeaks.blogspot.com/2010/06/microchips-mandated-in-newhealthcare.html
KJOS Ministry - Christian on education, NWO. All truth.org
Prisonplanet, http://www.infowars.com
Website of alex jones the biggest alternative radio host (New world order exposed)
http://www.Jesus-is-savior.com Christian website exposes psychiatry, bible translations
written by anti-Christians (new world order agenda); devil worship in rock music, false
Christian ministries, cults & more
Citizens commission on human rights (CCHR.org) run by scientology church. They have a lot
of research on psych abuse. They have attorneys that go after doctors.
Mindfreedom– psychiatric survivors advocacy organization
Thomas Szasz anti-drug, founded CCHR.org szasz.org wrote books exposing how communist
Russia put political dissidents in psych hospitals
Dr. Peter Breggin- Anti-drug. Many books exposing toxic psychiatry.
www.breggin.org Researched how Nazis killed mental patients using psych drugs & gases.
Steve Ferry article on psychiatry and psychology at words-images.com
Fred Baughman, History of the fraud of biological psychiatry July 19
Psychiatry, A human rights abuse & global failure 2001 book at CCHR.org
psychrights.org.Legal advocacy for mental patients, cases against drug co’s; Jim Gottstein, head
howtotutor.com Sam Blumenfeld's site; Blumenfeld Education Letter; his book The Trojan Horse
in Education exposed the deliberate dumbing down in Education, Ed letter talks about death
education classes causing suicides, secular humanism, eugenics behind education engineers
infowars.com Alex Jones radio host; Alternative news articles, webbroadcast, radio; free youtube
videos exposing New world order agenda, Fema camps, medical, technological, political
conspiracies & more
wearechange.org 911 truth organization
American freepress.net
ex-BBC journalist Tony Gosling’s site
lewrockwell.comLewrockwell.com Ron Paul reads it
Conspiracyarchive.com/NOW/Council-Foreign-Relations.com on history and re- lationship of
Fed. Reserve ) private banks) & CFR and their creation of wars to loan
$ to governments to make authortracker.com
Network Against Coercive Psychiatry http://www.networkagainstcoercivepsychiatry.com
Anti-psychiatry Coalition http://www.anti-psychiatrycoalition.com
Seth Farber, phD. Member NYC 212 560 7288 author of Unholy Madness; the church's
surrender to Psychiatry
Ron Leifer, MD, member NYC
www.madinamerica.com.blog Blog by Robert Whitaker, author of Mad In America and
Anatomy of an Epidemic, which exposes fraud in research by drug companies & the fact that
psych meds cause mental illness.
Rex 84 (1984 plan for martial law under Reagan by Oliver North)
Bildeberger group
Council on Foreign Relations cfr.com
political /economic group whose goal is to destroy sovereignty of US and create global
Trilateral Commission
Kellogg Brown & Root (a Halliburton subsidiary, got contracts to build detention camps
in 2006 – contract says “for illegal immigrants & other unspecified purposes”
National Defense Authorization Act 2007 Sec 1042, gives exec power to declare martial law
Denver International Airport New World Order: Watch video. It’s called New World Airport.
Has Masonic headstone and murals on wall. Murals show people in coffins - a black, Indian, girl
with bible with cross on it and wearing a Jewish star.
MKULTRACIA mind control experiments, brainwashed assassins. Dr Robert Hanna Felix was
head of it. He also was head of psychiatric research for Scottish Rite masonry (which runs
mental health); he was head of the National Institute of Mental Health. The masons at the top
level are devil worshippers: the 32nd level handbook was written by Albert Pike, a Sata-st who
said "We worship the Luciferian principle but don't tell the lower levels this". I have seen it.
Ewen Cameron- ran MKULTRA experiments at McGill U
Sam Blumenfeld- articles on educ. and dyslexia http://www.howtotutor.com/
His BlumenfeldEducationLetter has articles on the Death Education classes in the l990s and
their correponding high suicide rates.
George Brock Chisholm, psychiatrist, head of WHO and World Fed of Mental Health anti-religion, family, patriotism Said the purpose of therapy is to eradicate morality, the purpose
of education is to prepare people for world government. Quotes from
See my article “Quotes showing real agendas behind mental health & education”
Beast computer - Brussels
American concentration camps - lists them; former army bases, internment camps and new
ones being built by KBR (Kellog Brown & Root, a Halliburton subsidiary, got a 2006 contract to
build them for “illegal immigrants & other unspecified purposes” They are also called FEMA
camps since FEMA is authorized to run them.
FEMA CAMPS see above. Alex Jones at http://www.infowars.comhas made movies about the
FEMA camps
Jesee Ventura's book 63 documents the Government doesn't want you to read documents the
FEMA camps.
Ventura was former governor of Minnesota; ran as an independent taking no lobbyist money
during his campaign or office
HR1955- violent radicalization and homegrown terror act
Executive orders - lists them
Animal enterprise terrorist act - calls protestors terrorists
Posse comitatus limits rights of fed gov to use troops
op garden plot - spying
op cable splicer - milit op violates posse comitatus
military commissions act of 2006 - gov can declare anyone enemy combatant
Dan Hamburg - SF Chronicle p B-7 article on martial law
David Rockefeller- New world order He is head of the CFR, Trilateral Commission
Nick Rockefeller - microchips watch video by Aaron Russo on N. Rock - says goal
of shadow gov is to chip everyone and have society of elites and serfs. httpprisonplanet.comat/oct/2006/281006 rockefeller-predicted.html
also says N. Rock said there would be an event (before 911) to justify going into Afghanistan
Iraq and Venezuela for oil:
For transcript see my article: “Nick Rockefeller, microchips & the new world order” at
Free book on web by Dave Roberson - The Walk of the Spirit, the walk of power
Patriot Act - violates 6th amend to constitution - says gov can deny access to atty,
jail American indefinitely w/out trial or charges. Ron Paul voted against it.
Legal Groups
Alliance defense fund: Christian legal group 800 835-5233 adf.org
Christian Legal Society
Rutherford Institute
Center for Law and Religious Freedom 703 642 1070
American Center for Law and Justice (Christian ACLU) 1800 296-4529
First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt Univ. 615 727 1600
Center for Reclaiming America Wash DC Bill of Rights Def Comm 413 582 0110
ADL.org 212 692-3900
Ron Paul - congressman R/Texas 202 225-2831 203 Cannon He office bldg Wash DC 20515
Libertarian Party 881 1Elect-US
Constitution Party 717 390 1993
House and Senate 8 877 851 6437
Center for Constitutional Rights www.ccr-newyork.org
Becket Fund for religious liberty: non profit takes cases 202 955 0095 1350 conn ave nw st
605 wash dc 20036 media@becketfund.org
Citizens Commission on Human Rights 800-869-2247
humanrights@cchr.org cchr.org
Bazelon Center Wash. D.C. 202 467 5730
John Birch Society www.jbs.org
American Freedom Campaign. americanfreedomcampaign.org
Human Rights Watch hrw.org
On Mental Health, Education
Al Hiddell & Jean D’Arc The New Conspiracy Reader has article on psychiatry and
psychology by Steve Ferry
Dr. Peter Breggin, Toxic Psychiatry. Dr. Breggin is anti-drug. His Center for Study
of Psychiatry and Psychology has many books. 1 is on Prozac www.breggin.com
Researched and exposed how the Nazis killed mental patients using drugs and gases in the secret
t4 euthenasia program. Was the first to expose it.
This genocide has continued worldwide using mental health as a cover.
See my article “The Mental health is a Front for nazi genocide”
Also see my website http://www.1prophetspeaks.com
Melody Petersen Our Daily Meds 2008 all about fraud in pharmaceutical industry
Dr Robert Whitaker MAD in America 2001. Says people do better OFF meds than on them.
Robert Whitaker, Anatomy of an Epidemic. Documents that as drug treatments have gone up,
so has mental illness, and they cause brain damage and are toxic & deadly.
Richard Cox, The Sacrament of Psychology
Bruce Wiseman Psychiatry – the Ultimate Betrayal. Helped found the CCHR
Citizen’s Commission On Human Rights) http://www.cchr.org
Thomas Szasz – Pharmacry. Medicine& Politics in America 2001. Also wrote
The Myth of Mental Illness. Anti-drug.
Sam Blumenfeld – The Trojan Horse in Education –about conspiracy to dumb down students
so they can’t read or think independently. Created dyslexia, ADHD
by reading methods. See his website , which has the Blumenfeld Education Letter, & books on
how to teach reading at www. howtotutor.com
see my article "dyslexia, ADHD; causes & cures"
Charlotte Iserbyt, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. Well documented about the
social engineering agenda to use education to dumb down the population and prepare them for
school-work technocrat society like Russia, to prepare for a global fascist society, the new world
order, a la Brave New World.
Tells how education has been run by behaviorists who believe the purpose is Mind Control,
behavior modification, using Outcome Based Education (under various names). Talks about
death education classes causing mental illness, suicides. Download free at
Cummings Brave new Schools–1997
Benjamin Wiker 10 Books that Screwed. Up the_ World. All by atheists. Freud, Marx,
Nietzsche, Machiavelli, Lenin, Rousseau, Marx, Engels, Darwin (The Descent
of Man – said eugenics is result of natural selection); Margaret Sanger (eugenics, founder of
Planned Parenthood, Hitler, Margaret Mead, Kinsey, Friedan
Armand Nicoli The Question of God. Harvard psychiatrist teaches a course that contrasts
Sigmund Freud, the Father of psychiatry, who was an atheist, with C.S. Lewis, the Christian
writer who originally was an atheist and converted, and their lives. Freud was a cocaine addict.
Seth Farber ph.D. Unholy Madness; the Churches surrender to Psychiatry l998
Manual for Transformational Healing-God’s Answer to Psychiatry. FREE at
My FREE Prophetic book exposes atheistic psychiatry & their genocide by toxic drugs, and tells
how to heal mental & physical illness thru prayer & worship. They have falsely called Christians
& others with spiritual beliefs & experiences schizophrenic for 50 years, genociding them with
psych meds. This started with the Nazis.
Sigmund Freud the atheist father of psychiatry, said “I consider myself to be the greatest danger
to religion”.
The mental health system is completely unconstitutional; it violates the lst amendment for
religious freedom, the 15 anti-slavery amendment, since they use mental patients as involuntary
medical guinea pigs, the 8th amendment against cruel & unusual punishment, since the drugs are
torture & are also toxic & deadly. They cause mental & physical illness; they do not help or cure
it. Also violates 6 & 14 due process amendments in legal hearings.
God sent me into the system to be a witness against it & write this book. I spent 7 years in psych
hospitals. 90% of patients are not ill; they are Christians. 95% of doctors are atheists, many of
whom are theologically ignorant & useful idiots for the social engineers whose agenda is
genocide by the drugs. The purpose of the book is to educate doctors & get them to repent, and
warn everyone about the system, and help lawyers address the issues to challenge the system.
Chapter 1 has legal issues.
Also see article “Free book on web is help for mental health lawyers” at
Which has more info.
Jesse Ventura, Lies, lies and more dirty lies Political conspiracies from JFK, 911, Lincoln,
Banking& more Former governor of Minnesota, Ventura discovered the CIA is impl.anted in
state governments, even though this is a violation of their mission statement.
His tv show Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura exposes many conspiracies, HAARP (the
power generator based on Tesla technology that can cause weather modification and earthquakes
and mind control), the depopulation plots, JFK Assassination, China stealing the water from the
Great Lakes, Fema Camps (Police State) & more. It is free on youtube.
Jesse Ventura; 63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read 2011
Has documents about the KBR contracts for detention camps.
Peters – Military and New World Order
Jim Marrs Rule by Secrecy - says protocols of elders of Zion are plot by high
level masons to rule by banking. Baron Rothschild said “give me control over a na- tion’s
currency and I care not who makes its laws”
Jim Marrs,The Rise of the 4th Reich(2008) I prayed and got a witness that this book is all true;
talks about how Nazis came to the US and have been running NASA & the CIA, where they
have done mind control experiments, and more. Education chapter has lists of school shootings,
all done by people on psych meds.
Jim Marrs, The Terror Conspiracy, Provocation, Deception & 911; Alien Agenda
Bernhard Shrieber The Men Behind Hitler-A German Warning to the World Covers the
social engineers who supported eugenics & euthenasia in the US and UK who supported Hitler,
and supported psychiatrists who supported eugenics & euthenasia and carried out genocide and
continue to do so under the cover of Mental Health. Book is FREE at http://www.toolan.com
Also see my article“The Mental Health System is a Front for Nazi Genocide: an eyewitness
Account & excerpts from the Book The Men Behind Hitler-a German warning to the world
by Bernhard Shrieber.”
Nathan Tabor The Beast on the East River- about UN becoming world government says
UNESCO (educ) funded by Julian Huxley, bro of Aldous Huxley. Believed in behaviorism for
infants (a la Brave New World)
Aldous Huxley Brave New World prophetic book of future, written by elite insider who knew
their plans; describes a global fascist society where everyone is drugged. His brother Julian, an
atheist, supported eugenics & euthanasia like many social engineers & psychiatrists. He was
head of UNESCO the UN arm for education. These social engineers run Mental Health &
Education. They are atheist behaviorists. Their agendas include mind control, genocide, atheism,
world government. See my article; Quotes showing real agendas behind mental health &
education at http://www.1prophetspeaks.com
Link: http://www.1prophetspeaks.blogspot.com/2011/09/quotes-showing-real-agendasbehind.html
George Orwell 1984 prophetic book about global fascist state written by an elite insider who
knew their plans. Big Brother is watching.
Jon Zittran The Future of the Internet and how to stop it 2008. Gov. can spy
on people with cell phones, pc’s and gps in cars. Also says government can use mi- crophones to
spy on people in cell phones and pc’
The New Conspiracy Reader Al Hidell& Jean D’Arc
Article on Kent state - says it was org. to stop anti-war protest which threatened war profit by
Rockefellers. Similar to 19017 Rock anti-union and Attica uprising
Article on Psychiatry& Psychology by Steve Ferry; has lists of school shootings, all done by
people on psych drugs
Jim Keith Mass Control _Engineering Human Consciousness
Jim Keith Mass Control Mind Control & UFOS
Depopulation supported by Rockefellers, WHO gave vaccines to sterilize 3rd world women,
AIDs created at Ft Detrick MD, introduced to gays in NYC w/hepatitis vaccine. It appeared in
Africa in same places where vaccines were given
Dan Estulin - The True History of the Bildebergers He has followed them for years Also talks
about the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission. Lists members of all 3
and shows pix of meetings. The group was founded by Prince Bernard of Holland, a former
Nazi. The whole agenda is the continuation of nazi ideology; a world fascist government. The
bildebergers meet yearly to discuss & arrange world economic & foreign policy; they are
European Royalty, Politicos, Multinational CEOS
Naomi Wolf The End of America 2008 says 10 characteristics of fascist state are occurring
here. Exec orders and bills passed all follow pattern of Hitler’s laws.
Jon Lewis Cover-ups
Naomi Klein The Shock Doctrine mentions KBR camps, economic manipulation
to create a corporate police state. 2008
Pat Robertson 1991 The New World Order
Gary Kah En Route to Global Occupation – about New World Order.
Milton William Cooper – Behold a Pale Horse. Has copy of protocols of Elders
of Zion. If you read it as “masons” it describes banking conspiracy to control governments.
“They will take our IOU’s”
Ann Marie Slaughter– A New World Order in Politics & Government (She is CFR and in
favor of it)
The New Cold War– Lucas 2008 on Putin. He has clamped down on press
Ron Paul (R-Texas) The Revolution. Talks about how the Federal Reserve is unconstitutional.
Has proposed legislation to withdraw from the UN. Only believes in laws that are constitutional.
Voted against Patriot Act, which is unconstitutional.
Ron Paul Liberty Defined: 50 essential issues that affect our freedom. Talks about why he is
opposed to abortion. He is an obstetrician. He says it is a violation of the hippocratic oath to do
no harm, and doctors should refuse to perform them regardless of the law.
Gary Allen The Rockefeller File.1976
William Ward Kissinger on the Couch 1975. Says CFR agenda is to destroy sovereignty of US
(was member 10 years)
Jonah Goldberg Liberal Fascism 2008. Has lyrics to song sung by Nazi youth – anti-Christian
“we have no need of Christian virtue”. So shows Nazis were NOT Christians! (they were devil
Fritz Springmeier Bloodlines of Illuminatifamilies who are European black nobility and elite
American Families, all related
Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bushes, Duponts, etc Book is free on web.
John Hagee Jerusalem Countdown prophetic book about the dangers of Radical
Islam– from Nuclear Iran. Talks about how Israeli intelligence told him Iran was close to nuclear
weapons. The Holy Spirit gave me a witness they are right. Although prayer has stopped their
success; their plants were sabotaged
Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators’ Hierarchy – the Story of the Committee of 300 by Dr.
John Coleman. Coleman, a former member of British intelligence M16, talks about Tavistock
Institute, the global brainwashing think tank in London that is run by psychiatrists &
brainwashes (trains) the global elite to do the bidding of the Illuminati, to create a fascist one
world government.
Coleman talks about how the Illuminati have made money off all the global wars and through
drug trade.
Sigmund Freud was the first head of Tavistock.
Tavistock runs the American foundations & think tanks. He says Henry Kissinger is the
American liaison for Tavistock. Kissinger is Obama’s ‘handler’. Kissinger advises him. He has
said “Obama will bring in the new world order” ( I read this elsewhere). Kissinger was trained by
John Rawlings Rees, a British psychiatrist who was head of Tavistock. Rees was also head of
the World Federation of Mental Health.
Rees stated that they (the illuminati, psychiatrists) needed to infiltrate 4 areas; the church,
education, medical & legal , and be a 5th column (the press (where they spew propaganda). This
quote comes from http://www.psychquotes.com
It is also in my article “Quotes showing the real agendas behind mental health & education”
at http://www.1prophetspeaks.blogspot.com/2011/09/quotes-showing-the-real-agendasbehind.html
The fact that Tavistock, a mind control institute runs mental health shows that the whole agenda
of the mental health system IS MIND CONTROL.
I have downloaded & highlighted the book Conspirators’ Hierarchy - the Story of the
Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman
OnAn ti -S em it ism
Phyllis Chesler The New Anti-Semitism Talks about rise in anti-Semitism on campuses due to
Arab money
Abe Foxman Never Again (ADL)
Alan Dershowitz ANTI-SEMITISM
Gabe Schoenfeld Return of Anti-Semitism
Leon Dinnerstein, Anti-Semitism in_ America
Steve Emerson American Jihad about radical Islam
Brigitte Gabriel Because they Hate About radical Islam in Lebanon, US.
Inspirational Books
James Allen As a Man Thinketh
John Hagee 7 Secrets of Success for the Graduate
Don Piper. 10 Minutes in Heaven –Died and went to Heaven. Saw people he knew greeting
Mary K Baxter Divine Revelation of Hell. Saw people with the Mark of the Beast
controlled by the Beast (Rev 13) Says pastors who knew the truth and lied were there, and
witches who rejected Jesus.
Mary K Baxter, Divine Revelation of Heaven
Bruce Wiese, 23 Minutes in Hell testimony of Christian who was taken to hell so he could write
about it saw people going into the fires. Was physically tormented in a cell by demons. God told
him hell is in the earth. The prophet Ezekiel says this also. His book has the scriptures in Ezekiel.
King James Bible. The divine word of God. The more modern versions like the NRVS, NIV,
have omitted scriptures and pieces of scripture. They have changed MANY words to change the
meanings. The New King James also has problems. They have changed “Hell” to “hades” to
destroy belief that Hell is real, for example. Instead of “holy angels” they just have “angels”
which is an opening for new age ideas and unholy angels. The company that publishes the NIV,
Zondervan, is owned by Harper Collins, who also publishes Sata- bible; that should tell you who
is behind it spiritually. A better publisher is Thomas Nelson.
God said to me “Don’t deny the name of my son,” and “My word is true”. The scripture says Thy
Word is Truth. Gospel of John says Jesus was the word.
John 1:1 “in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was
John 1:14 “and the word became flesh and dwelt among us.”
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh to the father, but by me.”
John 14:6
Charles Finney On Revival Classic book on revival.
Benny Hinn Good Morning Holy Spirit, The Annointing. Hinn is an evangelist who has had
meetings with millions in India.
Dave Roberson - The Walk of the Spirit, the walk of power; about praying in tongues;
Free on the Web
Reese Howells, Intercessor. Story of a famous intercessor during WWII.
Merlin Caruthers, Power in Praise. A baptist minister. He says that anyone who has received
the Holy Spirit can pray in tongues, by faith. I asked God about this and got a witness that he is
Smith Wigglesworth. There are 10 books by him and 10 books about him.
He was a powerful man of God who healed many people and raised the dead. His favorite phrase
I speak about him in the dedication of my book Manual for Transformational Healing-God’s
Answer to Psychiatry. FREE At http://www.1prophetspeaks.com