Henry Moore Institute a centre of the study of sculpture 7 June 2006 74 The Headrow Leeds LS1 3AH tel +44 (0) 113 246 7467 fax +44 (0) 113 246 1481 Press Release Antinous: the face of the Antique Main Galleries, Henry Moore Institute 25 May - 27 August 2006 ‘But I have been more preoccupied by the face of another. As soon as he began to count in my life art ceased to be luxury and became a resource, a form of succour. I have forced this image upon the world: there are today more portraits of that youth than of any illustrious man whatsoever, or of any queen.’ Marguerite Yourcenar, Memoirs of Hadrian The Emperor Hadrian’s young lover was Antinous, a beautiful youth who drowned mysteriously in the Nile before his 20th birthday. The Emperor, in his grief, commissioned busts and statues of his beloved, and as the cult of Antinous spread throughout the Roman Empire, many more were erected by his subjects. Today Antinous has more sculptures to his name than almost any other figure from classical antiquity. The earliest of these finds were identified by comparison to tiny coin-portraits, each with an identifying legend, so that by the sixteenth century his aquiline nose and full lips were well known. Yet such was his appeal that as more and more heads, busts and statues were unearthed, there was a temptation to call those of any young pretty boy ‘Antinous’. Into the modern age, archaeologists and scholars have worked studiously to define the corpus of Antinous portraiture, basing their identification primarily on his hairstyle. Drawing together loans from all over Europe, this is the first exhibition dedicated to Antique sculpture to be held at the Institute and the first in Britain to explore the mythical image of Antinous. As a subject, Antinous works not only to provide a very human way into looking at Antique sculpture, but also as an introduction to some of the thorniest issues surrounding work of this period. Issues of recognition, restoration and re-naming are all present, and to a degree we can deal with these by simply asking: does it look like him? This exhibition has been selected by Dr Caroline Vout, of the University of Nottingham, and will be accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue, with essay and entries by Dr Vout, along with extracts from more historical texts. ENDS For further information and images, please contact: Press Enquiries, Henry Moore Institute, tel: 0113 246 7467 / e-mail: press@henry-moore.ac.uk or Judy Adam, tel: 07957 121288 / email: mail@judyadam.co.uk or visit: www.henry-moore-fdn.co.uk Note to editors: The Henry Moore Institute is a centre dedicated to the study of sculpture and is located in the heart of Leeds. Its programming comprises three integrated elements dedicated to sculpture: collections, exhibitions and research. The Henry Moore Institute is part of The Henry Moore Foundation. The Henry Moore Foundation in partnership with Leeds City Council A Company limited by guarantee registered in England number 1255762 Registered Charity number 271370 Registered office: Mitre House 160 Aldersgate Street London EC1 4DD Henry Moore is a Registered Trade Mark of The Henry Moore Foundation www.henry-moore-fdn.co.uk