1 & 2

KS2 Year 6 French Scheme of Work
Lessons 1-2
Revision based topic: ‘Où habites-tu?’
Framework objectives:
Lesson 1: 06.4 To participate in simple conversations on familiar topics
Lesson 2: L6.1. Read and respond to the main points and some detail from
a short written passage.
IU6.2 To recognise and understand some of the differences between
New vocabulary
qui s’appelle…
Bree – yon
Tron – keel
Bon – day
Joh – lee
key sa-pell…
which is called…
Vocabulary and
structures to revise
from Y4:
Où habites-tu ?
Oo ahbeet- too
J’habite …
Jah beet…
I live …
à la campagne
en ville (f)
a lah com pan yuh
on veel
in the country
in town
à Paris
à Calais
à Lille
à Londres
Jah beet…
ah Pahree
ah Kalay
ah Leel
ah lond ruh
I live …
in Paris
in Calais
in Lille
in London
en Angleterre
en France
Jah beet
on ong luh tair
on fronse
I live…
in England
in France
et toi ?
eh twa?
and you?
Extra Resources: Early Start French ‘Où habites-tu?’ DVD.
Resources relating to above topics from Camden Y4 SoW
Mini whiteboards
Suggested Teaching Sequence:
Lesson One- Oracy focus
Most of the Year 6 lessons revise vocabulary from the Camden Y4
SoW and then extend these topics with new grammar and further
There are words, picture cues, audio support and video clips of the
relevant mimes for the revision based vocabulary (Y4) on the
Camden website. Please reference these if either you or your class
are unsure of pronunciation.
Every Year 6 lesson is supported by a Powerpoint/Smart Notebook
which will support all activities referenced in the lesson plans.
Share the learning intention shown on slide 1 with the class.
Warm up by asking questions learnt in Years 3 and 4 (Early Start 1
and 2) e.g. Comment t’appelles- tu?, and recap on the question Où
habites-tu?. Show slide 2 and see what they can remember from
learning in previous years.
Using Powerpoint slide 3 to recap on vocab used from Y4 SoW to
describe where the children might live e.g.: à Londres, en
Angleterre, à la compagne, en ville. Point to each picture and model
the sentence e.g. J’habite en ville. Children echo phrase. Repeat
with all four phrases. Assess understanding and whether they are
ready to move on to the ‘New Learning’.
Use slides 5-7 to recap c’est and teach the new vocabulary
(adjectives to describe places). The class choose a mime to
represent each of the adjectives.
Children volunteer to ask the teacher ‘Où habites-tu?’. The teacher
answers by drawing a simple symbol to represent countryside (a
tree) or town (a towerblock) and also doing an action to show an
adjective which could be used to describe it. Can the children say
this in French? E.g. J’habite en ville. C’est bruyant Try the activity
in pairs. Check understanding by doing a mini-plenary.
Using slide 8, introduce a more complex sentence structure and
note the use of colour coding for support (verbs are purple, proper
nouns are yellow, nouns are blue (masculine)/red (feminine) and
adjectives are orange) Explore the use of connectives and the
addition of new vocabulary qui s’appelle to the sentence.
Can they use this to give more information e.g. ‘J’habite en
Angleterre. J’habite dans une ville qui s’appelle Londres. J’habite à
Camden/Kilburn’ etc.
Explain that in this sentence the dans does not have a silent ‘s’ as it
is followed by the vowel at the beginning of une. Dans une ville’ is
used instead of en ville because it means in a town/city rather than
in the town/city. Recap on the meaning of connectives qui and et
and the verb s’appelle.
Display all the flashcards for the new and revised vocabulary and
model how to use these visual cues to ask and answer the question
e.g.: ‘Où habites-tu?’…. ‘J’habite dans une ville qui s’appelle Londres
et c’est bruyant’.
The children work in pairs asking and answering the question giving
a variety of answers using the flashcards as a prompt. Do a mini
plenary to check understanding before moving on.
Brainstorm how many places in France the children remember. You
might want to show them the first part of the EarlyStart DVD or
the Powerpoint from the Y4 SoW to remind them. Make a list on
the board.
Use Powerpoint slide 9 to recap on il / elle. How would you say
where he/she lives? Can do this and add an adjective to extend the
sentence? E.g. ‘Il habite dans une ville qui s’appelle Calais et c’est
Extend the more able by asking them to use more than one
adjective to describe the place. E.g. ‘Elle habite dans une ville qui
s’appelle Lille et c’est bondé et joli’.
Plenary: Play ‘Name chain’. Children sit in groups of about 6. Pupil 1
says ‘J’habite dans une ville qui s’appelle .... et c’est …’ naming where
they live and describing it, and asks the next child ‘Et toi, où
habites-tu?’ Pupil 2 answers then asks Pupil 3 and so on until each
child has spoken. If you feel they have understood this then as an
extension they can try to remember where the person next to
them lives and introduce their neighbour E.g. ‘Il/Elle habite dans
une ville qui s’appelle … et c’est ….’.
Lesson Two – Literacy Focus
Ask the children the question ‘Où habites-tu?’. Revise phrases
from the previous session encouraging them to give as much
information as they can e.g. ‘J’habite en Angleterre. J’habite dans
une ville qui s’appelle Londres et c ‘est bruyant et bondé’. Use
mimes and flashcards for visual support where necessary. Recap on
il / elle to describe where someone else lives.
Introduce the country that Yr 6 will be studying for Intercultural
Understanding this year - Vietnam. Explain that Vietnam is being
studied as it has a strong historical connection with France.
Although Vietnamese and its sister languages are now the official
languages spoken there, French used to be an official language.
(N.B. for teacher information, there is an explanation of the
historical significance of French in Vietnam attached to this
Scheme of Work)
Show the first page of the Powerpoint. Which continent is Vietnam
in? Ask what any of the children know about Vietnam already. Have
they been there, do they know any Vietnamese people or can name
any towns or cities?
Give each child a card with one of the five main cities in Vietnam
written on it (use the sheet of name cards provided). The class
walk around the room asking ‘Où habites-tu?’ until they find a
partner from the same place. Then they have to move on to find
other partners with the same place name. Use the next whiteboard
slide to locate them on a map. Explain that Hanoi is the capital of
Vietnam (and that they do not use the French phonic sound for ‘oi’
to pronounce it).
Look at the Powerpoint slide featuring pictures of places in
Vietnam. Display the flashcards with the adjectives describing
places. Is the adjective used to describe each place correct? The
children answer oui or non. Can they use the correct adjectives to
describe the places? (e.g. ‘à Can Tho c’est …’). Remind them to use
à and not en as it is a city, not a country.
Complete the Lesson 2 worksheet. The children have a look at the
pictures, read the French and circle oui or non. Then they read the
sentences and fill in the missing words. Finally they try writing
sentences of their own, differentiating the complexity of sentence
depending on ability. Have the visual cues provided on display to
support the less confident with this.
Plenary: Using a mini whiteboard with a partner they draw a male or
female character and write as much information as they can about
where the character lives. They can choose whether their
character comes from England, France or Vietnam. They then swap
boards with another pair. Can the other children translate what
they have written?
Notes on activities and resources:
 You could use the song ‘Où habites-tu?’ from EarlyStart to recap
on French place names.
Follow-up and consolidation
Recap on the vocabulary by asking ‘Où habites-tu?’ during the register.
Put up a map of Vietnam with towns and cities marked to consolidate.
Discuss what it might be like to live in Vietnam.
Many of the adjectives learnt in this topic can be used incidentally
throughout the week e.g. noisy, quiet, when commenting on behaviour and
calm or busy to describe places in school.