Planning Y6

Torina’s World
Objective: I can compare places where
people live.
Key vocabulary:
 Je m’appelle….
 J’ai ____ ans.
 J’habite à ….
 Dans ma famille, il y a ____
 J’ai ….(un chien/un chat)
 J’aime….
What do you know about Madagascar?
3 minute mindmap activity.
Show photostory of Torina’s World no
words. Add to map.
Share book in French. Add to map.
Share book in English. Add to map.
Matching activity – children pair up French
and English sentences about Torina.
Children find correct pairs and order them
to read as a text. Read to a partner.
Display model answer. Children use this
to write own sentences about themselves.
Physical Features of Madagascar
Objective: I ask “Which PHYSICAL
features does this place have?”
Key vocabulary:
 Lake – un lac
 Mountain – une montagne
 Ocean – un océan
 Beach – une plage
 Rainforest – une forêt tropicale
 River – une rivière
 North - nord
 South - sud
 East - est
 West - ouest
Show short film of Madagascar. What are
the island’s physical features – collect
ideas on dry wipe boards.
Drill key vocab using flashcards.
Play snail race using key vocab to embed.
Display large (simplified) map of island
showing main physical features. Map to
be divided into grid.
Ask children where different features are
located – children answer by giving a
number/colour reference.
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In the Rainforest
Objective: I can write sentences using a
Key vocabulary:
 Bigger than – plus grand que
 Smaller than – plus petit que
 Bird – l’oiseau
 Snake – le serpent
 Lemur – le lémurien
 Fish - le poisson
 Rat – le rat
 Lizard – le lézard
 Butterfly – le papillon
 Crocodile – le crocodile
Short film of rainforest animals.
Drill animals using flashcards. Use
hide/reveal activity on IWB and dry wipe
board to practise.
Teacher model use of comparative ‘bigger
than/smaller than’.
Model activity.
In pairs, pick two animal picture cards
from envelope and order according to
size. State which animal is larger e.g. the
snake is bigger than the butterfly then
reverse e.g. the butterfly is smaller than
the snake.
Torina’s World
“Je m’appelle….”
“J’ai ____ ans.”
“J’habite à ….”
“Dans ma famille, il y a ____ personnes.”
“J’ai ….(un chien/un chat)”
What have they learned about
Madagascar that they didn’t know before?
Physical Features of Madagascar
Cloze activity reading and writing using
key vocabulary learned and map/direction
skills. Write own sentence using cloze as
In the Rainforest
Repeat as written activity.
Use true/false light bulbs to ask children
about places on map. Children may
volunteer to give a true/false sentence.
Work in group to order all animals from
biggest to smallest.
Stand in line and use comparative to link
animals from biggest to smallest and back
 Animal film
 Flashcards
 Pictures in notebook file
 Dry wipe boards
 Mini cards in envelopes
 Larger set of cards for plenary.
A3 paper for mindmap
PowerPoint of book in both French
and English
Fre/Eng sentences in envelopes
Torina’s paragraph and model answer
Film of physical features
Dry wipe boards
Large laminated map
Snail race (IWB) and mini flashcards
for bag pictures only and pictures and
Individual mini maps and cloze sheet
True/false light bulbs in French
True/false PowerPoint.
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme.