Scheda doc. n° 30 SAFETY DATA SHEET Compliant to Regulation (CE) n. 1907/2006 CARTONPLAST® Revision n. 5 Revision Date: 17/12//2008 Page 1 di 6 1. Identification of the product and of the company Product Name: Cartonplast® Product description: Corrugated polypropylene copolymer extrusion sheet, coloured (color codes: BI 050, BI 060, GI 156, GI 180, AR 250, AR 255, FU 322, RO 345, VI 401, AZ 417, AZ 450, BL 460, BL 466, BL 495, VE 524, VE 528, VE 530, VE 564, VE 590, BG 647, MA 750, GR 822, GR 835, GR 860, NR 950, NR 960. Non applicable None Multi-purpose sheets: stationery, graphics, industrial packaging, food packaging etc. Registration number: Registered use: Product use: Company identification: Emergency call references: Cartonplast Italia S.p.A. Viale Europa,7 33077 Sacile (PN) Italy homepage: www. cartonplast .it Customer Helpdesk reference number: (+39) 0434788811; e-mail: (+39) 0434788811 (only business hours ) Hospital Niguarda (Mi) - Anti-poisoning centre telephone number: 02- 6610101029 2. Hazards Identification Main hazards This product is not classified as dangerous as regard criteria defined by CE legislation. Symptoms related to use: Inhalation Skin contact Eyes contact Ingestion CARTONPLAST ITALIA S.p.A. Viale Europa, 7 - 33077 SACILE (PN) ITALY TEL. 0434.788811 r.a. – TELEFAX 0434.788822 Fine dust, due to some working process, may cause irritation of respiratory system and mucous. If heated to more than 160°C /thermoforming process, welding etc.) the product may form vapours or fumes which may cause irritation of respiratory tract and cause coughing and sensation of shortness of breath. In contact with hot material (thermoforming process, welding etc.) it may cause severe thermal burns. Contact with chines, edges, and the continuous rubbing contact could cause wounds or abrasions to the skin. Fine dust, due to cutting process, may cause irritation of eyes mucous. Whilst cutting, this material could show fragile cutting and material’s splinters could hit eyes. Polyolefines are considered as biologically inert. Cap.Soc. € 5.710.000 i.v. Reg. Impr./ Cod. Fisc. 01624810931 Partita IVA IT 01624810931 R.E.A. n. 91471 C.C.I.A.A. PN N.MECC. C.C.I.A.A. Scheda doc. n° 30 SAFETY DATA SHEET Compliant to Regulation (CE) n. 1907/2006 CARTONPLAST® Adverse enviromental effects Adverse physicochemical effects Revision n. 5 Revision Date: 17/12//2008 Page 2 di 6 Because of its structure, the product should not be dangerous for acquatic life. Non biodegradable Combustible, if exposed to flames. Friction caused by product’s movements crates electrostatic charge which may cause electric load developing sparkles. 3. Composition / Information on ingredients Chemical name Chemical formula CAS Number EINECS or ELINCS number Chemical family Additives Substances considered as dangerous for health Ethylene and propylene Copolymers: minimum 98% (C3H6)x- (C2H4)y CAS: 9010-79-1 This product is a polymer, consequently, as concerns European legislation, it’s not subject to registration in EINECS Inventory (European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances). Olefinic polymer: Polypropylene 10% Maximum None to our knowledge 4. First Aid measures General Information Route of exposure Inhalation Skin contact Eyes contact It is not necessary to take particular precautions Exposure to spray, fumes and vapours produced by heated or burned product: Bring patient into fresh air Get medical advice if the symptoms continue Exposure to splashing of hot product: Cool down quickly the burnt area with cold water. In case of severe skin burns seek hospital treatment. Exposure to splashing of hot product: Cool down quickly the eyes with cold water. Seek hospital treatment. In case of irritation due to fine dust, wash carefully the eyes with running cold water until irritation symptoms disappear. 5. Fire – fighting measures Fire-class regulation Technical measures A: solid material fires, principally of organic nature, that burn with incandescence. Stop the fire spreading. Call the fire brigade immediately. Extinguishing media Suitable CARTONPLAST ITALIA S.p.A. Viale Europa, 7 - 33077 SACILE (PN) ITALY TEL. 0434.788811 r.a. – TELEFAX 0434.788822 For minor fires: carbon dioxide (CO2) or powder; Cap.Soc. € 5.710.000 i.v. Reg. Impr./ Cod. Fisc. 01624810931 Partita IVA IT 01624810931 R.E.A. n. 91471 C.C.I.A.A. PN N.MECC. C.C.I.A.A. Scheda doc. n° 30 SAFETY DATA SHEET Compliant to Regulation (CE) n. 1907/2006 CARTONPLAST® Not to be used Special peril: Combustion products development Protective equipment for operators and firefighters Revision n. 5 Revision Date: 17/12//2008 Page 3 di 6 For more extensive fires: foam; water spray (mist) to cool the surfaces exposed to the fire. Do not use water jets (stick jets) for exstinguishing fire, since they could help to spread the flames. During combustion, in presence of an excess of air, it developes: carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour. Partial combustion forms also: carbon monoxide (CO), soot and cracked products: aldehydes, ketones, acetone, acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, acrolein, hydrocarbons and volatile fatty acids. In case of risk of exposure to vapour or fumes wear suitable breathing equipment. 6. Accidental release measures Refer to points 8 and 13 After spillage / leakage On soil Collect from the floor and clean using protective gloves to avoid skin cuts, see point 8. Sheets spread on the floor cause risk of slippering. 7. Handling and storage Sheets handling Cut offs and dust transport (Process residuals) Storage During manual handling please mind chines and sharp edges; avoid to rub continuously the skin towards the edges: wear suitable hand protection before handling. In high speed automatic machines, take care that all the components are electrically earthed, so as to avoid accumulation of static load which could create sparkes and/or spread the static load on nearest personnel. All pneumatic transport equipment must be electrically earthed; do not accumulate dusts; install suitable filters in the transportation circuit. Store at ambient temperature and at atmospheric pressure; Do not store near highly flammable materials; Store away from heating source or flames; store in dry, well ventilated area. The material has to be protected from direct sunlight exposition and or other sources of radiation. Evaluate the maximum storage height on the basis of the pallet stability (consider width, barycentre, surface etc. ) 8. Exposure controls / personal protection Occupational Exposure Limit Personal protection CARTONPLAST ITALIA S.p.A. Viale Europa, 7 - 33077 SACILE (PN) ITALY TEL. 0434.788811 r.a. – TELEFAX 0434.788822 Unregulated Cap.Soc. € 5.710.000 i.v. Reg. Impr./ Cod. Fisc. 01624810931 Partita IVA IT 01624810931 R.E.A. n. 91471 C.C.I.A.A. PN N.MECC. C.C.I.A.A. Scheda doc. n° 30 SAFETY DATA SHEET Compliant to Regulation (CE) n. 1907/2006 CARTONPLAST® Eye protection Hand protection Body protection Respiratory protection Other personal protection Revision n. 5 Revision Date: 17/12//2008 Page 4 di 6 Wear protective goggles whilst doing cutting operations. Wear protective gloves to avoid mechanical skin cuts and wounds. Other than wearing clean clothes, covering all body parts coming into contact with sharp edges, no other protection should be necessary. Whenever a risk of exposition to dust, vapours or fumes occurs (during operations such as thermoforming, welding, cut causing dust formation), it is advisable to install an vacuuming system so as that the working environment is properly ventilated. Safety shoes. 9. Physical and chemical properties General Information Appearance Physical state at 20°C Colour Odour Density range, mass at 20°C (kg/m3) Apparent Density Melting range (°C) Flash point (ASTM D 1929) (°C) Auto-ignition temperature (°C) Solubility in water at 20°C (mg/l) Solubility pH value Viscosity (mm2/s) Corrugated sheet Solid Different colours and shades Odourless From 900 to 1000 (ISO 1183) Changes depending on m3 grammage and thickness From 140 to 165 >300 >350 <1 Insoluble Insoluble (organic solvents) Non applicable Non applicable 10. Stability e reactivity Stability/ instability Conditions to avoid Incompatible materials Thermal decomposition CARTONPLAST ITALIA S.p.A. Viale Europa, 7 - 33077 SACILE (PN) ITALY TEL. 0434.788811 r.a. – TELEFAX 0434.788822 Stable It is recommended not to heat at temperatures higher than 300°C; Avoid proximity or contact with flames or sparks; Avoid contact with strong oxidizing materials and fluorine. Strong oxidizing materials and fluorine. Decomposition products development depends on temperature, oxygen availability and presence of other substances. During burning process fumes or other decomposition products may develop. When temperatures overtakes the melting point, parts of the polymer can be released, and fumes may become irritant. Decomposition products may include, and not be limited to: aldehydes, ketones, acetone, acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, acrolein, hydrocarbons and volatile fatty acids. Cap.Soc. € 5.710.000 i.v. Reg. Impr./ Cod. Fisc. 01624810931 Partita IVA IT 01624810931 R.E.A. n. 91471 C.C.I.A.A. PN N.MECC. C.C.I.A.A. Scheda doc. n° 30 SAFETY DATA SHEET Compliant to Regulation (CE) n. 1907/2006 CARTONPLAST® Revision n. 5 Revision Date: 17/12//2008 Page 5 di 6 11. Toxicological information Acute Toxicity Ingestion Eye contact Skin contact Skin absorption Inhalation Repeated contact toxicity Polyolefins are biologically inert As regard toxicity, because of its composition, the product should be considered as practically not harmful and dangerous effects are not expected to be observed if swallowed in small quantities. If swallowed in larger quantities it may cause occlusion (LD50-extimated –rat- > 5000mg/Kg). Danger of mucous cutting in case of sharp splinters ingestion. The solid product and/or its dusts may cause irritation or even severe wounds per mechanical action. High temperatures might generate vapours in quantities sufficient to cause irritation to the eyes. Side effect may include discomfort and reddening. The product is not irritant to the skin even in case of prolonged contact. Only mechanical wounds should be considered as a risk. Because of its composition dangerous effects in case of absorption throughout the skin are not expected to be observed. LD (Estimated) rabbit >2000mg/Kg. Vapours, fumes, developed during thermical treatments, and dust, whenever developed during operations, could cause irritation of the respiratory system. Additives are incapsulated into the product in a way that it can be excluded their release in normal processing condition or foreseeable emergency situations. 12. Ecological information Information on ecological effects Handle the sheets as per good manufacturing practices, avoiding to discharge the product into the environment. Mobility Water/air Soil and sediments Water Persistence and Biodegradability Biodegradability BOD 5 (gO2/g) Bioaccumulative Potential Ecotoxicity There is a slow loss by evaporation. Volatile organic compound (VOC) content of this product is < at 0,5% Weight. Because of its physico-chemical properties, the product has a low soil mobility. The product, in case of accidental discharge, floats on the surface, is insoluble and its evaporation into air is practically nil. Persistent in the environment. This product is slowly biodegradable. Foto-degradation is expected in case of exposition to sunshine. Below the detection limit. Potential bioaccumulation of the product in enviroment is very low. Because of its structure, the product should not be dangerous for acquatic life. 13. Disposal considerations CARTONPLAST ITALIA S.p.A. Viale Europa, 7 - 33077 SACILE (PN) ITALY TEL. 0434.788811 r.a. – TELEFAX 0434.788822 Cap.Soc. € 5.710.000 i.v. Reg. Impr./ Cod. Fisc. 01624810931 Partita IVA IT 01624810931 R.E.A. n. 91471 C.C.I.A.A. PN N.MECC. C.C.I.A.A. Scheda doc. n° 30 SAFETY DATA SHEET Compliant to Regulation (CE) n. 1907/2006 CARTONPLAST® Waste disposal API Code (Association of Plastic Industry) Revision n. 5 Revision Date: 17/12//2008 Page 6 di 6 According to local legislation; Authorized disposal; As refuse for reprocessing; Do not dispose off by means of sinks, drains (dusts) or into the immediate environment (whole sheet). May be used as fuel in suitably designed installations. Incinerate with household refuse in a municipal solid waste incinerator plan. 5 PP: polypropylene 14. Transport Information Road (ADR)/ Rail (RID) UN Number Marine (IMO) Air transport (ICAO/IATA) Not restricted for transport. Not applicable Not restricted for transport. Not restricted for transport. 15. Regulatory Information Labelling and Classification EC Symbol(s) EC Germany: Wassergefährdungklasse EINECS number Not classified according to EEC directives 67/548/EEC (dangerous substances) and 1999/45/EC (dangerous preparations). Compliant to D.Lgs.vo March 2003, n°65 and subsequent amendments. Safety data sheet compliant to Regulation (CE) N° 1907/2006. NWG: non-hazardous to waters Not applicable. Anyway all the substances contained into the product have been registered EINECS or ELINCS. 16. Other information Those data are based on the actual level of our knowledge and their purpose is to describe our product’s safety requirements. Those data do not have to be considered as a guarantee of a specific property, either peculiar or general. It’s the end user responsibility to make sure the product is suitable for the application and foreseeable use. We do not take responsibilities for any damage caused by the use of this information. In any case our general supply agreement conditions are applied. CARTONPLAST ITALIA S.p.A. Viale Europa, 7 - 33077 SACILE (PN) ITALY TEL. 0434.788811 r.a. – TELEFAX 0434.788822 Cap.Soc. € 5.710.000 i.v. Reg. Impr./ Cod. Fisc. 01624810931 Partita IVA IT 01624810931 R.E.A. n. 91471 C.C.I.A.A. PN N.MECC. C.C.I.A.A.