Marketing Essentials - Edmonds School District

Marketing Essentials
21st Century Skills
Producing a product, to satisfy a customer, to make a profit. SERVICE!
How well can you Market?
Mr. Ide
(425) 431-5245
General Information
Course of Study Sources: Superintendent of Public Instruction’s Office, National Council on Economic
Education, Industry Professionals, Mark Ed (Curriculum Research Institute – Business Administration), and
Junior Achievement. The course was developed using the Marketing Education Core Standards.
Attendance: (per school policy)
Notifying your employer of an unexpected absence or delay is common courtesy and may save your job.
Students not in seats at time bell rings are Tardy. Tardy students who are not in their seats five minutes after classes
begin are absent. A student who is tardy Four (4) times = One (1) absence. 
Grades (as they related to attendance) – See Grade Section Too! 
The participation grade makes up 30% of the student’s grade. Many of the activities we discuss in class are unable
to be reproduced outside of class as they will lack the comments and discovery made and contributed by other
students. The beginning of the period may begin that discovery process. There is a famous quote, that says, “Just
showing up is half the battle.” Be here, on-time, in your seat, ready to go and I will do the same.
Leaving Class Students who leave class without permission are considered withdrawn from class. 
Entertainment Devices (per school policy)
Any device that disrupts the educational process will be confiscated. Students who choose to bring an
electronic or other device to school and disrupt the class, MAY receive one warning, then the STUDENT will be
asked to take the disrupting item to the main office to be held until their next class. Students are always welcome
to contact parents/guardians and employers during appropriate times in class (beginning or end) except in an
EMERGENCY (if it is an emergency – anytime is appropriate).
All students will be asked to sign a release for their photographs to be used in class and in promotional material.
Students and parents may opt out if they so choose.
To be successful in your classes and in life, you need to be: 
On time
On task
A good listener
Being considerate looks like
* using an appropriate tone of voice
* no put downs
* supporting your peers
* accepting that mistakes happen
* putting forth your best effort and helping others to do the same
Being on time looks like
* being in the room and heading to your seat when the bell rings
* writing the day's plan in your planner while the teacher is taking attendance
Being prepared looks like
* coming to class every day with...pen, pencils, paper, notebook, planner, and homework
Being on task looks like
* compliant with requests and redirections
* following directions
* staying engaged with the task at hand
Being a good listener looks like
* hands up for questions or comments
* staying on topic of conversation
* listening to classmates and teacher without interruption
* hands down for presentations
***Thanks to Babby Skowyra – AMS English
doc: CourseGeneralInformation
ALERT! Did you know that this class is an articulated Tech Prep class? You can receive Community /
Technical College credit for free (okay it does cost the time to fill out the registration on-line). To receive the
credit, you must:
Be enrolled in a Tech Prep high school class
Register on line for the Tech Prep program
Receive a B grade or higher!
See Mr. Ide for details!
Marketing Essentials
Course Outline
Business Consultant: TBA
Page 2
Mr. Ide
Telephone: (425) 431 - 5245
The Course:
Our course of study will include four major instructional areas:
Marketing – Producing a product (service), to satisfy a customer to make a profit.
Economics – How to use your resources.
Selling – Helping a customer make satisfying choices.
Professional Development – Being able to contribute to the good of society.
My goal is to provide the 21st Century Skills necessary for this generation to succeed by understanding and
applying marketing management, and entrepreneurship principles; to make rational economic decision; and
to exhibit social responsibility in their communities and the global economy.
How will we do this?
By using simulations, problems, current events, business professionals (speakers), and projects designed to
stretch the thinking of our students.
A brief overview of topics includes but is not limited to the following:
Employability skills – Mock Job Interviews
- Resume creation
- Job interview skills
- Prospecting, & Employment regulations
Work Ethic – 7 Values that will make every Employer want to hire you and fight to keep you.
Source: Center for Work Ethic
Entitlement Video – Creed
Current Business News - Knowledge is Power!
Junior Achievement – Business Professional Representative
A local business professional will be a guest instructor in our class for five economics lessons.
This person can be of TREMENDOUS benefit to you by the economic information they provide you
as well as the experiences they bring to our classroom.
Economics – Why Mr. Ide is not a millionaire (but you can be)?
Marketing Concepts
- Market Segmentation
- Marketing Mix
Market Position
Marketing Mix –
Promotion -
Functions of Marketing Financing
Product / Service Management
Marketing Information Management
Marketing Essentials
Course Outline
Business Consultant:
Page 3
Mr. Ide
Telephone: (425) 431 - 5245
My grading system comes from business. Consider my students the employees and me, the school
administration, parents, and business leaders the employer. I will provide just compensations for jobs well
done. For students who do not meet standards, I will work with them (if they wish) to bring their grade to
Students are expected to behave in a manner which demonstrates a desire to learn and complete the projects
that they undertake. Attending class, paying attention, arriving to class on time, actively participating in
activities, and being professional are class requirements. Failure to behave in such a way will have a
detrimental effect on your grade. A’s are reserved for those who make consistent and significant
contributions to the class (all who do so will receive an A).
All grades are available through the family access system on-line:
Participation /
Attitude / Civility
Percent of Grade
Daily Assignments
Junior Achievement
Note on Grades
Provided at least once every six
Weekly updates (or at least
that’s the plan).
Participation and assignments
Projects as assigned
Late Assignments: Students who are absent are allowed at least the same length of time of their absence to
make up their work with no grading penalty. Items not completed on time are subject to discretionary
grading. Students should make arrangements before an item is late to receive credit.
Asking your supervisor for an extension of time on the due date of the project, may get you fired (or at least
an upset boss). Asking for an extension before it is due, makes you a reliable / dependable employee (Happy
Employees have Happy Supervisors)!
Grade Expectations: This is an elective course. All students are expected to achieve a “C” or better grade.
Students will be actively encouraged to participate in order to attain the grade expectations.
Key to Terms:
Raising your hand, waiting your turn to be
recognized, talking while others are talking
Positive or Negative
Are you making our classroom (society) better?
Provided in class
Consider these tests
Daily Assignments
Please note: If you have any questions or concerns about the course, assignments, due dates, or any other
pertinent matters, please contact me. My normal hours are Monday – Friday 6:45 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. and as
needed on the weekend. I succeed only if you do!
What does an “A” student look like:
Always early to class, notifies appropriate individuals in class if tardy or absent, pleasant attitude to others,
follows directions, is aware of what is going on in class, is familiar with all students in class (knows everyone’s
name), shares appropriate information regarding disposition ( bad days), works reflects “best effort (good,
better, best),” is exceptionally polite and respectful to substitutes, and serves others well.
Revised: 08/01/13
TEXT: Marketing Essentials, copy write: 2009
18218 North Road
Bothell, WA. 98012
(425) 431-5245
(425) 431-7525 FAX
Email: Ide@Edmonds.Wednet.Edu
September 1, 2013
Dear Parent(s) or Guardian:
I will be your student’s Marketing Education Instructor / DECA Advisor for the 2013-2014 school year. In order to
guarantee your child and all the students in our classroom the excellent education climate they deserve, I have
developed from several companies a code of conduct that will be in effect at all times.
When in our classroom, all personnel must comply with the following code of conduct:
1. Respect the rights and feelings of fellow employees (sharing ideas).
2. Report to work on time and be prepared to work.
3. Obey the orders of supervisors at all times.
4. Remain at work until scheduled quitting time.
5. Pay strict attention to duties and responsibilities (do not disturb others/no abusive language).
Each class period, if a student/employee breaks the code of conduct, the following consequences will occur:
First time student breaks code: Warning
Second and subsequent times student breaks code: Conference after class and/or call to parent by student.
If a student is severely disruptive, he or she will be sent immediately to the disciplinary office. Included in my code
of conduct are ways to positively reinforce students who set a positive example. Students who consistently disrupt
the learning environment may need to reapply for admissions in to a marketing class.
Included in my code of conduct are ways to positively reinforce students who behave appropriately. In addition to
using frequent praise, I reward students with study time and special activities.
Attendance: (per school policy)
Notifying your employer of an unexpected absence or delay is common courtesy and may save your job.
Students not in seats at time bell rings are Tardy. Tardy students who are not in their seats five minutes after classes
begin are absent. A student who is tardy Four (4) times = One (1) absence. 
Grades (as they related to attendance)
The participation grade makes up 30% of the student’s grade. Many of the activities we discuss in class are unable
to be reproduced outside of class as they will lack the comments and discovery made and contributed by other
students. The beginning of the period may begin that discovery process. There is a famous quote, that says, “Just
showing up is half the battle.” Be here, on-time, in your seat, ready to go and I will do the same.
Leaving Class Students who leave class without permission are considered withdrawn from class. 
Entertainment Devices (per school policy) – Don’t have them out!
Any device that disrupts the educational process may be confiscated. Students who choose to bring an
electronic or other device to school and disrupt the class, MAY receive one warning, then the STUDENT will be
asked to take the disrupting item to the main office to be held until their next class. Students are always welcome
to contact parents/guardians and employers on my telephone during appropriate times in class (beginning or
end) except in an EMERGENCY (if it is an emergency – anytime is appropriate).
All students will be asked to sign a release for their photographs to be used in class and in promotional material.
Students and parents may opt out if they so choose. See the documents section of my website under all classes. The
document is listed under All Class and titled Permission to post student photographs and work. You can observe
these photos in the Image Gallery of my website.
Parent Letter
Page 2
September 1, 2013
In an effort to keep you informed as to your student’s academic and attendance issues, I will post your student’s
grade on Skyward weekly. Our attendance office has an automatic telephone system that reports student absence
daily. It is my hope that this will keep you informed on your student’s progress in the Marketing program.
If your student and the other students in my classroom are to have the best possible experience, I need your support.
Please discuss, sign, and have your student return this letter to me. This is your student’s first major assignment it is
worth two (2) classroom assignments.
Don R. Ide - Marketing Instructor / DECA Advisor
Hours: Monday – Friday 6:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
(Weekends and other times by appointment).
(425) 431-5245 (Office)
(425) 431-5389 (Classroom)
(425) 431-7525 (Fax)
Student’s Name (printed)
_______ ____________
Period in Mr. Ide’s Class
Student’s Name (signed)
Parent/Guardian (printed)
Parent/Guardian (signed)
Home Telephone
Cell or Work Telephone
Several times during the semester, my students are given the opportunity to experience business outside of the
classroom. In order to take advantage of these opportunities, I need to abide by school district policy and maintain a
1 to 10 ratio of adults to students.
If you are willing to be considered as a chaperone for one of our trips, please complete the following. I will provide
your student with a district supplied Guideline for Chaperone Form and a Background Check form as required by
the district.
Would you be willing to be a CHAPERONE for Marketing?
___ Yes, I have flexibility to arrange my schedule and would be interested (if available) to chaperone students.
I would be comfortable following district policy on Chaperone guidelines and having a State Patrol
background check completed.
___ Yes, I would be interested, but my schedule only permits limited availability (please check with me to see if I
am available when you need a chaperone).
___ No, I am not currently available this semester. If my schedule changes, I will have my student notify you.
Lynnwood High School
Section I:
Student Name ___________________________________
School __________________________________
School Year ___________
Teacher _____________________
Edmonds School District’s electronic network allows teachers to publish student work so that it can be
viewed electronically by other students in the classroom and the larger community.
Schools may publish student names and/or photos on the school or class website. First name only will be
published when it corresponds with a student photograph.
Section II:
I understand that my student’s work, photo, or name
may be published on the school’s web site, which is
part of the Internet. I understand that the following
may be published only with this permission.
Check all that apply
 Student’s first name, last initial
 Student work
 Student photo
____ I grant permission for the publication of my child’s photograph, student work and/or
name as checked above, as long as my child is attending _____________________________.
(school name)
____ I do not grant permission at this time for the publication of my child’s photograph, student work or
last name.
Signature of parent or guardian