We Welcome You To ST. MARK’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (E-MAIL) stmarksbro@aol.com 2220 S. Sproul Road, Broomall, PA 19008-2253 (PHONE) 610-356-1199 (FAX) 610-356-6112 (WEBSITE) www.stmarksumcbroomall.net July 14, 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Ministers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Each Church Member HYMN SING (9:45 a.m.) Hazel Slater GATHERING Good Morning and Welcome Extending the Church’s fellowship Ritual of Fellowship Please register your attendance Prayer Concerns, Thanksgiving, & Celebrations Remembering brothers and sisters in need Preparing for Worship Direction of our worship together WE CELEBRATE WITH PRAISE *HYMN “How Great Thou Art” # 77 *CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive) Lay Assistant L: We live in God’s world. P: We share God’s life. L: We receive God’s saving and sustaining love. P: Come, let us worship the Lord our God. *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH # 881 WE CELEBRATE WITH OUR GIFTS PRESENTATION OF OUR REGULAR TITHES AND OFFERINGS As we present our offerings, let us do so with a ready mind, a joyful heart, and a willing spirit. OFFERTORY As the ushers receive your gifts, MEMBERS AND GUESTS, please sign and pass the red folder in the hymnal rack. Thank You. *DOXOLOGY # 95 *OFFERTORY PRAYER (Unison) Help us, God of love, not only to give the right amount, but also to do so in the right spirit, for we know that you look not on the outward appearance, but on the heart. Amen. TIME FOR THE CHILD IN ALL OF US (To 5th Grade) PRAYER TIME WITH CHILDREN Infants and toddlers may be taken to Child Care at this time. WE CELEBRATE WITH PRAYER MORNING PRAYER Rev. Ula Christopher SILENT PRAYER & LORD’S PRAYER HYMN “Lord, I Want to Be a Christian” # 402 WE CELEBRATE THROUGH GOD’S WORD SCRIPTURE LESSON Luke 10:25-37 Page 71 L: This is the Word of the Lord P: Thanks be to God! SERMON Pastor Ken “The Two Ultimate Questions of Life” WE GO FORTH TO CELEBRATE *HYMN “Here I Am, Lord” # 593 *PASTORAL BENEDICTION *POSTLUDE *EXTENDING THE HAND OF FELLOWSHIP (Please greet your neighbors in surrounding pews) PRAYER PA G E Pray for our Congregation: Lee Alexander Gertrude Huet Le Kirk Muriel Kolva Helen Leopold Hilde Thomas Pray for Continuing Concerns: Ben Cope Vera Gerken Marge Lang Pray for Concerns Beyond our Congregation: Amy Barber (Friend of June Evans) Erna Buehring (Friend of Jane Karatzas) Joanne Colgan (Relative of Jim & Carol Brett) Earle Drake (Friend of Carole & John McLeod) Glenn Elliott (Friend of Lois Ache) Arthur Glatfelder (Friend of Carole & John McLeod) Mary Hickey (Sister of Rosemary Thomas) Vicki Hill (Friend of Gelzhisers) John F. Hughes (Friend of Carole & John McLeod) Tara Klick (Friend of Karen Nash) Sandy Leonard (Wife of Don Leonard) Bea Lloyd (Friend of Carole & John McLeod) Ruth MacKay (Sister of Carol Blum) Mary Malen (Mother of Rosemary Thomas) Michael Markellos (Prayer request by Pastor Ken) Gail McGinley (Friend of Eileen McComb) Julia Nesbitt (Former member of St. Mark’s) Robert Note (Cousin of Eileen McComb) Emily Noyes (Grand-niece of Carla Hasenritter) Martha Packer (Friend of Sadie Calvert & Theresa Smith) Fred Sabatino (Friend of the Sciulli Family) Holly & William Schelling (Cousins of Pastor Ken) Robert Schroedel (Son of Corinne Schroedel) Ena Shawhan (Former member of St. Mark's) Robert Thaete (Son-in-law of Vera Gerken) Ruth Thomas (Sister of Sarah Hatzel) Deanna Tropea (Friend of Eileen McComb) Ellen Wilcox (Sister of Carla Hasenritter) ALTAR FLOWERS Are presented to the Glory of God and in Memory of my grandparents and those of my husband, Wayne, by June Evans. SPECIAL PERSON TO BE REMEMBERED: Marge Lang, Broomall Rehab & Nursing Center – Room 218, 50 N. Malin Road, Broomall, PA 19008-1498. PLEASE send a card or write a note and pray for Marge. State that you’re from St. Mark’s. SUNDAY MORNING VOLUNTEER MINISTERS LAY ASSISTANT: Jim Brett USHERS: Diane Mankin & June Evans, COUNTERS: Gordon Lang, Hans Magiso, Bruce Nicholls FELLOWSHIP: Red Bird Circle ATTENTION: PARENTS & CAREGIVERS As a family-friendly church, St. Mark’s provides the following: a changing table and chair in the women’s room on the Sanctuary level; Sunday morning Child Care for toddlers to age 4; Junior Church for schoolaged children K to 12; a weekly bulletin for children and youth which includes a parent page and guidelines for discussions with the children. OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE WEEK 7/14/13 – 7/21/13 Today 9:45 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Mon 12:30 PM 7:30 PM Tue 9 - 11 AM 12:30 PM 6 – 7:30 PM Wed 12:30 PM Thur 12:30 PM 6:30 PM Sun 9:45 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Hymn Sing Worship Service – Child Care Fellowship Time – Parking Lot Senior Citizens’ Center – B-6 Barbershoppers – Rigby, B-2 Food Bank – Library Senior Citizens’ Center – B-6 Food Bank – Library Senior Citizens’ Center – B-6 Senior Citizens’ Center – B-6 Share Your Blues – Kolva Chapel Hymn Sing Worship Service – Child Care Fellowship Time – Parking Lot NEXT SUNDAY: 7/21/13 NINTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST SERMON: “What Really Matters” SCRIPTURES: Luke 10:38-42 LET’S KEEP SUMMER INTERESTING FOR ALL KIDS We are collecting new and used children’s books (infant to high school), puzzles, games and new craft kits for the children that come to the Food Bank. Many parents know that their children got gifts that are not suitable for them or maybe they have out grown those books and puzzles. This is a way to recycle them. We will be collecting these items until the end of July. Thank you. SECRETARY’S VACATION Betsy Cimbala, St. Mark’s secretary, is on vacation through Sunday, July 28. During this time the church office WILL BE CLOSED. The office will re-open on Monday, July 29. ST. MARK’S STAFF MINISTERS……………………….All Members of St. Mark’s BISHOP, EPC-UMC……………………Rev. Peggy Johnson DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT.………. Rev. H. Joe Tyson SENIOR PASTOR…..………………Rev. Kenneth Gelzhiser DEACON……………………..………… Rev. Ula Christopher DIRECTOR OF MUSIC…………….….Mr. Brendan Kirchner SECRETARY………………….…….. Mrs. Elizabeth Cimbala CHILD CARE WORKER…………… ..Ms. Caitlin McCaskey MISSIONARIES (Congo)…………………………Drs. Jeff & Ellen Hoover CENTER FOR PASTORAL COUNSELING…..….. Rev. George Bustard For any questions, concerns and/or comments regarding the staff of St. Mark's UMC, please contact Ruth Kolva, Chair of the Staff-Parish Committee, at Rutharuba@comcast.net or 484-422-8642. REMEMBERING OUR ST. MARK’S FAMILY IN PRAYER Please keep the following members and families of St. Mark’s in your personal prayers during the coming week: Barbara Hickey & Family Karlton Hickey Mary Anne Hickey William Hickey & Family Wes & Dorothy Hofstad Claudia Huber VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR FELLOWSHIP TIME Hosts and hostesses are needed for the summer Fellowship Time following our worship services. Rosemary Thomas will be available after the service to help you with open dates. Let’s try to fill every Sunday! SUGGESTED SCHOOL SUPPLIES Again this August the Food Bank will be giving out to their clients backpacks and school supplies for their school-age children. Preparing for the start of the new school year is a very hard financial burden on these families. Your help in supplying these necessary items will be greatly appreciated. Place your donations in the marked bin. Some suggested items are: backpacks pocket folders copybooks rulers erasers index cards pencil sharpeners filler paper boxes of 24 crayons highlighters pencils pencil cases pens