NORTH ALLEGHENY JUNIOR CLASSICAL LEAGUE PAJCL ANNUAL CONVENTION REGISTRATION 22-24 MAY 2015, PENN STATE UNIVERSITY JANUARY 21, 2015 Dear Parents & Guardians, The time is here for registration for the Pennsylvania Junior Classical League Convention at Penn State University, State College, PA. The convention runs from Friday, 22 May to Sunday, 24 May 2015. Students will travel by Lenzner Motor Coach to the convention. We will depart from NASH at 8:00 AM on Friday and will return at approximately 4:00 PM on Sunday. Students will stay in college residence halls, two per room, and eat in college dining facilities. The registration fee, including room and meals on campus will be $190.00. This price includes a PAJCL state t-shirt and the NAJCL club t-shirt. The bus will cost an additional $50.00 (exact cost will be determined later). Students will also need a small amount of money for lunch on Sunday. If a registered student ends up unable to attend convention, only ONE HALF of the PAJCL/PSU registration fee will be reimbursed if proper notification has occurred BEFORE May 1st. If you should decide to cancel AFTER May 1st, you will NOT qualify for ANY reimbursements. We provide one chaperone per every ten students. Also, no students are permitted to go off campus, and campus security is tight for the students’ safety. Still, there will be time when students will be attending activities in pairs on their own without adults accompanying them. We ask that you go over the attached list of PAJCL rules with your son or daughter. If either of you feels that the student is not responsible enough to abide by these rules and to monitor his/her own behavior, then we request that the student not sign up for the convention. Most of our students have been wonderful representatives of our school. Their behavior has been exemplary. We encourage all active members of NAJCL who can continue in this tradition to join us for a meaningful weekend at State College. (Active membership is determined by membership points earned throughout the year and by grades and discipline record.) All students attending the competition are required to participate in academic testing and in at least one area in the arts. To register your child for the convention, complete the attached document and return it with a check made payable to NAI by Thursday, February 5, 2015. No exceptions will be made to this deadline. A parent or guardian must sign the form. You will receive a packet of medical / release forms and other information after we receive registration packets from the PAJCL leadership. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Magistrae Bergen, Block, Byrnes, and Ramsey Sponsors, North Allegheny Junior Classical League NORTH ALLEGHENY JUNIOR CLASSICAL LEAGUE PAJCL ANNUAL CONVENTION REGISTRATION 22-24 MAY 2015, PENN STATE UNIVERSITY PLEASE COMPLETE & RETURN THIS FORM NO LATER THAN… THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 NAME ______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________ PHONE # ____________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL ______________________________________________________________________________ Please CIRCLE your teacher: Bergen Block Byrnes Ramsey Please CIRCLE your building: NASH NAI CMS IMS MMS Please CIRCLE your level of Latin: AP IV III II IB IA Please CIRCLE your shirt size: Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large The cost of the convention registration is $190.00. Check # ________ . Please enclose a check for the balance made payable to NAI. Nōtā Bene: Please do not pay the bus fee now; it will be determined after registration. I give permission for my child to attend the annual PAJCL convention. _______________________________________________________ Signature of Parent _ ___________________ Date PENNSYLVANIA JUNIOR CLASSICAL LEAGUE CONVENTION RULES Registration to participate in the annual Pennsylvania Junior Classical League Convention implies a willingness on the part of all delegates to show proper RESPECT and an attitude of COOPERATION with all fellow delegates, sponsors, and chaperones. Our common goal is an invigorating physical, academic, and cultural experience and competition for all. The following rules are listed to guarantee the success of the convention and continue the growth and stability of our statewide student organization. 1. First and foremost, this is a SCHOOL FUNCTION! ANY / ALL rules you, the student, would normally be expected to adhere to in a school environment is also expected here. Please use your best common sense in your decision making process. 2. Male and female delegates will be housed in SEPARATE residence halls. NO ONE of the opposite sex is permitted entrance to the respective residence halls. The ONLY exception to this rule is in the case of chapters holding their evening caucuses in residence hall lounges AND they must be accompanied by their sponsor / chaperones BEFORE entering said residence hall. 3. The operation of a motor vehicle by minors is prohibited while attending and participating in the program. 4. The parking of staff and participant vehicles must be in accordance with University parking regulations. (Parking permits MUST BE purchased via the PAJCL website in advance at a cost of $25.00 per permit.) 5. At NO time during the convention will ANY delegate be permitted to leave the campus. This means that you may NOT cross the following streets under ANY circumstances; Atherton Avenue, Park Avenue, or College Avenue. Furthermore, delegates should NOT be crossing University Avenue UNLESS they are going to a scheduled PAJCL venue. 6. There will be NO violence of ANY type, including sexual harassment. 7. There will be NO hazing of ANY type. 8. There will be NO bullying; verbal, physical, or cyber. 9. There will be NO theft of property regardless of owner. 10. There will be NO use of tobacco of ANY type, NO alcoholic beverages, NO illegal drugs, and NO fireworks. 11. There will be NO misuse or damage of University property. Charges WILL be assessed against those responsible. 12. There will be NO inappropriate use of cameras, imaging, and digital devices, especially in showers, restrooms, or other areas where privacy is expected. 13. Residence halls WILL be locked precisely at curfew. All convention participants are to be in their assigned rooms for bed check each night at the appointed time. Any student delegate found outside the dormitories after curfew will be remanded by PSU security. 14. All reasonable requests given by Pennsylvania Junior Classical League officers and administration or by sponsors and chaperones from other schools WILL be obeyed by all delegates. 15. There will be a $75.00 charge for lost keys. This fee is set by the University and will be paid by the person assigned to the key. There can be no deliberation on this issue. Due to security reasons the room MUST be re-keyed immediately that weekend before the next group arrives. Violations of these rules WILL be dealt with seriously. Penalties may include a call to the offending student’s parents and a request that parents travel to Penn State IMMEDIATELY to reclaim said student. In addition, individual chapters may be placed on PROBATION or RESTRICTED from attendance at future conventions.