
Chapter 10
Launching the Nation
Name _________________________
Section ________
Lesson 10.1
Laying the Foundations of Government
The First President
1. George Washington felt that he was not an ideal
candidate for president because he was worried
about his ___________ and _______________________.
2. Although Washington intended on retiring from public life after the _________________ was
ratified, many Americans saw him as a great leader and hero that was a ___________ for all
3. After the Constitution was passed, the _____________ _________________ was formed to
represent the popular _______ in each state and to choose the president.
____________________ was elected unanimously as the first president of the United States,
with ______________________ as the vice president.
4. Washington traveled to ________ __________ __________ with his wife ___________ to be
sworn into office.
5. Women like Martha Washington and Abigail Adams found themselves involved in the political
lifestyle alongside their husbands. These women helped lay the framework for Republican
Motherhood, the idea that __________________________________________.
Life in the New Republic
6. What were the hopes of many citizens for the newly formed government?
7. In 1790, most Americans lived in the countryside and worked on farms. These citizens wanted
the government to provide fair _______________ and ________________________.
8. The citizens that lived in towns were interested in the government establishing ________
_________ __________ to protect them from foreign competition.
9. ________ ________ _________ was the first capital of the United States.
Setting Precedents
10. Because Washington was our first president many of his actions set a precedent, or an
11. One of Congress’s first tasks was to plan the _____________________ branch, which included
specialized departments to deal with our new nation’s policy. The heads (leaders) of each of
these departments became a group of advisors to the president. This group of advisors is known
as the ________________.
12. To organize the Judicial branch of the government (the courts), Congress passed the
_______________________________ which created a ________ leveled federal court system.
______________________ was the nation’s first Supreme Court’s chief justice.
Lesson 10.2
Hamilton and the National Finances
Settling the Debt
1. _________________ ________________ was chosen to
help President Washington deal with the nation’s money problem and served as secretary of
the ___________________. Hamilton’s job was to figure out how to pay off the
__________________ (money owed by the US to other countries).
2. During the Revolutionary War the government sold _________ to raise money they needed to
fund the war. The idea of these bonds was that citizens could buy them during the war so that
the government got money to fund the war, and in return the government would promise to
buy these bonds back with ______________, so therefore the bond buyers would make a
____________. It was like loaning money to the government & making a profit later. However,
when the nation went into debt, many people worried they would not get their money from
the government so they sold their bonds to _________________, who are people who
3. Alexander Hamilton wanted to buy back the bonds (even from speculators) at full value,
however ________________ opposed his plan because he thought it cheated the original bond
holders. Most members of Congress agreed with __________________.
The States’ Debts
4. As a group, the states owed _______ million from the Revolutionary War.
5. Hamilton’s plan to increase support for the government was to help the states by
_______________________________ so that they have money to develop _______________
and ________________.
6. All states did not like this plan because some states, like those in the south,
7. In order to get southern states to compromise and agree to the plan, Hamilton promised to
convince congress to move the _______________ further south to ______________________ in
exchange for southern support of ______________________________.
Hamilton versus Jefferson
8. Hamilton and Jefferson did not agree on how the government should operate. Hamilton
wanted a _____________ central government, while Jefferson wanted
9. Hamilton and Jefferson also disagreed on how the economy should be organized. Hamilton
wanted to promote _______________ and _____________ but Jefferson worried about
depending too much on businesses and manufacturing.
10. Hamilton wanted to pass higher tariffs, or ________, on imported goods to protect American
manufacturers, while Jefferson wanted ____________ tariffs which would keep prices on
imported goods low.
The Debate over the Bank
11. Hamilton and Jefferson’s differences continued when the idea of establishing a National Bank
became an issue. Hamilton wanted a bank that would make _____________ to the government
and businesses, while Jefferson thought that ________________ did not have the power to
create such a bank.
a. Hamilton argued that the _______________ ____________ in the Constitution gave the
government the power to create a bank that he felt was necessary. Hamilton’s view of the
Constitution became known as __________ ______________ where the federal government
could do anything that the Constitution doesn’t specifically ___________. (It may not have
specifically said it was allowed, but it also didn’t say it wasn’t!)
b. Jefferson argued that the bank was not __________________, it was only a convenience. His
view of the Constitution became known as _________ _____________ where the federal
government should do only _________________________________________. (If it doesn’t
say it in the Constitution, you weren’t allowed to do it!)
12. By 1791, Congress created the _______________________ because Washington and Congress
agreed with ________________, more than _________________.
We’ll fill this part out together in class . . .
Lesson 10.3
Troubles Abroad
The French Revolution
1. In 1789, the French people attacked the Bastille, marking the beginning of the
2. Some Americans were excited by the French Revolution, as they saw it as
something similar to what they had done, started a _________________
_____________________. Others were concerned about the _____________
acts taking place.
U.S. Neutrality
3. When Great Britain and France went to war with each other, some Americans supported
____________________ and others supported ______________.
4. George Washington had to make a decision – he decided to remain _____________________
(to not choose a side). This was known as the _________________ Proclamation.
5. What would you have done? Would you have helped out France or Britain? Would the fact
that France helped the US with the American Revolution have influenced your decision?
Citizen Genet
6. A Frenchman named Edmond Genet traveled throughout the United States, trying to get
____________ for France. Washington thought this violated US ____________________.
7. Thomas Jefferson was the Secretary of _______________ and his job was to conduct diplomacy
with other countries. He felt that Alexander Hamilton (the Secretary of the Treasury) was
influencing President Washington’s decisions and making his job as Secretary of State harder.
Jefferson was so annoyed by this, what did he eventually do? _______________________
Jay’s Treaty
8. The US was having problems with Great Britain. Great Britain was capturing neutral US
____________ in the Caribbean. It was thought that the British, who had never abandoned
their ________ in the West like they were supposed to do, were encouraging uprisings by
9. Fearing the possibility of another war with Britain, _______ _________ was sent to Britain to
try to work things out. They reached an agreement known as _______ __________.
10. The treaty said that the British would pay ____________ for seized American ships but not stop
actually seizing the ships. The British agreed to _____________ their western _________, but
did not make them stop supporting the American Indians living there. While it wasn’t a
perfect treaty, Washington felt it was ______________________________.
Pinckney’s Treaty
11. There were also problems with Spain. There were disagreements over the border between the
US & _______________. Spain closed the very important port of ____________________.
12. Thomas Pinckney worked out a treaty with Spain called ___________________________.
Spain agreed to change the _________ of Florida and reopen the port at _________________ so
that American ships could use it.
Study Questions – Lesson 10.3 Quiz
If you can answer the following questions, you will do well on the quiz!
French Revolution
 How did the French Revolution begin? What was one of the first events?
During this time, who was the US ambassador to France?
Some Americans were opposed to the French Revolution because they were worried about
War between France and Britain
 How did the United States respond to the war between France and Britain?
What did Edmond Genet do in the United States?
Thomas Jefferson
 Jefferson resigned as Secretary of State. Why did he do this?
 What was Pinckney’s Treaty about? Who benefited the most from it?
What was Jay’s Treaty about? What was its purpose?
Problems with Spain
 What did Spain do as a reaction to the problems between American and the Spanish?
Why was it important to George Washington that Americans could use the port of New
Lesson 10.4
Challenges at Home
Conflict in the Northwest Territory
1. Read “The Story Continues” and tell why American Indians
united. _________________________________________________________________________
2. In protest to the Americans continuing to settle on their lands, American Indians fought the
settlers using guns and ammunition they got from the _______________ traders. The Indians
were led by ______________________. When the Americans lost, US General
__________________________ went to take charge.
3. When the British refused to help him out, Chief Little Turtle quit. Urging others to stop
fighting, he compared the settlers to _________________________.
4. The Americans won at the Battle of Fallen Timbers and then they _____________ the Indians’
villages and fields. The Treaty of Greenville was signed which allowed the US to settle on
Indian lands in the _______________________. What did the Indians get in return?
The Whiskey Rebellion
5. In March of 1791, Congress placed a tax on ________________which hurt the small farmers
who produced the product.
6. Protestors refused to pay the tax because they said they couldn’t afford it and a
________________ began.
7. Washington saw these rebels as a threat to ______________________________ and assembled
an army to suppress the rebellion. When the army approached, most of the rebels fled and the
Whiskey Rebellion ended without a ______________.
8. This happened in what state? ______________________________
Washington’s Farewell Address
9. Why did Washington decide not to run for a third term as President? _____________________
10. Washington issued a warning in his ______________ __________. There were three things he
thought would weaken the country.
a. foreign ____________ with other countries – outside influences and permanent
relationships could become problems
b. political __________________ (meaning political parties) – these disagreements and
regional differences would harm the nation
c. _____________ debt – try to borrow too much money and deal with debt
11. His advice for the country was to work out its _____________________ and protect its
12. Look at the three points above in #10. For each one, grade the US based on what it is like now.
Mark your grade right here - point a ______, point b _______ point c _______
Lesson 10.5
John Adams’s Presidency
The Election of 1796
1. Even though Washington had warned against it,
two ____________ parties had formed, the
_______________ Party and the ______________-_________________ Party.
2. Political parties are groups that help ________ government officials and ______________
government policies
3. Fill in the chart
Federalist Party
DemocraticRepublican Party
Wanted to . . . .
Popular where?
a. make the ______________
government stronger
b. promote industry &
Who? Names of people
a. Alexander __________________
b. John ________________
c. Thomas ______________
a. Thomas
b. James _________________
c. Aaron _____________
_____________ the power of the
federal government
4. After reading the bottom paragraph on page 320, how does that compare to elections today?
5. Who won the election? ___________________ Who became Vice-President ________________
How did they used to decide who became Vice-President? _______________________________
President Adams and the XYZ Affair
6. Adams sent some representatives to France in an attempt to improve _______________ with
7. The French agents that they met with said they would only discuss a treaty if the US diplomats
paid them a ________________________ bribe.
8. When they told President Adams about this, they didn’t name the French agents, instead
calling them ____, ____, and ____.
9. Adams and Congress reacted by enlarging the _________ and keeping a ____________ army on
the ready. Did he declare war on France? ___________
The Alien and Sedition Acts
10. Republicans were very critical of how President Adams, a Federalist, handled this situation.
Congress responded by passing the ____________________________________ Acts.
11. The Alien Act allowed to president to expel (kick out) ___________ citizens suspected of
treason and the Sedition Act made it __________ to use false or hostile words against the
12. Democratic-Republicans responded by issuing the Kentucky and __________________
Resolutions. These were arguments saying that the Alien and Sedition acts were
_______________ because they went beyond the powers granted to the federal government.
They said that ____________ governments could ignore federals laws if they were
unconstitutional. This was a big step toward the idea of states’ rights – the idea that states could
challenge the federal government (remember this . . . it will play a big part in starting the Civil
The Election of 1800
13. Fill in the charts listing the people from that party that ran for President. After reading the next
section, write the number of electoral votes they received in the parenthesis.
1. Thomas _______________ (____)
1. John _______________ (____)
2. Aaron _________ (____)
2. Charles _________ (____)
A Narrow Republican Victory
14. So who actually won the election of 1800? _________________________________ Since there
was a tie, the ________________________________ got to decide who would become the next
President. Eventually, _____________________ won the election.
15. This election showed that the method used to elect the President had a lot of problems, so they
made some changes. The Twelfth Amendment created a separate ___________ for president
and vice-president (which is still not how we do it today).
16. As we learned earlier in the chapter, Hamilton and Jefferson didn’t like each other too much,
but it appears that Hamilton and Burr got along even less. What happened between Hamilton
and Burr?
17. This election weakened the Federalist Party. John Adams was a Federalist. Look at the list of
Presidents beginning on page R2 in the back of your book. How many Federalist Presidents
were there after John Adams? _________________________
Study Questions – Lesson 10.5 Quiz
If you can answer the following questions, you will do well on the quiz! Print these out and look them
up. Make flashcards to help you study.
Know the following:
John Adams - _____________ president of the United States
Thomas Jefferson - _______-_______________ under John Adams
Groups of people
 House of Representatives – broke the _________ between Jefferson and Burr
Democratic-Republican Party – wanted to preserve the power of the _________ governments
Federalist Party – wanted to strengthen the power of the ____________ government
Political parties – groups that help ________ government officials and ______________
government policies
Events, Acts, and Laws
 Twelfth Amendment – created a separate ___________ for president vice-president
XYZ affair – the French wanted a __________ and a loan to discuss a treaty
Alien and Sedition Acts – allowed to president to expel ___________ citizens suspected of
treason, made it __________ to use false or hostile words against the government
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions – arguments saying that the Alien and Sedition acts were
_______________ because they went beyond the powers granted to the federal government.
Chapter Tutorial
IDENTIFYING TERMS Choose the term or name that correctly matches each definition.
_____ 1. people who buy bonds at low prices hoping the
value will rise later.
_____ 2. tax on imports that raises the price of foreign goods
_____ 3. tried to convince Americans to support France
_____ 4. made a treat with Spain that reopened the port of
New Orleans
_____ 5. groups that help elect officials and shape
government policy
a. Edmond Genet
b. political parties
c. speculators
d. Thomas Pinckney
e. protective tariff
1. How did Congress organize the executive branch after Washington took office?
2. In what ways did Hamilton and Jefferson disagree in their attitudes toward democracy?
3. How did the Whiskey Rebellion begin AND how did Washington respond to it?
4. Why did Adams pursue peace with France following the XYZ Affair?
5. What was U.S. foreign policy according to the Neutrality Proclamation? Why did the United
States make and follow this policy?
6. Why were Adams and Jefferson elected president and vice president at the same time even
though they were in different political parties?
7. What did Hamilton believe the government should do about the federal debt?
8. Do you support a strict or loose construction of the Constitution? Explain.
9. Does the advice George Washington gave to the nation when he left the presidency apply to
the United States today? Explain.
Study Topics for Test – Chapter 10
Aaron Burr
John Jay
Martha Washington
Little Turtle
George Washington
Alexander Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
protective tariff
political parties
Jay’s Treaty
Pinckney’s Treaty
Treaty of Greenville
Republican Motherhood
Neutrality Proclamation
Democratic-Republican Party
Federalist Party
Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions
Alien & Sedition Acts
XYZ affair
Whiskey Rebellion
Problems in the Northwest Territory
National Bank controversy
George Washington’s presidency
French Revolution
Be able to . . . .
Describe a loose construction of the Constitution, relate it to the idea of creating a National
Bank, and tell who agreed with this idea.
Describe a strict construction of the Constitution, relate it to the idea of creating a National
Bank, and tell who agreed with this idea.
Describe the problems the United States had with other countries during Washington’s and
Adams’ presidencies. (Spain, France, Great Britain)