Fourth Grade Course Syllabus

Fourth Grade Course Syllabus
First Quarter
Fourth grade students will need to master the following indicators by the end of this
quarter (see attached sheet). Parents will be able to monitor progress of the student’s
success through homework, class assignments, tests, interim report, etc. Parents are
encouraged and expected to become involved in this learning process. We are a team
striving to help your child succeed in mastering each quarter’s indicator expectations.
Course Policies
Students are expected to complete:
1. morning activities(extra time is given when needed)
2. journal activities
3. in classroom worksheets and assignments
4. test and quizzes
5. homework assignments
6. reading assignments
7. projects- information provided in advance
8. completion of six Accelerated Reader assessments
Course Calendar
Interim report:
Grading period ends:
Grade cards are disbursed:
Quarterly assessment:
Grades will be taken on tests, quizzes, worksheets and assignments in class. We will be
completing assignments focused on Ohio’s Grade Level Indicators for fourth grade, so all
assignments are important.
If your child’s work has the corner cut, then you will know that I have recorded a grade
for that assignment. Refer to the Student Handbook for the grading scale.
Missed Assignments or Tests
When a student returns from being absent it is their responsibility to get with me to find
out what lesson and assignments they missed. The student then has the same amount of
days as they missed to complete the assignment. Any graded assignment, quiz, or test
that is not completed after that will receive a zero.
Class Preparation
All students are expected to be prepared for class every day. This includes homework,
agenda, books, paper and pencils.
Academic Dishonesty
Student honesty is expected at all times. Cheating and plagiarism are never acceptable
behavior. Any assignment or test that is completed in such a manner will receive a zero.
Support Services
Intervention and Prime Time will be provided for any student having difficulties. I
would also like for students and parents to let me know when difficulties arise. You can
reach me by calling the school, sending a note, or email.
A weekly newsletter will be sent home each Monday with the week’s activities and
assignments. Homework information will be put on the Education Connection each day
by 4:30. The number for the education connection is 446-4320.
Spotlight on Literacy (McMillan/McGraw Hill); various chapter books
State Standards and Indicators
Students will have one story from the basal reader weekly, unless we are reading a
chapter book. They will be introduced to new vocabulary words with each story.
Comprehension, fluency, word attack skills, etc. will be assessed and monitored with all
reading stories and activities. The following indicators will be introduced this quarter and
reinforced each quarter thereafter.
Acqusition of Vocabulary
Determine the meaning of unknown words by using a variety of context clues, including word,
sentence and paragraph clues.
Use context clues to determine the meaning of synonyms, antonyms, homophones, homonyms and
Identify and apply the meaning of the terms synonym, antonym, homophone and homograph.
Identify the meanings of prefixes, suffixes and roots and their various forms to determine the
meanings of words.
Reading Process: Concepts of Print, Comprehension
Strategies and Self-Monitoring Strategies
Establish and adjust purposes for reading, including to find out, to understand, to interpret, to
enjoy and to solve problems.
Predict and support predictions using an awareness of new vocabulary, text structures and familiar
plot patterns.
Summarize important information in texts to demonstrate comprehension.
Make inferences or draw conclusions about what has been read and support those conclusions
with textual evidence.
Select, create and use graphic organizers to interpret textual information.
Answer literal, inferential and evaluative questions to demonstrate comprehension of gradeappropriate print texts and electronic and visual media.
Monitor own comprehension by adjusting speed to fit the purpose, or by skimming, scanning,
reading on or looking back.
Reading Applications: Informational, Technical and
Persuasive Text
Summarize main ideas in informational text, using supporting details as appropriate.
Distinguish fact from opinion.
Reading Applications: Literary Text
Describe the thoughts, words and interactions of characters.
Identify the influence of setting on the selection.
Identify the main incidents of a plot sequence, identifying the major conflict and its resolution.
Identify and explain the defining characteristics of literary forms and genres, including poetry,
drama, fables, fantasies, chapter books, fiction and non-fiction.
Identify figurative language in literary works, including idioms, similes and metaphors.