Evaluation - Morgan Park High School

Unit 3: Foundations for Success
Chapter 11: NEFE High School Financial Planning Program
Lesson 4: NEFE Unit 3 - Investing: Making Your Money Work for You
Time: (a) 90-minute block with Part 1 and 2 or (b) 45-minute periods with activities for Days 1 and 2
Competency: Forecast personal savings and investments
McRel Standards: LW3 - Manages money effectively, SR1 - Sets and manages goals
Linked Program Outcomes: Maximize potential for success through learning and self-management [self management, study
skills, personal success, life skills]
Lesson Question: How can I plan to meet future financial goals?
Thinking Processes*
Core Abilities
Defining in Context – Circle Map* (Alt. = Mind or Concept Map, Sunshine Wheel)
Describing Qualities - Bubble Map* (Alt. = Star Diagram, Brainstorming Web)
Comparing/Contrasting - Double Bubble Map* (Alt. = Venn Diagram)
Classifying -Tree Map* (Alt. = Matrix, KWL, T-Chart, Double T, P-M-I)
Part-Whole - Brace Map* (Alt. = Pie Chart)
Sequencing -Flow Map* (Alt. = Flow Chart, Linear String)
Cause and Effect - Multi-Flow Map* (Alt. = Fishbone)
Seeing Analogies - Bridge Map* (Alt. = Analogy/Simile Chart)
Build your capacity for life-long learning
Communicate using verbal, non-verbal,
visual, and written techniques
Take responsibility for your actions and
Do your share as a good citizen in your
school, community, country, and the world
Treat self and others with respect
Apply critical thinking techniques
* Thinking Map
Multiple Intelligences
Authentic Assessment
Lesson Objectives
Observation Checklist
Describe reasons for saving and investing
Test and Quizzes
Describe how time, money, and rate of
interest relate to meeting specific financial
Thinking Map
Describe basic investment principles
Graphic Organizer
Notebook Entries
Describe various savings and investment
Structured Reflection
So What?
Now What?
Define key words: bond, capital gain,
compounding, diversification, earned interest,
inflation, interest, invest, mutual fund, rate of
return, Rule of 72, savings, stocks, time value
of money
Socratic Dialog
 Indicates item is not used in lesson
 Indicates item is used in lesson
Learning Materials: Student Learning Plan, Student
Guide, Exercise 3-1, Visuals 3A-3H, and 3I, Saving
and Investing Plan Assessment Task, Thinking Map®
samples, Graphic Organizer samples, Useful
Supplies: Chart Paper, Markers, Financial Literature,
Media Resources, or Web Searches.
Resources: NEFE Financial Planning Program
Instructor Manual, Cadet Notebooks, Financial
Function Calculators, LET CM, Computer with
Internet Access, Computer, Monitor, MS Excel
Software, Overhead Projector, Classroom
Performance System (CPS)
McRel Standards: Grade-level benchmarks for the
McRel Standards can be found in your JROTC
Instructor’s Desk Reference.
Lesson Preview/Setup:
Energizer – Display “$1,000,000” to focus discussion on what cadets would do with
that amount of money.
Inquire – Guide cadets to the learning objectives and key words in their Student
Learning Plan to preview the lesson activities. Guide cadets to complete the “What
Do You Think?” activity.
Gather –Prepare a briefing or guide cadets to read Unit 3 in the student guide so
cadets examine principles of savings and investing. Display Thinking Map®
samples, collect financial resources, and distribute chart paper and markers so
cadet teams can design maps to explain savings and investing products.
Process – Have access to a time value of money calculator and prepare to
demonstrate how to calculate the time value of money (TVM). Copy and distribute
Exercise 3-1 so cadets can calculate the time value of money.
Apply –Copy and distribute Saving and Investing Plan Assessment Task so cadets
can prepare a personal Saving and Investing Plan. Option: Provide access to Excel
software to chart Saving and Investment Plans.
Chapter 11: NEFE High School Financial Planning Program
Lesson 4: NEFE Unit 3 - Investing: Making Your Money Work for You
Lesson Plan
Instructor Materials:
Instructor reference materials, notes, and visual masters can be found on pages 58-84 in the NEFE HSFPP
Financial Planning Instructor’s Manual which is located on the LET CM in the NEFE HSFPP Resource
folder. Additional resources, including the Student Manual can also be found in this folder. In addition,
there are online games and activities on the NEFE web site for students: http://hsfpp.nefe.org/home/
Learning Activities:
Specific activity instructions can be found on the Instructor’s Manual pages noted below.
Cadet Notebook: Direct cadets to record responses to reflection questions in Cadet Notebooks.
Self-paced Option: Cadets independently complete activities listed on Student Learning Plan.
Learning Activities
Ask cadets what they would do if they won or inherited $1 million. For example,
would they spend it all, save any, invest some, or give away money?
1. Lead a discussion about the reality of actually receiving this amount of
Total time: 10 minutes
Phase 1--Inquire:
(Addresses Student Learning Activities 1 and 2)
Multiple Intelligences: Intrapersonal/Introspective
1. Distribute or reference Lesson 4 Student Learning Plans.
2. Guide cadets to preview the information in the Student Learning Plan
including the competency, core abilities, performance standards, learning
objectives, key words, learning activities, and assessment activities.
3. Distribute NEFE Financial Planning Program student guides.
4. Guide cadets to complete the “What Do You Think?” activity.
Total time: 10 minutes
Phase 2--Gather:
(Addresses Student Learning Activities 3, 4, and 5)
Multiple Intelligences: Verbal/Linguistic; Visual/Spatial
Brief cadets on savings and investment principles using selected notes and
Visuals 3B-F found in the instructor manual. Reference Unit 3: Investing:
Making Your Money Work for You in the NEFE student text during the
Form 4-8 cadet teams. Assign each team 1-2 investment products
(savings, bonds, certificates of deposit, money market accounts, stocks,
real estate, collectibles, and mutual funds).
Direct teams to examine information about their assigned products using
information from the NEFE student guide, pp. 33-37. If time allows, guide
cadets to gather additional information about their selected topics using
Unit 3: Foundations for Success
Chapter 11: NEFE High School Financial Planning Program
Lesson 4: NEFE Unit 3 - Investing: Making Your Money Work for You
financial literature, media resources, or web searches.
Guide each cadet team to create a Thinking Map® of choice to present the
investment product to the class. Direct cadets to place copies of the team
maps in their Cadet Notebooks.
1. Invite a local financial representative to share information about the various
ways to save and invest.
2. Direct cadets to summarize what was learned during the presentation and to
place their summaries in their Cadet Notebooks.
Reading and assignments can be assigned for homework
Total time: 30 minutes
Phase 3--Process:
(Addresses Student Learning Activities 6 and 7)
Multiple Intelligences: Logical/Mathematical
1. Demonstrate how to use a financial function calculator and TVM function in
Excel. [Outlined in Instructor Manual]
2. Guide cadets to complete Assignment 3-1: Time Value of Money using a
financial function calculator tool that is available (financial function
calculators, TVM function in Excel or a TVM calculator from the web) with a
3. Guide students to use an online tool to estimate the cost of having a child. If
the classroom has internet available to each student, visit the website given
below and compare the total cost of a child for a dual parent household and
a single parent household.
If the internet is not available, distribute Exercise 1: The Cost of Raising a
Child to the students. Ask them to compare the total cost of a child for a dual
parent household and a single parent household.
1. Schedule a financial planner or investment advisor to give a brief
presentation about the time value or money.
2. Direct cadets to summarize what was learned during the presentation and to
place their summaries in their Cadet Notebooks.
Total time: 20 minutes
Phase 4--Apply:
(Addresses Student Learning Activities 8-9 and Assessment Task)
Multiple Intelligences: Logical/Mathematical
1. Distribute the Saving and Investing Plan Assessment Task and scoring
2. Guide cadets to consider their financial goals to complete the assessment
Option: Direct cadets to use spreadsheet software to chart their savings and
investing plan.
Total time: 20 minutes
Unit 3: Foundations for Success
Chapter 11: NEFE High School Financial Planning Program
Lesson 4: NEFE Unit 3 - Investing: Making Your Money Work for You
Students will need time to finish and revise their Saving and Investing Plans in preparation for
Assessment: (Addresses Student Assessment Activities 1 and 2)
Guide cadets to complete the Saving and Investing Plan Assessment Task. Direct cadets to selfassess and peer edit work using the scoring guide. Direct cadets to submit their plans for instructor
feedback and a grade. Direct cadets to place their plans in Cadet Portfolios.
Note on Cadet Portfolios:
As cadets work through the lessons in this chapter, you may want them to compile their documents in a Cadet Portfolio. Portfolios can
be arranged by topic, chapter, or LET depending on your needs. Refer to the Cadet Portfolio Assessment Task in your JROTC
Instructor’s Desk Reference for ideas on setting up and evaluating Cadet Portfolios.
Note on using the Classroom Performance System:
Use the Classroom Performance System with cadets to ask questions during lecture, administer tests, quizzes and other class work,
grade homework, and/or engage in team activities.
Unit 3: Foundations for Success