MEETING OF THE PARENTS ASSOCIATION OF MARITIME COLLEGE Friday, October 16, 2009 8:00 p.m. RITA GRAVES: Will everyone stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. (Whereupon, the Pledge of Allegiance was said.) RITA GRAVES: Again, my name is Rita Graves. I am the president of the Parents Association which is your association. introduce the executive board. Dan Muccio, Mike Clark. I want to The vice presidents are Greg Gribko, Donna Clark is our recording secretary. Our treasurer is Lynette Coe Freeman who is on vacation this weekend. Our most important person which I consider most important is the vice president of communications. Her name is April Maron. She is the one that gets you all the information that you need in a timely manner. Where is she? She's right there. And our chairpersons are Ellie Meade, Joanne Muccio, Frank Laurita, Alfredo Munoz, Tony Cavalieri. Thank you all for all you do. My husband, John Graves, the webmaster. I want to extend a very a big thank you to all the volunteers that came out to help us during Homecoming. It was a great success. Over $6,000 that we raised for the cadets is going to go back to them. We are going to have -- one of the things that we do to get the monies back to your sons and daughters is we're going to be having a meeting this Wednesday, October 21st, it's for club disbursements. I invite any parent here who wants to be part of that meeting -- you have to let me know tonight that you would like to attend. You can watch the cadets and the students come over, make a presentation for the funding that they want for their clubs and organizations. It's great to attend it. So if you are interested in doing this next Wednesday, see me or see Greg. GREG GRIBKO: He will tell you a little about it. We are just going to have a meeting. clubs to come in and do a little presentation. point presentation. into it. They do a little power It's usually interesting. It's interesting We ask the They put some work to see them present it. If you are interested, it's going to be Wednesday night at 7 o'clock in the Student Life Conference Room which is back in the building behind Vander Clute and the E and F Barracks at Baylis Hall about 7 o'clock. If you are interested, see either Rita or myself after the meeting. RITA GRAVES: Thank you. Also a big "thank you" to Rita and Dennis Flaherty for bringing in all the goodies. baked. They're all home Thank you very much, Rita and Dennis. Our treasurer, Lynette Freeman, is not here tonight. have the treasurer's report. She does The account balance is $38,025.68. Now this is the funds that we have in our treasury, and part of it is going to go back to your sons and daughters through the club disbursements. If you want to be part of that meeting and that committee, please let me or Greg know tonight. I have some announcements to make. Drive. We are doing a Toys For Tots The Semper Fidelis Society here at Maritime is holding a Toys For Tots Drive. I told them that we would collect the toys. you to the people who donated tonight. Thank Please remember to bring in toys for the November and December meetings, too. We will get them over to Michael Bonanza. If you think about it, please remember to bring in a new toy unwrapped. That would be fantastic. I have a message from Dean Tardis Johnson. Thank you. These are his words. He wants all the parents to know that midterm grades will be posted in the next week or so. It is important that you communicate with your sons and daughters to find out how they are doing academically. If you, the parent, are made of aware of any situation that is impeding on your son or daughter's academic progress and you want to talk about it, contact him at (718)409-7348. He will be able to discuss anything that he can discuss up to what the FERPA policy allows. At this point we are going to -- we do at this every single meeting. We will go around and introduce ourselves and our significant other. Tell us what your son or daughter's level is, what their major is and most importantly what hometown you're from. You would be amazed how many people live within a mile of you and you don't even realize it. If you hear someone lives close to you, exchange phone numbers. We're going to start over here. (Whereupon, introductions were made.) RITA GRAVES: Yesterday I was at a networking event and I happened to bump into an alum from 2004. he just comes and speaks to the parents? He asked, Is it okay if I said, Absolutely. I'm going to give a few minutes of the floor to Eric Sawinski from the Class of 2004. He'd like to speak for a few minutes. ERIC SAWINSKI: I'm a marine engineer. Eric. I graduated in '04. I've kind of gotten into various appointments since I graduated. met with your current president. I We were talking and I realized that maybe it's time for me to come back and help out students that are here right now. When I graduated, I worked for a military contractor doing Navy ships. Since then I now work in the commercial field. I do commercial buildings, hospitals, schools, et cetera. So what I'd like to do is I know a lot of your sons and daughters are going through the very rigorous educational process here. They're going to be getting towards graduation. options out there. There are tons of You can go pretty much anywhere in the world and run into a Maritime grad. If you don't know where to work and what options are out there, you might not know what potentially great jobs are going to be out there. So what I'd like to do is those that are juniors, seniors, even mugs, if they want to know what is out there, what things are potentially there for them to grasp at, what they should be focused on and looking towards while they're going through their education -- for example, I was a squad leader, an IDO, an ADO on cruise and I was a company commander. I kind of hit everything. All that helped me into becoming a better leader and realizing how to work in an office environment. If I didn't go through that extracurricular activity, I don't know if I would have been as successful as I am now. These are things that kind of past experience has taught me that I would like to express to those that are going through the education now. I can give my e-mail address to her, and all I ask is when they contact me, just to tell me who they are. That always helps. What is their preferred way of me talking to them, be it via e-mail, phone, what their major is. what I was. If they're not a mechanical engineer -- that's I know pretty much people in every academic discipline, marine transportation, HVAC, electrical engineering, et cetera. I can funnel your questions to those people that are sort of a lot older, some younger or my age. I will make sure they contact your son or daughter back and give them whatever answer they can. If they can't, then explain why they can=t. Do you have any questions for me? AUDIENCE MEMBER: Is your father still tutoring chemistry for the students? ERIC SAWINSKI: in chemistry. That's up for him to answer. It's not his fault. RITA GRAVES: I wasn't that good It's mine. Eric, thank you very much. If anyone wants to contact Eric, you can contact us through the Parents Association at The alumni are a great source -- they're close-knit and are always helping out the cadets. Thank you, Eric. Our guest speaker is Vice President for University Relations, Captain Tom Greene. CAPTAIN GREENE: come up with me? Thank you, ma'am. Meagan, would you like to There are a lot of people that I have the opportunity to spend a lot of time with. Megan Maron happens to be one of those. I'm sure her father and mother appreciate that. First of all, welcome to your college. something to you. I wanted to mention As a matter of fact, Sean and I and a couple of others were over -- Sean Flannery and I and a couple of others were over at the New York Container Terminal this afternoon. Just to kind of give you an idea of the alumni and what's involved with the Fort Schuyler/Maritime College and being a graduate, we went over there. We met three individuals. were alums. The person that took us over and met us was from the Class of 2006. We went up on board. Of the three, two of them As soon as we got up to the quarter deck, we were met by an alum from the Class of 1997. When we got ready to leave the ship, before we could leave the ship, the chief mate came over and said, How about I give you a tour of the ship? By the way, she was from the Class of 2002. All of that just in short order. I want to tell you the status of your college. They are doing very, very well. We are bustling. Our cadets, our students, our faculty, our staff literarily are working nearly around the clock to insure not only a great education, a hands-on training, but also development not only in team work but also leadership and also mentorship. The State of New York has provided us many opportunities for improvements. They're going to start working on the renovation to the pier, expanding it and putting two more moorings. see the Empire VI. You do not It's in the Brooklyn Naval Yard having work done to it and it will be gone for about six weeks. Then it will be coming back to the campus. A couple other things. We have plans for a new building, kind of an operational educational building. It will take the place of where the admissions building is right now. a Seaman Center. We are also looking at We are not going to put it up until we renovate the pier and have the infrastructure set up for that. being done through the state system. the monies from the state. All this is All we have to do is to get We have to get the faucet loosened so it will come out to us. Other things that are going on: here for an alum who had passed away. Just today we had a ceremony We also had full classes. We had people go down to participate in the Maritime World Society Organization. We had people at Mount Sinai, the bagpipers and color guard performing there. And also tomorrow we're hosting the junior ROTC drill. We have a men's soccer game. the head soccer coach for that. lacrosse. Of course, Commander McCarthy is Thereafter we have a scrimmage for Lieutenant Knippel is the assistant lacrosse coach. Sunday we have women's soccer. On We also have a Tour de Bronx. Twenty-five hundred or more bicyclists will be coming through the campus. Certainly, Fort Schuyler/Maritime College, we have never been in better stead. Our finances, even though you always read in the paper there is going to be cuts and more cuts, so we thank you for all you do to support our cadets and our students in their endeavors. We also want to talk a little bit about housing. we have got Sara Walsh who is the housing director. is we have got some people in some triples. in rooms that we've made. Over there Our game plan We have got some people Our hope is that by next semester or even sooner during this semester we will start putting them in double rooms. The status of the regiment, we are over 1,170 cadets. already got a waiting list for indoc for January. We have We are going to probably have close to 30 Turkish students coming in and we have already got 20 some either transfer students or students who are in the non-regimental program that want to come in. Through the work of admissions we have already, like I said, got a waiting list. The graduate program has a big impetus this year. more and more people in our graduate program. There are The grad license, those are the people also trying to get the their deck license or engineering license. We have also got students going on for the civilian or the one-year program. Some of them are doing that online. We will have Sara come up and then have Joe Nathan Timmons who is our senior -- our resident director. They can speak. We have also got Lieutenant Drew McCarthy and Lieutenant Knippel. We also have Rachel Lerner from Student Life and Residential Life over there. We will start on housing. us, we will be standing around. your questions. If you have any other questions for We will be glad to answer some of Sara, you want to help us out. Once again, thanks for all you do, to say the least. SARA WALSH: '05 alum. You really do make a difference. As Captain Greene said, I'm Sara Walsh. I am very familiar with these buildings, very familiar with everything that goes on here. staff. I'd like to say I have a wonderful This staff includes four resident directors and 26 RAs that work directly with your sons and daughters. body. I'm an We are housing 1263 students. number so far. We have a large student So it's probably the largest Our resident advisors and directors get to know your sons and daughters on a personal level while interacting with them. You probably have a lot of questions. to do at this time. I would like to field all your questions. can be an open forum. to answer them. If I can't answer them, you can refer your questions place. 18. I'm ready for questions if No? AUDIENCE MEMBER: SARA WALSH: It If you have questions, I'm happy to be able to Student Housing at you've got them. That's what I would like What's the policy about guests? We have an overnight guest policy actually in You can find it online. Basically guests have to be over Fourteen times during the semester guests are allowed. They need to fill out the paperwork, provide an ID and we will be happy to sign off. AUDIENCE MEMBER: SARA WALSH: Do they stay in the room? As long as they get approval of the roommate. Tripling questions? Anything? AUDIENCE MEMBER: If anything has to be repaired in the room -- my daughter's bottom drawer is not working. would fix it. Nothing has happened. They said they Who should she ask? She asked the RA. SARA WALSH: We do work to correct problems as fast as we can. So if she goes to the RA and nothing is necessarily happening, it will go up to the RD. We are always here to help out. It's possible -AUDIENCE MEMBER: It's not a big deal. It's not the only drawer, but it's the only drawer she can put her civilian clothes in. SARA WALSH: It's an important one. If it becomes to the point where nothing gets done, she can go to the housing office. in Baylis every day. AUDIENCE MEMBER: We are We are happy to accommodate their needs. At the last meeting the Admiral had said something about the study rooms being used as dorm rooms. SARA WALSH: Yes. AUDIENCE MEMBER: Is the plan to leave those dorm rooms? Are they going to be used as study rooms? SARA WALSH: Our plan is actually to move all those residents into the general population once space becomes available. Hopefully next semester we will return them to study areas. AUDIENCE MEMBER: I have another question about the overnight guest policy. Is that the same for all the students? SARA WALSH: Yes. AUDIENCE MEMBER: It's not a privilege or an earned thing? It's right off the bat? SARA WALSH: The only restriction for the regimental students is guests can only come on liberty nights for them. can only have guests over the weekend. once a week. Fourth class Third class can have guests That's why we also, in the paperwork, have it signed by the battalion officer so they know whether or not they are allowed to have guests over. Okay. of this. If you have any other questions, I'll be here after all You can e-mail Student Housing at Thank you. RITA GRAVES: Knippel. We have Commander McCarthy and Lieutenant Would you like to come up and say something about the regiment? COMMANDER McCARTHY: RITA GRAVES: We are good. This is Commander McCarthy and Lieutenant Joel Knippel. COMMANDER McCARTHY: When I was a student here, we had 500 kids in the regiment. Now we have more than doubled that. fit in the quad. We can't fit in the gym when the weather is bad. We are going to build something sooner or later. in trouble, they deserve it. We can't all If the kids get If they can't go home on weekends, we're keeping them and you're lucky. Regarding guest passes, we allow guests for the regiment students on Friday and Saturday. Captain Greene will say never, your girlfriend or boyfriend can never stay at the college. At least Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays they can. For all the freshman parents, this morning all the freshman were up at 5:30. They went to the gym since it was raining out. exercised in the gym for about an hour. They go to class throughout the day. We Then they go to breakfast. They should be tired. Right now your freshmen in the ROTC program, you will see them running around the campus. up today. They're doing an indoc program which finishes They're moving past their bottom stages. Starting tomorrow they will kind of be considered fully in the ROTC program. That's about it. Good times, good times. LIEUTENANT KNIPPEL: I'm Lieutenant Joel Knippel. and I are graduates of the college. Both Drew In case your sons and daughters haven't informed you yet, in each building there's both a resident director at the staff level and a battalion officer. charge of C and D companies. I'm in charge of A and B. Commander Stroud is in charge of E and F. the housing folks to resolve problems. Drew is in Lieutenant We work side by side with We communicate regularly with the housing folks as well. RITA GRAVES: Thank you. COMMANDER McCARTHY: We are so full on the rooms. The housing department will put out a housing intent close to the end of the semester. They have to sign up for housing next semester. fail to do so, we will skip them over. somebody else. If they We will give the room to A lot of freshmen say, I don't want to go back. They don't really tell you what's going on. If they have second thoughts and they haven't filled out the housing intent, they should. RITA GRAVES: Thank you. Our next guest speaker is Rachel Lerner. of Student Services. RACHEL LERNER: Rachel Lerner. She's the Director Rachel. Hi. How are you doing tonight? My name is I am the Director of Student Programs, Student Activities and Orientation officially as it says on my business card and my e-mail. evening. I'm here to represent the Student Life Office this Unlike Sara, Joe Nathan and Lieutenant Knippel and Commander McCarthy, I actually don't work for the regiment. I work for the Student Life Office which is the overall outside of the classrooms center for resources for all students on campus, both civilian and regimental students. If we have any parents of civilian students, hopefully they're doing wonderfully and come to our office as a resource as needed. I wanted to talk about a couple of things. Many of your students will probably at some point or another during the semester will say, I'm bored. Our office is here to help with that. One of my primary functions is to coordinate all the campus activities. We have had over 20 student activities both on and off campus already this semester. We've got just as many more coming for the remaining of the semester. Some of the things that we have had is we have gone to Broadway shows, rock climbing trips, video game days, live comedy, live music. In this room last night in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, we had Latin food tasting which was very well attended and delicious. Ice cream sundae bars, movies on the mess deck, a whole slew of other events as well as trips into the city. If the student says there's nothing to do, have them talk to me. I will absolutely find them something to do. Some of the upcoming events going on with Student Life include a rock climbing trip coming up on Monday, more live comedy, a special midterm and final's stress relief day, massage chair and smoothie bars, hot chocolate and coffee bar. We have tickets to the NFL game on Sunday, November 15th which is really exciting. It's actually a first for the Student Life Office to get tickets to an NFL game. Another Broadway show and a whole bunch of other events and some regular things will be going on. If you haven't had the chance to go to the student game room, that's a new addition that wasn't here. It was in Vander Clute Hall Monday through Thursday and it's open from 7 to 10 P.M., Friday from 6 P.M. to midnight, all day Saturday from noon to midnight and Sunday from noon to 8 P.M. on the weekends. First year students, mugs, are allowed in there There are TVs there. There are things to do. If they don't want to go home for the weekend, there's always somebody in there to hang out and watch TV with and to do things with. Moving onto Student Organizations, they mentioned that the Parents Association day for funding student organizations is coming up. We have 20 registered student organizations so far. number is growing pretty much weekly at this point. That We had a resurgence in student clubs and organizations. exciting. That is incredibly We had some professional groups emerge, EEE, the Association of Facilities Engineers and a few others are back up and running. Students are really showing an interest in getting involved with student clubs and organizations. So I look forward to hearing from them regularly. Another really great new thing we have going on in the Student Life Office that I wanted to share is the online Student Life Porthole. It's called The Porthole, appropriately. web page that has a virtual bulletin board. all student organizations. It an online Discussion groups list So students can actually research what organizations are on campus and they can actually click to join that student organization, an e-mail is generated and sent to the president of that student organization letting them know that your student is interested in joining the club. invite them to the next meeting. They will contact them, It's really wonderful. The Student Life Office also posts upcoming events and activities. Student clubs are posted. in and see what's going on. It's a great place to check Because it's online you, as a parent or family members and friends can also view it. can see what's going on around campus. I can give to you. So that you guys I have the website here which If you e-mail me, I will be happy to e-mail you the link. AUDIENCE MEMBER: RACHEL LERNER: Can you get to it from the Maritime home page? You would click on the Maritime Student Life button on the side. It will say The Porthole. While you're unable to log in as a student and actually join organizations, it might be interesting. You can log in as a guest and view and see what kind of fun thinks are going on around campus. Speaking of meeting friends who live near you, we have a new and improved ride bulletin board. Hopefully, students will post information and can carpool and find rides home. soon as well. That will be online So that the students can try and carpool, share on gas and tolls with people who live in the same area. We encourage students to do that. Also, we just repositioned a board in a much more high traffic and visible area. There are currently no postings. It only works as well as the students who use it. to post their information. Encourage your sons and daughters Maybe they catch a ride home instead of paying the toll on the Throgs Neck Bridge. That's it for all the Student Life stuff. One thing I did want to sort of throw out your way is I had a couple of weeks ago. an idea I wanted to share that with you. My idea was doing a joint event between Student Life and parents in the way of family and friends pot luck dinner on campus either on a Friday or Sunday night. I would be happy to chair that effort and get things going if there is interest from the Parents Association. RITA GRAVES: We can put it out as an e-mail blast. RACHEL LERNER: I'd like to throw it out to see what happens. It might be a great way for families and friends to be here with students and talk about stuff, have a home-cooked meal here. See where it goes. Then finally, one of my various hats that I wear on campus is overseeing the student mail room. This is sort of a public service announcement for the student mail room. campus are assigned a mailbox. All students who live on They can check that mailbox 24 hours a day 7 days a week if they know their mailbox number and their combination. We encourage them to remember their mailbox number and combinations. days a week. So that they can check their mail 24 hours a day 7 They don't have to wait for the mail room to be actually open. Please, please encourage your student to check their mail regularly. At this point in the semester, about 5 or 6 weeks in, we have hundreds of students on campus who have yet to pick up their mailbox number and combination. Numerous e-mails -- I counted before I left my office today -- eight e-mails have gone out to the student body encouraging them to check their mailbox number and combination as well as weekly announcements in the Student Activity Newsletter, the Porthole, and various other ways. RITA GRAVES: SARA WALSH: their mail. Tell them there's a check in there. Once again please encourage your student to check The college sends important information to them. if they're not expecting mail they might have mail. Even We have student parking tickets, jury summons and they have no idea. Please encourage them to check their mail. To insure mail is delivered in a timely manner it has to be addressed properly. not just Cadet Smith. That includes the full name We have many Cadet Smiths here on campus. When you are addressing mail to your student or sending packages, they love to get mail and packages, please make sure you address it with their full name, Maritime College, mailbox number, 6 Pennyfield Avenue, Bronx 10465. That way our mailroom staff doesn't have to look up each individual letter for the name and mailbox number. delivered fast if it's addressed properly. It's We have become very good at being mail room detectives trying to find out who Cadet Smith is. Lots of funny stories. a lot of information. That's about all I have. I have thrown out I'm sure you have questions for me. I would be happy to -AUDIENCE MEMBER: comedy clubs? How do you get all that information about the Is it through the newsletter? SARA WALSH: They get the information in a variety of ways. There are paper flyers that are hanging all around the campus in the academic buildings, in the residence halls, all the bulletin boards, above the mailboxes which would be the high traffic areas, in the dining halls. Those also go out via electronic flyers, weekly student activities newsletter. They're announced in some classes, depending on the instructor, and they are on the Porthole, our student activities newsletter. AUDIENCE MEMBER: What did you call the car pool -RACHEL LERNER: AUDIENCE MEMBER: The ride board. You said about it being available online. RACHEL LERNER: That's in the works. That should be available, I'm hoping, by November 1st. AUDIENCE MEMBER: RACHEL LERNER: Where? That will be on the Porthole as well. AUDIENCE MEMBER: Where do you find the Porthole? AUDIENCE MEMBER: On the website. RACHEL LERNER: I can you give the web address for right now or you can get it from the Maritime College home page. RITA GRAVES: The car pooling that you are talking about, is it strictly for students? RACHEL LERNER: RITA GRAVES: The bulletin board? For car pooling. RACHEL LERNER: RITA GRAVES: Can the parents access that, too? Sure. I don't see why not. We are doing the same thing. We have parents in need of rides. RACHEL LERNER: samples. There's a bulletin board with thumb tacks and You post your information and hopefully you can -- RITA GRAVES: I'm talking about the online system. RACHEL LERNER: It is only that students can access it at the moment. RITA GRAVES: Okay. RACHEL LERNER: Thank you very much. You will need to log on as a student to post your thing on The Porthole. AUDIENCE MEMBER: You need to log in to read it. this guy needs a ride to Massapequa. I live there. You can see, Who cares. But as a parent, if I look and I said, well, he's living in the same town. I would call my daughter and say, hey, this guy needs a ride. Why don't you ask him. RACHEL LERNER: I may be able to set it up that people who log in as a guest can view it, however, not post to it. AUDIENCE MEMBER: RACHEL LERNER: We are still setting it up now. bulletin board is up. into that. That is to view? As of now, the The online is coming on soon. I will look It's great a suggestion. RITA GRAVES: RACHEL LERNER: Thank you very much, Rachel. I'll leave my cards up here if anyone wants to grab one. RITA GRAVES: On our website at, if you take a look, we have lots of information on that website. some pictures from Homecoming. We just posted Please take a look. We are also going to start -- we have been getting a lot of parents' requests about car pooling, too. for us. It's a work in progress What we are thinking about doing is setting up a Facebook account so we are going to put a link onto We are going to have a link to Facebook where parents who are interested in car sharing or car pooling can post their information and you can, once you're on that Facebook account, you can get in touch with the person who maybe lives in Seaford a couple of blocks from you. can contact them directly. on it. It's a work in progress. You We are working Please visit us at and click on the link for Facebook. We are going to have it up by next week. Stephanie, I just wanted to remind you that you volunteered to do the hosting for next meeting. Thank you. AUDIENCE MEMBER: I have a question. wanted to know: It's a weird question. I I'm always coming through the Throgs Neck Bridge. Is there like a discount? RITA GRAVES: There are no discounts. AUDIENCE MEMBER: RITA GRAVES: Sometimes EZPass -- We all have the same thing. We all feel your pain. AUDIENCE MEMBER: RITA GRAVES: And gas prices, too. We all feel your pain. One very important announcement before we break, Summer Sea Term 2010, as soon as we get information about what's going on and all the changes, we will let you know. It's my promise to you that as soon as we find out, we will get the information to you. also have a special meeting on it. November 13th. We will Our next meeting is Friday, I will see you all then. Thank you very much. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Minutes taken and transcribed by Donna Clark, Recording Secretary, Maritime Parents Association.