Educating Rita: Stage Directions MATCH THE STAGE DIRECTIONS TO THE IDEAS ON THE RIGHT. THEN PICK ONE STAGE DIRECTION AND EXPLAIN HOW YOU WOULD DIRECT IT. lying flat on the floor She goes across to him and begins to cut his hair RITA watches him but he continues as if she is not there He goes to the bookcases DR and starts taking books from the shelves getting up and wandering around Suddenly the door bursts open and RITA flies in he throws a handful of ripped pieces into the air She rips it up He is drunk and talking on the telephone There is a pause. The breakdown in communication between Frank and Rita Rita is impulsive and acts according to her instincts Frank is lonely without Rita and his one-way dialogue with Trish shows this Frank despises his own literary efforts After his drunken lecture, Frank is at his lowest Frank ignores Rita because he cannot bear to face her at the end of the play Shows that they have come full circle: Rita returns to her roots Rita is restless Frank hides his addiction behind education Rita is determined to get things right One stage direction – how would you direct it? Make notes below. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________